My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 167: Reinforcement black chess army

Xu Sheng finally knows Liu Wei’s thoughts. He is a kind of organ, used on the wall, and used in the grave! Once such things fall, unless some people will not open the organs, especially the gates of the city gates, it is only a metaphor. In fact, even the martial arts generals will not open them.

Xu Sheng did not expect that there would be a thousand pounds in this big city prison. Once something falls, don’t want Liu Wei to do it. This whole city’s prison is sealed! People outside can't get in, people inside can't get out.

There are only one ending in the three thousand black chess army, that is, the complete death is in the prison of this city.

"You are not afraid of sinfulness!" Xu Sheng stared at Liu Wei.

"Sin is very heavy? Hehe! I am a general. I have thousands of soldiers and horses who have died in my hands since the beginning of the squad! You and I say sinfulness? This is not a joke!" Looking at Xu Sheng coldly.

"This is different!" Xu Sheng argued that on the battlefield, but you will not kill me, I will kill you, you must go to life, and now Liu Wei is falling down that pound, it is a pit kill, pit kill! The general of Qin State will be white, he is a **** of killing, why he is called to kill God, that is because he has killed 200,000 Zhao Guojiang soldiers, if the battlefield is killed, it will not matter! Your killing is completely a massacre!

Liu Wei’s fall of the pound is to kill the three thousand Black Flag soldiers.

"What is the difference! This is a troubled world! It is not a peaceful life! Killing one person is killing, killing 100 people is killing, killing thousands or killing! Xu Sheng, I will teach you a sentence to kill one person as a crime, killing thousands of people, killing millions For Xiong Zhongxiong!" Liu Wei’s eyes showed his killing. He looked at Xu Sheng if something that was discovered from Xu Sheng’s gaze was not matched, then Liu Wei would not hesitate to put down the pound! These week's private soldiers! These black chess forces are elite soldiers. Not much worse than the camp and the state wolf.

Liu Wei can win them purely because of the dog's luck. If they are left behind and rescued by Sun Cejun, then Lu Bujun does not know how many people will die.

Instead of watching the brothers die, it is better to kill the enemy directly, and recite it? What is the stench of eternal years? Liu Wei does not care about death and is dead! Who cares about these! What's more, it's better to forget the bad smell than to be forgotten!

Perhaps in the history of the millennium, there will be a legend of killing God Liu Wei.

"Killing one person is a crime, killing thousands of people and killing a million is a male!" Everyone present is chewing this sentence! Liu Wei said that it is true that killing one person is a crime, such as Xu Wei. For example, Guan Yu Dian Wei, they are all because of the blood debts on their bodies, which were taken by the government, and hidden names, but after that, under the scheme of Xu Wei, Cao Jun died and injured tens of thousands. Cao Cao not only blamed Xu Wei, but also respected Xu Wei with respect and respect. There was even an old mother who had decided to take Xu Wei, and Xu Wei entered Cao Ying without saying a word. Born in Cao Yingxin in Han, these are recorded for history books! Guan Yu passed the five-point squad, the battle of Chibi, killing Yan Liangwen ugly, killing the Qinglong 偃 刀 knife for the discoloration. Who said that he had Cao Cao to recognize him as an example. Taking him as a hero, after his death, he was buried under the treatment of a prince, and Liu Bei used him as the general to defend the country. Sun Quan learned that Guan Yu had a difficult time! Later generations sealed Guan Yu as Wu Shengren! Dian Wei! Although he died early, but killing a lot of people, blocking one army, you can believe it! In the end, Li Cao died and died. Calling for the evil of ancient times!

Huang Zhong and Huang Xu, who are from the words of Liu Wei, are a lofty ambition and a fighting spirit for conquesting the battlefield.

What Liu Kai realized in Liu Neng was that he was under the power of one person. Controlling the feelings of his power and death, the superiors are angry and floating.

However, Xu Sheng is a fear. What kind of person is this person? Everyone is a man, and a million people are males. It seems that his expression does not care about death. These individuals are probably a figure in his eyes. !

"What do you want to do!" Xu Sheng served softly. He lowered his head and said that he still didn't want to die! He is still young and alive, and these three thousand black chess forces are not to die, they should spur an alternative brilliance in this chaotic stage.

