My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Star Passage

After all, in Ye Huan's eyes, Xuanji Wood is not only an enemy, but also a large amount of resources.

In this case, it was strange that Ye Huan would let Xuanji wood go.

On the light screen, Hu Jinhua could see the faint golden light emerging from Ye Huan's body. He knew that this was a precursor to his boss's movement.

Hu Jin Hua Hu had a smile on his face, he still knew his boss very well.

But in the next instant, the smile on Hu Jinhua's face froze, the tiger's mouth opened wide, and the tiger's eyes widened.

what's the situation?

Why is the boss going into the bronze vessel?

Could it be that the bronze vessel rebelled?

Hu Jinhua became nervous at this time, if this is the case, he might be in danger too.

Hu Jinhua looked around nervously, for fear that danger would strike from somewhere around him.

Just when Hu Jinhua's head was shaking, Hu Jinhua's body suddenly froze, and all the tissues in his body were screaming frantically, reminding him.



Hu Jinhua wanted to jump up subconsciously, but found that the tiger body couldn't move.

No, why are you so unlucky, you won't just die like this!

The next moment, Hu Jinhua saw a huge dead branch.

The moment he saw the dead branch, Hu Jinhua's huge body couldn't help trembling, and he had the urge to kneel down toward the dead branch.

At this moment, Hu Jinhua understood everything.

Why did the boss let go of the Xuanji wood, not at all, but to go back to the bronze vessel to avoid danger.

How insidious!

Hu Jin Hua Hu complained wildly in his heart to ease the huge urge to kneel down.

Hu Jinhua's body bent down a little bit, and at this moment, the light curtain shattered silently.

The huge dead branches that filled the tiger's golden eyes and tiger's eyes disappeared.

The invisible huge pressure also disappeared.

huh, huh, huh...

Hu Jinhua opened his mouth wide and gasped involuntarily.

so close.

If the light curtain hadn't been shattered, he would probably have been thrown to the ground involuntarily.

At this moment, Ye Huan appeared in the bronze vessel space.


Hu Jinhua opened his mouth to say something, but found Ye Huan with a solemn expression.

The galaxy flew out of Ye Huan's body and reached the sky above the huge vitality lake.


The galaxy spread out and hung on the huge vitality lake like a sky full of stars.

After dispersing, the stars in the acupoints fell like meteors and smashed into the lake.

Based on the huge Primordial Qi lake, the acupoints and stars were reassembled into an incomparably huge galaxy.

A series of actions by Ye Huan made Hu Jinhua feel abnormal.

Thinking of the incomparably thick dead branch just now, Hu Jinhua's huge tiger body couldn't help being shocked, and he understood in an instant, and the tiger claws folded and began to pray.

Without warning, without any sound, the bronze vessel space trembled violently.

The tremor was not an ordinary tremor. Hu Jinhua's huge tiger body vibrated along with it, and a severe pain like tearing hit him. Hu Jinhua felt that his tiger body was about to be torn apart.

roar, roar...

Hu Jinhua couldn't help but let out a painful roar.

Just when Hu Jinhua couldn't bear it anymore, he felt like he was going to become a broken tiger.

In that huge Primordial Qi lake, a beam of light that reached the sky suddenly lit up, and the stars in the beam of light were flowing, quickly absorbing the Primordial Qi liquid in the Primordial Qi Lake, supplementing the consumption of the bronze vessel.

Just as Hu Jinhua felt better, the tearing pain struck again.

Then another pillar of light lit up.

Two, three, five...

The beams of light lit up one after another, and soon broke through thousands of beams.

But the speed of the beam of light not only did not slow down, but instead accelerated.

Under Hu Jinhua's gaze, a total of 3,600 beams of light stood on the huge vitality lake, and at the bottom of each beam was an acupuncture star, absorbing the vitality liquid to replenish the consumption of the bronze vessel.

For a time, the huge space of the bronze vessel became bright with stars.

When the three thousand six hundred beams of light that reached the sky lighted up, Hu Jinhua felt that he had finally become a living tiger again.

Although it is still a little uncomfortable, it is still within the range he can bear.

At this moment, Hu Jinhua had the intention to look inside the bronze vessel.

Ye Huan was not far from him, and there was no expression on his face, as if he had not been affected in any way.

In the next instant, Hu Jinhua was attracted by the 3,600 beams of light that reached the sky and looked over.

Seeing this, Hu Jinhua suddenly became restless.

The water level of the huge vitality lake is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hu Jinhuahu's eyes were full of astonishment, and he opened his mouth wide and could not help gasping for several breaths.

Hu Jinhua couldn't help but look at Ye Huan again, but he didn't expect that on the surface it seemed so light, but the consumption behind it was so huge.

Watching the huge lake of vital energy liquid shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, Hu Jinhua felt that his heart was twitching in pain.

And the vitality liquid of that lake is not his, he can't imagine what kind of pain his boss is suffering at the moment.

Ye Huan was indeed suffering an unimaginable amount of pain at the moment, and that pain was also related to the vitality lake.

It's just that he doesn't feel distressed about the consumption of a large amount of vitality liquid, Ye Huan has no intention to care about the consumption of vitality liquid at all at this moment.

Or to be more precise, Ye Huan had no other thoughts at all at this moment.

He is just a passage, a passage connecting the vitality lake and the bronze vessel.

Moreover, this channel is not qualified, and it is on the verge of collapse anytime, anywhere.


Ye Huan felt his own insignificance the first time he saw the dead branch that had become incomparably huge, and knew that he would not be the opponent of the dead branch at all.

At that moment, Ye Huan was thinking about how to fight against that dead branch.

This scene at this moment is the only possible way to fight against the dead branches that Ye Huan can think of.

Relying on the bronze vessel, taking the primordial qi and liquid lake as the source of energy, and using its own 3,600 orifices and stars as the channel for transferring energy, it drives the bronze vessel to fight against the dead branch.

There is no problem with Ye Huan's idea, and this is indeed a good method.

But Ye Huan did not understand the horror of the dead branch, and even underestimated the huge amount of energy that the bronze vessel needed to fight against the dead branch.

Ye Huan knew that he was wrong the moment the first orifice star formed the channel.

It was a pity that it was too late at that time, it was too late to withdraw, so I had to bite the bullet and persevere, otherwise the end would only be more miserable.

So the rest of the acupuncture and star passages were quickly formed.

At this time, Ye Huan couldn't help but feel fortunate for a while.

Fortunately, he has 3,600 acupoints and stars, which can form 3,600 energy conversion channels, otherwise the excessive energy would have already burst him.

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