My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 147: After the war (1)

"Your generals!" Sun Ce set foot on the Lubu Army's Yucheng Shuijun Camp, which originally belonged to his Sun Ce. The terracotta warriors and horses here were also his Sun Ce, but now they attacked the water army they built. Big camp, this has to be said to be an irony.

Sun Ce walked down from the flagship. His eyes were on the distant city of Yucheng, where he used to be his ruler.

Jiang Qin did not let Sun Ce disappoint. Half an hour was not broken by the entire water army camp.

"The general chased it!" replied to Jiang Qin’s judge.

"Hunting?!" Sun Ce brows before he wanders on this land. What he needs is to let the army all go ashore to prevent change. What Jiang Qin should do now is to clean up the entire water army camp and prepare the grain for the army. After the fire started eating, the whole army was opened after the disaster. However, Jiang Qin’s entire water army camp was gone. It was actually chasing it. What if he encountered an ambush?

Looking at the face of the main public is not good, the soldiers quickly explained that "an enemy general with dozens of soldiers, so the generals chased out!"

"The enemy generals?!" Sun Ce is not too blaming Jiang Qin, after all, Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai are brothers, Zhou Tai's death makes Jiang Qin really heartbroken, swearing a stomach to revenge, Sun Ce's fault Let Zhou Tai die, naturally he is very kind to Jiang Qin, which makes Jiang Qin a pioneer.

"Take me to go!" Sun Ce also wants to see who this water army general is.

"Call, call, call!" Su Fei's sword in his hand has been stained with blood. The entire sword face is red, covering the cold edge of the sword. Su Fei has not taken care of it. He is breathing heavily. In order to see through his sword, Jiang Qin let the soldiers go to death.

Su Fei has been lying around in a circle, and Su Fei himself is not good. On the back, the arms were cut open by sharp objects, and the bones were visible.

"Read through! Jiang Qin?!" Su Fei sneered, his sword is a martyr, but something strange. Once or twice, it was a martyrdom. Three times and four times were slightly mysterious. After five times and six times, it began to show signs. As many times, the flaws of the sword method were completely revealed.

"Su Fei, you are dead!" Jiang Qin stood aside. He was also very distressed by the casualties of those soldiers. After all, he was trained by himself. So he died in Su Fei’s hands, but his life is more important than it is!

The death of so many people, let Jiang Qin have seen through the trajectory of Su Fei's sword.

"Kill!" Jiang Qin snorted and raided. He is going to use his knife to cut the piece of meat from Su Fei. This is the first step in revenge.

"Well come!" Su Fei finally saw Jiang Qin's shot, and then continued to Su Fei afraid that he would be consumed by these soldiers, and he could not die in the hands of the unknown.

Su Fei’s sword in his hand was like a cold glare. The knife was faster than the knife. Su Fei’s first move went to the heart of Jiang Qin.

"Generals carefully" shouted on the side of the soldiers, Su Fei's sudden cold, but killed a lot of Jiang Qin's pro-arms, the cold will inevitably see blood.

"Useless!" Jiang Qin smiled. He does not need the reminder of the soldiers, he has already seen the trajectory of Su Feijian, this move to the heart, is to use the quick and accurate method to hit the kill, so that you do not even have the speed of reaction.

Jiang Qin's speed is not comparable to Su Fei, but as long as he has clearly understood the law, he is not afraid of it. He blocked the big knife in his chest, and the cold light flashed to his eyes.

"Hey!" The sword tip and the knife hit each other and splashed a series of sparks.

"Hey!" Su Fei snorted with a long sword in his hand and continued to move toward Jiang Qin's neck with an impossible degree of bending.

"That, no use!" Jiang Qin's foot jerked and stepped back. The serpent's general tip of the sword once again crossed the air for a while and did not touch anything.

Su Fei’s long sword changed his angle again and changed the direction of the attack. Even some unimportant parts of Jiang Qin attacked, but they were all resisted by Jiang Qin.

"It's me!" Jiang Qin is full of self-confidence, the sword can only use self-defense, only the knife and gun are the killers of the battlefield.

Jiang Qin’s hand was pressed by a long knife. Excessive force can even hear the sound of breaking.

Su Fei can only reflexively return to the defense, the long sword went to hard to pick up Jiang Qin's knife, this time the arm is a sink, a great strength, Su Fei feels that his arm is crushed, a bite Flying fiercely forced the knife to retreat.

"Call, call, call!" Su Fei, a hand-held sword, the other hand behind him, not letting him out, because the hand is still shaking in the blood, then it will be like this, below! Su Fei could not imagine it.

"How! No!" Jiang Qin step by step approached Su Fei, Su Fei stepped back step by step, he wants to buffer, or it is impossible to take the next attack.

