My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 172: Sergeant Siege (2)

"Haha, haha, ten acres of good land is mine!" The first sect of the sergeant who climbed the tower was laughing wildly, and it was horrible to have greed, and it would always have a stronger power than usual. If it was normal, how could these soldiers be so fast, but the rewards were different, but when he got on the wall, he rushed toward the city management army with a big knife.

It’s true that there is only a city management army on the wall, and there is no shadow in the black chess army.

Liu Wei also stood on the wall. He looked at the first Sun Cejun, who had climbed the wall. He only said a word "kill!" Although these private soldiers are the elite private soldiers of the sect, they are better than the urban management army. The battlefield in the long-running battlefield is still much worse.

In three rounds, the two urban management forces directly killed the first Sun Cejun soldier who was on the wall.

More and more Sun Cejun has gone to the city wall, and a thousand city management army has gradually been unable to defend.

"It is my family's terracotta warriors and horses, my family's terracotta warriors," watching his own soldiers and horses boarded the wall of the Liu family, the main thing is very excited, his Liu is not the Han family clan's Liu, he is the ordinary Liu family, perhaps five hundred Years ago and Gaozu were a family, but now definitely not.

"What do you want!" said the other principals who did not board the wall. They said, "Don't forget what Lu Junshi said. If we want these people to climb the tower, this is the real power of breaking the city!"

"That is! What a soldier is on the wall, you have the ability to go up!" The other principals on the side are also mocking.

"Wait!" Liu’s main actor dismissed, as long as he waited for his soldiers to clean up the squadrons. At that time, the private soldiers who had their own homes were the first to climb the tower.

He can't wait to see Sun Ce's reward for himself.

"Well on the wall!" Sun Ce looked at the wave of the family's private soldiers have climbed the wall and smiled, it is worthy of the wall grass dog. They learned the excitement of the dog seeing the cockroach, but did not see the dog's loyalty. Sun Ce's work to break the city made them become so.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The city management army above the city wall has suffered casualties, because Sun Cejun is too much, from the beginning of hundreds of people, to more than a thousand. Then to three thousand, four thousand! There have been several camps rushing up. Although Liu Wei has killed a lot with the city management army, but it is not killing, and these Sun Cejun are also very smart. They guard the ladder to let more friendly troops board the wall.

Although the city management army can play a few dozens of elites, it can not withstand so many enemies.

Liu Yiyi shield smashed a knife that was cut to him, and used his shield to tear open his neck and **** Liu Yi. But he is still searching.

War will! Yes, it is the battle of Sun Cejun, where is it! Liu Wei saw the following flags, but there are more than a dozen. These wars are the most horrible knife. He can tear the defense of the city management army, but waited for such a long time. There are no more than five thousand enemy troops on the wall, but they have not waited for those warriors.

"General Huang Huang looked at you!" If you can't find it, then Liu Wei left Huang Zhong to kill those warriors. If you can't find it now, take Huang Zhong out to kill the enemy soldiers.

Huang Zhong is a big killer. One person can block thousands of people.

"Yes!" Huang Zhong nodded and rushed out with a golden knife. There was a **** hurricane wherever he went, and there was no place for this soldier to have a place. May Day is not killed by a golden knife.

However, a Huang Zhong could not change the entire battle. After all, there are now many enemy forces on the city wall, and the city management army is shrinking its strength. Liu Wei is also fighting blood.

"Seven thousand! Eight thousand!" Liu Wei smothered a big mouth and gasped. The injury on his arm was still not good. Now the shield is completely reluctant, but Liu Wei is still on the back. It is.

Liu Wei looks at more and more enemy troops. If he only has this thousand city management army, I am afraid that this city will fall down!

Liu Wei has already seen that the soldiers of Sun Cejun have already trapped the urban management army.

Huang Zhong was also restricted in his hands and feet, or Huang Zhong was saving his physical strength.

"Haha, I said that I must be the first person to climb the wall!" Liu’s principal was really excited. The credit for this broken city was reached. The flag was already inserted in the city. The general Sun Ce should see it. Ah, haha, I think the Liu family is excited.

