My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 588: Burning

The temperature of the hot red magma in the magma pool is high, but it is nothing compared to the golden flame.

The golden flames that emerged from the opening of Yichen's heart instinctively burned everything around him.

Chi Chi la la.

Ye Huan was making strange noises all over his body, as if he was refining oil.

He didn't want to be cremated, Ye Huan subconsciously wanted to use Xing Yuan to resist the golden flame.

But after looking at the piercing heart at the lower abdomen, Ye Huan forcibly restrained that move.

Let the golden flame burn his body like oil refining.

He is cultivating the big sun and the stars, but this is refining the orifice and the heart.

Once he used Xing Yuan, the hard work of the past two days would be in vain.

Ye Huan stared at Qiao Yichenxin in the lower abdomen.

A golden flame gathered under that Qiao Yichen's heart, the golden flame was burning his lower abdomen, and a hole appeared in the lower abdomen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yes, Qiao Yichen Xin opened a hole in his lower abdomen.

The golden flame burning Qiao Yichen Xin got into his lower abdomen bit by bit from that hole.

excruciating pain.

Ye Huan's facial features were completely distorted.

He never imagined that in the last step, Yichen Xin was refining and refining.

At this time, Ye Huan also knew what the auxiliary materials he refined in the past seven days were used for.

Protect him, so that he will not be burned to death when refining Qiao Yichen Xin.

But that kind of protection seems to be incomplete, Ye Huan has always been in a state of oil refining.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up..."

Ye Huan's facial features were twisted and urged, and a scoop was opened in his lower abdomen. Whoever tried the pain would know.

Under Ye Huan's expectation, the Qiao Yichen heart finally got into the hole in the lower abdomen.

Qiao Yichen's heart burrowed into his lower abdomen, and the golden flame that enveloped Ye Huan's whole body converged in an instant, and got into the hole in his lower abdomen.

At this time, the diameter of the magma pool under Ye Huan was nearly 200 meters.

Without the golden flame blocking, Ye Huan fell directly into the magma pool and took a magma bath.

"I'm going, it's so hot."

Ye Huan screamed, and a layer of faint white starlight poured out from all over his body, separating his body from the magma.

His hands were still behind his head, floating on the fiery red magma.

Ye Huan did not leave the magma pool, there was no need for that.

The energy around the hole in the lower abdomen surged, the tender red flesh grew rapidly, and the hole could be repaired soon.

The hole in the lower abdomen is nothing, and now the real trouble is in the Dantian space.

Ye Huan looked inside.

The original starry Dantian space is now a golden one.

After the Qiao Yichen Heart was refined into the Dantian space, it was not refined further.

At this moment, it is like a huge golden fireball, burning with a raging golden flame, burning everything in the Dantian space.

Dry mouth.

After a while, Ye Huan felt dry mouth.

Ye Huan turned to look at the fiery red magma under him.


Subconsciously swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva, he wanted to drink the magma.

Thirsty, so thirsty.

Ye Huan flew out of the magma pool directly.

Can't wait here.

He was afraid that he couldn't bear it anymore and drank the magma.

While flying, Ye Huan put on clothes on her body, and it was not a problem to be naked.

Just as soon as the clothes were put on the body, it turned into a cloud of black smoke.

Ye Huan's hands froze.

what the hell.

Is my temperature this high?

The clothes can't be worn anymore, but it's not good to walk the birds all the time.

Ye Huan controlled Xing Yuan to form a pair of shorts on his lower body. Under the burning of the golden flame in Qiao Yichen's heart, this was almost his limit.


I'm so thirsty.

Ye Huan touched his throat with his hand, and now he feels like a lake is placed in front of him, and he can dry it.

"Huazi, wherever there is water on this star, a small river, a pond, or a lake will do."

Ye Huan gave Hu Jinhua a sound transmission directly.

Hu Jinhua, who was exploring this star, was stunned when he received the sound transmission.

"The boss is not cultivating, and suddenly he needs water for what, is it to put out the fire?"

Hu Jinhuahu had a wretched smile on his face, but he still marked some positions for Ye Huan.

Looking at the location provided by Hu Jinhua, Ye Huan flew over there.

After flying for about half an hour, Ye Huan saw a clear pond and his eyes lit up.

At the edge of the pond, Ye Huan fell, and when he opened his mouth, he sucked, like a dragon sucking water, the water in the pond turned into a water column and flew into Ye Huan's mouth.

Chi Chi.

As soon as the water column entered Ye Huan's mouth, it was like being poured on the hot magma, and a large amount of white mist evaporated from the chi chi la la.

Ye Huan didn't care, and just kept sucking the water in the pond.

Only in this way can Ye Huan feel better.

He felt that his whole body was like a tongs furnace, the temperature had reached the limit, and if the temperature was not lowered, the whole body would explode.

Ye Huan stood by the pond, madly swallowing the water in the pond, white mist all over his body, as if he was in a fairyland.

Soon, Ye Huan killed a pond.

Ye Huan did not stop there, but flew towards the next water source.

Ponds, creeks, small lakes...

The water sources on the stars have suffered disaster this night, and Ye Huan killed them one after another.

Silent night.

Ye Huan stopped in a huge lake.

Ye Huan was drinking the lake water in the middle of the lake, but the lake water near his body was churning.


Ye Huan knew that this could only cure the symptoms but not the root cause, and if he really wanted to solve the problem completely, he could only completely refine the Qiao Yichen Xin.

However, the use of his eyes has reached the limit, and what he is doing at this time is just a transition and delaying time.

Under the night, a golden streamer pierced the night sky.

It is Hu Jinhua.

At this moment, its big tiger face was full of doubts.

"Which largest lake does the boss let him do?"

Going all out, Jinhua saw the lake and Ye Huan in the middle of the lake from a distance.

"Hey, what is the boss doing, drinking water, so thirsty?"

Hu Jinhua Hu's eyes flickered with brilliance, and Hu's face had a strange look.

As the flight got closer, the expression on Hu Jinhuahu's face became even more eccentric, and there was worry in the eccentricity.

In the lake, Ye Huan's whole body was boiling, and a water column flew into his mouth from the distance of the lake, and then turned into white mist.

"Boss, are you alright?"

Hu Jinhua said, it felt that Ye Huan's fire was a little fierce, and was afraid that Ye Huan would spontaneously ignite in the next moment.


Ye Huan said indistinctly, and kept sucking water.

"Take me to those places on this star that have the elements of heaven and earth."

Ye Huan said to Hu Jinhua that the strength of Qiao Yichen's heart was somewhat unexpected. It may take some time to completely refine Qiao Yichen's heart, but Ye Huan is not going to waste this time, so he will take the benefits of this star first. Let's talk about it.

After all, it's not too long before the January period.

"Boss, do you really want to leave?"

Hu Jinhua swallowed a few saliva, he was afraid that Ye Huan's fire would affect him.

"Go, just bring some water."

As soon as Ye Huan finished speaking, the water level of the huge lake suddenly dropped a lot.

Hu Jinhua looked at Ye Huan speechlessly. He felt that his boss seemed to have misunderstood the word "one point".

(Ask for a ticket!)

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