My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 148: After the war (2)

Swordsman also said that Su Fei’s sword not only had a sword but also a dagger was hidden in the hilt. Jiang Qin picked up Su Fei’s sword and let Su Fei just pull out from the sabre. The dagger, holding Jiang Qin holding the slack in his time to kill himself, slammed the dagger into the body of Jiang Qin. If it was not a spear of Sun Ce, I am afraid that Jiang Qin is now lying on the ground.

"I want to kill you!" Jiang Qin, who was shocked by the dagger, recovered his mind. When he recovered his mind, he pulled up a big knife to kill Su Fei.

Su Fei is also very simple. It is even more impossible to kill Jiang Qin. It will only be self-defeating when he struggles.

"The public retreat!" Sun Ce's order is unquestionable. If the first time Jiang Qin is full of the revenge for his elder brother, he dares to violate Sun Ce's orders. Now, go against it and don't blame Sun Ce!

"The main public?!" Jiang Qin was very entangled in watching Sun Ce. Su Fei succeeded in angering Jiang Qin, not only "eaten" his brother's flesh, but also killed him a bit. How can you make Jiang Qin calm? .

"Hmm?!" Looking at Sun Ce’s impatient expression, Jiang Qin can only retreat, but still holding a big knife in his hand

"Sun Ce Sun Bo Fu!" Su Fei looked at the old opponent in front of him, has been an opponent since Jiang Xia! Sun Ce played several times in Jiangxia, and he fought several times with Su Fei. The battle between Jiangdong and Jiangxia was mainly on the water army, and Su Fei was always the main force of the Jiangxia Shuijun. They didn't know how many times they met, but they were all on their respective flagships. They both crossed the boat and never approached each other.

"Su Fei!" Sun Ce is also looking at Su Fei's old rival, that is, this person has made his Jiangdong water army difficult to enter the river and summer, although the battle with Jiang Xia wins less. But that is because Huang Zu, the owner of Jiangxia, has no enterprising heart. If a principal is based on Jiangxia and Jingzhou is the back, it can really beat Jiangdong.

"Let's drop! I also let you command the Shuijun, and when I win the Yucheng, you are the master of the city!" Sun Ce said to Su Fei. This temptation is really big, Sun Cejun is not Lu Bujun, Sun Cejun is mainly based on the water army, and Qicheng is close to Jingzhou. It can be said that it is closest to Jingzhou except for Jiang Xia Zhou Yu. Fighting with Jingzhou, only combat will have the merits. His position in Jiangdong can really be the third person except Sun Ce Zhou Yu.

"Hehe surrender?!" Su Fei is also very moving. If there is no such existence, Su Fei may surrender "Sun Ce Sun Bo Fu, if it can drop, I have already surrendered, and still have to wait until now?! "Su Fei and Sun Ce are not fighting twice. Sun Ce did not persuade twice, but each time he was rejected by Su Fei, because Su Fei owed Huang Zu a person's feelings, Su Fei's reason for surrendering Lu Bujun would be thanks to Huang Yao Huang Dazi.

"You really want to die!" Sun Ce threatened Su Fei: "You see the home around me! He is Jiang Qin. I believe you should know that your master has killed my general Zhou Tai, and Zhou Tai is his brother, if I put you in his hands, you say what will happen to you!"

"What ending?!" Su Fei shook his head. "Thousands of knives? Shangdaoshan? Under the oil pan? Or I made it into a meatloaf!" Su Fei said ironically.

"Su Fei, I don't understand why you didn't surrender to me! You used to owe Huang Zu, but now you have left Huang Zu. Isn't my Sun Ce after the door, can't you be the master of your three surnames? I am waiting for you, the Lord is not thin, he passed by Yucheng, I am a banquet and supply military food and take the initiative to give him, but you see how he rewarded me? Take my city, kill my wife! Such a villain you Willing to follow him? The sect of the city was slaughtered by his baby girl, which is a butcher!"

"Oh, the banquet is to send the grain, that is your Sun Ce has a plot. I want to use my lord to help you to lay down the river, compared to the whole river in the summer, you have a good idea to come up with it? Take your city? If there is no Chen Rui That kind of aggressiveness, my Lord will directly abandon Huangzhou straight down to the city?! Sun Ce Sun Bo Fu, don't take the things of these children!" Su Fei retorted one by one.

"As for what you said to kill your wife? It is self-deprecating and you are dead. Your wife will keep the festival for you. What are you going to do! The clan of the city? They will not rebel against my Lord and will kill them? You only see the clan being The slaughter is empty. But have you seen the scenes of ordinary people in the city being slain by the sects? You didn't! The ten rooms and nine empty houses were ruined because of your military command, they rebelled, in order to invite you like Sun Ce. They killed the bad, they took the opportunity to burn and rob, you saw it!"

"Kill me, don't bother!" Su Fei said directly.

"Is it really impossible?!" Sun Ce really reluctant to kill Su Fei, this is a general of the water army, is a handsome talent, if he surrendered him, is the left and right arms of Sun Ce, recommend him to the public, to Su Flying for the familiarity of Jiangxia, Jiang Xia can be down!

"Oh!" Su Fei did not speak. His silence represented everything. If he had only a single person, he could surrender, but he was not alone. If he surrendered Sun Ce, what would you do with him? Do you want them to meet on the battlefield!

"Jiang Qin, Su Fei handed it to you!" Sun Ce said with hatefulness. If he can't get it, then destroy him. "Let's go!" Sun Ce still has a lot of things to do. He wants to complete the army. He wants to attack. Xiacheng City, he wants Lu Buxue's blood debt to pay.

