My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 133: Blood-stained Taishou House

"Fast and fast!" The horse's buttocks have already turned red. There are already blood in the red long fur. The soldiers in the cavalry battalion have the same learning. The horses are the second life of the cavalry. Don't say that it's so beating, unless it's a charge, or even the whip cavalry are reluctant to use it. Now, for the Missy and the family's family, they fight.

The horses galloped on the road in the city, but fortunately the current city has been cleaned up, so the cavalry battalion is proud of galloping.

"Nothing can be done, there can be nothing!" Liu Wei screamed as he slammed the horse and said to himself, if Lu Bu’s family had casualties, not to mention Lu Bu’s punishment, Liu Wei’s own life would not forgive himself. And there is her on top of Lubu.

"Hurry up and hurry up!" Liu Wei urged.

"General is already the limit!" The soldiers in the cavalry battalion are all familiar with the horses. On the marching road, Liu Wei, in order to let the cavalry battalion familiar with his comrades in arms, let them eat and drink, and Lazard sleeps on the horse.

The sweat on their horses quickly wet the fur. These cavalry know that the horses have reached a limit. If they accelerate again, these horses will be abolished.

"I don't care, I don't care!" Liu Wei said, he wouldn't know that his Ma Ma has reached the limit, but time is not waiting for people. Once they are late, they can only accept them. Sun Ce, you are really embarrassed, and even ruled out the refining of the warriors. These are first-class military commanders. Everyone can sit on the side of the character. Even Lu Bujun’s only Huang Zhong and Lu Bu himself are the real refining warriors. Even Zhang Liao is able to reach that level, holding Huang Zhong and Lu Bu as a savage to engage in assassination. To be honest, even Liu Wei can't make such a big hand. Who is the refining warrior under Sun Ce? Sun Ce? Tai Shici? Liu Wei couldn’t think of the person who led the team this time.

The military commanders under Sun Ce can achieve more than impossible. Huang Gai Han Dang and others are old. They are relying on experience. The huge marching experience has allowed them to occupy the position of Sun Cejun. They are now changing from the direction of the leader to the handsome. So it is impossible to discharge them!

Once trapped. Even if the refining of the warrior is also a no-brainer, is it worthwhile to use a fierce player to exchange a blood debt? Normal people will not do this, but Sun Ce has done this, which is also unimaginable to everyone.

Sun Ce? Lu Bu? Liu Wei smiled, and the two men are too similar. Their biggest advantage is that the biggest shortcoming is that he is awkward. Lu Bu can kill Dong Zhuo as the enemy in the world. Sun Ce is also like this. Sun Ce’s life is to avenge his father’s hegemony and inherit his father’s legacy.

The squatting was surrounded, and if Lu Bu listened to Chen Gong, it would be impossible to lose so badly, but Lu Bu listened to the words of his wife, Mrs. Yan and her sister. In the end, it caused the drowning of the water, and he almost died in the Baimen Building.

Sun Ce is also that Sun Ce’s assassination of the three tribute to Xu Gong has not lived for a long time. His last will is to let Sun Quan succeed. How can he not know that Sun Quan’s own brother once absolutely got the power of Soochow is absolutely impossible for himself? How good is the son and wife, because Sun Quan is also an ambitious person, he will not allow any blockade on his own hegemony.

However, Sun Ce still did this. In fact, he can hand over the power to his brother Zhou Yu. Let Zhou Yu command Jiang Dong, and finally hand over to his son, Zhou Yu is not a person who is greedy for rights, he is more high-spirited than Zhuge Liang.

Sun Ce sacrificed too much for his father's legacy. Another one is the attitude of his mother Wu Guotai. He does not want to pass the big position to his son! He thought, but he could not do it against his mother and his father.

Both men are desperate for the family. Lu Bujun "forced death" of Da Qiao, Sun Ce was angry, and the military who Sun Ce sent was any one of the Lu Bujia. Then these two tigers are absolutely dead in this life.

"Thorn horse!" Liu Wei shouted.