"I don't want to be like! Say, kill you! You didn't say it! The city is about to be broken, I can't live for a long time, maybe there will be the head of my Liu people on the tower above the city." But I am not afraid! I am not alone, with you three thousand people to give me a funeral! The ancient princes Wang, Zhou Tianzi also this treatment!" Liu Wei looked at Xu Sheng laughing.

Liu Yu is more afraid of Xu Shengyue, because the intuition tells him that this person will actually do this.

"Less master, you made a mistake! Not just three thousand! But a whole 60,000 people!" Liu can help Liu Wei to perfect this number!

"60,000?!" Liu Wei thought about "there are so many!"

"Yes!" Liu Neng nodded. He always thought that this Liu Liu Shaogong was also a person hiding behind Lu Bu. If he was not a Han room and was sealed by the imperial court, If it wasn't for Lu Bu who saw him let his daughter marry him, then such a person could be a rich man! Because he is too easy to be influenced by emotions.

However, in these few days, he found that he was wrong. This is a rich family. It is a demon king butcher. It is a slogan that all the sects except the Lujia Hanjia Liu family are uprooted overnight. He not only destroys all the sects. The tribe also let the people who participated in it not let go, and now it is necessary to kill three thousand living people inside. There are 60,000 in the front and back, but it does not make this person remember.

Say that Cao Cao is suspicious, it is just killing a few people! At most, Song Xian fell a mold and was surrounded by the troops and his own troops. It was only a few thousand people. The old Cao Xuzhou slaughter was only 30,000.

And this seems to be influenced by the feelings, very kind and a good man who died in his hands has already been 60,000, if you add to the battlefield! There are no 100,000 people, and 80,000 people always have it.

Xu Sheng is even more fearful. He has started to be a bit incoherent. "General! No, don't swear by the King. No, you won't die. You won't break, no, no!"

"No? Hehe borrowed your words, I tell you, I have less than a thousand people in my hands, and all of them are wounded. The sun rises in the morning tomorrow, and the city management army will be removed from the big man!" Liu Wei’s shaking Shake his head, if tomorrow really comes. Then the city management army really should have the military number, the same life and death with the rich, and even the generals with the soldiers all went to the local government to enjoy the rich.

"Not a thousand people, you still have us, and us! We are willing to help you defend the city, we are willing!" Xu Sheng seems to have caught the life-saving straw, defending the city. The right thing is to defend the city. As long as the whole city is kept, then the city management army will not have to be destroyed by the whole army. They will not have to follow the funeral.

"Oh!" Liu Wei and Liu Neng looked at each other, he is waiting for this sentence! Coming to this shackle in the city, these sturdy black chess troops are not good scorpions. No matter who was captured and locked up in Dayingguan, he was angry for a long time. If Liu Wei asked them if they came, they would promise, because it was a false promise, once Liu Wei opened the prison. . They will lose control as a beast except the cage, and when they are still guilty. It’s killing, it’s not that these black chess forces have the final say. Putting fate in the hands of others is not Liu Wei’s style.

"You can represent them all!" Liu Wei looked at Xu Sheng indifferently.

Xu Sheng is really afraid of Liu Wei, Liu Wei’s performance is more calm, Xu Sheng is more panic, and there are a thousand left in the eight thousand soldiers and horses. How fierce this is, their three thousand soldiers and horses may be on the battlefield. One day, but Xu Sheng still has to choose, bite his teeth and "can!" Xu Sheng is the highest commander of the black chess army except Zhou Cheng. It was originally Xu Sheng that was violent, but saw The other brothers did not move, and Zhou Cheng did not see them as people, he also endured.

"Give them the keys!!" Liu Wei nodded and said to Liu Kai.

"Less master! You don't think about it anymore!" Liu Kai is destined to be a sceptical attitude to everything.

"Using people is not suspicious, suspects don't need it!" Liu Wei took the key from Liu Kai's hand and directly threw it to Xu Sheng. "I need to see the black chess army gather outside the prison in the city!"

"Yes!" Xu Sheng took the key and divided it. He looked at the figure of Liu Wei who left, and could not help but think of what he was like.

The time of a fragrant incense is not enough. The three thousand black chess troops are on standby outside the shackles of the city. They are worthy of elite troops. They are professional soldiers. They have been trained from a young age to be stronger than half-way. Liu Wei is very Looking at the three thousand people with satisfaction.

Huang Zhong and Huang Xu also nodded directly. This quality is where everything is elite.

