My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 166: Xu Xie Xu Sheng

"Hey!" A group of people ran towards the direction of the big prison in Yucheng. There were not many four people, and one less! It doesn't make sense to have more people. The three thousand black chess army Liu Wei must be released all, even if the whole city management army can carry it, three thousand people to wait for the soldiers and one thousand wounded soldiers, think with the **** Know the results.

Instead of taking the city management army to increase the suspicion, it is nothing to take.

Here is the big jail of Yucheng! Liu Wei looked at the bottom building in front of him. The big prison in Yucheng was not just a big prison. He once did the main point of an offensive and defensive battle in Yucheng. After Lu Kang was attacked by Sun Ce, the entire Lujia was blocked. Here, Lu Kang swears to death, and finally can only play the food, the Lu family starved to death almost half of the family.

The entire prison was built very firmly. The top is made of bluestone blocks. The top pillars are also made of the millennium ancient wood. They are very strong. The big prison of the city is used to store the ordnance. The place where the prisoners are seen is not big. However, because there were three thousand prisoners of war, Liu Wei removed the ordnance and directly vacated the place to the black chessmen.

It’s a bit dumbfounded when I enter the big prison, because there isn’t a guard in the prison. It’s no wonder that the city has been beaten like this, and all the troops have also rushed toward the wall of the city, where there are other forces to guard the prison. .

"Someone is coming, someone is coming!" Liu Wei has not yet reached the depths of the prison, the whole prison will be boiling up, and the black-flagged soldiers will pass each other in the prison, and it seems to have a trace of panic.

"You are the Black Flag Army!" Liu Wei has fought with the Black Chess Army. However, the heavy armor of the Black Chess Army is to cover up more than half of the face, so Liu Wei can't recognize these people. Looking at these men and women Liu Wei is really a bit surprised at Zhou's heritage.

I can't see it in my armor, and now I have taken off the muscles of my armor and the ruddy complexion, which makes people look surprised.

You must know that in this era, when soldiers are only for mixed eating, many soldiers are hard to eat. When they are not soldiers, they don’t even talk about it. Therefore, soldiers often look yellow and white, which is lack of nutrition. For the sake of this, the soldiers in front of them are not ruddy but yellow. This shows that Zhou Jia’s cost is really small.

"You know who I am!" Liu asked.

"Know!" The black-flagged army replied in a sigh of relief. How could they not know who Liu Wei is? It was Liu Wei who defeated them. It was this gold armor that would kill their masters and their black flags. The army was destroyed, and the men of this golden armor only killed and injured more than a dozen, although it was because of Zhou Cheng’s sake. Let these black chessmen have no thoughts of rebellion, but also because Liu Wei’s plan can make these black-flagged troops have no strength to fight, isn’t it!

"Since I know who I am, then you know what I am doing!" Liu Wei continued to ask, but before he answered these questions, he said "I am here to kill you!"

"Hey!" The black-flagged soldiers who were locked in prison were boiling. They thought that Liu Weilai would either surrender them or look at them. Who knows that Liu Wei actually said that he is going to kill them.

"Little master?!" Huang Zhong Huang Xu Kai and others were all confused. Only Liu Neng smiled and looked at Liu Wei’s performance. They are persuading to drop the murder, killing the Black Chess, and they can't live tomorrow.

Liu Wei waved his hand to stop the inquiry of Huang Zhong and others.

"Kill us? Oh, you are now hard to protect yourself, but also kill us!" One of the black chessmen, like a leader, stood up and looked at Liu Wei coldly.

"How do you know!" Liu Wei also looked at this leader. He knows that these black chess players must have leaders. As long as they surrender to this leader, the black chess army can accept it.

"Of course I know. I don't know that you are hard to protect yourself. I also know that you came here to ask us!" The leader sneered that "Jiang Dongjun has already been under the city, or that Jiang Dongjun has beaten you up." !"

"Where do you know from where!" Liu Wei looked at the leader and said.

"I know from the jail of this prison, I have known that in the past few days, there were 242 prisoners here. After one day, the jailer became more than 300 people!"

"It's very rare! You have more than 3,000 prisoners of war here, but they are all kept in cages. Once a powerful tiger enters the cage, he is a sick cat!" In the past few days, when Liu Wei contracted his strength, Sun Ce attacked The city water army Dazhai, the next must be Yucheng, Liu Wei must all concentrate all the forces, but Liu Wei does not clarify but just indifferent.

"Yes! I also admit that the prison in this city is very strong. More than one hundred people are enough to guard us! But then the day before yesterday! More than two hundred people? Yesterday there were more than one hundred people, and today there is no one at the end. You don't tell me, you are very relieved of us. You have to know that three thousand tigers can be bitten in the cage even if they are in the cage!" The head stared at Liu Wei's eyes and ran oppositely. So I guessed. Arrived, in the last few days, you are shrinking the strength! How many troops can you have in Yucheng! I count, your city management army has 3,000 people, other city defense forces have been eliminated, and you can help you. Liu Jia, Yucheng Liu Jiaman is full of 5,000 people! That means you have 8,000 people! Eight thousand people guard this Lijiang River, although the town is not comprehensively armed, but the general defense is more than enough, 30,000 There is no need to be afraid of siege below the people. The food of the city is at least enough for more than half a year. When Lu Bujun returns to the army, the 30,000 people in this city are not enough to watch! And you are in prison. Shrink, then that is , The enemy has more than make you panic! Have? Forty thousand? Fifty thousand? "He spoke the leader, shaking her head.

