My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 188: Counterattack (1)

"Go back, go back!" Liu Wei's shouting was useless. The people still transported water from the inner city as always to help the defenders of the city to destroy the fire on the city.

"Let!" Lu Su looked stunned. He didn't expect these people to be so afraid of death. Lu Su now knows what it means to be afraid of death and death. This sentence is from Laozi's morality. A book of joy, this sentence means that the ruler must be kind to the people, not indiscriminately killing innocent people. Lu Su has also been marching with such a goal, but today he has changed completely, and the values ​​of years and even decades have been distorted.

"Don't blame me! To blame, you can only blame you for blocking the way of the Lord!" Lu Sukou whispered to himself, but the flag in his hand did not stop at all, a "bo bo" arrow rain poured over Above the city, a cold body fell.

"Stop, stop!" Liu Wei glared at him, his fingers were already in the flesh but he didn't feel "Sun Ce! You damn, **** it!"

Liu Wei’s eyes began to turn red, and his whole person’s consciousness began to blur. There is a voice in his heart that has been echoing. "Kill, just kill him! Sun Cejun on the well can stop, as long as they kill them, those people will not die! Kill, kill!" Liu Wei stopped in place, his killing I started to squat.

"The general is careful!" Liu Wei stayed in the same place, but the Dong attack on the side did not give him a chance. Dong’s giant hammer in his hand went straight to the head of Liu Wei’s head and killed it. Even if the Da Luo fairy can not save, the head will be directly smashed under the giant hammer, the helmet on the head may not be broken, but will be broken into the body together with the head.

"Boom!" The giant hammer fell and squatted on the heavy armor. The heavy armor that should have ignored all sharps seemed to be a paper paste. The **** flesh splashed. Liu Yi looked down.

"This, this!" Liu Wei's pupil was enlarged. He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it. Another one is a city management army soldier who died in the hands of Dong attack. The moment just was a city management. The soldiers of the army pushed Liu Wei out, but he was forced to hit the hammer of Dong. Suddenly his head was tied into his body with his armor, and half of his body became a piece of meat in this hammer.

"Hehehehe!" Liu Yan suddenly stunned his face. "Dong attack, Sun Ce, Dong attack, Sun Ce! Hahahaha" Liu Wei suddenly laughed, and that look like horror is like climbing from hell. general.

"Little master!" Xu Sheng and Huang Zhongquan were shocked. What happened to Liu Wei! That expression, that way.

"You damn, you **** it! Kill, kill, kill!" The remaining black in Liu Wei’s eyes has all disappeared. The whole eyes are all wrapped in red, and the momentum is constantly rising. That killing even Huang Zhong and Xu Sheng on both sides felt the chill.

"So heavy killing?!" Sun Ce is also frowning. He looked at Tai Shici over there and found that Tai Shici was also watching him "to kill the road? Is he crazy?!" Killing is short Time increases strength, but once you get lost in killing, you really can't go back.

There are only a few of the world’s warriors. For example, Sun Ce’s overlord gun and Huang Zhong’s gold knife’s hegemony, Tai Shici’s double scorpion and Su Fei’s long sword’s martyrdom, Zhou Tai’s attack on this madness, left It is a king and killing.

Wang Dao Sun Ce has not seen it, but Xiang Yu, the former owner of the West Chu King Gun, has seen him. His old rival Huaiyin Hou Hanxin is on the king's road, so Xiang Yu will have four sides and ambush. Of course, Xiang Yu himself finally realized the meaning of the king, but unfortunately it was too late, the beautiful woman has passed away, the brother died, what is the meaning of living, the last Chu Bawang chose Wujiang self-proclaimed.

Killing the road is the best time to improve the strength, but it is the most unwilling to use. Because the easiest way to get into the road is to lose yourself. Once you lose yourself, then the real enemy and the enemy will not be separated. The weapons in your hands must drink blood every day. In the end, you can't control yourself. It's not just a scourge for the enemy.

The result of the victory of the Qin State General is a person who has entered the road. He killed 200,000 Zhaojun soldiers in the battle of Changping. The real thing is to kill the killing road to the extreme. Bai Qi was followed by Sun Wu. After Wu Qi, he was a super-class military strategist. The Qin State, which had a white beginning, was really the hegemon of the Warring States. However, he could not control himself in the end, and the only result was that he was under the sword.

