My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 136: With the total death

"Go! You are going!" Lu Qiling shouted to Liu Wei and others, she wants to hold him down, can't let him go, a mad sacred warrior, even if Huang Zhonglu is difficult to solve here, let alone Lu Qiling Now, just leave here and wait for the support of the big forces.

For the first-class warfare, it is basically a thousand enemy, the first-class peaks such as Zhang Fei Guan Yu Zhao Yundian Wei Xuzhen, even if thousands of people are not trapped, saying that the enemy is exaggerated, but the ordinary three thousand soldiers also stopped Can't live with them.

Here, Liu Wei’s only two hundred soldiers who had no horses and horses and the giant shields with only twenty people left. It’s a dream to leave Zhou Tai.

"Go?!" Leave Lu Qiling alone? Maybe she can really hold down Zhou Tai under hard work, but after that? Watching her die! Liu Wei’s opponent is still alive and dead, not to mention that this person is her wife.

"Up, protect Missy!" Liu Yu can not care much, and the strength is weak, and he can not watch the death of Miss Lu.

"Yes!" The first military rule of the city management army soldiers is to obey the order absolutely, even if the front is the knife and the sea and the sea must rush.

"Huang Xu, you took the mother-in-law and Miss Yuan, Miss He Yu first, and taught me here!" Liu Wei holds the giant shield and swears. What is he doing for Wu? He chose the giant shield as a weapon and for what is not to protect the person he wants to protect? The tragedy of Bagong Mountain has already appeared once, and Liu Wei does not want to appear again for the second time.

"You go, go!" Liu Wei may not know Zhou Tai's horror, but Lu Qiling knows that this is a sense of powerlessness. For the last week, Tai is like a pair of Lu Bu, and he wants to kill you easily. And you can only tremble in his strength. Just relying on these hundreds of people is not enough to see, can only increase the casualties of Zhou Taitian.

"I won't go!" Liu Wei slammed forward and picked up Lu Qiling and pulled him into the middle of the battle. Liu Wei discovered that the beautiful woman in her arms had been stained with blood, and the white clothes had become blood. Liu Wei saw the fierce battlefield and saw the warriors who had broken their stomachs. However, a woman's family can be hurt like this, and Liu Wei's heart is uncomfortable. This silly woman has resisted too much.

"No, you are not an opponent!" Lu Qiling was anxious. If Liu Wei really stayed, I am afraid that one of the people who was present could not live. "Liu Wei, I beg you. You have to take the mother and they are going, wait for the big troops, you will come again. I!" Lv Qiling struggled to jump out of Liu Wei's arms.

"Don't move!" Liu Wei is holding Ms. Lu Da, who is a refining warrior. It is easy to break free, but I don't know if it hurts the body in Zhou Tai or because of other things, she does not Moved again.

"Before you always lifted the bar with me. I always shout with me, I can tolerate you, but this time I can't! This week, Tai Thai is right, how can a man hide behind a woman!" Liu Wei has been very long. Time did not talk to Lv Qiling. The last time I arrived at Shucheng, after the two men collapsed, Liu Wei had never known how to talk to Miss Lu. I had planned to go to Lijiang to apologize again, but there was another incident of Heyu, and Yang Hong sold the daughter of Yuan Shu, so that the relationship between Liu Wei and Lv Qiling suddenly reached a freezing point.

Originally, Liu Wei thought that they were the first to release their marriage when they were married. Who knows it will be now.

I don't know what happened. Lv Qiling's original face without blood was red, and the ghost made a difference.

"The generals listened to orders!" Liu Wei snorted. "Zhou Tai said that we are a waste coward, a man who will only hide behind a woman. You said that we are not!"

"No. No!" The city management army also followed suit. Zhou Tai killed many of their brothers. They are also men and **** men. They are said to be cowardly waste. How could they be happy?

"Okay, let's take a look at Zhou Tai today. We have to tell him that none of our urban management forces are cowards. We are just bloody, we are smashing the bones! We would rather stand dead, not to be born!" Liu Wei ordered "Shield!"

More than twenty faces of the giant shield suddenly erected a sky.

"We may die in this battle. This war is a life of nine, but I want to tell you, we are in charge of the city!"

"To die together, to die together!"

Morale is available! Unknown to be defeated by the water!

"Let me down!" Lv Qiling said to Liu Wei, "Since it is a life of nine deaths, since it is the same life, then add me! I am the name of the first daughter of Lu Bu, the same life and death together!" Lu Qiling also knows The military spirit of the city management army, for this future husband's army, she always maintains a 12-point concern.

The addition of Missy made these city management officers more and more determined.

"Less Lord!" Just when Liu Wei was going to deal with Zhou Tai, he was dragged and saw that Liu Bing was wrinkled. "Huang Xu is not letting you protect their mother-in-law! Why are you coming back?" !"