"Su Fei, you know what to do next! I will torture you slowly. I will cut the pieces of meat from you and make them into patties. Pick up your head and give them together. You are sent to Lu Bu, the master of the city, I want to tell him, waiting for me Jiang Qin, I want him and my brother to be buried!" Jiang Qin's face is full of vicious hatred, Zhou Tai's death makes him stunned If Zhou Taijing died alone in the battlefield, perhaps Jiang Qin would not be so angry, but the patties sent by Liu Wei made Jiang Qin completely erupt.

"Your elder brother?!" Su Fei stunned. He understood that Zhou Tai, who killed so many urban management soldiers in the city, was his brother. His young master Liu Wei was relieved of anger. Not only did Zhou Tai slaughter, but he also cut off his head and hung it on the top of the city. He made the meat into a meat sauce and sent it to Sun Ce.

Now what Liu Wei did has made Su Fei back hatred. Su Fei smiled two times. In any case, the opposite is an enemy. Even if there is no such process, Jiang Qin will not let himself go.

"You mean that meat cake? Hehe tastes good, why don't you taste it!" Su Fei is a Confucian verb who may be suppressed by Jiang Qin.

"It tastes good?!" Su Fei said that one word Jiang Qin's face was gloomy. The meat cakes were his brother, the body of his brother. He actually said that it tastes good!

"Why didn't you eat it? Right, the meat patties are still sent to your main battalion! The outside layer of the cake is not available to the average person! It is good for the body to eat more. !"

"Su Fei!" Jiang Qin began to redden in his eyes. His close relatives died in the hands of Lu Bujun. Not only did the bones disappear, but they were also made into meatloaf, made into meatloaf and even eaten by the man in front of him. Now!

"I want to kill you!" The knife in Jiang Qin's hand is shaking. This is anger. This is endless anger. He wants to put the man in front of him in vain. "Ah!" It's heavy.

Is this enemy going to die? It has already been suppressed, and it has angered their generals. This is to want to die faster or to die.

Su Fei split a wound on each of the next knives, and his hands were rotated, and both began to bleed.

"Hey!" Su Fei did not pick up, was bitten by Jiang Qin's knife on the arm, and a piece of the size of the meat strip was directly cut out.

"Yeah!" Su Fei snorted, hurt, biting pain, almost on the wound to the bones, the white bones and cyan meridians are clearly visible, blood rushing out.

"That's it, that's how I want to take you back!" Seeing Su Fei was hurt, Jiang Qin became more and more crazy, his knife did not leave any gaps, Su Fei was originally consumed by those soldiers. Unclear, plus Jiang Qin has seen through his attack martyrdom, but he does not understand Jiang Qin.

In fact, it is not necessary to see clearly, and one force will drop ten meetings. Su Fei now understands this truth.

"Brushing!" is two more. The flesh of Su Fei's two legs has also been cut off. Originally, Jiang Qin could directly cut off Su Fei's thigh, but his big knife cut into the meat and stopped. He is going to kill himself.

"Hey!" More and more wounds, plus the **** dizziness, made Su Fei's head light.

"Hey!" It was another heavy blow. The long sword in the hands of Su Fei couldn't bear it after the kneading of the big knife. The whole knife was picked up by the big knife.

"Su Fei, you are waiting for me to be a thousand!" Jiang Qin proudly smiled, Su Fei was so a sword, and now he was picked up, he still took what fight, Jiang Qin has won the victory.

"Death!" Jiang Qin's big knife once again waved him to break through Su Fei's stomach and dig out all the food he had eaten. He dared to eat the meat of his brother, and it would pay a price.

"Stop!" shouted in a distant voice.

"Master?!" Jiang Qin's eyes were also seen by people who shouted in the distance, but he couldn't stop. He knew that his master and his wife could bypass Su Fei, but Jiang Qin did not allow him. I want to fly to death. Jiang Qin could not help but increase the big knife in his hand.

"Hey!" A broken voice, a spear was thrown by Sun Ce from a distance.

"Even the Lord, you can't stop me! My brother's life is coming!" Jiang Qin is even more crazy, he must kill Su Fei.

"Hey!" Blood blossoms skyrocketed.

"What?!" Jiang Qin could not believe his eyes.

"Hey!" The crisp sound, the spear was not blocking Jiang Qin but was stopping Su Fei. In Jiang Qin’s view, Su Fei, who had lost his sword without a sword, did not know when he had a dagger in his hand. The dagger was inserted on the edge of his heart, and almost broke into the heart.

"Ah!" Su Fei's arm was inserted with a spear. If it wasn't for Sun Ce's stop, his dagger could pierce the heart of Jiang Qin, but now everything is finished.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Su Fei forced to laugh and laughed.

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