My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 156: Danyang 痞, Zi Bing (first more)

"Master!" Tai Shici wants to pull up Sun Ce but no Sun Ce has stopped. Sun Ce is injured, still very heavy, and his arms are still bleeding. The fragments of the guns of the overlord are not blocked by the heart mirror. Go through it.

"You are now returning to camp with Jiang Qin!" Sun Ce said very lightly.

"But!" Tai Shici wanted to bring Sun Ce back to the camp for healing, but was stopped by Sun Ce's eyes. What kind of look is it? It is too much to be seen in the second eye. It’s not just crazy about blood, it’s quiet, cold! I can freeze people at a glance.

"You go back first!" Sun Ce's order is beyond doubt.

"You will go back first, there is me here!" Lu Su also rushed to the side of Sun Ce, the whole army has already attacked the city, and the siege is naturally led by their respective generals. Lu Su does not care about casualties, because Too many of these 100,000-strong army are like the private soldiers of the Wu family who are desperate to become a dog. They just want to come to the rescue, and Lu Su is to push these people to the battlefield. You don't want to take credit! Well, there are so many enemies in front. As long as you take down the city, this credit is a big drop, not to mention other things. At the very least, this whole Lijiang attack and defense battle is no problem for you.

But you have to know that the war is going to be dead. Lu Bujun is not a pig who can't stand to kill you. If you want to take credit, you will kill yourself! Just a group of dead and mature, only the soldiers who have been infected with blood on the battlefield are the real soldiers.

"Yes!" Tai Shici could only help but hug his fist. The grandson on the ground moved. He stepped toward the oolong step by step. The corpse of Wulong was already cold. Sun Ce gently stroked the body of Wulong. So gently follow the hair.

Oolong is Sun Ce's favorite mount. Lu Su knows that every time he returns to the camp, he must first feed the oolong to clean the shack. He is the owner of the army. It is the BOSS of Jiangdong Group, and these things are done by the next person, but Sun Ce is very kind. Only when this old man shows a kind of happiness, Sun Ce is back to the main account.

And now Sun Ce caressing the way the oolong is not the one that gives the oolong a smooth hair!

"Lord, the Lord!" Lu Su called Sun Ce on the other side, but Sun Ce did not seem to reflect at all. Still so along the fur.

"The main public Oolong is dead, dead!" Standing on the side of Lu Su screamed and screamed.

"Dead?!" Sun Ce sneaked a random swearing words "Dead? Hehe! Dead? Oh, how can Oolong die!" Sun Ceshun's fur hand has been covered with horse blood.

"Sun Ce Sun Bo Fu, if Wulong is not dead, then what is in your hand! If Wulong is not dead, how do you survive! Wake up and wake up!" Lu Su does not want to see the Lord himself The guild is so depressed, this is not Sun Ce. Not the Jiangdong bully.

"Dead, dead. Hahahahaha!" Sun Ce stood up, and he screamed in the sky and screamed that Oolong died! Big Joe is dead! Zhou Tai is also dead! Jiang Qin was broken! Lost the entire Lijiang River! These are the Lu Bujun, all of which are good things for Lu Bu.

"Lü Bulu Feng Xian, my Sun Ce and you are not dead!" The Overlord was broken, but the nearly four-meter West Chu Bawang stayed in Sun Ce’s hands no less than two meters. Oolong died, but now it is a siege war, and the war horse is no longer needed.

"Lord!" Lu Su did not reflect it, and saw Sun Ce rushing toward the wall of the city.

"Hey!" Lu Su smashed his feet. He is a scribe who has made a contribution to swordsmanship but he is not a war. He has no power to defend himself. If he rushes up, he still doesn't know if Sun Ce protects him. He protects Sun Ce.

"The people who came to Chen Wudong attacked the two generals to order them to attack the city to protect the lord!" Lu Su can only let elite take the opportunity to attack the city. He wants to use the plans of those miscellaneous soldiers to lose.

"Yes!" The commander took the lead and went out of the squadron of the Chinese army. There were more than 10,000 soldiers in the neat planning. These soldiers were not tall and some soldiers were weak and seemed to be blown away by the wind. They are not wearing heavy armor, they are mainly dressed in rattan, and they also care about leather. It is not a strict disciplinary order. Now there are people talking and laughing at each other, as if they are not on the battlefield but in the hotel, they are generally laid back.

The only thing that makes them horrible is the kind of eyes, the kind of eyes that choose people and are addicted, and Sun Ce. These are some beasts, some hungry beasts.

That kind of unruly and arrogant.

They are Danyang soldiers! Jiangdong Danyang Bing, Danyang is a prosperous, and the terroir is very popular, even in the peace and prosperity. Then it is reasonable to say that they are only bigger than their fists. Danyang County is the biggest pain for the officials. It is also the so-called untouchables. It is the fighting of ten or twenty people, and the people in Danyang are very united. There are so many aunts and eight aunts. Once you move an inconspicuous Danyang person, you may have hundreds of relatives and hundreds of brothers.

Sometimes there are even thousands of people fighting between the two pavilions. Thousands of people can organize and break through the small city. Every time this big fight, even the official army can’t control it. Can confine the gates of the city and pray that those who are fighting will not be in a good mood to attack the city directly.

People can know how people here are, they are all unruly people, they are all good fighters, and the skills of fighting are passed down from generation to generation, just like Foshan in the aftermath. You thought that there was only one Huang Feihong! Wrong, Huang Feihong is only one of the more outstanding ones. The martial arts hall is everywhere, even the dock porters, those rickshaw turners, are likely to learn a good martial arts.

