My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 158: Three grandfather drives (third more)

"He is awkward, I will call you one or two and throw it together!"

"Know the big coward!"

"Then you and the son of Sangu's family, and the nephew of the four family members also said it! Let's throw it together!" Chu Zhongtian is still a bit prestigious among their small team.

"Less master!" Huang Zhong wants to kill a road, but it is too slow, too slow, even if it is a rough road ahead, it is too late.

"It's over!" Liu's father and son are also desperate. If Liu Wei is so dead, they still have to keep this city, and the city can't keep it! Their Liu family has already been a deadly enemy of Sun Jiang’s Jiangdong military. It is impossible to resolve. Zhou Cheng is the nephew of Zhou Yu, because they died in Yucheng.

Liu Wei died and lost in the city. Lu Bujun was almost finished. In the middle of the city, the grain and grass of the Lu Bujun had no such grain. You let Lu Bujun take anything to fight, and he must not be hungry.

And Lu Bujun is finished, and those of them who are attached to Lu Bujun are still spared! I am afraid that Lu Bu will not be angered, even if it is a good thing. Yesterday was a good future, and now it has become a dead end. This contrast is really unbearable.

"Okay, one, two, three!" The Danyang soldier who picked up Liu Wei had already let Liu Wei's half-head on the wall. "Tear!" The hands of the people were collected and returned. Liu Wei was like a cannonball to the city. Above the ground.

"Lin egg big!" Suddenly violently screamed, let Chu Zhongtian hit a cold war on the side, and the subconsciously pulled Liu Wei, who was about to fall, this voice.

"Lin egg big!" suddenly burst into a childish face from the city management army, saying that he was childish because he was not as old as he was in his teens, but he was already a hundred people in the city management army. It is from the beginning of the squatting that follows Liu Wei’s old Xuzhou Bing.

"Lin egg is big. You are going to drop it, roast lamb and a car roast lamb!" Two dogs will pull Chu Zhongtian.

"Two dogs, I want to throw it down, but!" Chu Zhongtian's hand has been caught by Liu Wei, Liu Wei does not want to die. Even if you die, you can't die so badly. You can have a whole body when you fall from a height.

"Brothers rescue the general!" Seeing Liu Wei grabbed the enemy's arm and could not fall, other city management troops will have to rush, and the killing will start on this wall.

"Slow!" Huang Zhong stopped the sergeant, because the hundred people who made the Danyang soldiers stop their voices will use their eyes to tell Huang Zhong that he can. If you rushed up now, although you can kill the enemy, but the enemy and Liu Wei come to the same place and then die.

"Baked lamb, let me let go, let go!" The two dogs also saw Liu Wei, who was holding Chu Zhongtian, and the big knife on his hand would be cut toward Liu Wei’s arm.

"I see you dare!" Sure enough, the voice came over again. "Two dogs, Laozi is not in the village for a few years. You are getting more and more now!"

Chu Zhongtian and the two dogs also looked at the direction of the coming. It's him! The two men’s calves are shaking, and the subconscious is going to walk away.

"The courage is fat, dare to start the Laozi's generals and not bring the Laozi's general back!" The voice's master once again became angry. The original unruly Chu Zhongtian and the two dogs actually took Liu Wei out of the city wall. Pulled it up.

"Chu Jie?!" Liu Wei, who escaped from the dead, reacted to see a sly figure from his vision. No, he should say to Liu Wei that he is a big boy, Liu Wei. Remember him. From the squat, he followed Liu Wei. Although the battle was remarkable and there was no disability and incompleteness, he should have been filled into the cavalry battalion. However, Liu Wei saw that he was too young to make him a small squad, and later eight After the Gongshan War, he avoided the death. After the Eighth Mountain, the entire city management army was newly formed. Chu Jie was a senior because he was an old man, but his actual age is still very small. There is no whole part of his song. One is smaller than him.

Liu Wei did not expect to be saved by this kid today. Who is he? Liu Wei only knows that this Chu Jie is a person left by Xuzhou Bingma.

"He's what you are doing, seeing a mixed boy, are you jealous? You don't come to let me come!" They helped Danyang soldiers to take Chu Zhongtian and the two dogs, killing this big official and not having them all. Have a great deal of credit. This group of Danyang nephews will be against the city management army.

"Roll! Give me all the time!" This time the two dogs spoke up. The two most unwilling to see them were not the enemy, nor the death. The last thing they want to see is this person.

"You!" Others are also surprised.

