My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 180: Indulgence for three days

The war started again. The sun just showed his smile and saw a scene of smothering. The first yang represents the new life, but it is a beginning of death.

"The whole army attacked!" Sun Ce waved a long shot, and the drums smashed again. Under the tens of thousands of Sun Cejun's four huge wells, they took a slow pace toward the city, the original tall 皖The city has become a small man in front of your wells.

"Liu Wei, I sealed the gate of the city. I see how you broke my well!" Sun Ce is a face of excitement, Jing Wei, this is Jing Hao, Sun Ce also read some historical records, which read the well The power, but it has not been created, Jingjing is not a siege car, the technical content of the siege car is too low, as long as a car, plus giant wood with a soldier on the line.

Wells are as high as dozens of feet, which can be a high-altitude job. If you don't design well, if a piece of wood is wrong, it will be a life-saving one. If you can't support the weight of the soldiers, it will not be a two-person person. It is thousands of people, that is, Sun Ce, the Jiangdong princes, can’t afford it either.

Lu Su, the character recommended by Zhou Yu, actually took out the well. It is much easier to attack this city with Sun Cejun. Sun Ce has already thought of waiting for the city to take Lubu, and immediately rushed to the river after the death of Lu Bu. Jingzhou Jingzhou is still a problem for him! Take Xiangyang City, Xiangyang City can be much higher than Yucheng, and the city defense is also strong. After all, Liu Watch has occupied Jingzhou for many years, and Jingzhou has not encountered many wars. Therefore, Xiangyang’s defense is amazing, and Sun Ce has thought about how to win Xiangyang.

It takes only tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of soldiers to build a heavy town to make it possible to win the sun.

And the well is different, Jingzhou Liu watch is a lot of soldiers and horses. But is there a geometric fierce? They are all enemies of the cockerel and the dog, and he is not out of town. Once out of the city, he must have no return. Liu Bianjun can't get out of the city. Just like the current Liu Wei, the city can't harm the well. Then there is only one of them. That is the corpse under the power of Jingjing. Crossing the wild, and finally crashing into the city to surrender, or directly die from Sun Cejun directly to the city, can be. What he wants is that the result is not a process.

"The main public should also destroy these blood vessels after this war!" Lu Su black eyes circled toward Sun Ce, and in Lu Su's view this is a killer, a completely targeted killing device, his appearance is in Too bad for the day. Whether it is against the defending city or the siege side, it is normal to have tens of thousands of deaths and injuries. The most terrible thing is that there are no living people under the arrow.

This attack on Lucheng Lusu is also helpless, which took out Jingjing. If Sun Cejun can't attack Yucheng, then he can only be defeated. Although Lu Su is not guilty of Sun Ce, he can't see Sun Ce loses.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Sun Ce quickly promised, but Lu Su sighed. He knew that what he said was a fart in Sun Ce. Sun Ce was able to destroy the four wells in front of the city after he captured the city, but the method of making wells was learned by Sun Ce, as long as there was wood. Nowhere can you do it.

Lu Su really regretted it, but it was useless to make things regret. Only one step can be taken. Lu Su has already made plans. The end of this expedition will set aside the departure, and Sun Ce is not the Ming Lord he wants.

"The whole army attacked, this time the city broke. The day when the three military cities were destroyed is the time of indulgence, three days is limited!" The two days of siege. Sun Ce also knows that these men and women, although not talking about it, are also tired, and they are afraid. Today is the last day. In order to inspire their fighting spirit and not to be surprised, Sun Ce has already made a big reserve price.

What is called indulgence for three days, that is, after the city was broken, everything in the city was allowed to be taken, and it was allowed to plunder. Although the city was once under the rule of Sun Ce, it has now been occupied by Lu Bu, and Liu Wei has The sergeants in the city of Yucheng killed a clean, and there are those who existed in the sect. Sun policy may be a bit safe. After all, it is not possible to rob the sects!

But now there is not so much scruples, kill it and kill it! Just like the last time Sun Ce broke through the city, the massacre of the city was not slowly rehabilitated.