"Reporting to His Royal Highness, three thousand black chess troops have been assembled, waiting for the instructions of His Royal Highness!" Xu Sheng also came out of the dark day of the prison, to come closer to see Liu Wei's look.

"You can call me a young master like them, or you can call me a general with my city management army!" Liu Yu, the word of His Royal Highness, is not used to it.

Xu Sheng did not call the young master but the straight hook. He looked at Liu Wei’s eyes with a hint of sharpness and a trace of murderousness. The three thousand black chess troops are also the same.

"Less master!" Huang Zhong stood in front of Liu Wei and blocked Liu Wei behind him.

"Retreat the old general Huang!" Liu Wei waved his hand.


"Nothing!" Now there are three thousand people standing in front of them, and they are five people. Huang Zhong is no longer strong and can only fight three thousand people, not to mention the existence of such a Xu Sheng.

"You are not afraid that I will tie you down now!" Xu Sheng looked straight at Liu Wei’s mouth and threatened.

"You dare not!" Liu Wei did not care about Xu Sheng's mouth and continued to say "Xu Shengyu evil county people, since childhood, poor family, and the old father Xu Lang lives together, no brothers and brothers, yellow towel chaos, you with the father Xu Lang guest Wu County...!"

Liu Yuyue said that Xu Sheng’s face changed a bit because Liu Wei was right. His old father Xu Lang was already dead. The person who knew this thing should not exist in the world, but now.

"You still want to tie me now?!" Liu Wei smiled and looked at Xu Sheng.

"How do you know so much!"

"Oh! Guess!" Liu Wei did not directly point to the sky. "In fact, I am very curious about how you will appear in the Wu Family in Wu County. This is the private soldier that Zhou Family has cultivated since childhood!"

"My father is seriously ill, I have no money to take medicine, I sold myself!" Xu Sheng told Liu Wei that his father was ill and had no money to see a doctor. He was very uncomfortable. Xu Sheng sold himself to the father of medicine. I knew that my father was still gone. In the end, Xu Sheng bought the coffin with the rest of the money and buried the old man. He followed the person who bought him.

The person who bought him is Zhou Jia, and Zhou’s family is watching Wu Sheng’s martial arts.

Dutiful son! The talent of the generals!

In fact, Liu Wei is not afraid of Xu Sheng will repent, who is the black chess army, is the private soldier of Zhou family! They have been nurtured from a young age. They were led by Zhou Cheng. They knew that they would make a fortune. Who knows that the last few masters have lost their lives. The people are hanging on the top of the city. If they surrender Sun Ce, then Zhou’s mouth is not Say, but in fact will not let them go.

What's more, Xu Sheng is still a heavy contributor, and the word is not talking about playing.

"You brothers of the Black Chess! I know that you know me, I know that you are jealous of me! But that is all gone! Now we will be the brothers and brothers!" "Liu Wei crossed Xu Sheng and went to three thousand In front of the black flag army.

"I am Liu Wei, the king of the Dahan, and the young master of the Lu Bujun! Now the city will be broken, I can't give you much promise, and I can't promise you to worship, but one thing, I can give You, that is the dignity of being a man! "These black chess squads said before that the good point is the private squad of Zhou. It is not good to hear that the servants of the Zhou family have no freedom of life. You can watch the black chess soldiers from Zhou Cheng. come out.

"The dignity of being a man?!" The following black chess army discussed it.

"I also have a piece of music under my hand. I believe that you have also seen it. That is my city management army." Said the city management army Liu Wei could not help but feel the pain. "My promise to them is to die together! The same sentence I will also give it to you! From now on you are not a servant or a slave, but my brother Liu Wei is the brother of the great Han dynasty king, and also the robes of my Liu Wei. If I eat Liu Wei, I won’t let you. Hungry, I will never let you drink soup if you eat meat! It’s rich, it’s life and death!”

"The same rich, living together to die!" Xu Sheng first shouted, and slowly the black chess army began to scream, and in the end of the entire city, there was a shout of shouting.

Huang Zhong and others looked at each other and this one is really worth playing!

PS: The new book has been conceived! I can't be sorry for the old book. I am actually an author of Xian Xia! The history is completely devoted to the direction of nothing! I have seen so many book friends! Thank you for your support and thank you for your evaluation. Good for you! Others I can't guarantee anything! The only thing I can guarantee is that the new book will never let you down, and everything in the old book will be removed! I used this book to accumulate experience! Thank you again for your support!

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