"The general can't, can't!" The cavalry was shocked and stabbed! War horses, but their comrades are their second life, even if they stab themselves, they are not willing to stab horses.

"Then tell me that there are other ways!" Liu Wei's eyes were red, and the soldier who spoke said.


"Thorn horse!" Liu Wei ordered again.

"Yes!" The cavalry battalion executed the command of Liu Wei meticulously. A weapon was stabbed into the horse's buttocks, and the originally wet blood was now sprayed directly out.

The speed of the horses was raised after the pain, but the blood went all the way, and the places where the cavalry battalion walked were stained with blood.

"Chong, rush!" The soldiers in the cavalry battalion are very uncomfortable, and the horses shed blood. This small route is probably their last road. The cavalry battalion can’t send the fire to Liu Wei. Waiting hard to kill those thieves.

"Kill, kill!" Taishou House is in front of him, but Liu Hao is anxious because he has heard the killing sound from the Taishou House from his ear, and the high-pitched fire makes Liu Wei sizzling.

"Hey!" The war horse underneath couldn't hold it anymore. A low-long trip fell down and almost didn't drop Liu Wei out. Liu Wei couldn't help the wolf on his body and shouted "Down!"

The soldiers of the cavalry battalion quickly jumped off the horses. They stroked the horses. They knew that the horses were abolished. They couldn't do anything for them. They could only tell them to say goodbye by touching them.

The horse seems to be able to feel that some of the horses still use their horses to face the cavalry, so that these bleeding men almost cried out, they can't take care of it.

"Break the door!" The gate of the Taishou House was closed, and the line of sight was isolated but could not be isolated.

"Boom!" The door was broken in a roar, and Liu Tai, a shoufu government, panicked, blood! The body, blood and corpses everywhere, there are servants and daughters in the government, there are soldiers in the city, there are black people, but more are the soldiers of the city management and the servants of the government, the black man The body of the body is only seven or eight, and the fire is filled in the entire Taishou House.

Yucheng Taishou House was not destroyed in Lukang’s hands, nor was it destroyed in the hands of Liu Xun. Now in the hands of his own Liu Wei, this ancient building, this luxurious building, has no such glory.

"Not good!" Liu Wei rushed toward the Taishou House in the past, followed by the soldiers of the cavalry battalion. The Taishou Palace was too big. After several generations of construction, Liu Wei could only follow the sound.

The **** smell is even heavier along the way, and the city management soldiers are dead and wounded.

"Two dogs, two dogs!" A soldier from a cavalry battalion shouted, and he found his fellow countrymen from these "corpses." When I heard someone yelling at myself, the seriously injured city management soldier slowly opened his eyes, their bodies were still bleeding, and the armor of both arms was not degraded.

This is the heavy armor of the Great Armed Forces. The guards sent by Liu Wei are all giant shields. Their armor is the heavy armor brought by Liu Wei from the present world. Ordinary swords can not hurt them, but now the armor They have all been split into two, who is it, who can have such a great ability, refining the gods, refining the gods! Liu Wei once saw Lu Bu personally experimented with the defensive power of heavy armor. Only he and Zhang Liao can break these heavy armor. Lu Bu’s blow can make the heavy armor in two halves. Zhang Liao is weak but can break the defense.

"Is there still alive?!" Liu Wei rushed to a point and rushed up to help the city management soldiers.

"Yes, General!" The two dogs opened their eyes and he saw the man in front of him. "Two dogs, two dogs can't protect the mother and the lady!"

"What, what do you say!" What does it mean to not protect it? Do they have them? Liu Wei was excited and increased his strength.

"Cough and cough!" The wounds of the two dogs whose cut arms were bleeding more and more, his face showed a painful look, but he could not attend to these. "Quick, go to the West Campus, Miss, Mother." They, they are..."! The soldiers who have not finished talking about this two dogs have closed their eyes forever.

"Western Academy? West Court?!" Liu Wei said dumbly, isn't it where she lives? "They are still there, she is still there!"

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