My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter 630 Candidates

Xuan Jihuo quickly considered this matter.

Killing Ye Huan, this must be done beautifully, this is the only place where he can atone for his merits.

Otherwise, with the loss of the Immortal Clan this time, after this incident is over, he will definitely be held accountable.

Whether it was for his future or the prestige of the immortal race, Ye Huan had to die, and the sooner he died, the better.

And to be able to achieve this goal, in fact, Xuan Jihuo has not many choices.

"Lord Immortal King, I am going to let Jian Changkong deal with Ye Huan."

Xuan Jihuo thought about it for a while, and now he is confident that he can take Ye Huan down, and that is Jian Changkong, who is number one on the list of stars.

It's just that Jian Zhangkong's identity is somewhat special, and Xuan Jihuo felt that he should report to the Xuanji Immortal King.

"Keep an eye on the human race for me, and I'll arrange the rest."

But what Xuan Jihuo didn't expect was that he actually received such a message.

Looking at the news on the jade talisman, Xuan Jihuo felt that his fairy heart beat a beat slower.

An idea that made him a little excited jumped into his mind.

He was going to arrange Jian Changkong to deal with Ye Huan, but Immortal King Xuanji told him to leave it alone.

Obviously, Immortal King Xuanji felt that Jian Changkong was not safe and had better arrangements.

After thinking about the pass, Xuan Jihuo's heart was half let down.

In his opinion, Jian Changkong is enough to deal with Ye Huan.

But now that Immortal King Xuanji has come to arrange it, he must be more powerful than Jian Changkong.

Even more powerful than Jian Zhangkong, I am afraid there are only those perverts on the Haoyue Ranking.

Haoyue Ranking, Yue Zun.

Ye Huan, this time I see you are not dead yet.

After looking at the message sent by Immortal King Xuanji, at this moment, Xuan Jihuo was full of drama in his heart.


Human world.

This is a platform, a large-scale communication platform built by the Terran.

There may not be many people who join this platform. This platform can only be joined by the powerful human race masters.

"King Tang: I'm going, even a small clan of the Bearded Fish Clan dares to take part in the hunt. Everyone, I don't think I will show any more. They dare to ride on our heads to poop and pee."

Datang Wang directly posted such a message on the platform.

"King Da Song: It's really too much."

"Sea King: You should warn the Bearded Fish."

"Han Wu: What's the use of warning or something, I think we should go to the door and kill the beard fish clan directly, otherwise other clans will feel that the human clan is weak and can be bullied."

"Huoyun: Just because the Bearded Fish Clan has a clan to hunt down the Human Race, they will exterminate the Bearded Fish Clan, which will make other races feel that the Human Race is too domineering, and they will be more afraid of the Human Race, which is not good for the Human Race."


Human world.

A group of clan bosses had a heated discussion about whether they wanted to teach the bearfish clan a lesson.

A considerable number of human race bosses believe that the human race should be low-key at this time, and it should not be too high-profile and obscene.

"King Tang: keep a low profile, pretend to be a pig, and if you continue to act like this, you'll really become a pig."

The Tang King angrily left this message and stopped talking.

This discussion broke up like this, and from beginning to end,

Neither the Blood Slaughter King nor the Great Burning King made a sound, making it difficult to understand their attitudes.


"It seems that the people want to let the people kill the bearded fish to deter them. I don't have much hope. Who do you think the immortals will let Ye Huan deal with next time?"

The King of Tang sent a message to King Wu of Han.

"What's so special, I didn't bully them, otherwise they would have been screaming long ago. Who else could it be? It's probably the number one on the list of stars."

Han Wuwang's tone was a little bit indignant.

Who made the vitality martial artist system too powerful and was targeted, and the strong people on the battlefield were almost dead. What's more, when it came to the critical moment, there was no one to speak.

"Old Wu, do you think that boy Ye Huan can win this time? It's not a problem to always have such a wheel battle. You can be exhausted if you are tired."

"What do you want to say?"

"I'm wondering if we can steal Ye Huan, anyway, your main star is suitable for this."

When King Wu of Han heard the words of King Datang, he wanted to do it with King Datang. What he called his main star was suitable for doing this. What he said was so unpleasant.

However, the words of the King of the Tang Dynasty moved King Wu of Han's heart.

This is really a way.

Get Ye Huan out, find a place to hide it, and know what Ye Huan and others think.

"Old Tang, let's discuss it and let him vote."


"Long-necked king, discuss something."

At the same time, the Immortal King Xuanji contacted the ruler of the Long Neck Clan, the Long Neck King.


On the eighth continent.

Ye Huan was recovering the lost Xingyuan over there, and at the same time, he was also thinking about how he should go next.

The harvest this time should be enough for him to push the Star Liquid Realm to the extreme, but what should he do after he has cultivated the Star Liquid Realm to the extreme?

Daluo Xingchen Gong only has the cultivation method to reach the star liquid realm, but there is no cultivation method after that.

That is to say, after cultivating to the pinnacle of the ninth level of the Star Liquid Realm, he will no longer be able to cultivate.

I have to say that this is a really annoying thing.

If it was easy to do before Xinghe Yuandi, he could get some exercises to practice in the vitality martial artist department or other departments or even other human races with the help of his master or uncle.

But now this approach is somewhat unworkable.

Under such circumstances, Ye Huan did not dare to return to the human realm easily.

Maybe there is a great possibility that once you go back, you won't be able to get out.

I am afraid that the follow-up cultivation practice can only be done by him.


In the dark, many warriors are watching Ye Huan who is practicing, and many warriors have guessed it.

The Immortal Race will either not make a move this time, and once they make a move, it will definitely be a thunderous blow.

There is a high probability that the immortals will let Jian Changkong take a shot.

Jian Changkong, that is number one on the list of stars, this time Ye Huan's chance of overturning is probably not high, and it can even be said to be hopeless.

Some warriors are actually looking forward to the next battle.

Just in the darkness, a figure suddenly appeared in the line of sight.

The figure's speed was very fast, and he all broke into the sight of a group of warriors, and those warriors only saw the figure later.

suck, suck, suck...

The sound of inhaling a breath of cold air sounded, and in the dark, many warriors looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in horror, in addition to horror and fear.

Some warriors even had cold sweat flowing out from their backs.

Who is the figure that came, this strength is too scary for the martial artist.

Those who dare to keep it until this time have more or less a few brushes, and their eyesight is naturally not bad.

The figure just did that, that is, he didn't do anything to them, otherwise he could kill many of them in seconds.

Who is it?

Jian Changkong?

One after another, he looked at the figure one after another.

Who did the Immortals send over?

But after seeing the figure clearly, the owner of the eyes opened his mouth unconsciously.

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