My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter five hundred and eighty nine search for benefits

Under the night, Hu Jinhua flew over the lake and came to the vicinity of Ye Huan.

In the lake, Ye Huan jumped, the lake water splashed, and he sat firmly on Hu Jinhua's back.


Hu Jinhua suddenly let out a shrill cry, and it didn't look like a tiger.

Looking at the scene in the lake, Hu Jinhua was already mentally prepared.

Ye Huan, the eldest of the family, may be very hot.

However, when Ye Huan really sat on his back, Hu Jinhua realized that his mental preparation was still a little insufficient.

Ye Huan is like a small volcano.

Inciting Yao Yuan to protect his back, Hu Jinhua flew towards the place where he found the element of heaven and earth.

On Hu Jinhua's back, a stream of water seemed to appear out of thin air and fell into Ye Huan's mouth.


A large amount of white mist shot out from Ye Huan's whole body, covering one person and one tiger, which was quite immortal.

When Hu Jinhua was on his way, midnight came.

A new day begins.

Ye Huan immediately had a secret book in his hand, and the secret book was shrouded in Xing Yuan. He was really afraid that the secret book could not withstand the high temperature on his body and spontaneously ignited.

While drinking water, read the cheats.

Soon, Ye Huan read the cheats again.

After reading the cheat book once, Ye Huan looked inside.

I saw that in the Dantian space, the golden flame on the Qiao Yichen heart had subsided a little, and Ye Huan could feel that the connection between the Qiao Yichen heart and the one thousand two hundred star holes had become closer. .

Over, over, over again.

Ye Huan kept watching, wanting to refine the Aperture Yichen Heart as soon as possible, and cultivate into the Great Sun and Star Body.

The feeling of being burnt all over is so unpleasant.

And let Qiao Yichen's heart burn in the dantian space for a long time, who knows if there will be any sequelae.

Anyway, it is right to cultivate into a big sun and a star as soon as possible.

After reading the Cheats of the Great Sun Xingchen body ten times in a row, Ye Huan stopped.

It wasn't that Ye Huan wanted to stop, but Hu Jinhua called him.

to the place.

In a deep pool, there are several small trees growing on the water, and on the small trees bear fruits the size of a baby's fist.

Elemental fruit of the water attribute.

Looking at the blue Yingying Primordial Fruit, Ye Huan's saliva poured down uncontrollably.

I took one off and quickly stuffed it into my mouth. It was really cool. It was really comfortable.

Swish, swish, swish...

Ye Huan waved both hands, and quickly brought out the afterimage, and picked all the dozen or so primordial fruits from the small tree.

"Boss, you must eat all the fruit you picked, you can't take it with you, otherwise..."

Seeing Ye Huan's actions, Hu Jinhua was startled and quickly reminded.

But before he could finish speaking, he was stunned.

The dozen or so Primordial Fruits all entered Ye Huan's mouth while he was speaking.


Ye Huan opened his mouth and spat out a long white mist.


Ye Huan said happily, this is much better than drinking water.

Hu Jinhua was silent, thinking about Ye Huan who was like a small volcano on his body, he felt that his worries were probably unnecessary.

All the primordial fruits in this deep pool together may not be enough for the boss of his own family.

"Go to the next place."

After picking all the primordial fruits on the small trees in the deep pool, Ye Huan said to Hu Jinhua.

Hu Jinhua didn't talk nonsense, and flew straight to the next place. Now is the time to race against time.

Hu Jinhua, who was only flying with shaking wings, noticed something strange.

The boss on the back doesn't seem to be as hot as it started.

On the back of the tiger, Ye Huan was not surprised by this. After reading the secret book ten times, the refining of Qiao Yichen's heart has been going on all the time. It is normal to have this kind of change.

On the back of the tiger, Ye Huan continued to look at the secret book of Dari Xingchen while eating the water attribute fruit.

In front of a bare hill, Tiger Jinhua stopped. The rocks of the hill were vaguely glowing with a metallic color. On the top of the hill was a golden tree with more than twenty golden primordial fruits.

The fruit is shaped like an apple, but golden throughout.

Jincanguo, the lower grade Yuanguo of metallic nature.

"Huazi, this should be useful to you."

Ye Huan said that Hu Jinhua was under him. If he remembered correctly, Hu Jinhua was metallic.

"Go pick some."

Hu Jinhua nodded his head, flew over to pick six of them, and stopped moving his claws.

Jin Canguo is a good thing, but he feels that he has refined six pieces in this period of time is the limit.

He didn't want to be punished by the Star List, or even be on the blacklist of the Star List.

"Boss, there are still a few good things on this star. When we come next time, we will definitely finish it."

Hu Jinhua looked at the golden golden fruit and said excitedly.

Ye Huan glanced at Hu Jinhua under him, and he had an idea in his heart.

next time?

They probably won't have a next time.

He will not come over this star again, so the benefits of the stars must be finished this time, and it is best to shave the bald head.

Looking at the golden fruit left on the fruit tree, limited by the rules of the Stars List, maybe other warriors have no choice, but Ye Huan thinks he can try it.

As soon as his mind moved, the bronze vessel appeared in his hand. Looking at the fruit tree in front of him, Ye Huan thought, and two golden fruit flew into the bronze vessel.

Two golden fruit, even if the solution he thought of was not good, Ye Huan could still get rid of the two golden fruit.

As soon as the two golden fruits entered the space of the bronze vessel, nine fires were moving, surrounding the two golden fruits in the middle.

Ye Huan planned to use a bronze vessel to refine all the benefits of this star.

This should circumvent the rules of the star list.

Of course, you have to try it to know if it will work or not.

Nine piles of fire, the flames on each fire are like diced beans, only the size of peanuts.

This was also one of the prices Ye Huan paid for his escape last time.

Nine piles of fire are very weak at the moment, otherwise, if there are two golden fruits in the refining area, how can they use nine piles of fire.

Nine piles of flames the size of peanuts gathered together, refining the two golden fruits.

The two golden fruits melted, and then turned into wisps of golden light and were swallowed by nine fires.

After swallowing the two golden fruit, the nine piles of fire swayed slightly, and there was no obvious change.

Ye Huan sensed silently, and there was no movement in Fanxingbang.

This proves that his idea is feasible, and the refining of the bronze vessel is equivalent to his refining.

There is nothing wrong.

So what's the hesitation.

Search for the benefits of the stars and make up for the bronze vessel.

The last escape from the dead made the bronze vessel weak, and this time it was possible to make up for it with the benefits of this star.

Anyway, even if he doesn't take the benefits of this star, it will be cheaper for other races in the end.


A gust of wind blew, and the golden fruit on the fruit tree on the hill disappeared.

All the golden fruits were collected by Ye Huan into the bronze vessel.

Hu Jinhua was startled, his boss was going to destroy his future.

After all, with the enchanting aptitude of his boss, as long as he abides by the rules of the Fanxing Bang, then the stars on the Fanxing Bang will be his boss's vegetable garden, and many benefits are not given.

Why destroy the Great Wall for the sake of temporary gain.

Hu Jinhua was about to dissuade Ye Huan when he suddenly saw the bronze vessel in Ye Huan's hand, and immediately stopped.

Thinking of the scene of refining the corpse in the bronze vessel space, Hu Jinhua's huge body shuddered.

There seems to be no difference between refining corpses and refining those heaven and earth elements.

All are on fire.

(Ask for a ticket!)

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