My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 157: Danyang 痞, Zi Bing (2) second more

"General us!" Chen Wu's pro-arms are not those Danyang animals, if they have long since they snored, they can still hope that they can protect themselves.

"We, what! All rushed, and then we will have no meat to eat!" Chen Wu was also infected, and the whole horse rushed toward the city.

"Kill. Kill. Kill!" Liu Wei has been very hard, before it was okay, even if there are more people, there is a blockage of the wall of the city, these Sun Cejun is also difficult to travel, but now it is different, do not know where to emerge from There was a terracotta warrior wearing bark on them, and there was no formation in the fight. There was no rule, but it was chaotic but it was hard to stop Liu Wei’s men. In the hands of these chaotic Sun Cejun soldiers, the city began to lose. With a small half of the wall, with this small half of the wall, Sun Cejun is getting more and more.

"Two dogs, you see there is a big official over there!" Chu Zhongtian and the two dogs just joined forces to kill a Lu Bujun soldier and pointed to Liu Wei there.

"It's really, how much is it to wear a gold armor, you can buy a few gimmicks!" The two dogs said with a three-footed mouth, "Hey!" The second head of the dog suddenly slammed and turned his head. It turned out to be Chuzhong. "Do you think that my two dogs don't dare to do it?!" Well.

"The two dogs have been dripping me. I said that you are a pig brain. You still don't believe it. You haven't seen anything in the market. This is gold armor, gold armor. It's made of gold. Just buy a steamed bun, ask me. Say at the very least to buy a few big cars of roast lamb!" Chu Zhongtian, you are a dumpling, so that the two dogs also smashed.

"Yes, yes, yes! Buy a few cars of roast lamb!" Two dogs are very fond of the taste of roast lamb. That taste, that feeling really did not have to say, it was a year ago, at that time, following the current owner, won the city pool to be rewarded by the East.

The eyes of the two flashed. bun? Roast lamb? Both are eating, the imperial prince of the king of the princes, the lord of the ruthless Lu Bujun, the sacred Aries in the eyes of these two foods into a few cars of roast lamb.

"Up!" The two men nodded and rushed up. They had to eat hoes and eat roast lamb. So this big official must die.

"Hmmm?!" Liu Wei also knew that he was being stared. The newly joined Sun Cejun suddenly jumped out of two small men, and looked like a thief, looking at Liu Wei’s eyes, even one of them. I licked my lips.

"Kiy??" Liu Wei was stared at by two people and shuddered. The two big swords were randomly waved. Liu Wei hurriedly lifted the giant shield to block.

"Hey!" The two knives were printed on the giant shield and were blocked. The two were not discouraged. The two knives were blocked on the way to Liu Wei. This is to kill themselves. what.

Liu Wei turned around and the giant shield formed a circular defense zone around him, and once again took the two big knife to one side.

"Great official!"

"Golden armor!" Liu Wei did not know what kind of soldiers he had encountered. These people did not have much martial arts, and they were poorly matched. It’s not like a soldier at all. Just a man’s big knife even fell to the head of another person when he was cooperating. They are fighting like a fight. It’s a street fight. Who is more jealous, there is no rule. Routine, two knives not only failed to use the knife's domineering but instead used a fork with a stick, even the spurs came out.

The golden armor of Liu Wei’s body is so tempting, and there are a few strange Sun Cejun who have no routines. They are summed up and summed up. They are actually saying that they are discussing the armor after killing Liu Wei. Who is it? That said that he wants a helmet, that he says he wants a breastplate, and that he can't do it without a breastplate. You have two people to divide. I completely ignored the existence of Liu Wei.

"Noisy!" Liu Wei burst into a bang, he is very poor martial arts. It is not as good as the three-way military commander, but it is not a few miscellaneous soldiers i can kill.

"Kill!" Liu Wei's giant shield began to wave, Liu Wei now has no arm in his hand, but the hands of the giant shield in his hands are effortless.

Since the monkeys in front of them will avoid it, there is no rule, then they will play according to the rules. Liu Wei is also in chaos. He has the Aries of the Aries as the bottom, and the ordinary knife and gun will not hurt him unless When you meet a master or a blunt instrument, you may hurt Liu Wei. In front of you, the squad is obviously not without this strength. A dozen of them are around themselves but they don’t cooperate. You come here with a knife and a sword there. Two people who are close together can hurt themselves.

"What!" A few embarrassed, the subordinates did not pay attention for a moment, they want to get this Liu Wei, this official, this general wearing a gold armor will also come chaos, see this gold armor holding a big shield, they will I thought of the squad, and the shield defended, but the big official in front of him even waved the shield directly as a fly swatter.

More chaotic? Liu Wei is directly a half-baked monk, and the martial arts that he learned in the middle of the road is more than Liu Yi than the chaos. It is not that he does not want to be completely unsuccessful, and the master is killed by chaos!

Liu Wei is also crazy, holding a giant shield to shoot this shot and the US captain, the American captain will also be a skill, and Liu Wei does not care what skills, anyway, Laozi is thick and hard to defend Amazing, you cut the old man, ten knives are not ruined, Lao Tzu, Laozi, as long as you shoot a shield, let you go back to see the ancestors. The hustle and bustle of the cross, the horizontal fear of life, compared to the Danyang soldiers, Liu Wei is a two-handed, a two-scorpion who is not afraid of death, is not the same as a turtle, not afraid of death, the big knife cut There is no reflection at all. The armor that they are coveted is now a tortoise shell, and there is no flaw in it except the face door.