Tao Qian's hometown is Danyang. Don't underestimate Tao Qian. Tao Laotou is old and even his own Xuzhou's foundation can't help him to let Xuzhou give Liu Bei. He was also beaten twice by Cao Cao. Under Pengcheng, he even pleaded with Lao Cao to retreat, but it was a child and a grandson who did not live up to expectations. When he was young, Tao Qian was really a character. He fought with the army and fought over Beigong Boyu to fight Han Han and fought against the border. Dong Zhuo had his own, and was later sealed by Xuzhou. At that time, Xuzhou was still in the hands of the Yellow Turban Army, but Tao Qian’s men were not a soldier, so Lao Tao returned to his hometown Danyang and took it away. The three thousand Danyang fellows in the district have not been trained or played on the battlefield. In this way, the Xuzhou Yellow Turban Army, which failed to get tens of thousands of imperial courts, was calmed down.

Later, the old pottery family took root in Xuzhou. It is to reuse Danyang soldiers, 30,000 Danyang soldiers can protect the entire Xuzhou peace, and finally Cao Cao came over, you think that Lao Tao really can't beat it! If the fish died, the net can really beat Lao Cao with eyes and vomiting blood. However, Tao Qian did not do this, except that because of the incompetence of Cao Bao in the hands of the general, but also because the two sons of Lao Tao, Lao Tao is the father of the tiger, but the two sons are really dogs, the sons of the defeated family such as Yuan Shao’s sons, Tao These two dogs are less than the sons of Yuan Shao.

Lao Tao is able to repel Cao Cao. But after that? He Cao Cao is in his prime, and Tao Qian is already old. Cao Cao can't stand Tao Qian's sorrow. After Tao Qian's death, he completely offended the Taoist family of Cao Cao and the possibility of living. It is definitely a family.

Lao Tao didn't want their old Tao family to break the incense, so it was only for Xuzhou. Throwing Xuzhou’s mess to Liu Bei and letting Liu Beilu Bu Cao Cao kill each other, this also successfully transferred attention from Taojia to Liu Cao’s three hegemony, and Tao’s completely escaped from Xuzhou. Cao Cao also seems to have forgotten that his old father died in Xuzhou.

Danyang Bing, now emerging from Sun Cejun is the same Danyang soldier.

This Wandanyang soldier was divided into five thousand by Sun Ce in the hands of two generals Chen Wu and Dong attack commander, they are in the water is the dragon in the water, on the land that is the land tiger. They can be regarded as the earliest Marines.

The rattan on the body can become a buoyant armor in the water. On the land, because the softness of the rattan armor is no problem, this Wandanyang army is a trump card in the hands of Sun Ce and Sun Ce is used to deal with it. One of the bases of Lu Buzhan’s camp and the Hezhou wolf.

"All the troops attacked!" Chen Wudong's command has not been passed down, and Danyang soldiers moved there.

"Kill, kill! Crash, two dogs this time I must be faster than you!" A Danyang soldier standing in front of the head rushed toward the city.

"Dream, Lin is big, Laozi is still the first!" Another Danyang soldier quickly caught up with the previous Lin egg.

"I am called Chu Zhongtian, not called Lin egg big!" Chu Zhongtian was angry.

"The old man and the bird, what is the name of what is comfortable!" The two dogs did not care about the anger of Zhongtian. "Yeah. You rabbits, you are pulling me clothes!"

"Haha. If you can win, don't forget the loser, but you have to lose a hundred dollars!" Chu Zhongtian was not really angry but transferred the attention of the two dogs, and was called for so many years of forest eggs. Big, still care about a few words, he is to pull the two dogs in front.

If you have a hundred dollars, you can go back to Huiji and you can find a girl who is happy. How can I lose?

"You have a kind of kid. I am coming too!" The two dogs started to slap a little more directly and slap on the back of Chu Zhongtian.

"Two dogs, your kid is under the black hand!"

"How, dissatisfied!"

"I have cut your turtle grandson." The two men started each other and have not yet reached the wall. Both of them have swollen face and face.

"This!" Chen Wu stood aside and smiled. This is the temperament of the Danyang Army. It is a gang of gangs, a gang of gangs, a group of scorpions, sons, and where there is a soldier. If other forces, Chen Wu had already disposed of it. But this is Danyang Bing, you try to beat them one by one, one is two provokes that is a circle of people, they don’t dare to wait for these bad guys, they can rebel you.

However, this did not affect the combat effectiveness of Danyang soldiers. The Danyang soldiers who first ran to the moat directly jumped into the water as a fish swam past and climbed into the moat. The ladders over there were already occupied by other friendly forces. I don’t know what it’s called waiting. I took a soldier who was going to the ladder and pulled it down. The soldier was thrown a dog to eat, just to be angry, the big knife in the hand would have to cross the knife, the battlefield is a good friend. Also have a knife.

"How kid, don't accept it! Come and single-handed!" And so on, I saw that the fallen soldier had shut up, because this is the ancestor, their iconic clothes, Danyang Army.

"Ge Laozi's, don't wait for Laozi! Finally, it's my turn to play, Laozi also came hahahaha!" The soldiers let Chen Wu helpless, and there is a second general on the side, this Dong strike is also a stream,氓 氓. The war horse rushed toward the city.

PS: First! Today there are 20,000 words and more than seven chapters! Dizzy! I hope that you will be able to see the officials and give you a reward.

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