My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 135: beast

"Hey!" Zhou Tai lifted the body's bondage. The speed of the whole person was more than doubled. Liu Wei and his eyes looked at each other and could not help but chill. What kind of look is this, it is no longer a human eye. It seems as if you want to choose someone and sneak out.

Like a blast, the strong body did not stop his speed. Two urban soldiers who could not escape were directly torn by Zhou Tai. The one wearing the heavy armor was hard to hurt. It has now been split into two halves, such power!

"Retreat!" Miss Lv said coldly, if more soldiers can block Zhou Tai, but hundreds of people in this area, Zhou Tai is not just one, there are a bunch of black people under his hand, the city management army Going up can only increase casualties.

"Huang Xu, it depends on you!" said Miss Lu, who is on the side of Huang Xu.

"The lady of the Lord is relieved!" Huang Xu nodded.

Miss Lu Lu, who was in white, went to Zhou Tai.

"Have a good haha!" Zhou Tai was not shocked, and the spear in his hand immediately stood up and collided with a spear.

"Well?!" The woman is born with a weaker point than the man. Now Zhou Tai is letting go of all the forces in the hands of the hands can be a thousand pounds, and Miss Lu’s long cockroaches come into contact with the spears. When the hand sinks, it is almost impossible to hold the weapon, and the strength of Zhou Tai’s hand will not be pity for the jade, and the serpent’s snake letter will attack the throat of Miss Lu.

If this is hit, it will be damaged directly.

"Be careful!" Liu Wei shouted, wanting to hold the shield forward, but was stopped by Huang Xu. "You are not an opponent!" Huang Xu said very straightforwardly. Zhou Tai is a general second-class military commander. Liu Wei went up not to help but to mess up. At that time, Ms. Lu will not only have to fight against Zhou Tai, but also like Liu Guanzhang’s confrontation with Lu Bu. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are not opponents in the match against Lu Bu, but they can suppress Lu Bu. But once you add a Liu Bei. Then only Liu Guan Zhang brothers were suppressed.

"Then you are up!" Liu Hao was anxious, but the scene was in the headwind, but Miss Lu, just added Huang Xucai and Zhou Tai, but Huang Xu is not on now, and Miss Lu is how an opponent is.

Huang Xu shook his head and Liu Wei went up. He is not a fan of Huang Xu, he can only help if he can't reach the refining spirit, and he has more important things.

"Tear off!" Although Miss Lv is less powerful than Zhou Tai, but women have the advantage of soft body, the body presents an incredible angle to avoid the key, but the body is still bitten by the snake, red blood from white It was printed out.

"Linger!" Yan Yan was anxious. This is her baby girl, she loved it very much since she was a child. She was afraid of it in her mouth. She was afraid of falling in her hand. Now she is injured. Mrs. Yan can not worry.

"The mother is relieved, the lady of the Lord is fine!" Huang Xu said comfortably. This kind of injury is terrible for ordinary people, but it is very common for the military.

"Not bad!" Zhou Tai opened his mouth again. Whoever thought that he would kill would know that he had been shunned by this little lady. "But it’s here!" Zhou Tai time is not much It is.

Zhou Tai’s spear was a quicker point. At the beginning, Miss Lu was still capable of enemies. Now she has only passive defense, and she is being suppressed everywhere. In a few moments, she has several red stamps.

"Hmm?!" Zhou Tai's brows are close to each other. On the surface, he is prevailing. If he fights for dozens of rounds, he will be able to kill the woman in front of him, but it will take time. What Zhou Tai is missing now is time. Whoever said that the military commander will not move his mind, even people like Xu Zhendian will know how to protect Cao Cao to the utmost extent.

Zhou Taiyi spear forced Ms. Lu to scream loudly. "Is there no one in Lu Bujun? It depends on a woman to live! Or you will only hide behind a woman! Or Lu Bu is just a woman." And living things!"

"Hidden behind the woman? Live by the woman!" Several incompetent urban management soldiers marched toward Zhou Tai.

"Haha!" The spear in the hands of Zhou Tai could not be merciless at all, and directly penetrated the soldiers of several urban management. Directly string them into a living string.

Only the abdomen was pierced, although it was saved, but it was not able to die on the spot, and all the painful mourning.

"Damn!" Liu Wei was angry and burned, but his brother and his soldiers died in this way. He wanted to go but retreated, not afraid, but he wanted to protect more people.

"Haha, come on, come again! I am hiding behind a girl. These are all Lu Bujia teach you! It is no wonder that the three surnames are slaves! For women to kill the righteous father, hiding behind the woman is also excusable! Haha, Zhou Tai smiled arrogantly, and the people around him were also ordinary smiles.

"Three surnames and slave owners are seeking glory and will only hide behind women!"

"You are not allowed to insult the Lord, we are not hiding behind the girls!" Another few can not help but rushed out.

In the eyes of Zhou Tai, the blood flashed and he just had to start. The soldiers who rushed out were stopped by Lu Qiling.

"Father Dad!" Lu Qiling whispered to himself, "Zhou Tai is! No matter who you are, whether you are a refining warrior, I Lu Qiling absolutely does not allow you to insult my father!" Lu Qiling raised her eyes Killing is silent.

