My Eyes Are Mutated

Chapter six hundred and thirty first win

Moon respect.

It turned out to be the Moon Lord on the Haoyue Ranking.

Ruthless, the immortals are simply too ruthless.

That is the Moon Lord.

That was Tian Jiao on the Haoyue Ranking.

One bright moon does not know how many stars it can match.

Tianjiao on the Haoyue Ranking must be in the Stardust Realm.

The star dust realm and the star liquid realm seem to be only one realm apart, but the strength is vastly different.

The immortals have not moved for such a long time, but it turned out to be holding back their big moves.

Let the Yuezun on the Haoyue Ranking take action, this is to completely kill Ye Huan.

Deer Yulin.

It is the deer Yulin of the giraffe.

At this time, the warriors in the dark also recognized who came.

The 180th place on the Haoyue List is Lu Yulin.

At the bottom of the Haoyue Ranking, it doesn't sound like much, but it can easily sweep the stardust realm that is not on the Haoyue Ranking.

When the warriors in the dark saw Lu Yulin, in addition to feeling that the immortals were ruthless, there was also a feeling.

Cannons to fight mosquitoes are too big for them.


Except for a few races such as the immortal race, there is no race that can have this kind of craftsmanship.

The eyes that looked at Ye Huan in the dark were filled with pity.

At this time, no martial artist thought that Ye Huan could still live.


The immortals used Yuezun on the Haoyue Ranking to kill Ye Huan.

The news spread quickly.

The one who came was Lu Yulin of the Giraffe Clan, what does this have to do with the Immortal Clan.

There may be warriors who have such questions, and most warriors will sneer at this.

This matter is absolutely inseparable from the Immortal Race.


on that star.

When Xiong Wu received the news, his expression changed immediately.

"Shameless, the immortals are so shameless."

Xiong Wu cursed Xuan Jihuo, looking like he was burning with anger.

A smug smile appeared on Xuan Jihuo's face, comfortable, really comfortable.

He never thought that Immortal King Xuanji would arrange for Yuezun on the Haoyue Ranking to take action.

It's stable, it's very stable.

This time, Ye Huan was dead.

But just after he felt relieved, Xuan Jihuo's complexion suddenly changed, and he looked at Xiong Wu in amazement.

The furious Xiong Wu had disappeared, and a black hole appeared in front of him, and the black hole directly enveloped him.

Damn it, those immortals who are engaged in intelligence should be damned.

The peak of the black hole.

Xiong Wu turned out to be the pinnacle of the black hole realm.

And not only that, Xiong Wu actually fights black holes with him as soon as he comes up.

You must know that black holes are the root of the black hole, and recklessly fighting black holes is extremely dangerous.

"A madman, the vitality martial artist is a lunatic."

Xuan Jihuo had to display his black hole while cursing.

In the face of a black hole realm peak, if he dares not to cast a black hole, that is to think that he has a long life.

I saw a black hole appearing on the stars, and Xuan Jihuo and everything nearby flew to the black hole uncontrollably.

Right at this moment,

Xuan Jihuo's body suddenly disappeared, turning into another black hole.

The only difference from the black hole incarnated by Xiong Wu is that there are nine red fire clouds on the black hole incarnated by Xuanji Fire.

As soon as Xuan Jihuo incarnated into a black hole, the black hole slammed into the black hole of Xiong Wu's incarnation at a high speed.

Immediately, there were large black ripples, but there was no sound.

Where the black ripples passed, everything that was absorbed nearby turned into dust and disappeared without a trace.

In the next instant, the two black holes were like the mouths of two monsters, biting each other, causing layers of black ripples from time to time, and wherever the black ripples passed, everything disappeared.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared in the depths of Xiong Wu's black hole. The figure was very similar to Xiong Wu, but it had two heads and four arms. Those four arms grabbed the black hole of Xuan Jihuo and ripped it abruptly. .

With a sour voice, Xuan Jihuo's black hole was torn in half at once.

Half of the black holes were swallowed up by Xiong Wu's black hole at once.

"Bear Five."

An angry cry of Xuan Jihuo sounded from the remaining half of the black hole, but the anger was full of fear.

The black light was monstrous, the remaining half of the black hole burst, and a figure with full body fire turned into a red streamer while the half of the black hole burst and fled away without looking back.

Xuan Jihuo found that he was not Xiong Wu's opponent at all. The gap between him and Xiong Wu was too great, and if he stayed, it would be a dead end.

But Xuan Jihuo wanted to escape, so he had to ask Xiong Wu if he was willing.

I saw that the figure with two heads and four arms disappeared in one step, and actually walked out of the black hole. As soon as he walked out of the black hole, the figure quickly grew larger, and then he grasped the black hole.


With a roar, the huge figure threw out the black hole that he was holding in his hand.

The huge black hole was thrown like this, and it instantly turned into a black streamer, chasing after the fleeing Xuan Jihuo.

Xuan Jihuo watched this scene, and his heart was torn apart. He had only got this chance to escape after he blew up the black hole. Once he was caught up by Xiong Wu's black hole, he would be dead.

A part of Xuan Jihuo's body burned with flames, in order to increase the speed of escape.

The speed of Xuan Jihuo's escape increased, but the force with which the two-headed and four-armed figure threw the black hole was too terrifying, giving the black hole a terrifying speed.

Xuan Jihuo ran forward for some distance, but was caught up by the black hole.

"Xiong Wu, ah..."

Xuan Jihuo wanted to say something, but was swallowed by that black hole at once.

Xuan Jihuo let out a last shrill scream, and then there was no more sound.

The black hole and the figure with two heads and four arms dissipated, as if it had never appeared, but a black hole of the Immortal Race disappeared forever in the world.

"Do it."

Xiong Wu took out a jade talisman, said in a low voice, and then took a step, and the chubby body disappeared instantly.


Lu Yulin on the Haoyue Ranking went to hunt Ye Huan.

The King of Tang and King Wu of Han naturally got the news.

The two of them had just discussed how to steal Ye Huan when they got this news like a bolt from the blue.

Moon respect.

In order to deal with a warrior in the star liquid realm, the immortals even used Yuezun, which is so shameless.

Ye Huan is probably going to be more fortunate.

At this time, the two of them could no longer be so scruples, so they used their means and rushed to Ye Huan's side.

It's just that both of them were stopped by warriors of other races as soon as they set off.

"Xuanji, your immortals are so shameless."

King Wu of Han looked at the Immortal King Xuanji who had stopped him, and uttered foul language.

"Shameless, it's just a trick, you're one move away from chess."

The Immortal King Xuanji was not angry either, with a smile on his face, looking like a master who had the chance to win.

This time, the immortals won.

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