My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and seventy first guess


If it weren't for the fact that he had consumed too much before, he would have even suffered a serious injury.

This time, the White Dragon King can also be left behind.

"Don't look at it, this result is not bad."

King Wu of Han is the king of the Tang Dynasty.

The King of Tang couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Yes, this result was something he hadn't thought of anyway.

When giving things to Ye Huan, he was indeed ready to fight for his life.

But who knew things could turn around so quickly.

And all of this is related to Ye Huan.

Thinking of Ye Huan, the King of Tang couldn't help but frown.

Where did Ye Huan go, will it be okay?

Star list.

The King of Datang directly summoned the Star List.

At a glance, I saw the starry name on the last star on the star list.

In addition to being a list, Fanxing Bang has gradually developed some other functions over the years.

For example, to determine the life and death of star owners on the list.

This function was used by the King of the Tang Dynasty.

When the star lord dies, the name will become dim, and three days later, the rank will be directly replaced by the latter one.

But at this time, Ye Huan's name is star-studded, which is enough to prove that Ye Huan is not dead.

It's good not to die.

As for where Ye Huan went, you can find it later.


On the Xingheyuan mansion.

After King Datang and Immortal King Xuanji left one after another, fierce battles broke out at the Xinghe Yuan Mansion.

Every now and then there will be stars in the sky.

It's just that during the fierce battle, from time to time, I will look at the direction where the Tang King and others are leaving.

And not long after, those races saw the red starlight that filled the starry sky.

A main star has fallen.

Judging from that vision, the one who fell seems to be the Chifeng Dragon King of the Dragon Clan.

This changed the complexion of many main star realm powerhouses who were opposed to the human race.

The faces of some of the main star realm powerhouses who remain neutral are also very strange.

what's the situation?

Five to one, the Chifeng Dragon King of the Dragon Clan was the first to fall.

Was the King of Tang Dynasty so powerful?

Or what arrangements did the Terran have over there?

The main star realm on the Terran side was relieved.

Datang Wang is fine!

If the King of Tang Dynasty falls, the human realm will probably be turbulent.

Like other races, humans are also full of curiosity.

Five-on-one, how did the Tang King kill the Chifeng Dragon King?

Could it be that the King of the Tang Dynasty had another breakthrough?

"Xuanji Immortal King, save me."

Not long after the Chifeng Dragon King fell, everyone heard the White Dragon King's cry for help.

Those main star realms that are opposed to the human race are horrified this time, and even some suffer from it.

One by one is not interested in fighting, what happened?

And those races who choose neutrality are very fortunate at this time.

Fortunately, they didn't defect from the human race, otherwise it would be too late to regret it now.

Humans are too scary!

In this way, a situation that others see as inevitable can be reversed.

The human race is ecstatic at the moment.

They were fighting with a determined mentality, and they never thought that things could turn around like this.

It was a pleasant surprise.

At this moment, Xuanji Immortal King and others appeared near Xingyuan.

One after another, the main star realm powerhouses of the human race suddenly became nervous, preventing the Xuanji Immortal King from attacking them.

Those who chose to stand with the three clans of the Immortals, Demons and Gods all looked at the Xuanji Immortal King, wanting to know what happened.

Why would a must-win battle have such a joke-like reversal.


Immortal King Xuanji said with a cold face, and he didn't mean to explain at all.

Explain, how does he explain.

Could it be that their five main star realm powerhouses were calculated by a star liquid realm, and it also led to the fall of the Chifeng Dragon King.

Even if he doesn't care about his face, the others may not.

One after another, the main star realms quickly evacuated.

Those neutral main star realms are also retreating.

Soon the vicinity of the Xinghe Yuandi became empty, leaving only the main star powerhouse of the human race.

That's it?

One after another, the human race master star realm powerhouse suddenly had this feeling.

The Immortal King Xuanji is going too hastily, in fact, he can try to attack them.

But the next moment, they understood.

The King of Tang came back, with King Wu of the Han beside him.

King Datang and King Wu of Han joined forces to fight against five warriors of the same rank, and even when they had to protect a warrior of the Astral Liquid Realm, they even killed the other's main star realm.

This is simply an impossible thing!

The strength of King Datang and King Wu of Han must have increased again, and the two must have given up Ye Huan, so they could achieve such a victory.

Ye Huan, who gave up a star realm, successfully killed the opponent's main star realm powerhouse.

This is extremely worthwhile in the eyes of many main star realm powerhouses in the human race.

As for the death of the evil genius Ye Huan, it can only be a pity.

After all, no matter how monstrous Ye Huan is, whether he can grow into a master star realm powerhouse is still two things.

To be able to exchange him for a master star of the other party, this transaction is quite worthwhile.

King Datang and King Wu of Han did not bother to explain anything to those people.

This matter is not over.


Datang Wang Dao, and then quickly rushed towards the human realm with King Wu of Han.

At this time, the two kings, King Datang and King Wu of Han could only pray secretly in their hearts, Ye Huan must not return to the human realm, otherwise there will be another huge disturbance.

King Datang and King Wu of Han are not thinking about other things at all.

Everything will wait until we return to the human realm.


Under the sky.

A blue dragon-shaped spaceship was flying fast. It was Lan Wan'er and the great elder of the Menglong clan who had returned from eating melons.

Lan Wan'er peeked at the master beside her from time to time.

When the master told her not to offend the human race too much, Lan Wan'er was actually a little disapproving.

The human race has not been very good under the stars for so many years.

Many races are provoking or encroaching on the interests of the human race.

Lan Wan'er couldn't understand why Master was so afraid of the human race.

But what happened today made Lan Wan'er understand her master somewhat.

In such a desperate situation, the human race was able to reverse, and beheaded one of the other's main star realms.

Humans are still scary.

That shameless guy is probably dead, but what about her here?

Lan Wan'er couldn't help looking down at her chest.

Big or small doesn't matter.

"Wan'er, if you can not offend the human race, try not to offend, especially the one named Ye Huan."

Lan Wan'er turned her head and looked at her master with some doubts.

What does this mean?

According to the speculation of those guys, Ye Huan must have been sacrificed by the two human kings of the human race, otherwise the two human kings would not have achieved such a brilliant victory.

"Just listen to those rubbish speculations, don't believe it."

Seemingly knowing what Lan Wan'erlong was thinking, the first elder of the Menglong clan said.

"Look at the star list."

Star list.

Hearing these three words, Lan Wan'er's small mouth could not help deflated, and she glanced at her master with some regret.

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