My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 3: Reinforcement (2)

"It’s them, they are wherein!" Sun Ce was so furious that the people of this city dared to go to the wall, and the angry people were the people of the city. Sun Ce’s most grievous in this life. It was a battle with Lu Kang.

At that time, Sun Ce was still under the hands of Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu let Sun Ce like Lukang of the Yucheng City to ask for food and grass. Lu Kang not only did not give Sun Ce to his anger, but Lu Kang did not give grain, but Lu Kang gave it. It is the grain and grass required by Yuan Shu, but Sun Ce himself is young and frivolous. The Lions’ mouth is five times more than Yuan Kang’s request.

This makes it possible for Lu Kang to agree. If this is the case, it is a good year for the harvest of grain and grain. If it encounters the disaster year, then the whole city should not want to come up with grain to relieve the people. Lu Kang refused without hesitation, and sent Sun Ce a sentence. There is no ambition but no cure for the world. What does this mean? It is ridiculing that Sun Ce has ambitious ambitions, but it is only on paper to talk about the language giant action. The dwarf on the top, but also ignore the people's life and death.

Sun Ce was proud of himself. This was angered by Lu Kang. He immediately told Yuan Shu that he was vinegared. Yuan Shu is also a good face. You see that your hand is not giving him the face of Yuzhou, and you want to eat grass. If you dare not give it, if you don't manage it, how can he still be mixed in the big Han, so a military disaster has come to Yucheng.

Sun Ce is confidently prepared to take down the city and tie Lu Kang’s old man to his own good shame, but who knows that Sun Ce fell in the first battle, and Lu Kang did not have Sun Ce’s. He is brave, but Lu Kang has the experience of people coming over. He knows that Sun Ce is young and prosperous. The first battle must be rushed in front of the whole army. Lu Kang deliberately fought and retreated, and lost most of the city walls to Sun Ce.

At the time, Sun Ce was a big joy. If he went on like this, he could win down the city and see how his Lu Kang old man faced himself.

I haven't waited for Sun to be happy. Sun Ce found that something was wrong. His terracotta warriors were on the wall of the city, and it was difficult to get rid of Lu Kang’s soldiers. However, the grain of his camp was gone. Lijiang and Lukang were much more familiar with Sun Ce. Then under the attention of the people of the Minjiang River. Sun Ce’s march was unable to hold on to Lukang. His grain road was naturally under the surveillance of Lu Kang. When Sun Ce laid down most of the Qijiang wall and was complacent, Lu Kang sent a pass to directly copy Sun Xue’s army. The grain road, the sun and the grass of the five thousand army of Sun Ce will be burned.

The soldiers did not have a grain of grass and had a fart. Although the outer city was broken. The inner city is still there. Sun Ce is not sure to lay down the inner city within one day. After one day, he can’t take it. How can Yuan Shujun, who is hungry, go to war?

In desperation, Sun Ce can only retreat. Lu Kang also sent a messenger to inform Yuan Shu, they can give but can only give half of the grain, and Lu Kang said that half of it is more than Yuan Yu’s, and Lu Kang repays Yuan Shao brought a letter. I hope that Yuan Shao can help him reconcile with Yuan Shu. After all, Lu Kang does not want to fight. If you follow the general lord, or a wise prince, like Cao Cao, he will not use Lu Kang for the next time. It will be discussed with Lukang, and may even be recruited by Lukang because of love. Because Lu Kang has no clear attribution to which of the main public.

However, Yuan Shu is different. This person upholds the habit of Yuan Jia, that is, he does not admit his mistakes. He knows that Sun Ce may have blinded him. He also knows that it is not good to fight Lu Kang, but Yuan Shu is really the temper, especially Lu Kangti. When he arrived at his brother Yuan Shao, let his brother Yuan Shaolai mediate Yuan Shu and Lu Kang. He is the eldest son of Yuan Jiasi Sangong. His brother Yuan Shao is the eldest son. He was originally the eldest son who should enjoy the treatment of the eldest son in Yuanjia, but who would let him have a stronger brother than him. Yuan Shao has pressed Yuan Shu in all aspects. He has been pressured by natural fire all the year round. He is not satisfied with Yuan Shao. The son of a slave is based on what his brother is, and by what means, Yuan Shu is not much weaker than Yuan Shao. Because the generation of Yangzhou in Yuzhou was the foundation of Yuanjia, Yuan Shu was stronger than Yuan Shao with the help of Yuan Jia.

Sun Ceyi added oil and vinegar, Yuan Shuh originally saved the fire, not only gave Sun Ce, but also gave Sun Ce 10,000 troops and horses, and merged 15,000 to fight the city of only 4,000 defenders.

At that time, Sun Ce was not as strong as he is now. His soldiers and horses were also the horses of Yuan Shu. They were not their own shackles. There were no warriors under them. The 15,000 martial arts were hardly beaten by Lu Kang’s 4,000 people. None, Yuan Shu increased the number of troops and Lu Kang to fight again, Lu Kang was strong again, and his four thousand soldiers and horses could not support Yuan's non-stop tactics.

The people who can support Lukang’s fight are the people of this city, and they will see that the city is about to be broken. A large number of people have poured into the city. Although they have not been trained, they have a large number of people. The army rushed to the city.

