My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 179: Killer (3)

Liu Wei also went to rest. He didn't know that he let these black chess soldiers eat hot food and slept on the castle floor to give these soldiers a big touch. They looked at Liu Wei's eyes no longer the kind of strangeness, one day ago. They may just be Xu Sheng's sake, Xu Sheng is their head, they help Liu Wei to protect the city, but now it is different, they look at Liu Wei's eyes are so firm, this kind of eyes Liu Wei only I have seen it from the city management army, that is the kind of loyal loyalty.

These black chess forces have already regarded themselves as a member of Liu Yujun of Yucheng. Once a person has a sense of belonging, it is terrible, just like the military spirit of Lu Bujun! That is the individual of Lu Bu, and the worship of Lu Bu in the state wolf camping camp and to a certain extent, as long as Lu Bu then they will not retreat even if they fight to the last soldier.

Even Song Xianwei, the generals who betrayed Lu Bu, finally gave their hearts to Lu Bu and finally used their lives to compensate for their mistakes.

On the second day of the day, Liu Yi had not worn the armor, and Huang Zhongchong took the wall. When he climbed the wall, Liu Wei took a breath. He finally knew why Sun Ce retreated yesterday. He put it yesterday. It’s not a big compassion but a real strategy. It’s a day to try to kill all the guardians of the city.

One night, Sun Cejun’s camp erected four tall buildings, each of which was tall and tens of meters high. From the wall, those heights were higher than the city.

The faint shadows on the tall buildings are moving, they are holding bows and arrows. From the ground, like an ant, climbed up to the four tall buildings.

"Jing Jing!" Liu Wei almost gnashed his teeth and said the name of this tall building, just like the siege car. This is also a siege strength. Compared with the Chongcheng car, the Chongcheng car is already good. He will only crash the city gate. After the disaster, he will enter the city from the gate of the city gate. If you like Liu Wei, In the back road of the city, the passage of the city gate is blocked, so the rushing city car has no effect.

The well in front of you is different. This kind of thing is completely against people. The rushing car only deals with the city wall, and the shovel is against the people. This is a weapon, in other words, a big killer.

Jing Hao was invented by Mozi. Chu Wang used him to play Song Guo, and Song Guoben was a small country. He knew that his field was not an opponent of Chu, so he contracted his strength and assembled nearly 50,000 troops in the country to prepare enough grain and Chu to resist.

In the first month, the second month, because the king of Chu was an invasion, the soldiers of the Song Dynasty fought for their hometown. The struggle was fierce. The 200,000-strong army of the king of Chu could not take the capital of the Song Dynasty. Instead, he suffered seven or eighty thousand casualties. In this way, the king of Chu could not win. And once the Song Dynasty is not available, the Chu State loses so much. Then the other neighbors of Chu State can not get along so well, and they are absolutely ready to smash.

At the time when the king of Chu was unable to do anything, the son of a Mohist came to the king of Chu and offered the Jingjing thing. This is completely prepared for the siege. He should not be called a siege weapon, but should be called a murder weapon. Jing Wei is a moving arrow tower that can attack the siege weapons of enemy forces on the city wall. On the shelf, any unit can be fired from a long distance. Generally, it is set to 3 layers and a half height, and the pulley is placed underneath.

The king of Chu spent two days creating ten wells, and ordered people to enter the wells. Ten wells placed a total of 10,000 archers, and they descended toward the kingdom of the Song Dynasty, escaping from the walls. The place was originally small, and with the intensiveness of the Song Dynasty, it was moldy.

Originally, the Song dynasty was a defensive city. They were condescending against the king of Chu. Their bows and arrows could shoot the army of the king of Chu, but the army of the king of Chu could not shoot them. Now they have transferred one by one and become the king of Chu. The army was condescending to shoot Song Guo. The city was originally a defensive thing that could resist several times its own enemies, but now it is dead in front of Jingjing, as long as the Song Dynasty soldiers on the wall are not supported. A fragrant time, countless arrows rained down and countless deaths and wounds in the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty soldiers also had to go to the city wall. Once you have no one on the wall, it is the time when the king of Chu broke the Song Dynasty.

Therefore, the station was extremely fierce. The elite soldiers died. The ordinary soldiers died. The ordinary soldiers died on the people. Finally, even the court guards and prostitutes of the Song Dynasty went to the wall, but they still could not change the final outcome. The Song Dynasty was destroyed. The Chuqi Wei three countries directly divided up.

In the entire Song Dynasty, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians ended up with less than a thousand old, weak, and sick. The rest died on the wall, and the bodies quickly blocked Song Guoguo.

