My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 171: Sergeant Siege (1)

"The whole army attacked the city!" The sky was bright, and Sun Cejun moved up under the command of Sun Ce.

"Kill!" Although the team of the same team is wearing the same color of clothes, but the flags are different, and even the weapons are different, Sun Cejun rushed toward the city with a ladder.

"This is?!" Liu Yan brows and looks at the team below, Sun Cejun, who is approaching the wall. The Sun Cejun of these assaults are all units of a battalion, a camp of thousands of people, which is inside. There are actually more than a dozen flags.

Zhao Qian Sun Li Zhou Wu Zheng Wang, Sun Ce has so many wars? Liu Wei really can't stand it. If these are all under the banner of General Sun Ce, the Yucheng is really unstoppable.

At the very least, the generals who can play the flag are second-rate or above, and they are still the mainstays of the army. Even if the military Sima is like the rain, the strength can not be directly matched with the slogan.

This is really going to be a pot of the city! Although Liu Wei was uneasy in his heart, he still settled his mind. He is the military soul of the defenders of the Yucheng defenders. If he is afraid, this city pool will not be guarded. Everyone will surrender directly!

"Come on, come on!" Liu Wei took a deep breath, even if you have more battles, this time I have to dig a piece of meat from you to make you feel distressed.

"Looking at the Lord, the enemy has crossed the moat!" Xu Sheng stood by Liu Wei and reported to Liu Weihui that Huang Zhong was placed on the other wall by Liu Wei. He had the task given by Liu Wei.

"Moat!" Liu Wei closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Hmm?!" Xu Sheng did not work with Liu Wei. He did not know how Liu Wei used his troops. The moat is a natural barrier to the city, and the enemy can throw arrows at the moat. This can bring great damage to the enemy, and can also prevent the enemy from advancing. At the very least, it can block the enemy's progress.

Supporting Sun Cejun is the task of Lu Bujun. However, looking at Liu Wei’s appearance, there was no reaction at all.

In Xu Sheng’s gaze, a team of teams followed by Sun Cejun crossed the moat. After crossing the moat, the city wall was over. Just put down the ladder and climb up to get to the wall.

"Slow!" Compared with the radicals of the younger generation, the middle-aged people in the Jiangdong sects are much more stable, and they are too smooth. The moat is like a flat land. It has passed directly, and there is fraud? The middle-aged people think more about problems and have more doubts.

The old school sentiment slowed down, and the soldiers under him slowed down, and the younger one looked at the old-fashioned movements and looked happy. In their opinion, there are so many concerns, rushing over is that as long as they climb the wall, this credit is theirs, let the old man eat gray in the back.

"There are less than a hundred steps for the young masters!" Xu Sheng continued to report, but Liu Wei did not respond at all.

"Fifty steps!" Liu Wei opened his eyes. Still no action.

"Forty steps, thirty steps, twenty steps!" Liu Wei finally moved, but he issued an order that Xu Sheng couldn't understand. "The urban management army pulled the bow and the black chess army did not move without my order." !"

"Yes!" The city management army directly executed Liu Wei’s order. Only more than nine hundred people pulled the long bow in their hands one by one and threw the arrow out.

"Little master. You are this!" Xu Sheng was a little angry, what did he want to do? Look down on the Black Chess Army! If one-on-one Xu Sheng has full control to give the city management army to dry down, what does this little master think? In the end, the enemy is already close to the city wall and it is possible to put down the ladder at any time. If it was in the moat because of the range If you have a problem, then now, the arrow that is thrown out does not need to be aimed at shooting the enemy.

However, Liu Wei only let the urban management army move, and the Black Chess Army prohibited action. Xu Sheng raised his hand and he wanted the Black Chess Army to do the same.

"Xu Sheng, have I told you, you can question me! You can be dissatisfied with me, but once I have given you orders, you must complete it!" Liu Wei looked at Xu Sheng, he knows Xu Sheng The martial arts is very strong. I can only rely on myself and Xu Sheng’s troubles, but the three thousand black chessmen are better than listening to Liu Wei’s.

In the eyes of Liu Wei, Xu Sheng succumbed. If the master of this new worship does not know the soldiers, then what is defeated by the defeated one.

"Hey!" More than nine hundred urban management forces Qi Qi thrown out the arrow in their hands, one arrow does not need to deliberately aim to find a general direction, they can shoot people.

For a moment, the following screams "on the rolling wood, falling rocks!" Liu Wei continued to give orders or the city management army that is less than a thousand is doing things, and the three thousand black chess army is like a spectator, there is nothing at all.

What does he want to do? Doesn't he know that the defensive city is to defy the enemy from the city! Although a thousand city management forces can also bring damage to the following Sun Cejun, but the damage is limited, especially those enemies who have gone on and on are like chicken blood.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Standing on the side of the moat, Zhang Hao suddenly laughed out, and his death and injury were all under his men, but he still smiled happily, why, because from this arrow rain, rolling stones, falling wood In the end, he finally determined an important message, that is, the defenders of this city are really not good.

This degree of arrow rain is completely drizzling for the entire siege army, the scale of thousands.