"Yes!" Jiang Qin is completely an accidental surprise. He thought that he might have let go of Su Fei according to the Lord's public cherishment. Even Su Fei might have the same account with him. Even the Lord Gong took out the Yucheng Shuijun. The position, which is even higher than Jiang Qin’s position, is it possible for Jiang Qin to see Su Fei calling the generals later? This makes Jiang Qin very uncomfortable. Now who knows that this contrast is so big, Sun Ce has to teach Su Fei to himself.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Jiang Qin will thank Sun Ce, but Sun Ce did not give him this opportunity he went straight. "Su Fei, Su Fei, don't blame me if you are looking for death! I am really afraid that you will surrender, so that Jiang Qin can't find you revenge. Now it seems that you are really a man!" Jiang Qin did not know that it was Kuasu flew well, or taunted Su Fei, Su Fei surrendered him can not find Su Fei revenge, Su Fei does not surrender is a man's behavior but Jiang Qin and Su Fei can be how the enemy can boast the enemy. And Su Fei and himself have hatred!

"If I tell you, I didn't eat the meatloaf!" Su Fei said that Jiang Qin said indifferently.

"I don't care if you eat or not, I must give you a knives to make you a patties!" Jiang Qin now thinks of revenge, telling Lu Bu that he is waiting for him, and he still pays for it. .

"Hey!" Su Fei shook his head. Suddenly, the mouth violently exerted a force, and a large mouthful of blood was spit in the mouth. A piece of beating meat was spit out by Su Fei. He was going to commit suicide by biting his tongue.

"I don't think it's so easy to die!" Jiang Qin grabbed Su Fei's squat and slammed it to force Su Fei's squatting. "Come to stop bleeding!"

Su Fei smiled bitterly. He really intended to bite his tongue, but who knows that the military commander has made their physical fitness much stronger than the average person because of the refining. It is impossible to bite off the tongue and die on the spot.

"I said, I want to take you a thousand, you are so dead, I am going to find someone to replace you!" On the side of the soldiers took the hemostatic powder, was savagely poured into the Su Fei by Jiang Qin In the mouth.

"Cough and cough!" Su Fei's tongue has been broken and he can't speak. Coupled with the physical weakness, I can only let Jiang Qin apply.

"Haha, you said where should I move the knife!" Jiang Qin licked the cracked lips. "Start with this hand first!" Jiang Qin turned his gaze to Su Fei's hand, that is, the hands were almost gone. His own life, although the dagger on the chest was taken down, and it was also covered with hemostatic powder, but it was still faintly painful to let Jiang Qin make a big fire.

"That's the two hands! It's awful!" Jiang Qin also refused to take care of what he said, and a direct flash of light. The big knife slammed on Su Fei's hand.

"Hey!" The blood splashed out and smashed Jiang Qin's face. Jiang Qin became more and more embarrassed.

Su Fei was so painful that the whole body was shaking, but it was **** and could not move. He looked at Jiang Qin with a pair of eyes.

"Yes, that's it! Look at me, look at me, stare at me, remember! It's your grandfather Jiang Qin cut your hand! There is one more!" Jiang Qin raised the knife again. "Hey!" This time Jiang Qin's knife moved up a bit. The hand was not directly cut down, and his knife was stuck in Su Fei’s arm. It was not Jiang Qin’s knife that was not sharp, but Jiang Qin’s intention.

"Yeah card master!" Jiang Qin sighed, holding the knife stuck on the bone. Like a saw, gently pull it over and pull the bone a little bit off by the tip of the knife. The pain is simply not affordable.

Su Fei’s forehead began to take cold sweat. It’s all painful. Like them, the generals see wounds like clouds. As long as they are not fatal, they can ignore them and can drink big mouthfuls of meat. Now Su Fei’s eyes are revealed. One is unbearable.

"It's broken!" Su Fei's hands were all laid down on the ground, and both hands were stepped on by Jiang Qin, stepping on and stepping on.

"The next step is this pair of legs, running too fast! Still not good!" Another knife, Su Fei could not help, but the tongue in the mouth was broken, but it can also make a squeaky voice.

"Pain, mourn!" The blood of the thigh is like a column. "Come and give him a bandage!" Jiang Qin could not make Su Fei so easy to die, he still has a lot of torture and useless.

"Without a hand, you said you want to do your arm! I cut it for you!"

Su Fei is no longer shaking, not pain, but he is already paralyzed, the whole person is about to collapse, and his eyes are fainted.

"Can't faint in the past, you are in a coma, I want to be less fun! Come and wake him up!" A basin of cold water is used toward the head, clear water is clear from the beginning of the head, after pouring It turned into blood, and there was no place in Su Fei.

Su Fei, who was awake, had no legs and could only watch Jiang Qin with a pair of eyes. If the eyes could kill Jiang Qin, he would have died.

"What are you staring at! This general is also yours! A pair of thieves must dig!" The head of Jiang Qin’s hand was exactly what Su Fei had killed Jiang Qin.

"Hey!" Su Fei's eyes widened, his eyes were cracked, and the living, Jiang Qin's dagger in his hand dug the two eyes.

Su Fei’s entire world is dark, and nothing can be seen or seen.

"Haha, haha!" Jiang Qin said with a crazy smile. "That nose, that ear is too unsightly, too obtrusive!"

Two hours passed, and the former handsome and handsome General Su Fei had disappeared. Now there is only one person in front of him, his eyes are dug, and both ears are cut. The original nose is collapsed. Going down, Su Fei has no consciousness, and now it is Jiang Qin’s ginseng soup.

Jiang Qin is very willing to use a thousand years of ginseng.

"Come to me to put our General Su Fei into the jar and send it to our warm-blooded adults!" Jiang Qin is very satisfied with his masterpiece.

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