My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and seventy second concern

If it wasn't for her master not letting her challenge the Fanxing List, she would have been on the Fanxing List and become a star master.

Master asked her to watch Fanxingbang at this time. Did she change her mind and let her challenge Fanxingbang?

Thinking of this, Lan Wan'er couldn't help but get excited.

After all, he is still a young dragon, and he still yearns for the list or something.

Star list.

Lan Wan'er summoned the list, and looking at the skilled appearance, it was obvious that she did not watch the list less often.

When the list of stars appeared in front of her eyes, Lan Wan'er was stunned.

It must be the pair of dragon eyes that blinded her.

She actually saw Ye Huan's name on the list.

And it's a star-studded name.

Lan Wan'er knew quite a bit about the Star List. If the star owner on the Star List died, the name would be dimmed.

But at this moment, Ye Huan's name is star-studded.

That can only prove one point, Ye Huan is fine.

Ye Huan actually survived the pursuit of the five main star realm powerhouses.

Lan Wan'er felt that this was not true, she must have read it wrong.

Lan Wan'er rubbed the pair of longan eyes and summoned Fanxing Bang again.

Seven hundred and twentieth on the star list, Ye Huan's name on that star is still star-studded.

Lan Wan'er glanced at her master, she finally understood why Master let her watch Fanxingbang.

The five main star realm powerhouses went to hunt down Ye Huan, who was only protected by two main star realm powerhouses.

Not only did he fail, he also accompanied a master star realm in.

How did the human race do it?

"Wan'er, you can challenge the Fanxing Ranking in the future."

The elder of the Menglong clan said to Lan Wan'er, and then looked out of the spaceship.

All races have begun to have demons appearing, and perhaps it will be an eventful autumn again.

The Great Elder of the Menglong Clan looked at the vast starry sky with some emotion.

Tianjiao competition, who will win the final crown in the end.

Lan Wan'er didn't realize that her master's thoughts were out of place.

She only had one thought at this moment.

I can.

Lan Wan'er felt that one of her dragon hearts was beating faster than before.

Looking at the star list, she must choose a suitable challenge for herself.

One, two, three...

Names flowed in front of her eyes, and she didn't even have the heart to challenge.

When she saw that name, Lan Wan'er's eyes froze.

Ye Huan.

Yes, it was the words Ye Huan that made Lan Wan'er's eyes stagnate.

You are the one.

The moment she saw Ye Huan's name, Lan Wan'er decided.

Her first challenge to the Stars List was dedicated to Ye Huan.

Who made Ye Huan so hateful!

She wanted Ye Huanfan to lose the position of the star leader of the star list before she was hot.

Presumably by that time, Ye Huan's face will be very ugly.

The position of the star leader of the star list, which was finally obtained, was lost.

It will be sad, sad.

Or at that time she can talk to Ye Huan about a deal.

Lan Wan'er thought,

Involuntarily, he lowered his head and looked at a certain part of his body with a smile on his face.

The elder Menglong clan couldn't help but stare at the smile on Lan Wan'er's face. She hadn't seen such a sincere smile on Lan Wan'er's face for a long time.

Is it really so happy to challenge the star list?

Did she oppress Lan Wan'er too hard before?

The big elder of the Menglong clan rarely began to reflect.

In addition to the Menglong clan, there are actually many races that are watching the star list.

It's not that those races pay much attention to the Star List. After all, they all know about the Star List, and the changes in the Star List are generally relatively small.

They pay attention to the star list at this time just for one thing or one person.

Ye Huan.

Yes, Ye Huan.

Seven hundred and twenty on the star list.

Most of them are in the black hole realm and even have the main star realm powerhouse. When did they pay so much attention to the fan star list, and they are only the last place in the fan star list.

No one will believe it if you say it, but it just happened like this.

In fact, those people who paid attention to Fanxing Bang did not care about Ye Huan's ranking, but about Ye Huan's death.

They just wanted to confirm Ye Huan's life and death through the Star List.

After all, there is a very important battle taking place at the Xinghe Yuan Mansion. They can't watch it on the spot, but they can confirm the general trend of things through Ye Huan's life and death.

So a unique scene appeared under the stars. There were many races on the spacecraft staring at the star list and staring at the star-studded name.

Ye Huan.

At this moment, the name was deeply imprinted on the minds of many races.



On one of the spaceships, the younger generation of the immortals gathered on this spaceship. At this time, many immortals, including those in the Xingdust realm, already knew what happened in the Xinghe Abyss.

"How did Jianlan Cheng do it, throwing immortals to the immortal clan."

In the spaceship, an immortal with a lotus imprint on his forehead said, that lotus imprint is not white, but crimson, burning like a flame.

When the other immortals heard this, their expressions moved slightly, but there was no immortal to pick up what to say.

Jianlancheng is the descendant of Sword Immortal King, but not just any immortal can judge.

The one who dares to discuss the success of Jianlan like this is because he is Lian Wusheng.

Lotus is immortal.

Immortals are famous under the stars, Tianjiao, tenth on the Haoyue Ranking.

At first glance, this ranking is not very high, but one must know that there are not only the younger generation on the Haoyue Ranking. Anyone who meets the conditions can be on the Haoyue Ranking.

Lian Wusheng is now less than fifty years old, and he can be ranked tenth on the Haoyue Ranking, which shows how powerful Lian Wusheng is.

And not only that, Lian Wusheng is also the descendant of Immortal King Lian, who is a powerhouse of the same era as Immortal Sword Sword, and the strength of the two is said to be comparable.

"It's a pity that Ye Huan of the human race can make Jianlan Cheng suffer."

Lian Wusheng glanced at Ye Huan's name on the list, with a faint smile on his face.

"Then Ye Huan is afraid to create a history of the Star List."

"What history?"

"General of the Moon, talk about it."


They didn't dare to interrupt at the remarks just now, but now it doesn't matter, so many immortals interrupted to answer.

After all, Lian Wusheng's status was placed there, and it would be beneficial to them to please Lian Wusheng.

"The shortest history on the list of stars, I'm afraid Ye Huan will die later."

Lian Wusheng smiled.

The other immortals were stunned for a moment, and then they laughed.

What Lian Sisheng said was indeed reasonable.

Ye Huan was just on the star list just today, and then he was chased and killed by five masters of the main star realm as soon as he left Xingyuan. He had never seen such an unlucky star master.

A group of immortals did not think that Ye Huan could survive under such circumstances.

So what Lian Wusheng said is quite reasonable.

"The Terran is good at creating this kind of history."

Another immortal clan said, which caused the other immortal clan to burst into laughter.

| "I think we can help the Terran to promote this glorious history for free in the future."

Lian Wusheng laughed aside.

"Birth Moon General, Gao."

"Take the bamboo shoots, be careful the silly cat clan is looking for you."


The immortals spoke one after another, and the atmosphere in the spaceship was very relaxed for a while.

(Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket.)

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