What's more, in the Liu Shou's Taishou Palace, the wealth of the sects is still stored. Most of the wealth of a city can be copied to the families of the sects in the hands of the sects. Sun Ce copied the shoufu government. It is equivalent to borrowing the hand of Liu Wei to seize the wealth of the sect. These unowned things can be robbed by no one and Sun Ce.

Therefore, if the city is abolished, it will be abolished. It is a big deal for the people who migrated from Jiangdong. It is just that the problem of the mountain has been worrying about Sun Ce. It is not a good thing to move those people from Shanyue to Yucheng.

Why do the mountain people fight with the local Han people not because of the land problem? The Han people know the good fields in the fields. They occupy most of the good fields and give most of the dry fields of the mountain people. The mountain people do not understand these things. But the autumn harvest is seen, it is also a hard year, the same sweaty work, and finally you get a few times my, you can eat and wear warm, but I have to hungry and sometimes even hungry Dead, you said how can the mountain people be flat.

Especially after Sun Ce occupied Jiangdong, Jiangdong had less war and the Han family had a good breeding. The Han population was greatly increased, which further aggravated the hatred of the people of Shanyue. So many people robbed people of their jobs. Now more people It also makes people not live.

The mountain people pay attention to the mountains, the mountains are revered to the mountains and the mothers are the gods, but the Han people have no big concept for the mountain gods. They only know that the logging and burning mountains can develop the fertile land. Under the leadership of the scholars, countless mountain people’s mountains are cut down. The land that has become a seat has swallowed up in the mouth of the sect. The more the taste of the sects, the more space the people of Shanyue have to survive. Under such circumstances, the people of Shanyue can’t stand it anymore. Revolt, even the home is given to you, then what to live, this mountain and people are extremely aggressive, fighting power is not good, originally in the wilderness, Sun Ce has no fear, a 5,000-person trilogy The mountain can be settled, but the mountain is sitting in the mountains. They are rebelling from time to time. When Sun Ce’s army arrives, they immediately break into the mountains. When the army goes to attack the city, they are not stupid. They can’t beat the big county. They are specifically looking for those small county towns to fight. When they hit it down, they are looting, and Sun Ce is miserable.

Therefore, the most annoying thing about Sun Tzu in Jiangdong is the problem of Shanyue.

Now it’s better to slaughter the city and move a part of the mountain to naturally resolve the dispute.

"Indulgence for three days!" Lu Su is even more chilly. This is Yucheng. How do you say that he is also the city of Sun Ce? Even if it is occupied by Lu Bu, it is not a rule for the people to choose.

"Indulgence for three days?!" Sun Ce's voice of screaming not only let Sun Cejun hear it, but also let Lu Bujun of Yucheng also hear it, Liu Wei levied, this Sun Ce is crazy! Is he going to kill the city?

Liu Wei dared to kill the million households because those people participated in the tragedy of the night in Yucheng. They burned and robbed and ruined no evil. This made Liu Wei give a clean, but now Sun Ce just wants to motivate morale. Xiacheng City, he actually wants to kill the city!

"Indulgence for three days? General Sun Ce actually said that when the city was broken, he indulged for three days?!" The people in Liucheng who had arranged for Liu Wei to help cook the rice also heard it. They panicked. General Sun Ce is extremely respectful to them. The characters actually said such a discourse. Without the army of Sun Ce, these people in the city could not settle for such a time. They had been expecting General Sun Ce to fight back and let them continue the days of men’s cultivation. But today, they expect General Sun Ce to say such a thing!

Butchery! They are afraid. The turmoil in the past few days has already caused many people to die. It is only the riots of the sects. Now Sun Ce brings tens of thousands of troops. Once the massacre is not alive!

The people rushed to tell each other and told me that the city was afraid of mourning!

PS: Tired! I was also planning to write a chapter of four thousand chapters! However, the real code does not move, and the cramps in the two days before the hand is still not good! Sorry for the brothers!

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