Since then, Jing Hao has become a weapon for killing and siege for the major vassal states. The defenders are all afraid of anomalies.

Of course, Jing Hao is not incomprehensible. Jing Jing was invented by Mozi. Mozi once used fire to break him. Jing Jing is tall and mighty, but his ability to move is very slow and it is easy to damage, as long as a light ride or It is a powerful part of the squad that rushes to the well and can kill the wells without a moment of effort, and can destroy the enemies that have already gone to the well. It is impossible to live from the height of tens of meters. Possible.

But now two very important issues. First, Liu Wei’s hands have no soldiers to send the city management army and the black chess army to defend the city wall. It is impossible to have the opportunity to separate the troops. Once the number of people on the wall is small, it is possible to directly Sun Cejun attacked Yucheng.

The second Liu Wei really smiled, and he blocked the city gate of Yucheng! Before Sun Ce used the Chongcheng car Liu Wei, who didn't care about breaking the city gate, and you couldn't get in, so Liu Wei was very mocking Sun Ce once, but now it's good, Sun Cejin can't come out, he can't go out, don't It is said that there are no soldiers to destroy the wells, even if they have troops, they can’t send them out. The passage has been completely blocked.

"What should we do with the young masters?" Xu Sheng has never seen Jingjing. This kind of thing knows very little after the Warring States, because it is too hurtful, and a war is down. It’s possible that 阑 阑 , , , , , 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从 从How to fight how to fight, who knows after the Spring and Autumn Warring States. He appeared again.

"I didn't have it yesterday, it happened today!" Liu said to himself, this is indeed Sun Cejun's production in the past few days. Last night, Sun Ce mobilized 10,000 troops to cut wood to make this before Tianming. come out.

"What to do!" Liu Wei did not want to sit still. If this well was close to the wall of the city, then the entire defending army of the city was exposed to the attack range of Jingjing. At that time, it would be fatal and serious, Sun Ce. Although there are not dozens of wells in the hands of the king of Chu, but four wells can put three thousand archers.

Three thousand archers shoot uninterrupted and condescending. And Liu Wei has no way to attack them, and think of it as a horror.

"Far attack!" Huang Xu said that he is not a person who does not know the soldiers. He stayed with his father for a long time. Huang Xu also noticed it, but Huang Xu is more inclined to be more like Confucianism. And Huang Zhong is a fierce.

"Far attack?!" Liu Wei took a look, the sky will be clear. Once the sky is bright, Sun Cejun will attack. The city gate has been blocked, Sun Cejun can't get in, Liu Wei can't get out, it's impossible to rush out of the city to destroy the well. It's only a far attack, but Liu Wei knows how to attack the far attack. ! Jing Hao is even higher than the Yucheng City Wall. The archers of Yucheng and Sun Cejun on the wells can only be so bad that they can only be Liu Yujun, not to mention that there is no possibility that Sun Yijun will give up attacking the city walls and let the black chessmen raise their bows and arrows. How can I get the enemy off the city?

"You have forgotten the little master, we still have one thing! His power is absolutely big enough to directly destroy a well in one arrow!" Huang Xu reminded Liu Wei. The well threat is too big and must be removed. Ordinary bows and arrows are even tickles on him, and only enough power can deal with it.

"You mean?!" Liu Wei also remembered. These wells went outside the city, and the city was really unstoppable. The retreat was also blocked by Liu Wei himself. In the end, he could only die in the city. bingo.

The conversation between Huang Xu and Liu Wei made Xu Sheng’s fog, what and what could directly destroy a well. Xu Sheng saw that the wells could have thousands of people on the high ground. Very sturdy, how could it be so easy to be shot by the arrow, I am afraid even if you use a knife to cut it, you have to cut it for a while!

Huang Zhong looked at his son and Liu Wei. He also flashed in the eyes, and that thing seemed to really deal with this well.

"It's him!" Liu Yan's mouth raised a smile. "Come and bring the bed out!" Yes, Huang Xu and Liu Wei said that the bed is a bed, and that one arrow shot the Sun Ce bed, this thing is powerful. Great, an arrow shot through two horses to break the West Chu King, the rifle made with 镔 铁 you know his power.

It is absolutely possible to deal with the well with this thing. The head of the bed is very poor, but there is no problem with a sniper like Huang Xu.

Sun Cejun is putting the last thing on the wells. These thatch can allow the soldiers to cover the damage from other places, especially the arrows. Although the wells are high enough, some people are still very strong. When you get to the well, you can hurt the soldiers on the well.

