My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and thirty third dead branches

Looking at the bronze objects that were quietly floating there, a shadow appeared in Xuanji's heart.

Those of the same clan who were sucked into the bronze utensils were probably more fortunate than others.

Only at this moment did Xuan Jimu realize what that extreme danger meant.

The rudimentary form behind Xuan Jimu had a grey-green immortal essence flowing, and it seemed that it would break away in the next instant.

Xuan Jimu had the intention of retreating.

Of course he wouldn't give up easily on the bronze vessel, he just wanted to be more secure.

At this moment, Xuan Jimu's body suddenly tensed, and he looked to the side of the bronze object.

Over there, I do not know when there is another figure.

The moment he saw that figure, Xuan Jimu's pupils could not help shrinking.

Human race, Ye Huan.

Xuan Jimu thought about many possibilities and many situations.

But only the current situation is something Xuan Jimu did not expect.

Xuan Jimu did not expect that the people who came out of that bronze utensil would be the human race.

And that human race is actually Ye Huan.

Xuan Jimu was only surprised when he saw that the human race came out of the bronze utensils.

When seeing that the human race turned out to be Ye Huan, Xuan Jimu was shocked.

Unlike other immortal races, Xuan Jimu knew Ye Huan quite well.

After all, before entering the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, his father gave him a detailed information about Ye Huan to let him know.

In that document, Ye Huanke was still a martial artist from the galaxy.

But the current one is the real five-layer star liquid realm.

As an immortal clan at the sixth level of the Astral Liquid Realm, Xuan Jimu believed that he would not be wrong.


how is this possible!

In less than three months, he has been directly promoted from the Star River Realm to the fifth level of the Star Liquid Realm.

Although Xinghe Yuandi has always been a place of miracles,

But now this miracle is a bit too terrifying.

Xuan Jimu felt that the water in this miracle was too deep, and he might not be able to grasp it.

At this moment, Xuan Jimu didn't want to delve into the contents of this miracle at all, even though he was extremely curious about that bronze utensil and Ye Huan.

He just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

Xuan Jimu thought so and did it.

With a backhand, Xuan Jimu took out a gray branch that looked like a dead branch.

He threw the gray branch towards Ye Huan, and after throwing the gray branch, Xuan Jimu didn't even look at the result, the gray-green immortal essence circulated on the prototype of the Dharma behind him, spreading out many roots. Xuan Jimu quickly swept forward.

Ye Huan came out to kill Xuan Jimu. Seeing that Xuan Jimu ran away, Ye Huan's first reaction was to rush to chase.

As for the thing that looked like a dead branch thrown out by Xuan Jimu before he left, Ye Huan didn't pay attention at all.

Or to be more precise, there was a force that made Ye Huan subconsciously ignore the existence of that dead branch.

When Xuan Jimu threw the dead branch, Ye Huan also deliberately felt the dead branch, afraid that Xuan Jimu would play some tricks.

In Ye Huan's feelings, it was an ordinary dead branch, and there was nothing abnormal at all.

Without waiting for Ye Huan to take any further action, he subconsciously ignored the existence of that dead branch.

It was as if the dead branch had never appeared from the beginning to the end.

A faint golden light lit up on Ye Huan's body, which was a precursor to the imminent launch of the golden light.

At this moment, the bronze dish on the other side lit up, and a faint bronze brilliance shone on it.

An intermittent thought entered Ye Huan's mind.

"Come in... come in... hurry up... come in..."

At the same time, a suction force came from the bronze vessel, trying to suck Ye Huan into it.

Ye Huan was stunned for a moment, and in the next instant, he actively urged the bronze vessel to put himself into the bronze vessel.

Ye Huan instantly projected into the bronze vessel.

Just as he was about to enter the bronze vessel, Ye Huan's body suddenly froze, as if an invisible force imprisoned him, making him unable to move at all, not even blinking his eyes.

At the same time, a strong chill rose from the tailbone, and instantly filled the whole body. Ye Huan felt as if he was being targeted by some prehistoric beast, and every cell in his body was sending him a message.




At the same time, Ye Huan's eyes were filled with a huge object, which was the inconspicuous dead branch thrown by Xuan Jimu before he escaped.

But at this moment, the dead branch has completely changed its image, and it is no longer inconspicuous.

All he could see was that dead branch.

The dead branch suddenly became a giant, but when the dead branch became such a giant, Ye Huan had no impression at all, as if the dead branch should have been like that.

The giant dead branch poked towards Ye Huan's position.

This was the last scene Ye Huan saw before entering the bronze vessel.

At this moment, Ye Huan understood everything.

All of this is nothing but Xuanjimu's calculations.

That seemingly inconspicuous dead branch is the trump card of Xuanji wood.

Obviously he has such a fierce and unparalleled killer, but Xuan Jimu has to pretend to be fleeing in a hurry. Even Ye Huan has to sigh, Xuan Jimu is really insidious.

This time, if it wasn't for Bronze Dish taking the initiative to warn him, he would really go after Xuan Jimu. After he realized the danger, according to the previous situation, I'm afraid it would be too late.

After all, after being imprisoned by the power of the dead branches, he couldn't even blink his eyes, let alone make other movements.


in the bronze vessel space.

Hu Jinhua crossed his hind legs, raised his head, and held a wine glass in his right paw, but it was not wine, but an extremely pure vitality liquid.

Hu Jinhua felt that drinking ordinary wine could no longer reflect his personality.

Putting the wine glass to the tiger's mouth, he took a small sip of the vitality liquid, and Hu Jinhua narrowed his eyes in enjoyment.

This life is simply too cool.

Hu Jinhua looked at the big light curtain. Ever since he saw Ye Huan's power, Hu Jinhua was no longer worried.

Xuan Jimu and other immortal clans are not the opponents of their boss. Now all the other immortal clans have been killed by their boss, leaving Xuan Jimu alone.

Hu Jinhua didn't believe that in such a situation where he had an absolute advantage, his boss could still overturn the car.

In the light curtain, Ye Huan appeared, and then there was the scene of Xuan Jimu fleeing in panic.

Looking at such a picture, Hu Jinhua took a sip of the vitality liquid again, feeling comfortable.

In this regard, Hu Jinhua has no surprises, this is exactly what he expected.

As for the dead branch thrown from Xuanji Wood's hand, Hu Jinhua didn't feel anything at all, as if the dead branch didn't exist.

"Chase, chase, chase, boss."

Looking at Xuan Jimu fleeing in the light curtain, Hu Jinhua kept urging in Hu's heart.

From Hu Jinhua's point of view, Ye Huan would never let Xuan Jimu go.

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