My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 170: Killing by knife (2)

Sure enough, Sun Ce’s words came out and the entire Jiangdong scholars boiled. These sects were not fools. They could see at a glance that Sun Ce wanted to kill people by the knife and board the city wall! ? Even some military commanders are not sure what to do, let them be pampered with the elite sergeants! This is not looking for death!

But none of these sects spoke. They are all looking at each other. The city has now entered a vacuum of rights. Whoever can attack Yucheng can get a big one in the next trophy sharing. Cake, what these sects pursued in their lifetime is not to expand their own forces in this troubled world or in the new dynasty!

There is a saying that if a thing has a 10% interest, then everyone will rush. If there is a 20% theory, there is a risk of getting a cold. If it is more than 50%, then life. It has become worthless!

Now, the entire Yucheng City has been captured. This is a 50% interest. It is a million-profit, and it will not be much. As long as it can occupy a place in the city, it is afraid that there will be no land!

To the nearest is the Yucheng, far away to say that is the entire Lijiang River, Lujiang County is a rich place, hundreds of thousands of fertile land, and salt iron, these are money, are things that can expand the family what.

How can we not let these people be jealous, they look at each other, although the Lijiang River is big but not enough for a group of wolves to distribute, you really think that these scholars help Sun Ce is free! It is because I know that Liu Wei has slaughtered the entire sect of the city. It should be said that there is not much left in the entire Lijiang River!

The rest, such as the Liu Jialu family, are also attached to the family of Lu Bu, once Lu Bu was driven away. The Lijiang River is a virgin land, which makes these people ready to move.

There is now a huge cake of interest in front of us. How many soldiers and horses can you leave on the city? One thousand or two thousand? In their hands, whoever has no five thousand soldiers and horses in every family, just climb the wall! The credit for breaking the city is theirs.

On the merits, at least the family can be doubled.

"We are not military commanders. I am waiting for the city wall. I am afraid of life!" Someone spoke up. He said with a heavy heart and looked at other people's reactions.

Worry about life? Lu Su sneered in his heart, are you worried about their safety? You are threatening the sectarians! The meaning is nothing more than the danger of the upper wall, you guys will not go. Let me go alone! I don't go to **** who goes to hell!

Compared with the benefits that have been gained, what are the fatalities of these lives? What's more, there are very few defenders on the city, and I am afraid that as soon as I board the city wall, the city will be broken.

"Yes! The danger of the city is ah, you see yesterday, General Chen Wu and the generals of the Dong attacked the city wall together. Finally, Danyang soldiers lost 5,000 people. General Chen Wu died in the city wall, and the city was in danger. The army has a strong fighting power!" Another bitter and sinister sergeant stood up.

"Uncles, you see that you are all young, this dangerous thing is still to let our young people do it!" This is a principal of the Bao family, Bao Jia sent a young child, that is The young master of the Bao family, his old father is too old to naturally want to come over again. Sending your own son is also a test of your son's behavior.

"Yes! Uncles are older or still support the day! This kind of dangerous thing to attack the city is given to us!" If the Bo family is able to say this, he is young and can sell Meng, then now The opening is pure shameless! Zhang Yan, the principal of Zhang’s family, is not too young. He has been more than thirty years old. The ancients called the old man thirty. This is already an "elderly", smaller than the other principals present at the scene. But it is definitely not bad.

Usually they are brothers, not uncles!

"Oh!" An elderly person spoke, and he will have to give this great credit at the age! Although these two people are right, don't forget, they are not old enough to walk. They are just getting old. "We are old, but we are young, if you want to call me an uncle. If you want to meet up again next time, my brother and I will not be able to meet you!" This old man and Zhang Jia are the world, and the meeting is always the elders to the younger generation.

Zhang Jia’s current owner is Zhang Shao, one of Sun Cejun’s counselors. He has very real power and let Zhang Shao call his uncle to meet him. This is not a slap in the face of a family!

"You!" Zhang Hao's face was red. He shouted his uncle for the sake of merit. Who knows that there is even more shameless than him. He directly ridicules him. He can call the uncles present, but he dare not let himself Big brother shouted!

Zhang Shao pays the most attention to etiquette. His brother knows that he will not blame if he is killed.

Looking at Zhang Wei’s retreat, this person continues to say, “You all said that we are old! That’s old! We’re all alive, and we’ve lived for a few days. This dangerous thing gives us this old man. Bones! You still have a lot of things to do for your youth! Let us pave the way for you!" These gentlemen have a good deal.