"The sky is going to shine!" Sun Ce three got up, Lu Su was busy all night, Lu Su's well, but he saw it in an ancient book of the family, which said that the killer well, the old There was a king of Chu who attacked Song Yijing and smashed the defending army of 100,000. Lu Su did not believe it, but today he still made it. When he saw these works, Lu Su smiled, and three thousand archers and soldiers bowed to the heights of the arrows. It’s horrible, there’s nothing more than just being attacked by an enemy, but you can’t get it.

Now the role has been changed, the siege has become Liu Wei, and the defending city is Sun Ce. Liu Wei’s four thousand soldiers and horses have to face tens of thousands of troops.

When Sun Cejun was in action, Liu Wei did not stop, and the bed was moved out of the city by the sect. The bed was already shot. The traces of the giant arrow that was flying above were still there. It was this thing. The battle was fixed.

It was this thing that allowed Gan Ning to take the Lu Bujun water army to fight, that is, he let Su Fei stay in the water army camp and finally die, and he may be a weapon for Liu Wei to deal with Sun Ce.

A bed needs a dozen people to carry him extremely heavy, Liu Wei puts him on the bowstring and put on the giant arrow, Liu Wei is a bit awkward, because this is the nemesis to deal with the well, but the wall of the city This one is a prototype of a mattress. It was used by Liu Wei for testing. His bow string has the last one. He is not the modified one on Gan Ning’s ship. It can be reused. Once it is used, the bowstring will break down once.

After dealing with Sun Ce, I used a broken bowstring. Now this is the last one.

What should I do? There are four wells on the opposite side, but Liu Wei has only one chance in his hands. Even if you shoot it, you can only abandon the remaining one!

"Teach me!" Huang Zhong interface, he stepped forward to touch this weapon, but he is good at bow and arrow, how can you not see the horror of this thing in front of you, don't look at him is simple, but once on The power of the bowstring makes the refining warrior fear, and if there is a good-spirited person standing on the side and pulling the bed, I am afraid that even the refining warrior should drink hate.

If Liu Wei’s arrow that Huang Xi’s shot was against Tai Shici, Tai Shici could be nailed to the ground on the spot. Even if Sun Ce broke through, it was after the oolong in his hand died. There is no such thing as the war Ma Sai is not alive or two.

Huang Zhong waved his four or five pro-arms under his hand and took a large cloth bag. The big bag was extremely heavy, and four or five were stunned.

Huang Zhong took the bag from their hands and raised the four or five great men with a handful of things. It is worthy of refining the peak of the gods.

Huang Zhong took out a thing from the bag. Xu Sheng didn't know. Liu Wei and Huang Xu took a breath of cold air. Huang Zhong did not take the steel arrow that was made by the whole iron!

Liu Wei’s horror to Huang Zhong’s hand is because Huang Zhong used this thing to deal with his father-in-law Lu Bu, Lu Bu, a proud person, then a **** of war, a character who has already stepped into the peak of refining the gods. I almost couldn't resist it. It took a lot of effort to stop it. That's why Lu Bu was very embarrassed. He had no weapons and was bombed. He almost died under the steel sword.

Huang Xu fears that the father will use it again! This steel arrow is not intended to be used. Every time it is used, it is extremely consuming and refreshing. Refining is the spirit of spirit, and the consumption under this arrow is the spirit of your hard work, which is why Huang Zhong used it when confronting Lu Bu, but against Sun Ce, he used the golden knife to fight.

Lu Bu was already the peak of refining the gods. Huang Zhong knew that he did not make this himself an opponent. Sun Ce, not Huang Zhong, looked down on Sun Ce, but did not want to defeat himself.

Huang Xu believes that he already has the strength of his father's 80% bow and arrow. That is not the case. Once counted, Huang Xulian can't get it.

Huang Zhong has already refining the peak of the gods, but he can only open two rounds of this steel arrow. The third time is the limit of Huang Zhong.

"Father, you really want to be like this!" Huang Xu was a little hesitant. Three arrows this is already the limit of my father, Huang Xu is very worried!

"There are other ways!" Huang Zhong smiled and patted Huang Xu's shoulder. His son grew up. He used to care about him. Now he knows that he cares about himself. They all lived and died. At the juncture, I still care about so much. If the city is broken, everyone can’t escape. It’s better to fight.

"Less master! My bow is imitating the evolution of the side of the bed. Although the loyalty did not make him to the extreme, but not only can shoot through the wells! So the remaining three are handed over to I am!" Huang Zhong is desperate. For so many years, Huang Zhonghui only played against Lu Bu. It was the battle of He Lubu, and Huang Zhong did not pull out the second arrow. Today, Huang Zhong is going to make an exception. For a long time, not so crazy!

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