The generation of God of War has disappeared into the long river of history, but now Liu Wei has entered the murderous road. This is impossible to kill the enemy. If the Dong attack does not die, then the dead It’s Liu Wei.

"Kill! Death" For Sun Ce and Tai Shici, if their opponent is Liu Wei, then they will definitely avoid the edge, waiting for Liu Wei to exhaust, but Dong attack is not like this, he is a madman, he is crazy Nothing is weaker than the one who broke into the road. Seeing Liu Wei’s appearance, Dong attack rushed up.

"Boom!" The Shield Axe and the Giant Hammer collided again. In the past, Liu Wei was attacked by the Dong attack. Now it is different. The shield axe in the hands of Liu Wei has resisted the giant hammer of the Dong attack. After resisting the Dong attacking the giant hammer, the arm of Liu Wei’s hand seemed to have a thousand-foot force at that moment, and even pressed the giant hammer.

The shield axe smashed the past with a kind of imposing manner.

"Chen Wu, kill you!" "Death, die!" Two people are crazy, the only purpose of killing them in one's eyes is to kill the opponent and kill each other.

"Ah!" The people on the city gradually could not hold on. The remaining two wells were still more than 1,500. A "bo bo" did not stop the arrow rain to make these complete. The people without protection are the coming of death.

"What must be done!" Huang Zhong is not a cold-blooded person. When the former clan was in trouble, he was killed because of the actions of the private sects. He would rather defy the private soldiers. That is because Huang Zhong has a conscience. Now the people in Yucheng seem to help Lu Bujun to defend the city, and his general of Lu Bujun is stopped by Sun Ce, which makes Huang Zhong very It is shame.

Huang Zhong’s eyes were firm, and the long knife in his hand suddenly slammed into the mouth and screamed “Slayer Dragon!” The golden sword blazed in the sunlight.

Dragon Slayer! Sun Ce is the one who has eaten this trick. He knows what kind of move this trick is. The dragon slaughter is stronger than the killing of his overlord gun. The subconscious Sun Ce avoids it. He wants It’s not hard to fight with Huang Zhong. But when Sun Ce was retreating, he found that it was wrong. It wasn't the Dragon Slayer technique at all. The sword in Huang Zhong's hand was just a look. In fact, there was no movement at all. Instead, he put down the golden knife and picked up the longbow.

"Bow?!" Sun Ce suddenly understood. He was going to pull the bow and shoot down the well. There was a possibility that the city had no guardianship.

"That's it!" Huang Zhong jerked up, and he took a deep breath. The sequelae of the arrow that was shot before is still too much. In the battle with Sun Ce, Sun Ce is delaying. Huang Zhong is not delaying. He needs time. He needs time to concentrate his spirits. The two wells must be destroyed. They don’t look at the people who died under the well. They can’t die in white, Huang Zhong will be theirs. Revenge.

"Dream!" Sun Ce said when he went to the city wall. Huang Zhong couldn't shoot the steel arrow in his hand, but now Huang Zhong once again ignored him. Sun Ce pulled up the longbow. This is not the face of Sun Ce. ! The same is the peak of refining the gods. Sun Ce wants to let Huang Zhong know that he is ignoring the price of his Sun Ce. The West Chu Bawang in his hand also made a roar. This is the speed of Sun Ce’s reaching an extreme. The West Chu Bawang broke the air and Huang Zhong either dropped the longbow, or Just give me a death on the top of the city!

The black Xi Chu Bawang gun is like a black dragon. He opens his mouth and reveals his sharp teeth. He wants to tear the old man in front of him. He wants to let the blood bloom on the wall of this city.

"What!" West Chu Bawang shot and rushed to the front of Huang Zhong. Huang Zhong seems to have no other choice except to drop the longbow and pick up the golden knife. However, Sun Ce has suddenly put away the West Chu Bawang and put him on the chest. This is an obvious defensive posture. Chu Chuwang’s gun is what he wants to be.