"Oh, I said, the three surnames, slaves, will only hide behind the woman Lu Bujun! A bunch of waste!" Zhou Tai cross-legged body

"Yes!" Miss Lu was even colder on her face. The **** print on her chest made her angry. She is a woman. Although she likes to be armed more than red makeup, it does not mean that he likes scars. There will always be a scar on the chest, but the surface will not look out but he! They are the couple who will have a room sooner or later. Will he care about this scar?

Unconscious Lu Qiling always put Liu Wei in the first place.

"That's a try!" Lu Qiling's temperament has changed.

"Hmm?!" Zhou Tai's brow wrinkled, impossible, this kind of momentum, and this uncomfortable feeling, this is the air machine that only the refining warrior will have. A refining warrior of a woman who is less than 20 years old? how come! Before the age of 20, the breakthrough of the refining **** is not a genius. There is only one in Zhou Tai’s heart, that is, his own master Sun Ce, other people like Tai Shici who have been famous for a long time, Liu Guanzhang and so on. This is the fifteenth and sixth.

"How about breaking through to refining the gods! The refining of the gods is also a high and low point!" Zhou Tai stepped forward. Like a beast in general.

"I said, you should not insult lord father, what are you seeking death!" Tiger's daughter is absolutely impossible sick cats, Lvqi Ling since childhood running around with Lu Bu, Lu Bu the most wanted a son, but only such a daughter. So do not say my mind was inevitably some disappointment on the surface Riboud.

The Lvqi Ling already seen his father's look of disappointment, so from small to large, in order to make her look at the high father, in order to make his father happy that she has been working hard.

In talking about other people's daughters in school female red marriage when marriage Lu Missy training hard. When other people’s daughters are crying for a little bit of a broken thing, Miss Lu’s hands have already split open and I don’t know how many mouths. Lv Qiling is also fighting for strength. The tiger father is there, so she breaks through at a young age. At the point of refining the gods, it is no worse than her father.

If she is a man, the history of the world has long been rewritten!

The spear and the long scorpion collided again. In the midair, the fire was splattered, and a martial arts high-strength had already entered the refining warrior, and a full anger swears to defend his father's glory.

The confrontation between the two great warriors, the empty space of the West Park was completely occupied, and no one in their showdown could get in the hands of them. The nearest one could be beaten and killed.

After a short while, I have been fighting for more than fifty rounds. Zhou Tai’s body has also produced a few more blood marks. These are all scraped by the long scorpion. If the average person has been killed directly on the spot.

"Wound?! Wound!?" Zhou Tai was stunned. He looked at the wound on his chest that could already see the bones. He couldn’t help but touch his hand, his fingers touched the flesh and blood, and Zhou Tai shook. This is not a fear. It is excitement, but crazy.

Put the blood-stained fingers in your mouth.

"Blood, blood! Hey!" Zhou Tai's eyes were red, and the eyes seemed to be chosen for people. The horrible smell of his body filled again, and even the people standing on one side felt uncomfortable breathing. Not to mention Miss Lu, who is at the center.

"He is not a person!" Lu Qiling and Huang Xu spoke at the same time.

"Not a person?!" Liu Yi took a moment, Zhou Tai is not a person, what is it? God? monster?

Looking at Liu Yu’s confused look, Huang Xu explained, “This Zhou Tai is not raised by people, or he is not growing up with people! It’s a beast!”


"Yes! It is a beast!" Huang Xu became more and more sure. His father Huang Zhong tried to treat him, but he ran all over the world. Now he is in a troubled world. Many people are wives and children. If you can't protect it, don't talk about the men. Some children are eaten by the beasts and some are even eaten by the humans themselves.

Others are like Zhou Tai in front of them. They are not eaten by wild beasts. Instead, they are adopted by wild beasts. These children grew up together with beasts. They are raw and lively, and they are sensitive to blood. The beasts are not as easy as human beings. Fear, blood wounds will only inspire their animal nature, let them mad, they can not be counted as human, but the orcs, animal nature has controlled human nature.

The former Huang Zhong shot and killed such an orc. An orc completely slaughtered a large Han commander of the 100-man team. It was only an orc who had no basis for force.

Lv Qiling was engrossed. Lu Qiling, a person like Zhou Tai, did not meet like Huang Xu, but he knew one person, that is his father. His father Lu Bu not only had the title of tiger but also a wolf king. Addressing, this is not what people get for him, but real. Lu Bu is a wolf king. Before Lu Bu met Ding Yuan, he was a man who danced with wolves. He was not only with the wolf, but also a huge one. The king of the wolves, he relies on these wolves, he can live through the years of the disaster.

Therefore, the names of Lu Bu, which the foreigners heard, were terrified and shouted at the white wolf god.

"Hey!" Lu Qiling flew out and fell on the ground. "I still can't!" Lu Qiling is already in her own state of prosperity, but she still can't see Zhou Tai's movements, one round, one round, the same Miss Lu Da, who is a martial artist, flew out.

"Blood, blood!" Zhou Tai's **** eyes, a relatively close-knit black man was directly caught in Zhou Tai's hands, there is no room for resistance, bite on the neck, hot blood along the Zhou Tai The throat was drunk into the stomach by Zhou Tai.

"The leader is mad!" The people in black suddenly made a quick move away from Zhou Tai.

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