When you are young, you are old, you can't get on the battlefield, or you can support your life! We young people take care of you, we are doing dangerous things.

Immediately after this, I counterattacked. The old man followed the younger tone. Yes, we are all old. We haven’t lived for a few days. You are still young and not good, you can’t die. The old wall died young, so this dangerous thing still gives us these old men! Looking at us, we still have a little strength.

The two sides are running against each other. Although there is no arrow in the rain forest everywhere to see the blood, but it has been attacking the heart, and the swords and swords, Lu Su did not expect these scholars to say so, really for their own interests and all the sentimental skins have been thrown aside.

"Okay!" Lu Su slammed up, and his good-tempered honest man was also angry. "Noisy, noisy, let me go back to Jiangdong and fight again!"

When I heard Lu Su’s words, all of them were quiet. Lu Su is a Lu family. If they are just a Lu family, they don’t care. Everyone is a family who cares about you, but now Lusu is the army of the entire army. It’s ruined, and people don’t need to do anything to put you on the side. The whole battle for the Lijiang River, you have no chance to participate at all. Nothing is done naturally, there is no reward, so there is nothing to go back. No loss of death.

If Lu Su squats a little more, let's make a few hands and feet, just like yesterday's left-handed two, let you first attack the city, or field battle, then you are finished, you have not seen the three soldiers and horses together Staying for one day, these private soldiers can be all of the sergeants themselves. It’s a pain to die. Because these are all money, you really have no temper. You came to help Sun Ce fight the river, and people put you in the front line. what happened! Reasonable.

"You all want to attack the city of Yucheng! It's not that you want to make this merit!" Lu Su directly pointed out the matter to them, otherwise it would be difficult to solve it for a few days.

"Yes!" Only a few young people will speak, and the old foxes are staring at Lu Su.

"If you let our Wu family attack the city, we will have a post-it report to the Wu family!" This is the principal of the Wu family. I said that this Wu family is the pulse of Sun Ce's mother, Wu Guotai, so let's not say Lu Su, even Sun Ce. I dare not directly sweep the face of Wu, so the Wu family has been walking sideways.

But this time Lu Su did not give face! I let you Wu Jiaxian attack the city, then other people! Lu Su is not afraid to offend the Wu family easily, but this premise is to be a different matter on the premise of offending the entire Jiangdong family, and even if you give Wu the opportunity, you can get it down! Attacking a Yucheng Shuijun Dazhai can escape and collapse, this siege can be much harder than winning the village. If you run again, Lu Su can only go to Sun Ce to take the crime.

"Don't ask me!" Lu Su refused directly. It is not that he does not give face. He himself does not have the right to assign this. "The Lord has already said that the first person who climbs the wall is considered to have broken the city! I want this. Thank you for your contribution!"

"Hey!" Wu's main event was swept away by Lu Su. The heart suddenly felt uncomfortable and snorted. What did Lu Su count? He didn't know that his Wu family and Sun Jiacai were the masters of this Lijiang River and even the entire Jiangdong! What do you think of Lu Su, not a dog of their Wu family and Sun family, Lu Su Lu family! The Wu family's principal has already been remembered in his heart and is ready to go back and find Lu’s account!

"But Lu Junshi, although the city is big, but it can't let us tens of thousands of troops attack the city together!" The siege is a wave of waves, and there is a wave of it.

Yucheng is already a minister, and it is impossible to spread all the tunes.

"Every family sends a thousand troops, naturally enough!" Lu Su gave these scholars an idea, a family of one thousand, there are twelve families, there are also 12,000 soldiers, enough to win the city. .

"One thousand!" Some of the gentry's eyes are flashing. They have private soldiers. Although the overall combat strength of the private soldiers is not very good, but these sects are elite and private, these are the things that protect these sects' lives, otherwise How could they come out?

It’s time to pull out and compete for this rare credit!

A single sergeant is looking at each other, interacting with each other and suspicion.

Business of Liang, and so are all over. The one is more prepared. Because we are going to be attacked, Friends of the army. 202.

"Call!" Lu Su looked at a sectarian lord who left, and this was a relief. It is really more difficult to deal with these sects than to make a plan. Because these people are old foxes and small foxes, you can have a stick. Killed, and they are huh! It’s all the grandfather not only wants to squat, but also to be good.

The sky is going to be bright, and Lu Su is going to prepare. When calculating the time, Lu Bujun’s state wolf ride is about to return. Lu Su needs to closely watch the movement of the state wolf, and the scout’s news will also be In place.

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