Yucheng, this is much better than the Songjiang where Liu is located. Here is the place where the county is located. At least, the power of the broken city can make the Liu family stand on the city again. He will become the hero of the Liu family.

"That is the king of the king!" Liu’s main agent looked at a golden armor who was rushing around in the distance. Although Liu’s principal had not seen Liu Wei, he knew that Liu Wei was wearing a gold armor and only Liu Weihe. Lu Bu and the two wear gold armor, very good recognition.

"It’s really God’s care!” This time, not only can you get the power of breaking the city, but you can also bring a king! With this king, Liu can not only live in the city, but I am afraid that it will not be a dream to become a first-class family! "Come, come and kill me, but remember me not to hurt that gold armor will make me live!"

"I finally came up!" Baojia Zhangjia also went to the city wall under the opportunity of the joint. The credit of the first Shangchengchi is gone, Baojia and Zhangjia are very remorse but can't recover, because Liu has already Where is the flag inserted?

Now only the king of the king, Zhang Wei also saw Liu Wei wearing a gold armor is too obvious.

"All of them are for me, I don't want to live, and those who die are counted. Whoever gets his head, I will give him genealogy!" Zhang Hao was crazy, lost hundreds of people, and didn't get anything called this. He can only worry, Liu, you are not going to live! I only have to die, I want to die, I can also ask for merit.

"Catch the gold armor!"

"Kill, I will live and die, as long as I get his head, all rewards 100 gold!" One family has been red-eyed, and the credit of the broken city has been lost. This credit can no longer be lost. Otherwise, the whole city or even the Lijiang River will not be lost. The meat is eaten, let alone the meat, I am afraid that even the soup is gone.

"Want to catch me!" How could Liu Wei not know that these people are calling themselves? "That must also look at your skills! The army of urban management is dead together! Kill!"

"To die together, kill!" The city management army also went crazy. They died too much robes, and they were still laughing yesterday. I also had a drink together the day before, and even a few days ago I was still discussing whether I would become a brother and discuss my wife and children, but now! What is left is a cold body, leaving behind a hatred!

Liu Wei knows that the city management army has been smashed for too long, they have to vent, they have to avenge their robes, then come! I can't bring you wealth to Liu Wei. Then take revenge for you! The army of urban management died together.

Liu Wei grabbed a sword and stabbed his own sword and pulled the sword to the enemy's neck and directly killed him. The giant shield in his hand had already hurt too much for Liu Wei. It has already begun to sag, but it can't stop Liu Wei's killing.

"Kill!" Liu Wei’s eyes were also red. Sun Ce let him lose more than 2,000 brothers. He should calculate with Sun, and the death of General Su Fei. All this is hatred. It’s all grudges, come check it out.

"Retreat, retreat!" Liu Wei does not have the martial arts of Huang Zhong Lu Bu and does not have the calculations of Chen Gong Jia Yu Guo Jia, but he has a passion for the blood, to use a burst of blood to reward those brothers.

Under the madness, Liu Wei killed more than 50 people, and his five-meter range formed a vacuum of people flow. Let the private soldiers of these soldiers fear, this is the man, it is completely the devil, especially Liu Wei’s defense is no one can break open, the sword is not reflected on him.

Liu Wei was stained with blood by his body. The hair is already stuck together with sweat and blood, if you squeeze hard. Can squeeze out a lot of blood, these are the blood of the enemy.

The more he played, the more he killed, the killing in his hands could not stop.

"Hmm?!" Liu Wei killed a wave of enemies suddenly felt in the heart, this feeling? Liu Wei feels wonderful and dangerous! It is like instinctual general Liu Wei flipped the whole body up. This is a talent after Liu Wei stepped into the forging, that is the sixth sense, that is, intuition! Ordinary people rely on five senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, and once you reach the forging, your body is exercised to a certain extent, but not the five senses will become more sensitive, the same as your feelings, this does not say Clear things will become more sensitive, just as animals will soon be aware of the arrival of disasters. People have this kind of talent, but evolution has disappeared, and forgings will reinvent this root. Looking back, this is the sixth sense, every military commander will be very concerned about their sixth sense, because sometimes the sixth sense can really save their lives.