"Too little, too little, I guess at least 100,000!" The leader's gaze once again looked at Liu Wei.

"Oh, positive solution!" Liu Wei nodded, and the person in front of him was really sinister, and he could see 100,000 enemy troops at a glance.

"Sun Ce is no less than our family!" The leader shook his head. "This person is really a male!" There is also a kind of worship and the kind of look that wants to see a hero.

"Eight thousand defenders guard the city! Even if the 100,000 army can keep on for a few days! Today, the jailers have all disappeared, and can let you come here. Then it must be Sun Cejun to do the best on the first day, and you I can't help it anymore. At the latest tomorrow or the next day, this city will change hands! You can't protect yourself! What do you want to kill me!" The leader said while watching Liu Wei proudly.

"Who are you!" Liu Wei asked a question that was not discussed with the discussion.

"Xu Xie Xu Sheng Xu Wenxiang!" The man's mouth gradually rises, which is both a kind of sarcasm to Liu Wei and a recognition of himself.

"Xu Sheng?!" Liu Wei jumped and jumped his brow "You are a sinister county man?!"

"How did you know!" Xu Sheng was also a bit confused. He only said that he was a sinister but not specific to a certain extent.

"Wait to answer your question again!" Liu Wei released the light in his eyes, he actually found the big fish, Xu Sheng Xu Wenxiang? The people of Xianxie County were the famous Wu nationals in the history of the past. In the late Han Dynasty, he lived in Jiangdong due to war, and was recruited by Sun Quan’s “Zhixian Pavilion”. Thus began to assist Sun Quan. In the early years, Xu Sheng fought against Huang Zu, and he was promoted to Zhong Lang. When Liu Bei cut Wu, Xu Sheng followed Lu Xun to attack the squadrons of the squadron; when Cao fell to Wu, Xu Sheng took less defense and succeeded in defending against the situation. Due to the previous and future military achievements, Xu Sheng was promoted to General Jianwu and General Anton, and served as the guardian of the Yongjiang River. later. Cao Yu took a big attack on Wu, Wu Guoyi Xu Sheng's suggestion to build a fence on the outside of Jianye, Cao Yu was forced to retreat. During the Huang Huangwu years, Xu Sheng died.

This Xu Sheng is really a character. In Jiangdong, there is Lu Meng, Tai Shici Zhou Tai. Gan Ning is still shining under the circumstances, it is really a talent.

"You said that I can't protect myself! You said that I came here to ask for you! Then you are very wrong!" Liu Wei was pointing at Xu Sheng's nose.

"Wrong? Where am I wrong? Don't you come to us to join you Lu Bujun to help you defend the city!" Xu Sheng disdained that "Lu Bu has a state wolf ride, hundreds of miles a day, and Shucheng to Yucheng At least two days! You can't keep it for a day, and naturally think of using our prisoners!"

"Oh! You really thought I couldn't kill you!" Liu said with an eye.

"Kill! Come on! I really want to see how many warriors you have under your hands. We have three thousand brothers, even standing and killing you. You have to kill the dawn, what are you going to do tomorrow? City!" Xu Sheng is very proud, he can observe the color, naturally can see the expression on the faces of these four people.

Although the front one is very dull, but Xu Sheng can see that this golden armor will be injured, because this golden armor war will be pulled into the wound when the speech is on the face, showing a painful expression, although only a trace but still being Xu Sheng I saw it. This golden armor will be the main lord, even the main will be injured, this battle has become what it looks like.

The latter veteran, looks a little anxious, but when I look at these prisoners of war, I really don't care, what does this mean! Explain that this veteran martial arts is very high, and does not care about himself and others.

On the side, that should be his son, and then two Liu family members, Xu Sheng knows.

"Standing to kill me! It is true that I can't kill the dawn. I won't have to defend the city tomorrow! But I need to kill you with a knife!" Liu Wei clicked on the avatar to recognize Xu Sheng!

"What do you mean!" Xu Sheng brow wrinkled, he felt a danger from Liu Yu's words.

"Have you seen this big prison? You should know that this big prison was built when Lu Kang was in the past!" The layout of the whole city was made by Lu Kang. Lu Kang is a powerful person. Can Anbang, Lijiang and his governance not only escaped the chaos of the yellow towel, but also lived and worked in peace, Wu Neng decided to stay in the country for two years, in addition to Yucheng easy to defend and difficult to attack There is Lu Kang’s martial arts.

There is no such thing as a city without a people. These people have to live, but one by one, you follow the Taikang Lukang and you know how good this people are.

"What about it!" Although Xu Sheng knew it was not good, he still twisted his head and said.

"Then you should know the final ending of Lu Taishou!!"

"The whole family has died in half, not in war, but in starvation!" Xu Sheng said with a low voice.

"Yes! Half of them are starving to death! And they are dead in this prison!" Liu Wei finally said Xu Sheng's most fearful thing "See? There is where Lu Tai is dead, he is dead. Is standing dead!"

Xu Sheng saw Liu Wei’s eyes and saw the things there. He spit out three words in his mouth, “Thinking!”

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