"Less master can't go!" Huang Xu shook his head, not only one Zhou Tai, but also those who accompanied Zhou Tai, if only one person Huang Xu can still take care of, but there are seven or eight delicate women Huang Xuan can't be protected at all. Now only Zhou Tai can be solved first to ensure everyone's safety.

"Less master gives me time, give me enough time! As long as time is enough, I can deal with Zhou Tai!" Huang Xu said that Zhou Tai, who was crazy in the field, said.

"To deal with Zhou Tai? Can you really?!" Liu Wei's original plan was to fight for one count, and he was dragging Zhou Tai to wait for the reinforcements. Now Huang Xu actually told Liu that he had a way to deal with Zhou Tai.

"Yeah!" Huang Xu nodded firmly and said, "What I need urgently is time!" Liu Wei saw Huang Su’s hand suddenly had a long bow.

"You mean!" Liu Wei saw Huang Zhong’s sacred shot. Even if he was determined, he would not even dare to face it.

"Well! I didn't learn 30% of my father's martial arts, but this bow has 80% of the fire!" Huang Xu said that his face could not help but reveal a certain confidence.

"Eight percent?!" Huang Zhong, who is fully committed, can force Lu Bu's head to refine his god's peak. The weapon has lost his helmet. Eighty percent of Huang Zhong can't deal with Lu Bu but it is enough to deal with Zhou Tai!

"Good! I will give you time to fight. As long as there is a city management army, as long as I am Liu Wei, no one can stop you!" Huang Xu has become Liu Wei's only life-saving straw.

"All the troops are rushing!" Liu Wei now does not regard Zhou Tai as a person, but a large army of 3,000 people. Now Liu Wei has only two hundred people in his hands. Liu Wei wants to use these two hundred people. More than 3,000 people went to the showdown.

"Kill, kill, kill!" City management army took a neat step to kill the past in the madness of Zhou Tai.

"Blood, blood!" Just finished drinking one of his own black men, Zhou Tai was not satisfied, watching the city management army rushing to the front, Zhou Tai became more excited.

"Blood, blood, blood!" Zhou Tai jumped up, and the spear in his hand squatted down. This is not using a spear, but using him as a stick. The power of the Millennium is in the city. Among the army's military array.

"Touch!" This is the sound of the spear sweeping on the giant shield.

"Oh!" "Well!" This is the first voice of the city management soldiers who were swept by the spears. The power of the Millennium from the sky is not something that ordinary people can resist. The first soldiers have a huge Although the shield blocked the surface, there was no injury, but the momentum hurt the inner.

In particular, the leg bones were broken directly, and the bone **** punctured the flesh. Normal people will scream in this kind of injury, but the soldiers of the urban management army will not endure the pain shield.

"Retreat, top!" The robe behind them quickly pulled the injured brother to the back of the battle and replaced the giant shield.

"Drink!" Lv Qiling Jiao also sighed and went forward. If Zhou Tai was still afraid, then the current Lu Qiling mentality is much better. He has only one person. They have so many here, even if they die. It is also worth everyone.

"Hey, hey!" Zhou Tai snarled and the spear in his hand waved faster.

"Oh!" From time to time, the soldiers of the city management army were replaced and injured, and then they were replaced. The time of the short and half-column was changed. Even Liu Wei himself had a hard time eating Zhou Tai. A stick, suddenly blood spurted out.

He has a sacred clothing that is not afraid of sharp weapons, but he is afraid of this kind of internal injury that is unscrupulous.

Liu Wei felt that his internal organs were about to shift.

"Huang Xu, fast, fast!" Liu Wei was screaming in his heart. If Huang Xu would not act again, they would really die here.

As if I heard Liu Wei’s shouting, a meteor instantly crossed the eyes of Liu Wei, piercing the air and making a squeaky voice.

Although Zhou Tai has no humanity, the beast's perception of danger is even stronger than that of the person. A sense of crisis has taken its place, and Zhou Tai's **** red eyes glance around.

The flying arrows that cut through the air reflected the eyes of Zhou Tai.

Zhou Tai wants to avoid it, but this arrow is too fast, and even if the naked eye can distinguish it, the body does not have such a large reaction speed.

The instinct of the beast tells him that he can only avoid the key but can't escape the arrow.

"Hey!" The arrow was directly pierced into Zhou Tai's body, and the power of the flying arrow made Zhou Tai fall.

"Good opportunity!" Lu Qiling’s heart was stunned by the heart of Zhou Tai’s key points.

If this is a hit, Zhou Tai will be seriously injured if he is not dead, so that their danger will be lifted and they will be safe.

"The leader!" A black man jumped up and blocked in front of Zhou Tai. The long scorpion directly broke into the body of the black man, and the long scorpion pulled out with a burst of blood!

PS: I want to make up eight thousand tomorrow! ! This is this! My heart is broken!

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