My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 134: Samurai

Liu Wei had no time to go to the city management soldiers who were desperately killed on the ground. He still had people to save.

"Wait for me, wait for me!"


"Kill, kill!" The killing sound is getting bigger and bigger, and the **** taste is also heavy.

Liu Wei quickly rushed toward the West Park and waited for Liu Wei to arrive there. Only then did he find that he was not only He Yu, He Yu stood on the side of the head, but also Mrs. Yan, Mrs. Yan, Mrs. Cao. Even his fiancee, Miss Lu, is also on the side, there is an old man who protects a girl, not Yang Hong and Miss Yuan Da!

They are still alive, still alive, Liu Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief, one of them can not be lost, hurting which Liu Wei will not forgive himself.

In the West Garden, there are now two pairs of people. One wave is in the black man who is a head of a strong man. They occupy the upper and the same force. They are superb, and they are old and under the sword. These are not just warriors or veterans. The other party is the family who were protected by the city management army. Liu Wei saw that he had sent half of the 100-city management army. These are all elite. The military spirit of his city management army is the same as life and death. Every soldier They are both Liu Wei’s brothers. It’s very sad to die with a Liu Wei. After the Eight Gongshan Mountain, Liu Wei even squatted in front of the 432 brothers who died, regardless of day or night.

Now there are only a hundred and fifty elites left, and under the attack of these black people, only the defense has no ability to counterattack, and it can be sustained for so long because two people, one white is like a Valkyrie. The long scorpion in the hand can be hurt by the black and black people. This is Miss Lu.

Liu Wei has always had a question about Miss Lu’s force and how strong she is. From the bottom, Ms. Lu rescued Liu Wei’s life, and then she unloaded Liu Wei’s two arms directly on the road to evil spirits. Later, Liu Wei made a martial arts training. Lu Bu also asked Miss Lu to teach herself. However, Liu Wei has been unable to test the true strength of Miss Lu, and now he has seen, this is a delicate woman, which is the woman who blushes with Liu Wei, is a female Valkyrie.

If the urban management army is completely suppressed under the attack of the black man, then the black man can not walk a few tricks in the hands of Miss Lu.

There is also a thin young man. A large knife in the hand is also dripping without leaking. Although his face is pale, his hand is not weak at all. For a while, three black people have died in his hands.

He is Huang Xu, the son of Huang Laotou, whose pneumonia has been cured. However, Liu Wei was afraid that it would recur, so Huang Xuxian stayed in the Taishou House to cultivate and take care of it. I did not expect such an unintentional move to become a life-saving machine for the Lu Bu family.

A Miss Lu, a Huang Xu, is as good as that of a strong man. Although it is a second fight, you should not forget that the strong man is a refining warrior, although not as good as Lu Bu Huang Zhong. Absolutely a character at the level of the fierce. Liu Wei saw Lu Bu's battle against Li Dian, Xu Wei and Xu Huang's battle.

The strength of this sturdy man is higher than that of Li Dian Xu, and Xu Wei is almost at the same level.

Xu Wei, can be regarded as the first fierce battle of Cao Caojun, such a fierce, Sun Ce was so willing to let him out to assassinate.

"A certain week, Tai Tai still really looked down on you!" The splendid man's spear in his hand is like a poisonous snake, and it is a snake snake. If you are not good, you will be killed on the spot. He suddenly forced Miss Lu and Huang. The siege of Syria.

He has already seen another wave of people rushing into the battlefield, and the same clothes are worn by the opposite Lu Bujun. It is impossible to be a friendly and that is an enemy.

"Zhou Tai?!" Sun Ce actually sent Zhou Tai? Zhou Taizi is young. Jiujiang Xia Cairen, although he is not famous for Liu Guanzhang, but the strength is definitely no worse than Liu Guanzhang, and even a little higher, the battle of Hefei Cao Cao pro-big army defeated Dong Wujun. Sun Quan was surrounded, Zhou Tai struggled to fight, rescued Sun Quan and then turned over to the enemy to rescue Xu Sheng, who was surrounded by the enemy, so he was dozens of guns in his body.