Zhang Yuchong is ahead, so he knows that these thousand people are simply not worried. He is not a fool. He has already formed an alliance with Bao Jia and Ling Jia. This time, I won the sharing of the city's merits. Otherwise, every thousand people who really boarded the city wall can do the same. The casualties must be great. These are the characters that the major families have cultivated since childhood.

"Chong, Chong, the whole army attacked the city!" Zhang Wei did not have scruples but he could not be thousands of people, and they were all tired, and they had three thousand coalition forces, and they could not get the whole city!

"We are also rushing!" Not only is Zhang Wei seeing it, but other families have also seen it. Those old foxes are not stupid at all, and there are only a thousand people on the wall. This is completely a battle, if you win the city, you can not only get the siege. It is also possible to kill the enemy generals and even the royal king of the king.

"Kill, kill, kill!" One by one, rushing toward the wall of the city, a ladder climbed over the wall, and the excitement of those Sun Cejun faces.

The soldiers are not stupid, and the enemies are naturally less happy, so that not only their own owners have rewards, but their own homes are also indispensable.

"First climb the wall to appreciate the ten acres of good land!" Some of the sergeant's principals are anxious. Their terracotta warriors are behind, and now they want to be the first to go to the city has been slow, so they can only bite their teeth and shout, hope that there will be brave men under the reward, and some of the sergeants will be crazy when they see their masters so generous.

This is a ten-acre farmland. These fields are more like the hearts of these private soldiers than the gold and silver. Their mother-in-law, their children can live, and the annual rent is heavy, but one or two acres can still be left as a ration among the 10 acres, which is enough, at least eat and drink.

And those who are not married. These fertile fields can help him to get a good wife, to be big, to be strong, so that they can work better. One by one, the Lu Bujun on the wall again seems to be the fish on the cutting board.

"The Lord Gong, you will be taken down when you look at the city!" Lu Su smiled and looked at Sun Ce. He saw a little smile from Sun Ce’s face, and they both kept looking at the movements of the city. The ability of the arrow to attack is really strong.

At most one hour? Two hours? Sun Ce can afford it, and now the genius is bright. According to this progress, I am afraid that I can enter the city in the middle of the day!

Sun Ce is also under pressure. Judging from the scouting message, the state wolf ride is not far away. In order to guard against the state wolf ride, Sun Ce has kept the scouts out of the hundred miles, and immediately reported it.

And the state wolf ride that is the king of the field, even if Sun Ce is conceited, he also knows that in the wild and the state wolf riding the field, the absolute degree is Sun Ce, countless deaths and injuries, it is possible to directly tear the opening in the big array. How many hundred thousand troops can exist?

The most important point is that Sun Ce’s main talent is only 30,000. Ten thousand is in the squad of the Yucheng Shuijun. Now there are only 20,000 in the hands of the city, and lost 5,000 yuan, only 15,000. You don’t look at the large number of people in the sects, but they are all wastes. At the very least, Sun Ce is sure to use his own 30,000 people to destroy the 70,000 soldiers.

The most important point is that these soldiers have not seen the cavalry!

Jiangdong Shaoma, the waterway is dominated by water warfare, and there are few land wars. Sometimes the water army is both a water army and a siege, and the cavalry, especially the large cavalry, has never encountered it, let alone And the state wolf rides the heavy cavalry.

Sun Ce had worries on his face, but then disappeared. At this speed, he could enter the city at noon. As long as he entered the city, even if the state wolf ride doubled again, how could the cavalry force him to attack the city?

"Let me go first!" A private soldier of the Wang family rushed to the city, but when it was under the city, it was found that the ladder was not enough. So he said to the private soldier of another other clan on the side that he was very barbaric.

"I want to go first!" Others ignore him. On the wall, there are ten acres of good land. This is a wife, how can I let it?

"Why do you give it to you!" But when I stepped on the ladder, I was pulled.

"We are the servants of the Wang family, you roll me down!" The Wang family's private soldiers are very barbaric. It is no wonder that the Wang family was originally a smuggler of salt. The private salt was banned when the Dahan was still ruled. Decapitated, so most of these royal families have human lives.

"I am still a private soldier of Li's family. Why do you give it to you first!" What about the Wang family? If the ordinary soldier may be afraid of one point but the same is a sergeant, how can this soldier let him.

"He's coming to Laozi!" It was useless to watch his own words. The Wang family's private soldiers directly started. They violently used the Li family to be directly smashed down to the ground, and the land under the wall was smashed. Half of the face is spent.

"You dare to beat me! Lao Tzu, die you!" Li Jia private soldiers are also angry, he went up is a knife.

"Ah, ah, I want to kill you!" The two soldiers suddenly fought.

"The mud can't help the wall!" Sun Ce looked at the private soldiers of the martial arts who were fighting and said that they would dare to be black-handed on the battlefield. They are really not afraid of death. Not afraid of metamorphosis! If there is such a soldier, Sun Ce has already cleaned the portal by himself.

Well, the two homeowners still kept restraint and prevented further developments, and even the two formed alliances under the city.

"Fast! Fast!" Wang Li and the two principals panicked because someone had climbed the tower.

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