My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 173: Black Chess Massacre!

"Damn!" Liu Wei also found this last arrow, quietly approaching Liu Wei slowly. He was not in a hurry, waiting for the two arrows in front to fly quickly. What he wanted was the two arrows in front. Under the cover, one blow will kill.

When Liu Wei discovered the arrow, it was too late to resist. He was slow, and Liu Wei could see that if it was normal, this arrow would not be the same thing. Even some soldiers of the hundred wars would shoot more than the arrow in front of him. It is much more powerful, but today it is the arrow that can save Liu's life.

‘Kill it! Haha! "Bao Zhong smiled and watched the arrow fly into Liu Wei's mouth and directly flew through the throat from the back of the head! Although Bao Zhong is disgusting with the kind of death, but this is his masterpiece, killing this king. The name of Bao Zhong will fly the whole big man!

"Plop!" Liu Wei fell to the ground and did not move for a long time.

"Come on to help me remove the head of His Royal Highness!" Bao Zhong is very contented. This person is headed to her hand. He can not only be famous but also promote their Bao family to a first-class family in Jiangdong. Think about it. The old father is pleased with the appearance of Bao Zhong, the more smile.

"Yes!" Without Bao Zhong, there were soldiers on the side ready to rush to cut Liu Wei's head.

"Oh!" He wants to take Liu Wei's head up first, but this gold armor wants to deduct it from above, and can buy a few acres of good land in a corner.

I thought about the big knife in my hand and waved it toward Liu Wei.

"Hey!" The hot blood rushed out, and a big head flew up, and there was a smile on his face.

"What!" Bao Zhong could not believe it. The king of the wearer's gold armor is not dead! So will!

Liu Hao was so good that he stood up. He just flew his head and was the "good insurance" of the Sun Ceshi." Liu Wei is still worried. Almost killed, the arrow is too horrible, the assassin is simply silent, which is more horrible than the powerful arrows that are shot on the battlefield, because you don’t know when he is Appeared, shot your heart through your head without your knowledge. And Liu Wei just died a little under the arrow!

"The dog smashed" Bao Zhong's face was cold, and he thought that the foolproof arrow was blocked. It turned out that Liu Wei couldn't stop the arrow. His hands and his body didn't respond. The only thing that could help him was one, his teeth.

This is also because Liu Hao is lucky, just as Bao Zhong’s shot is toward Liu’s mouth and wants to run directly through the throat and the back of the head, because the arrow is quiet, but the power is reduced. Bao Zhong fears that the arrow may be blocked by the skull when it hits the head. In the end, it can only be seriously injured, not killed!

I didn’t expect that this really saved the result of Liu’s fate. Liu Wei used his teeth to bite the bow and arrow tightly. This only reported his life, and he just did not move to see if he was the archer. Will you cut his head directly before going forward? In this case, he has the opportunity to smash and kill the archers. Who knows that Bao Zhong is really vigilant and shoots the soldiers before.

"How about hiding, how can you hide once, can avoid the second time!" Bao Zhong snorted and he once again caught the bow and arrow. He had to kill his unfinished work. His Royal Highness. Let him become famous.

However, the idea of ​​Bao Zhong was broken, and Bao Zhong’s arrow was just shot. A few arrows on the side of the line led to Bao Zhong.

"Hey!" Bao Zhong shot three arrows. This was also three arrows. He directly shot down Bao Zhong’s arrow and landed on the ground.

"Who!" This is also a master of the arrow. Bao Zhong’s first reaction will feel. These three arrows can actually drop their own arrows and are shot down in the air. This is not a shot, a target. Big, and the arrows of these three arrows are small and small, it is difficult to see with the naked eye a few meters away, but the other three arrows that came flying shot them.

How good is this eyesight and how high the archery is.

As if answering Bao Zhong’s question, it was the three arrows that shot toward Bao Zhong. This time, the three arrows were as blocked as Bao Zhong’s Liu Wei, and a quietly approached.

"Learn me!" Bao Zhong finally knew that he had met a high-ranking person. The lurking arrow of his own hand was realized by Bao Zhong himself, and it was also a stunt of Bao Zhong. Although Bao Zhong did not confront some famous peers, but Even Sun Ce said frankly that this Bao Zhongjian method is first class.

"Well?!" Compared with Bao Zhong’s anger and doubts, there is also the kind of excitement that meets the opponent. Liu Wei is much flatter. He can see that the master of this hand-arrow method is the highest in the army of Lu Bujun. Huang Zhong, followed by Huang Xu, Huang Zhong is killing, it is impossible to empty the hand to shoot, then only Huang Xu.

Sure enough, the figure of Huang Xu came out, and the arrow was like saying "I am your opponent!"

"Have a good haha!" Bao Zhong was excited. Bao Zhongwuyi may not be able to compare with some famous players, but his first-hand arrow method is extremely proud. Even Bao Zhong thinks that he is invincible in the world for a while, who knows now I met the opponent, and this opponent is very strong and strong. Bao Zhong feels that this opponent is the person he wants to find.