You have to know that although Cao Caojun is less aggressive, it is not without. Like Xiahou, Xiahouyuan Cao Ren and others, although they are not the characters of the refining gods, they are all first-class military generals. Zhou Taieng can break through their hands and save people. Shang Zhaoyun Zhao Zilong's seven in seven out.

The cavalry battalion brought by Liu Wei quickly protected the back of the family behind them. They did not have the war horses, but they did not hinder their combat. The urban management troops who were inferior were once again opened up, and the urban management army one-on-one. It may not be the opponent of any elite part, but once the urban management army is in a group, it is absolute strength. Even if you want to defeat him, it is impossible to pay no expensive price.

"You are coming" Miss Lu, just said a faint sentence, she really loves and hates this man in front of her, saying that love is because this man is so amazing, he can change food out of thin air, armored horses are Because of this magic, Miss Lu wanted to explore him, and he saved his father and saved their entire Lu family, so Lu Qiling always had a gratitude to Liu Wei.

Grateful and curious, plus Lu Bu's marriage contract and his own account for the cheaper Miss Lu, is very fond of this future husband.

However, this does not hinder Ms. Lu Da’s hatred of Liu Wei. This disciple has not had enough of her own and half-pushing, and she has a daughter who is a wife of Yuan Shu. Although her mother said that it is all for the great cause, in order to pass the world, But now how does this Heyu explain, if it wasn’t for these thieves to come in, the city management army would have to separate the soldiers to protect Miss Lu, who did not know that someone was still in the gold house. Especially this beauty is still a beauty that is not inferior to oneself.

"Han Yang, Han Yang, Fu Junfu, how is he?" Mrs. Yan asked directly. As a family member of Lu Bu, they were all tired and afraid. They have been running around these years and have not waited for stability. Escaped once, this time the killing of the Taishou government made them particularly worried.

"Mother-in-law is assured, the father-in-law is destroying the enemy on the battlefield. As long as you can take down Shucheng, you can come back!" Liu Wei told the Yan to let her feel at ease.

"Little master!" Huang Xu coughed twice, he has not completely cured such a violent exercise is still very hurt for him.

"What is the degree of Huang Xu's practice of martial arts!" Liu Wei asked Huang Sui's big knife, but he was very jealous.

"You must be young and weak, so you have never been able to get the true biography of your father, and you have not broken through the refining spirit!" Huang Xubian said while coughing, he is very grateful to Liu Wei, Liu Wei let him have a battlefield Maybe, usually he can only play with a wooden knife, instead of using the real knife to kill and fight.

Can't get true biography? Haven't broken through the refining god? This means that it is not far from breaking through the refining god?

It’s true that Huang Xu really means this. Although Huang Xu’s force did not break through the refining of the gods, his one-handed bowing method must be fearful.

"Shucheng has to be broken?!" Zhou Tailu said to himself, "They failed?!" When he was acting, Zhou Cheng planned to win the city. Now he is not only lost in the city but also Shucheng. It’s almost impossible. If this is the case, then you can only click to kill these people, or wait for the Lu Bujun of Yucheng to flock here, and he will not want to rush out when Zhou Tai is a refining warrior.

"Don't play with you!" Zhou Tai began to take off his boots, armor!

"What do he want to do!" Liu Yiyi, how can I take off my shoes when I am snoring? After a while, Liu Wei will understand that Zhou Tai’s legs are on a black iron ring. Above.

Load? ! Liu Wei can't believe it, but it is.

"Hey!" One after another, the iron ring was thrown on the ground by Zhou Tai, and the ground of the bluestone was cracked one after another. These iron rings add up to say that there are hundreds of pounds, which Zhou Tai actually took A hundred pounds of weight and Huang Xu and Miss Lv Xiaoda hit.

"Oh!" Zhou Taiyi opened his mouth and pointed at Liu Wei. "You are the one who is the king! If you are here, don't leave!"

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