"Plop, plop!" Two dogs and Chu Zhongtian all smashed.

"Hehe, you want to vote for the enemy!" The battlefield has been smashing toward the enemy. What do you want to do? Delivery?

"Put your mom's egg! Go and go." Chu Zhongtian was furious. They both went down together and bowed respectfully toward Chu Jie. "Three, three grandfather!"

"What?!" All the people present were speechless. What did Chu Zhongtian and the two dogs call this young man? Three grandfather? Grandpa, that is even higher than the grandfather's seniority.

"He told you that you are crazy, your grandfather has already gone to the ground, where are you coming from!" Some people can't believe it, grandfather, this Nima can't be like this, the kid in front of him is not killed. To twenty, it will be the ancestors of the Taizi generation! It is necessary to know that Danyang soldiers are based on the township. The whole township is the seven aunts and eight aunts. All of them have relatives. Chu Zhongtian and the two dogs are highly qualified because they are high enough, but they are very fierce. If this is the three grandfathers of Chu Zhongtian and the two dogs, then it is also the three grandfathers of all Danyang soldiers present.

It’s true that Chu Jie is the three grandfathers of Chu Zhongtian and the two dogs. Chu Jie’s age is small but his generation is big, and he’s twice as big as Chu Zhongtian’s and his two son’s grandparents. The ancients are no better than now. The ancestors are the most serious, and the elders are the elders who dare not pass.

Originally, Chu Jie was staying in Danyang since he was a child, but because of Tao Qian’s reason, he left Xuzhou from Xuyang. Chu Jie’s father was still a schooler in Tao Qianjun, but he died in battle with Cao Cao. With his father's business, Chu Jie joined Xuzhou Danyang soldiers very young, do not look at his young age. However, it is absolutely no less than a hundred games. It is definitely a veteran of the hundred wars. Later, Tao Qian gave Xuzhou, and Lu Bu took Xuzhou again. Chu Jie followed Cao Leopard and followed Lu Bu.

The squatting of the war is not just the most part of Lu Bu. Even Danyang soldiers were finished. Chu Jie thought that he was dead. It was Liu Wei who appeared on the Baimen Building.

"All of them give me a kneel, this is our three grandfather!" Chu Zhongtian roared. Chu Zhongtian and the two dogs can not be afraid of Chu Jie! From a young age, he was a bully, and his age was big. He often forced Chu Zhongtian and the two dogs to scream and call him a grandfather. The second dog was originally named Chu Zhong Dog. The title of the two dogs is the number of the forest eggs that Chu Jie gave. These two titles followed them for a lifetime, and few people now remember their original names.

"Three, three grandfathers are good" The reason why Danyang soldiers have strong fighting power is that Danyang people are extremely united and attach great importance to their generations. The thousand-person camp where Chu Zhongtian is located is the Chuzi Camp in the Danyang Army. It is all Chu family. The original Chu Zhongtian and the two dogs are separated. Now there is a three-grandfather, and naturally everything is three. The grandfather is the master.

"Hmm?!" The movement of Danyang Chuziying can't help but live on the edge of the city wall. Danyang soldiers are fighting, they not only fight but also fight. Especially the left character camp, this left family and Chu family can be a feud, from the old to the small, the two in Danyang County often play with fighting, it is normal to die.

The left character camp belongs to Dong attack, while the Chu character camp is Chen Wu’s part song.

Zuo Renjie, the head of Zuoziying, saw the movement of this wall. I thought that this Chuzi camp had gone out of the dog’s luck and wanted to win an enemy general. Who knows that he has now left the enemy, is this Chu? The word camp is going to be rebellious!

Thinking of this, Zuo Renjie suddenly smiled. Rebellious! In the Jiangdong Army camp, Sun Ce, who is not allowed to fight, ordered him. Whoever provokes a fight will deal with who. It’s time to take them out of the internal injuries. As long as the Chu character camp rebelled, it’s not an infighting, but an enemy to suppress the rebellion.

"I don't want to put the general down soon!" Liu Wei once again restored his freedom. It was really more exciting than playing bungee jumping. Fortunately, I was caught by the forest egg, or Liu Wei really played free fall.

"General, you are fine!" Chu Jie and Huang Zhong rushed forward to worry.

"Nothing, nothing!" Liu Wei had no skin injury except for being frightened.