Liu Wei nodded slightly toward the direction of Huang Xu. Huang Xu had saved him several times, and he only cured the soldiers of Huang Xu. The ancients should not be able to afford me!

"Cough!! Liu Yu coughed up. He spit out blood from the end. The blood is mixed with white things. This is the tooth. The four front teeth of Liu Wei were directly shot by the arrow. The drop has now fallen, and Liu Wei spit out.

Seeing Liu Wei’s vomiting blood, Sun Cejun’s soldiers on the side were excited. What was even more exciting was the sectarians who thought that Liu Wei would die under Bao Zhong’s arrow method. If so, they would be disappointed. They have no credit, and so many deaths and injuries are not going to go back.

Now that Bao Zhong was dragged by the enemy, no one had shot with them, and before this, Bao Zhong also shot and injured the king. In their view, Liu Wei spit out the blood that was seriously injured.

A seriously injured general! His head is not in the bag! A single sergeant began to act.

"He was hurt. Everyone! Kill him!" Don't say that you really have to die. Several Sun Cejun's soldiers took the big knife and went forward.

"Injured?!" Liu Wei touched the mouth that had no front teeth. There are still some leaks in the speech now. If the blood is bleeding, it is really true.

"Hey!" Several blood flowers splashed again, and Liu Wei was more and more flexible in using his body's strength. If Liu Wei was killed when Chen Wu was just a kid who had just stepped into the forged body, So now he is a second-rate general who is skilled in using forging power.

"This is called an injury?" Zhou people were puzzled. For a moment, the violent attack directly killed four people. If this is a serious injury. So what is a minor injury? For a time, Sun Cejun’s soldiers did not dare to go.

"If you embrace it, even if he is a **** of war, he will die!" Some people on the side sighed, and it was hard to reach the four legs. Under the large number of people, Liu Wei could really be killed.

It was another **** hurricane. This time, Liu Wei was really hurt. His arm was not good. Now it’s too hard, and once again, it’s awkward, and Liu’s pain is so frowning that he can’t hold on for a long time.

"He is already the end of the strong!" The crowd also saw it, Liu Wei can't do it, because his strength is small. And not so arrogant to kill people, just a soldier just stabbed Liu Wei.

"Give me the royal family to give up! We can give you a whole body in the Han room!" There are colds of the sects. Although they know that Liu Wei is seriously injured, they dare not go up. I am afraid that Liu Wei will come again. Scenes.

"You see that your soldiers have collapsed, you still want to dying! Why is it difficult for us? We only want your head!" Zhang Wei went forward, he is also a military commander. At the very least, it is much more powerful than those old ones.

Liu Wei also saw that the city management army vented and vented, but the gap between the number of people still made the city management army unable to hold back, and he did not live with the withdrawal.

"I really can't hold it anymore!" Liu said to himself, his mission was completed. He vented all the long-standing grievances, and did not vent them. These city management forces may have been abolished. It will become tyrannical and become a killer. This is a good thing for other tribes. When the soldiers are killing, the killing is fierce, but for Liu Wei, this is equal to death, one even for themselves. Can someone who can't control themselves be called a person?

That is a beast. What Liu Wei needs is a group of warriors instead of a bunch of animals. The beast of the beast can only do things for animals. Now all the unfortunate people in the troubled times of the Han Dynasty are Han children. Do you really want Liu Wei to kill them? It’s a last resort, and it’s too urgent for the same roots.

"So I blame myself, suicide, I reported your whole body!" Zhang Wei said very proudly, Paul Liu Quan full body? He couldn't do it at all. Not to mention Sun Ce's hatred of Liu Wei, even if Jiang Qin and Dong attacked them, they could give Liu Wei a corpse. Zhang Wei said that he just wanted to dispel Liu's rebellious mind.

"You really thought that I should eat me!" Liu Wei said very lightly, he lost the big knife in his hand and protected the giant shield.

"Not a certainty! But the fact, don't dying, you can't win now! It's better to be comfortable with your painful struggle than to be a corpse!" Zhang Wei seems to be in control, he And Bao Zhong is an alliance, winning Liu Wei is not a half of the credit, this credit is not smaller than the broken city!

"Hey!" Liu Wei was very lightly putting the giant shield down.

I know I gave up! Zhang Xiao smiled even more happily. He didn't want Liu Wei to dying again. Although he could kill Liu Wei, his losses would not be small. These are the private soldiers of Zhang's family. Every one is money. It’s so ruthless.

"Give up? Oh! Maybe!" Liu Wei looked at Zhang Wei.

"How! The king of the king must be divided into corpses! Why?" Zhang Wei looked at Liu Wei, the knife and the shield were lost, what did you take to prevent it, and now you can resist it, and kill you as usual.

"Oh, the same thing, I also gave this general Zhang!" Liu Wei did not know this Zhang Huan, only saw Zhang Zhang on the banner behind him, he called him General Zhang.

"Don't dying, you can't win now! It's better to be comfortable with your painful struggle than to be a corpse!" Liu Wei said back to Zhang Wei.