The people who have the help of this city have added enough food to the city. This is a whole two years. In the end, Sun Ce made a fraud and pretend to withdraw troops. In the middle of the road, he suddenly sent people to sneak into the city. Going down the city of Yucheng, or Sun Ce really has to fight. Even the city that won the Lucheng did not catch Lukang. Lu Kang took his family to enclose himself in the prison of the city. He had a lot of resistance. Sun Ce also took him no way. Finally, Lu Kang took half of the land. The family members are all starved to death.

After Lu Kang’s death came out, the people in Yucheng looked at Sun Ce’s appearance. They were always in a state of blood. The people were not willing to join the recruitment of Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu also took the opportunity to remove Sun Ce, the reason is that he has caused public grievances.

After hard work for two years, the last move was abolished. What do you think Sun Ce will think about? With the help of the people of Yucheng to help Lukang defend the city, Sun Ce has no good feelings for the people of Yucheng.

Before Sun Ce was because his city was his own, and it was harmful to himself. He was not stupid. It was not an idiot to destroy his own property.

But now it is different. The people of Yucheng helped Liu Wei to defend the city, once again inspiring the anger of Sun Ce on the people of Yucheng, the kind of resentment, and they are!

This time, Sun Ce has greatly increased the killings. These fools, these people, knew that they should be directly slaughtered, but now they ran out to interfere with his attack on Yucheng. Sun Ce could not help but hate it.

The trend of the city's fire was weakened, and both Danyang Bing and Lu Bujun got a respite, but the rest did not last for a musk time. Lu Su directly under the city issued an order, and all the arrows were drilled. Aligning with the people of Yucheng, "shoot!"

Lu Su has no such goodness. It is not necessary to say that the people who are still shooting in the city when they are still shooting. If you can't take the city, then you can leave Sun Cejun directly on the plain to face the heavy armor and the state wolf. Although Sun Cejun also found a way to cope with the wolf ride in the state, but can not use it, because Sun Ce And Lu Su did not have much confidence.

"Hey!" The soldiers on the wells can be divided into what is the enemy and what is the enemy. He only shoots arrows.

"What!" Liu Wei’s eyes must burst out, Sun Cejun, Sun Ce’s wells are actually facing the people. The people who helped to put out the fire fired the arrows in their hands.

These people can have no armor defense. They are all cloth clothes. They don’t have the strong skills of those who can avoid the arrows. Most of them are old, weak, sick, and disabled. They even have to concentrate on fire. Let them feel no danger at all. I don't have time until I feel it.

"Hey!" The sound of the broken arrow passed over, and the soldiers on the wells did not keep their hands. They shot the arrows in their hands, and the arrows ran across the air and flew toward the wall. Formed a piece of arrow rain.

"Ah, ah!" The scene that Liu Wei was most reluctant to see happened. The people could not hide the arrows, and there was no trace of defense. In front of the bow and arrow is completely a live target, the Sun Ce military officer of Jingjing is still using a projectile, and often an arrow can run through two people.

"Wife wife!" Under the arrow rain, an old man who is old enough does not know where the strength is directly on the side of an old man.

"Hey!" A sweet bite of blood spit out in the mouth.

"Old man, what's wrong with you, don't scare me, don't scare me!" The old man panicked the old man's face and suddenly paled. A long arrow behind the old man was tied to the key, and the old man wanted to help him wipe it off. Blood stains. But the blood on the hands is getting more and more.

"I can't do it! Wife!"

"No, no, don't scare me,

The old man said that there was no breath.

"Old man, how can you leave me, how can you!" The old man was about to stand up, but his body was suddenly pushed by a force. The old man looked at his chest and suddenly smiled. "Old man, I am coming with you!" A long arrow in the chest passed through.

"Be a master, be a master!" A black rural woman, she widened her eyes and could not believe the scene. Her pillar, the pillar of her family, the man who propped up a sky for her, was filled with arrows and fell down. "No!"

The tragedy is still happening, and the long arrow in the hand of Sun Ce’s commander on the well is sent to the body of the people of Yucheng.

"Go down, the lower wall, the lower wall!" Liu Wei violently pushed the Dong attack, and yelled at the people who were fighting on the wall, they were not soldiers, they were not soldiers, they were just people, now This is a war. It is for these soldiers to do it, not to make these people fearless.

Liu Wei was screaming, but no one ignored him. The people of the city, though feared in the first wave of arrows, so many people died, so many people were seriously injured, how are they as people? May not be afraid.

But then they changed, because among the fallen people, their loved ones may have their love. When the loved ones fall down, the deep fear becomes a deep hatred.

"Fire extinguishing, extinguishing fire! You can't lose the city, you can't lose it!" Those people, they didn't listen to Liu Wei's words. They braved the arrows and rained the water in the bucket and rushed toward the fire. Now, pull out the arrow and let the blood flow out, hoping it can ignite the flame.

They can live by retreating from the city wall, but they will face the death of their families, and they will not be able to survive. But as long as they can block Sun Cejun, they are dead, their families are in the city. The loved ones in it can save their lives and live.

For the sake of their loved ones, they did not lack the original Aboriginal people in the city. They and Sun Ce are the second confrontation.

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