My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 528 Launch

However, Mu Shan only dared to murmur in his heart, on the surface he was still respectful.

Xuan Jimu glanced at the wooden mountain in front of him. Although the wooden mountain was maintaining the protection of the immortal essence, the strength of the immortal essence was not high. Obviously, the wooden mountain did not believe that there was any danger nearby.

Looking at the wooden mountain in front of him, Xuan Jimu couldn't help sighing in his heart.

In terms of closeness, Mu Shan belongs to the group of immortals who are closest to him.

Now even Mu Shan doesn't really believe his words, let alone other immortals.

Xuan Jimu also felt very helpless about this. If it weren't for the personal experience of those few times, even he himself would have become unstable at this moment.

After all, I have actually checked the surrounding places, and I haven't found any danger at all.

That was just his feeling, and there was no way to explain it to his family.

"Be careful, I have a bad feeling."

Xuan Jimu said in a deep voice, but did not let those immortals relax their vigilance.

Maintaining a superficial vigilance is better than no vigilance at all.

Xuan Jimu still believed in his own feeling.

So all the immortals were doing superficial work while admiring the beauty of the lake.

Xuan Jimu alone was vigilantly watching any disturbances around him.

Xuan Jimu was on guard while thinking about where the danger would come from.

After all, Mushan has already taken Xian to carefully check it once, and the possibility of danger coming from those places is not too great.

"Sir, there is movement, there is movement on that bronze utensil."

At this moment, Xuan Guzhong's surprise cry exploded in Xuan Jimu's mind like thunder.

Xuan Jimu just felt a buzzing sound in his mind, and he almost didn't get blown up by that sound.

Xuan Jimu looked towards Xuan Guzhong.

Xuan Guzhong held the bronze utensil in both hands, and stared at the bronze utensil frantically, because the bronze utensil was exuding a radiance.

Looking at the bronze utensil that is emitting light,

Xuan Jimu felt like a bolt of lightning struck the fog in his mind, and he understood everything in an instant.

His feeling was not wrong, it was dangerous, and the reason why Mushan and other immortals didn't find it was because the direction of exploration was wrong.

The danger did not come from outside at all, but from inside, from the bronze object he had been guarding against.

"Finally I can't bear it anymore, I'm going to show my legs."

Xuan Jimu sneered in his heart, he wanted to take advantage of this time to completely solve the hidden dangers in this bronze utensil.

"Throw it away."

Xuan Jimu used an unquestionable tone to speak to Xuangu Middle Dao, who had fallen into a frenzy over there.

Xuan Gu Zhong was stunned for a moment, his eyes flashed with extreme reluctance, but the movement of his hand was not slow, and when he bent his wrist, the bronze dish was thrown to the huge lake in front of him.

The bronze vessel spun and flew forward, the light on it became more and more dazzling, and then a huge suction force was released from the bronze vessel.

The lake water in the lake in front of the bronze vessel flew up like a long dragon and flew towards the bronze vessel.

The water column was at least seven or eight meters thick, but it became thinner and thinner when it flew to the bronze vessel, and finally, like a small stream of water, it was swallowed by the bronze vessel.


Xuan Jimu looked at the disappearing water and said softly, could this be the power of that bronze utensil?

Xuan Jimu thought about this in his heart, and then suddenly felt that something was not right around him.

Quiet, too quiet.

With such a change, how could there be no movement among those subordinates.

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Xuan Jimu realized what was going on in the next instant.

Of the fifteen immortal races, except for him, the remaining fourteen immortal races were all targeted by the bronze utensil.

At this moment, the fourteen Immortal Races were all suspended in the air and flew towards the bronze vessel involuntarily.

Xuan Jimu's face condensed, the power of that bronze utensil was so huge that it made the fourteen immortals have no resistance at all.

The fourteen immortal races, each with their immortal essence flashing brightly, obviously used all their strength, but they were simply unable to resist the terrifying suction force released by the bronze vessel.

Fourteen immortal races quickly flew to the bronze vessel in the air, and their bodies were rapidly shrinking.

"Sir, let's go."

"Sir, help."


The immortals shouted loudly at this moment, and they didn't care about any face or shame.

They don't want to be put into that unknown bronze object, who knows what danger there will be.

Xuan Jimu's face turned cold, and he accepted his subordinates in front of his face.

The gray-green immortal essence surged on his body, and Xuan Jimu took the initiative to fly towards those subordinates, preparing to rescue those subordinates.

Xuan Jimu was very fast, and in the next instant, he reached Mushan's side.

Looking at Xuan Jimu who came over, a flash of excitement flashed in Mu Shan's eyes. With so many immortals, Xuan Jimu chose to be the first to save him, which shows that he still has a very high status in Xuan Jimu's heart.

"After being rescued this time, I must be loyal to the son."

Mu Shan said silently in his heart.

The gray-green immortal essence surged on Xuan Jimu's right hand, and grabbed it towards Mu Shan, ready to grab Mu Shan back.


A thunderous bang sounded, and the gray-green immortal essence on Xuan Jimu's right hand burst into a dazzling light, and then collapsed little by little.

Xuan Jimu groaned, and his body involuntarily took two steps back.

When his right hand was about to touch the wooden mountain, he felt a fierce force, that force not only easily defeated the immortal essence on his right hand, but even almost made him suffer a dark loss.


Xuan Jimu snorted coldly and flew to Mu Shan's side again.

This time, a large amount of gray-green immortal essence was condensed on Xuanjimu's right hand, making Xuanjimu's right arm look like some kind of metal.

"Mysterious wood thorns."

Xuan Jimu let out a low voice, and stabbed his right hand somewhere on the side of Mu Shan.


There was a tearing sound in the air, and Xuan Jimu's right hand instantly appeared outside the gravitational range of the bronze vessel.

The gray-green immortal essence condensed on Xuanjimu's right hand, making Xuanjimu's right hand look like a branch of some ancient tree.

Xuan Jimu's right hand stabbed at the periphery of the gravitational force, and the dazzling gray-green light suddenly lit up, and the huge impact suddenly set off a huge storm in the air.

Even the invisible gravitational force showed traces, and the space on the side of Mushan was a little sunken.

Although Xuan Jimu's attack this time was powerful, the thorn had no effect except for the invisible gravitational force to sink in.

He didn't save Mu Shan, and he didn't have the bronze object that could prevent Mu Shan from flying into the air.

Under the restraint of gravity, Mu Shan looked at Xuan Ji Mu nervously, and now they were getting closer and closer to the bronze utensil.

If Xuan Jimu couldn't save them again, they would be swallowed by that bronze object.

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