"General Huang, you quickly took the urban management sergeant to help other walls to retreat from Sun Cejun's attack, but then it was unimaginable!" Sun Cejun has 100,000 people, he can afford Liu Wei can not afford, only Sun Ce The army can retreat to get a chance.

"Yes!" Huang Zhong nodded and took the city management army to fire all over the place.

"General, then they!" Chu Jie, the three grandfather did not call the Danyang Chuzi camp below, did not dare to move.

"Let them go back!" Liu Wei waved his hand. All the princes were recruited from the local army. Only Lu Bujun had not only the wolf riding from the state, but also the Xuzhou Bing, Guangling Bing, Danyang Bing and Jiang Xia Bing in the hands of Gan Ning, and the Lijiang soldiers recruited from Yucheng, are quickly becoming a pile of hodgepodge.

There is a benefit from local conscription, that is, the possibility of rebellion is small, because their family members are under their own control, and they dare to rebel and prepare for being destroyed.

These Danyang soldiers can join the Lu Bujun under the orders of Chu Jie, but after that? Looking at the Chu family was given to the genocide by Sun Ce? I don't say anything else, I am afraid that these Danyang soldiers are afraid of being absent-minded, and may even create their own counter-attacks.

The strong fortress city pool can be broken. The most important thing is to break from the inside. If Sun Ce is threatened with the home of these Danyang soldiers, do you say that they are not rebellious or rebellious?

Liu Wei never did things.

"Yes!" Chu Jie nodded. "I heard no, Lin Egg has two dogs. You have to roll me down the wall, or wait for the knife!"

"Yes, yes, it’s three grandfathers!" Chu Zhongtian and the two dogs nodded, and the following officers of the Chuzi camp also took a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that the three grandfathers who had never seen this would let them stay. Next, there are wives, children, and old mothers in their homes. It’s impossible to leave.

"Three grandfathers, we are gone. We are following Sun Jialai this time. It is inevitable that we will meet again on the battlefield. I know that you will not do it here. We will not kill it in the battlefield. I hope that you can also Let Lu Bujun be like this!" With Chu Ziying and San Taiye fighting? Chu Zhongtian’s brain was kicked, and he couldn’t spare him if he didn’t say anything else.

Therefore, he could not face Lu Bujun, but the military order was difficult, and he could only agree with Lu Bujun.

"Good! When you got on the battlefield, you put a white cloth on your left shoulder, so we know that it is a **** of Danyang Chuziying. I will let them keep it!" Liu Wei nodded and could not do it. If the amount of energy does not bleed, if a thousand people's Chu character camp really wants to fight, I am afraid that ordinary soldiers will leave two thousand, and like the urban management army, this kind of elite will also drop 500 bodies or even more.

"Okay! Then we will leave!" The people in Chuziying are not stupid. They killed all the friendly forces in this wall, and climbed up the ladder one by one and began to leave.

"The Chu character camp is defeated?!" Lu Su frowned and looked at the wall, and the face of the Chu character camp that was handed over to the Chu-character camp had been rushed down. "No, no!" Danyang Bing’s combat power Lu Su I know it, it can be said that it is the ace of Sun Cejun. Even if you lose, you can't be driven by the ducks!

Although Lu Su was puzzled, he couldn’t think of anything to see the golden armor on the wall. He nodded. He obviously regarded Liu Wei as the royal king of the king. It’s no wonder that a veteran can be so strong. Nüwa does not look at martial arts and looks sorry for herself. His gaze is quickly attracted to other directions such as Sun Ce.

The ladder in front of Sun Ce has already been someone, but he can't directly open his own soldiers like Danyang soldiers. After all, these people are desperate for the sake of his grandson.

In the hands of Sun Ce, only half of the long guns were thrown out by Sun Ce and directly inserted into the wall. Sun Ce jumped over the rifle with a half rifle and jumped over the front of a ladder and jumped directly to one third of the ladder. After unplugging the long gun, Sun Ce quickly climbed toward the wall.

The most dangerous thing in siege warfare is that when climbing the ladder, once the ladder is pushed down, or if it is difficult to escape from the rock, you have to escape and only jump, if it is lower. Fortunately, at most, if you break your leg, if you jump high, you will die.

Sun Ce didn't want to encounter this kind of thing on the ladder. Naturally, he quickly climbed toward the wall, and everything that was blocked in front of him was swept away by him.

PS: There are three more two, three thousand one and four thousand! Cheeky and ask for a reward! There is still a provocation! You have a reminder to come, you come! How much do I pick up! One thousand two little meaning! Hahahahaha

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