"Hey!" Liu Wei was not paying attention to a bow and arrow and rubbed his face and flew over. If Liu Wei was lucky, just now he could directly penetrate his head.

That is how Liu Wei was also shocked by a cold sweat. In the distance, a young warrior was pulling a long bow and looking at Liu Wei. He shook his head and said it was a pity.

This person is the Bao family's young master Bao Zhong, whose ancestors are said to be Bao Shuya.

Bao Shu’s gumsman was a doctor in the Spring and Autumn Period. What Bao Shuyao knows about the world is nothing more than the appointment of Guan Bao, and it is recommended that Guan Zhong be on the same stage, thus helping Qi Qigong and Jiuhe princes to achieve Qi State’s hegemony.

But who knows that Bao Shuya is also a very powerful adviser. How can he and Guan Zhong be a person who doesn't understand anything? People say that people are grouped by class, only high IQ people will be high. The IQ is like a military commander who likes to get together. This is not the case in the world.

It’s just that Guan Zhong’s ability is too strong, which masks Bao’s talent.

The people who came out of Bao’s family did not say that the world was absolutely arrogant. This Bao Zhong was very conceited about his own archery. He walked through Yang in a hundred steps. It’s a small meaning for him. He’s so powerful that he can be more than one arrow. Talent is there.

Just now, Bao Zhong did just that. He not only wanted to kill Liu Wei but also wanted to kill him with a city management soldier. This shot was shot after killing the city management army, but Liu Wei was now lying. On the ground.

Liu Wei avoided this arrow but Bao Zhong did not let Liu Yi's intentions. The longbow in his hand once again set up.

"Hey!" This is the three consecutive arrows, which blocked Liu Wei’s middle and lower three roads. This is a must for Liu Zhong. He is as eager to get the recognition of the family as most young people. The recognition of the world, killing Liu Wei, this king of the king is just a name.

Liu Wei wanted to take the giant shield on the side as a resistance, but Bao Zhong seemed to know Liu Wei’s thoughts. Two of the three arrows went toward the giant shield.

"Hey!" Liu Wei snorted. If he went to get the giant shield, although he could drop two arrows, but the other one could definitely shoot through his joints. The shortcoming of this archer who saw through his armor was the gap in the joint. Among them, once the joint gap is penetrated, you are seriously injured.

"Hey!" The first arrow was approaching, and Liu Wei jumped over and avoided.

"Innocent!" Bao Zhong dismissed. He was the least interested in a target that didn't move. He didn't dare to be interested in those soldiers. He was interested in Liu Wei. This kind of war will not only understand him. The superb archery can still give him a name, why not do it.

Bao Zhong had already known that Liu Wei would avoid it, thinking that it would be fine to avoid it!

The second arrow arrived, and he just took over the gap between the first arrow and shot at Liu Wei. Liu Wei has already reached the air and can no longer escape.

"Dead!" Bao Zhong is a pity, you can't resist the second arrow! Bao Zhong shook his head and could not help but shook his head. He smiled on his face.

I really looked down on you. It turns out that Liu Wei’s body can’t change direction anymore, but his arm is movable. Liu’s hand grabbed the galloping arrow, and after the fierce struggle, the arrow was calm. Grabbed in the hands.

"Yes! Unfortunately, you still have to die!" Bao Zhongkai opened his mouth, and the first second arrow that could be left was beyond the expectation of Bao Zhong. The third arrow was huh.

The third arrow was spinning at a rapid speed. He was silent, no more power than the previous two arrows, but his threat was much larger than the first two arrows. The first two arrows were covering his whereabouts. He is quieter than an earlier one, he is more like an assassin, a hit will kill, the means of killing is very plain and not that kind of vigorous.

Shooting and shooting are the same as dead people.

And this ineffective arrow is an arrow that will shoot people, and this person is Liu Wei, the arrow is to shoot Liu Wei's head.

If it hits, Liu Wei definitely has no possibility of surviving.

PS: Hand cramps! Still 10,000 words!

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