However, Sun Ce now chooses defense directly, because Huang Zhong’s long bow is aimed at him with a feeling of being stared at by death. Sun Ce’s heart is stunned by Sun Ce’s scalp. What kind of thing is this? Bow and arrow. Sun Ce has already stepped into the peak of refining the gods. Although he can't beat Huang Zhong now, he believes that he is no worse than Huang Zhong. Even he has a young advantage and a greater strength. But now he suddenly found out that he was wrong. The longbow in front of him was like the call of death. Sun Ce had never felt this kind of chilling feeling, even if the giant arrow of the bed before the day did not bring him this feeling.

"Roll!" Huang Zhongkou spit out a word. His eyes are not like human eyes, but a kind of indifference. This is a feeling of treating the dead. This is confidence in his longbow. Still the embodiment of strength.

"Damn!" Sun Ce didn't dare to move. He was really afraid that the bow and arrow would shoot at him. He didn't have the full grasp to stop the longbow. Even if he could stop it, Sun Ce knew that he was at least seriously injured. It’s good to be crippled or even die directly. The disabled princes are also called princes! Sun Ce can't afford it, he can only look at Huang Zhong with hate.

The spirit of the spirit, Sun Ce also sensed, the momentum on this bow and arrow, Huang Zhong has been highly concentrated in the spirit of the gods, his arrow is equivalent to concentrate all the strength of Huang Zhong in a little excited, Sun Ce thinks block Can't stop, he doesn't think anyone in the world can stop it.

But what about this? When you shoot the bow in your hand, when you are Huang Zhong’s body, Sun Ce shouts in his heart, but he does not dare to anger Huang Zhong in his mouth. He is really afraid that the bow will shoot at him, the bow and arrow will shoot at him, and the city will not keep it. Lived, but compared with Yucheng, Sun Ce is more concerned about himself. If he loses, he can go to fight again. If he is disabled, then he is not only unlucky, I am afraid that the entire Jiangdong Group, even his grandson Also have to be unlucky.

"Yeah!" Huang Zhong looked at Sun Ce coldly. The arm on the longbow was moving. He also wanted to shoot the bow and arrow in his hand. As long as one arrow solved Sunce, all the problems would be welcomed. Difficult to solve, Sun Cejun will retreat in the case of the death of the lord, but as Sun Ce said, Huang Zhong did not grasp the arrow to shoot Sun Ce, the most serious injury, Sun Ce is not dead, then the one that will bring to Lu Bujun will be Endless crazy revenge, seriously injured tiger, but more terrible than the normal tiger, and the two wells can not be destroyed, so the city is really not guaranteed, in the city gate was Under the circumstances of blocking the death, Liu Weijun’s left is a dead end. Sun Ce is seriously injured. Those generals of Sun Cejun may vent their grievances and slaughter the entire city. Then Huang Zhong is really a sinner. .

Huang Zhong took a deep breath and he set his own mind. He wanted to shoot the bow in his hand to the well in the distance instead of Sun Ce. Huang Zhong slowly raised the long bow, which made Sun Ce soothing. In one breath, no one wants to be stared at by the **** of death, even if the arrogant Sun Ce is not willing.

Huang Zhong closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, the spirit of the whole person suddenly provoked out the "middle!" The steel arrow in his hand was like a meteor that pierced the sky and galloped toward a well. go with.

"Hey!" This is the voice of death. This is the voice from hell. Sun Cejun on the well is panicked. They heard this voice once. The end of hearing this voice is watching a well. Hey, a well, who was beside them, was shot directly in the load-bearing part and broke down. It fell from a height of several dozen feet and fell into a pile of ruins. None of the hundreds of Sun Ce military soldiers survived.

"Ah, ah, escape!" "Run!" Looking at the trajectory of the steel arrow, the Sun Cejun, who was targeted by Huang Zhong, was completely panicked. They wanted to escape, but where did they escape? On the well, there is a stairway, and they have hundreds of people. Even if they go up the stairs, can they run at a speed that can speed with bows and arrows!

The final outcome can only be turned into a pile of ruins in the gaze of tens of thousands of people, and none of the hundreds of Sun Ce military archers survive.

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