My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and seventieth leave, ask for help

The reason why the clans under the starry sky are so sought after by the Xinghe Yuandi is because there are some treasures in the Xinghe Yuandi that can increase the success rate of a warrior's breakthrough.

Reserve warriors through Xinghe Yuandi, allowing talented warriors to break through the main star realm.

The ultimate goal of all races chasing Xinghe Yuandi is to give birth to the warriors of the main star realm.

The main star realm martial artist is the true heritage of the family.

Whether the harvest of the Dragon Clan's trip to the Xinghe Yuandi this time can lead to the birth of the main star realm is another matter.

But a main star has already fallen.

It can be said that the Dragon Clan’s trip to Xinghe Yuandi has suffered a lot this time.

The White Dragon King stared at Ye Huan.

First, it was the loss of the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, and now it has indirectly killed one of the main star realms of the Dragon Clan.

The loss of the dragon family is all related to Ye Huan.

Ye Huan had to die anyway.

Immortal King Xuanji, King Mowen and others looked at each other, they never thought of this before anyway.

On their side, the main star realm will fall.

And it's all about Ye Huan.

The eyes of Immortal King Xuanji, Demon Mark and One-Eyed King became colder.

Ye Huan must be strangled.


King Wu of the Han Dynasty and King of the Tang Dynasty were also in a trance.

Is the main star realm so easy to kill?

But soon, both of them reacted. They were able to kill a master star realm warrior so smoothly because of Ye Huan's plan.

Ye Huan calculated several main star realm powerhouses and created an excellent opportunity for them both.

Otherwise, Immortal King Xuanji and the others would never give them a chance to kill Chifeng Dragon King.

Only the star liquid realm dares to count the master star realm powerhouse, and there are still several people in the calculation, and more importantly, the calculation is successful.

Today's young people are really amazing.

King Wu of Han and King Datang said with emotion, and then the two reacted.

Ye Huan is so defiant, Xuanji Immortal King and White Dragon King will never let Ye Huan go easily.

Be sure to protect Ye Huan!

The two were about to protect Ye Huan, but they were stunned when they looked at Ye Huan.

Ye Huan stood there quietly, but seemed to be in another space.

The faces of King Datang and King Wu of Han changed slightly.

Ye Huan actually had a hole card on his body.

This hole card is there from the beginning, or can it be used at this time...

The King of Datang couldn't help but think of Ye Huan standing alone by the dark Xingheyuan mansion.

The actions of some people in the human race made the little guy chill.

Is this a test by Ye Huan?

The King of Datang looked at Ye Huan, who was uncertain, and wanted to see something from Ye Huan's face.

But Ye Huan had a smile on his face, making it difficult for the Tang Dynasty king to detect the truth.

If this is really a test by Ye Huan, then the answer sheet handed in by the human race this time can only be regarded as a make-believe.

The King of Tang Dynasty was fortunate for a while, but fortunately, he stepped forward and did not completely lose people's hearts.

King Datang and King Wu of Han noticed the abnormality on Ye Huan's side, and so did the Immortal King Xuanji and others.

The primary purpose of Immortal King Xuanji and others was to kill Ye Huan. When they saw this scene, they naturally rushed towards Ye Huan.

Ye Huan's situation at this moment,

seems to be teleporting.

In order to stop Ye Huan, one after another attack flew towards Ye Huan from the hands of Xuanji Immortal King and others.

Attacks are naturally faster than their speed.

How could King Datang and King Wu of Han let Xuanji Immortal King and others succeed?

The two directly cast Xingchen's true body, blocking all attacks.

The White Dragon King was a little furious. After all, the loss of the Dragon Clan this time was not small.

But there is no way to take the King of Tang and King Wu of Han.

It is simply impossible to break through the defense of the two in a short period of time.

Behind King Wu of Han and King of Datang, Ye Huan's figure is getting thinner and lighter, and he may disappear at any time.

"King Wu of Han, get out of the way."

Ye Huan suddenly shouted.

King Wu of Han subconsciously avoided.

The White Dragon King was madly attacking the defense line of the two, and the Han Wu King suddenly gave in, just allowing the White Dragon King to break through.

White Dragon King Dragon's face is dazed and joyful, and King Wu of Han did so well.


The White Dragon King thanked him loudly and wanted to separate the Tang King and the Han Wu King.

But the words "thank you" came out, and the dragon face of the White Dragon King changed.


What did he see.

A dozen black dots flew over to meet him.

He had only experienced it once not long ago, and he was no stranger to the little black spot.

The dozen or so little black dots are all star fragments.

The White Dragon King was immediately so frightened that his dragon soul soared, and he wanted to flee back.

But inertia is not so easy to overcome.

The White Dragon King could only watch helplessly as the dozen or so little black dots became hot and dazzling, and then burst open.

At the moment when more than a dozen star fragments exploded, the space where Ye Huan was located was distorted for a while. With the distortion, Ye Huan disappeared without a trace, and the space quickly returned to its original state.

Ye Huan left, although he didn't know where Ye Huan went, it also made the King of Tang and King Wu of Han no longer have the last scruples.

Before Ye Huanlin left, he deliberately pitted the White Dragon King. If the Tang King and Han Wu King didn't know what to do at this time, they would have lost their great prestige.

The two displayed their true bodies of stars, and quickly launched a siege against the White Dragon King.

The White Dragon King was so frightened that the dragon soul was about to disperse.

He was no match for any of the two, not to mention the fact that the two had joined forces at this time, and there was also the star fragment bomb that Ye Huan had deliberately prepared for him.

"Xuanji Immortal King, save me."

The White Dragon King roared loudly, and at this time he didn't care about the issue of shame.

He knew very well that if Immortal King Xuanji didn't save him, he would definitely follow in the footsteps of Chifeng Dragon King and fall here.

Within a day, the two dragon kings fell to the Xinghe Yuan Mansion, and I am afraid that the dragon clan would be in turmoil.

Immortal King Xuanji's face was gloomy, and Xingchenzhen's body shot a green beam of light towards the White Dragon King.

He had to save the White Dragon King.

A total of five main star realm powerhouses from the three clans of the gods, the gods and the dragon clan went to hunt down Ye Huan, who was protected by the King of the Tang Dynasty.

In the end, not only did he not kill Ye Huan, who was in the liquid state, but he also damaged the two powerhouses in the main star realm.

The two main star realms that died were still from the dragon race.

How could it be so coincidental.

If the White Dragon King is really dead, there is no guarantee that other races will not think wrong.

In the future, the three clans of the Immortals, Demons and Gods will find other races to cooperate, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

And the dragon roar of the White Dragon King just now, I am afraid that many races have heard it.

If you don't want to fall into a reputation of dying.

The White Dragon King cannot die no matter what.

The three immortal kings of Xuanji wanted to save the White Dragon King, the Tang King and Han Wu King wanted to kill the White Dragon King, and the fierce battle between the two sides broke out instantly.

In the end, under the treatment of the Immortal King Xuanji, the White Dragon King successfully broke out from the siege of the King of the Tang Dynasty and the King Wu of the Han Dynasty.

But even with Xuanji Immortal King's treatment, the White Dragon King paid a huge price.

Without more than three years of cultivation, the White Dragon King would never want to recover to the peak.

Immortal King Xuanji glanced at King Datang and King Wu of Han unwillingly, and flew away in the distance.

This time they could be said to be a complete failure.

The White Dragon King followed the Immortal King Xuanji closely, for fear of being caught fire again.

Looking at the back of the White Dragon King, a trace of regret flashed in the eyes of the Datang King.

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