"You are not blaming me for looking for death!" Zhang Yan's face sank, since Liu Wei did not give face. Then kill it directly! How about the corpse? What Zhang Wei wants is that the land of the city is not the body of Liu Wei. "Kill, kill me for him. Who gets her head to reward a hundred gold, the body gives ten gold plus a good field fifty, a house!" Zhang Wei is preparing for a big blood this time, the money is getting Liu Wei's body After the credit, it was drizzling.

"Kill!" Those who are afraid of the soldiers are also heart-warming. Liu Wei is now injured, and he has lost his weapons. What are you afraid of at this time? One by one, he rushed toward Liu Wei with a big knife.

"Hey!" The earth suddenly shook.

"What voice!" Zhang Wei strangely felt that the wall was shaking. what's the situation? Did the dragon appear? .

"Hey!" The voice is getting bigger and bigger and getting closer.

Liu Wei smiled and looked at Sun Cejun, who was about to rush to him. "If I am surrendering now!"

"Stop! You dream, go to hell!" The soldier slashed his face and slashed to Liu Wei. As long as he got his head, it was a hundred dollars. This money can be donated to a county. If you buy a house, you can be a landlord. I have never lost my life.

"Hey!" Liu Wei shook his head.

"Dead!" The big knife is already close to Liu Wei's head. As long as he goes deeper, Liu Wei's head will fall. This soldier can't wait to see the blood splashed from his head.

"Hey!" One after another, an arrow rushed toward Liu Wei. Liu Wei was in front of twelve besieged soldiers and died ten, and two of them had escaped because of other people. .

"What!" Zhang Hao finally panicked. what is this! A black beast suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Wei’s eyes, not a group but a group of black beasts.

Just picking up Liu Weiwei is the arrow that these black beasts shoot.

"It’s finally here!" Liu Wei’s whole body was soft. He was too tired. He didn’t want to move when he was tired. He saw the gang of black sergeants laughing.

"Heavy A black. Invincible, kill!" Xu Sheng's familiar, full of anger sounded.

Yes, the black monsters in the eyes of Zhang Wei’s eyes are the black chess army. It’s the heavy armor that the Zhou family has spent a lot of money to create.

The three thousand black chess troops are all heavy armor. They are the king of the field except the heavy cavalry, a nightmare for all ordinary steps. They wore a hundred pounds of heavy armor with a long gun chopper, and they didn't stay where they were.

This is a field king. It is impossible for Liu Wei to use them directly on the defensive city. If you directly guard the city and go to the city wall, what is the difference between these heavy armies and ordinary soldiers? Even because of the heavy armor, they will be tired for a while, and the battle of the defending city is a day. The heavy armor is not the heavy armored cavalry, but they rely on their own personal strength, even if it is God can't hold it anymore.

Therefore, Liu Wei let them stand still, and the black chess army can only use it once. The group attacked and attacked one of them to destroy the enemy. Liu Wei could not open the gate of the city and Sun Ce field battle. It was looking for death, then it could only be on the wall. used.

The walls of Yucheng are not only tall but also very wide, and there are no problems with dozens of people.

Liu Yuxian used the city management army to counterattack one in order to vent the evil spirits of the city management army. Another one was to confuse Sun Cejun, so that Sun Cejun mistakenly thought that there was only one thousand city management troops on the wall, and the defense was no longer possible, so they I rushed to the city, and some of the walls were not guarded by Liu Wei’s intention. There were more Sun Cejun on the wall. Now there are less than 10,000 Sun Cejun on the wall, Sun Ce on the wall. The army is already full of people.

At this time, it was time for the heavy armored soldiers to crush. The 3,000-strong armored warrior confronted 10,000 light armored pawns on the wall that had nowhere to escape. I also knew what it was with my ass. The ending.

This is a massacre! A unilateral massacre.

The black chess army took a neat step. They walked all the way and harvested all the way. Those Sun Cejun’s steps were like aunts giving a pair of wings and letting them fly. How bad it is, but people are not It will be winged, and the winged one is called a bird.

"Kill!" Every move of the Black Chess Army is a **** hurricane. Ten thousand Sunswalkers can't escape. Only the ladders on the wall can escape. But how many tens of thousands of ladders are enough? For a time, the ladders were overcrowded and collided with each other. In order to survive, some people directly took the butcher knife and killed them.

"Ah!" Some ladders were directly smashed, and the ladder couldn’t bear the weight. The weight broke from the air and the taxis fell to the ground and fell into patties.

"Brothers fight with them!" There are also people who don’t want to watch, they can’t go away. It’s better to fight together than to be killed. It’s really not afraid of death. One hundred people rushed toward the black chess army. What is the ending? Hehe Black Chess Army is a meat grinder. It directly crushes those who dare to fight and becomes a meat.

The intestines, the internal organs, the flesh and blood, the bones, have changed the color of the entire city wall. If it was called the tragic words when the city was in the city, it is now hell! The endless **** is displayed in front of these Sun Cejun, and Liu Wei is the prince in hell!

This really scared the soldiers' courage.

PS: There are still five thousand! Fighting the cramps and fighting too! Seeking a subscription for a reward!

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