These gangsters were unlucky, and they met two scorpions.

"Hey!" Three Danyang soldiers were directly photographed by Liu Wei as flies. Two lucks fell on the wall and fell into a smash, and a bad luck was directly dropped. The city wall, this wall, but there are more than a dozen meters, there is no way to live.

"Come on!" Liu Wei yelled at the gang of gangs, and the scorpions were going backwards wherever he went.

"His grandmother, there is a kind of kid who lost this tortoise shell!" The scorpion was on the battlefield and even discussed the enemy with the enemy. Why don't you let people directly get involved?

"Why don't you lose her weapons?" And those scribes who are always worried about Liu Wei are also annoying. Now that there is a person who wants to go down the street with himself, come on!

"Ge Laozi, your kid learns Laozi!"

"Pink and tie, withdraw!" To deal with the scorpion soldiers will not die. These gangsters are also very sensible. I know that I can only go with Liu Wei and be unlucky. The turtles are willing to do it.

They are going to give up the big turtle of Liu Wei to find other people's troubles, and what Liu Wei needs is to drive them all out without leaving them, otherwise they will be unlucky to keep their other Lu Bujun.

"You don't have to be inseparable!" Two more were shot by Liu Wei, and the gangsters were angry. "Brothers are shoulder to shoulder. Big is death. We grab him and drop him down the tower. I don't believe in such a high altitude." Can’t die, this turtle, bastard

Liu Wei is really a bit flustered. This gang is completely arrogant. They have amazing fighting power and they will not go to the hard scorpion. But if you are forced into the palace, you will not be able to turn this brain. fast.

It is true that they can't open the defense of Liu Wei's armor. If you can't break the defense, you can't hurt Liu Wei, but they can't do this wall. As long as they embraced Liu Wei, they will directly drop these high walls, and then the tough shells will be broken. Fragmentation.

"Don't think about it!" How could Liu Wei let them be close to me? A giant shield was discussed by him. In a short while, he broke up a dozen of Danyang soldiers who wanted to surround him, but Danyang Bing had too many gangs. Nearly half of the wall is the nephew of the Danyang soldiers, and the Liu family is not an opponent. However, there is still no Sun Cejun military commander here. Sun Cejun’s military commanders have appeared in other sections of the city wall. Therefore, it is very difficult to fight. It is difficult to assist Liu Wei, just broke up and piled up.

Liu Wei’s foot was in the first two Danyang scorpions who started with Liu Wei. Liu Wei’s boots were wrapped in the armor, but the scorpion didn’t feel pain at all. A bite of the teeth "The pain of Ge Laozi is dying, waiting for the kid, Lao Tzu wants to turn you into a dead king!"

Liu Wei’s strength is big. But a two person can hold it. Three or four were fine. When eleven and two were together, they really couldn’t stand it. The giant shield was taken away. Liu Wei’s whole person was pressed under the scorpion and then lifted up. Moving towards the edge of the city wall, they want to throw Liu Yu, the big turtle, and drop it into a dead turtle.

"The urban management army behind the main lord also began to go up the city wall. These Liu family's private soldiers could not support it. The urban management army began to flood the city wall as a reserve force. The most taboo in the city warfare is to bring all the soldiers and horses together. After being beaten by the enemy, you can only be anxious, because the enemy will have the second wave of the third wave, and you only have such a group of people, so even if Liu Wei knows that eight thousand people are difficult to defend the entire city He still let the five thousand private soldiers take the lead troops. The urban management bureau acts as the support force. Only when the private soldiers can't support the urban management army will they be able to stand up. Now, without Liu Wei's command, Liu Kai and his son are moving toward it. Huang Zhong asked for help. Huang Zhong also saw the crisis in Yucheng. It was too late to wait for Liu Wei’s notice. Three thousand city management troops were on standby, and Huang Zhongli took a thousand city management troops on the wall. The first sight of the city wall was that Liu Wei was framed by the pile of scorpion soldiers. If Liu Wei was attacked by many beatings, Huang Zhong could still save it, but now Liu Wei’s gangsters gave it up. Up, Huang Zhong is really beyond the reach of the yellow, yellow She has a long bow and has a bow and arrow in her hand but she doesn't know who to shoot. It is getting closer and closer to the city wall. If a bad person shoots the wrong person, or if the enemy in the shot loses strength, then Liu Wei will be finished. There are four walls in the city wall of Yucheng. It is really useless to see it from the wall.

Even Lu Bu Huang Zhong's fall is enough, not to mention that Liu Wei is now wearing heavy armor and wisdom to increase his gravity and make himself die more ugly.

"Mom, how do you play this way?!" Liu Wei wants to struggle but is hard to break free. He thought about his own death, death, death, and death in the battlefield. But I never thought that I would be left behind by the wall. If I was thrown away, I would really be broken. If I die on the spot, if I can’t die, the pain is not as easy as being an adult.

"Let me go, let me go!" Liu Wei wants to struggle but everything is in vain.

"You are not a tortoise! ​​Give me a dead turtle! A big car of roast lamb!" Two dogs licked their lips, as long as the big turtle was thrown down, then they could get a few cars of roast lamb Now, he must have a person to taste enough to eat.

Liu Wei is equal to a car roast lamb! This is the price of Liu Wei’s life!

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