My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 189: Counterattack (2)

The four wells have been destroyed by three. The remaining one is not enough threats. Although there are hundreds of people, these hundreds of people have been scared by Huang Zhong. Huang Zhong’s two arrows shoot directly. Sun Cejun, who lost more than a thousand wells, was reimbursed. If he shot another arrow, the only remaining Sun Cejun on the well was uneasy. They stopped the bow and arrow in their hands, even if they didn’t stop. They can’t shoot too far, they don’t want to provoke hatred anymore.

Without the blockade of the wells, the people gradually extinguished the fire on the wall of the city.

"Call!" Huang Zhong was relieved with a heavy sigh of relief. Without the threat of Jingjing, those people would not be killed or injured.

"Are you thinking that you saved those people?!" Sun Ce's tone also cooled down. Without the long bow like a **** of death, his Sun Ce is no longer passively defending the scalp, but this humiliation makes Sun Ce Very unhappy.

"Without my well, I will stop the fools from finally sending them to death." Sun Ce looked at the expression on Huang Zhong’s face and continued, "You thought you would save them!"

The darker face of Sun Ce’s face is thicker. "Don’t be a daydream. These fools have said before. The day when the city is broken is the time of the massacre! The people you saved don’t want to live, I will Like your Royal Highness, you will block the gates of the city. I will go door to door, and I will dig three feet. I will pull all the fools of the city out of the house, and I will let them pay. The price, the price to help you!"

"Animals! You are not afraid to be said to be a butcher! You are not afraid to leave behind the ages!" Huang Zhong a pair of bronze bells glared at Sun Ce, Sun Ce's words are too poisonous, he not only wants to kill the city If you don't have a grass, you must know that Yucheng is a big city. He is the governor of Lijiang. If it is like Sun Ce, the body will pile up into mountains, and tens of thousands of people will die. Even if Cao Cao did not do this when he attacked Xuzhou, his massacre was only a few small towns, but it was only a few thousand, and it only raged for one day. Many of the people who survived have also avoided a lot, and Sun Ce is going to dig a house for three feet.

"Anonymous? Butcher?" Sun Ce smiled at his gun and pointed to Huang Zhong. "Your master, Lu Bulu, first, he was called the surname of the three surnames. He cares? Your lieutenant, Liu Wei, has been called a butcher. He cares? Since they don't care if you say that my Sunce cares!"

Huang Zhong silently Liu Wei and Lu Bu do not care about the name, it is because they did not fear to wear shoes before the barefoot, you dare to marry me, I will dare to beat you, this is the form of Lu Bujun, and Sun Ce has the entire Jiangdong of. He slaughtered the city and was not afraid to control the fluctuations of the people!

"More!" Sun Ce said again. "The winner is the defeated king. You said that after I slaughtered the city, I said that you Lu Bujun saw that the city was going to be broken, and the people in the city expected the teacher to come and fight for resistance. After the affliction, your prince, under the wrath of the king, carried out the massacre and wanted to take the city together to bury it. Who knows? Anyway, you have a more butcher’s name under the prince of the king, and you are not afraid of one more."

Sun Ce is really poisonous, not only to slaughter the whole city, to relieve the hatred of the heart, he has to plant this thing on Lu Bujun, this must be really spread, Lu Bujun really turned into a street mouse The man shouted. Even if there is the title of Liu Weiwang, it is impossible to maintain the title of several cities in Lubu. Now, after the break of a city, the generals who are buried in the city will dare to follow? Under the rule of law, there will be riots. When Lu Bujun does not need to fight the enemy, these chaotic people can make them exhausted.

"Hey! It depends on whether you can win the city! Everything is dreaming!" Huang Zhong said coldly, Sun Ce said that he won the massacre after the city, not before the city. As long as the city is not lost. So what Sun Ce said is nothing more than a daydream.

"Oh, what are you! Do you think that the current defenders of Yucheng can stop me from Sunce? You think that you can block me with Huang Zhong’s current state!" Sun Ce’s murder is almost the same. Three thousand black chess troops are still running out, and there is no strength to live. The fire really burns all the professional soldiers and the soldiers of Lu Bu, seeing those people killed under the arrow rain. They rushed out to save the people and died a lot, and Sun Ce brought 30,000 troops to the 100,000 army, and only 10,000 Danyang soldiers were sent out among the 30,000 main forces. The remaining 21,000 is the water army, and 10,000 has not appeared until now. If Sun Ce counts that 10,000, I am afraid that the city can't keep it.

And Huang Zhong. After the two arrows, the body has already fallen into a weak state. Don't say that it is a confrontation with Sun Ce, the peak of refining the gods. I am afraid that Shi Ci will be able to defeat him now.

"Surrender! I will give you a chance, follow the Lu Bujun will not have a good result, and under the command of my Sun Ce, I can give you the opportunity to display all your talents, instead of being a deputy in the Lu Bujun!" Such martial artists are able to lead a military and even as one of the governors, but now Huang Zhong is only guarding the city, and the owner of the city will be Liu Wei, so Sun Ce thinks that Huang Zhong is only a vice.

Such a martial arts such as a deputy will be a violent thing, Liu Wei does not know talent, then give him Sun Ce!

"Now is still in the daytime, Sun Ce, you start to daydream!" Huang Zhongyu said, "I can succumb to any person, but it is absolutely impossible to surrender a villain like you, Sun Ce!" Planting, Sun Zhong’s Sun Ce is a villain plus a butcher.

"Oh!" Sun Ce is not angry. "A few days ago, there was a general of Lu Bujun and I spoke this way. I believe that you have seen the final outcome! How about, the gift is OK!"

"Sun Ce!" Huang Zhong gritted his teeth. How could he not know who Sun Ce was talking about? Sun Ce said that it was not Su Fei! Su Fei and Huang Zhong surrendered to Lu Bu. He and Su Fei had little work together, but Huang Zhong and Su Fei’s friendship was good. Perhaps they had a thousand cups of less talk, no speculation, and more than half a sentence. This is the case after Su Fei’s death. Zhong has been annoyed with himself. If he does not have himself, I am afraid that Su Fei will not surrender to the protagonist. If he does not surrender to the protagonist, he may not be made a man in the Jiang Xia, and he will not die. Su Fei has been called the old general of Huang Zhong, and now he is reminded by Sun Ce of Huang Zhong.

"Ning death does not fall!" Huang Zhongkou spit out these four words.

"Good! I like you to tell the truth. I have a lot of people killed by Sun Ce, but I really haven't killed anyone who has the peak of refining the gods! I don't know if your blood is sweet!" It’s cold. Since you can't surrender, then go to hell. Don't even think about what other things Sun Sun can't get.

"Through my army, the whole army attacked and killed Lu Bujun!" Sun Ce suddenly screamed, and there were thousands of Danyang soldiers on the wall. Although these thousands of Danyang soldiers were burned a lot by the fire, they survived enough to eliminate them. Lu Bujun on the wall.

"Now kill the Lu Bujun one person, reward ten gold. Kill the officer 50 gold, kill the generals to reward hundreds of gold, the official school, a mansion, a beauty ten!" Sun Ce a big fire enemy I not only burned Lu Bujun also burned Sun Cejun, and he knew that these Sun Cejun might have complaints. But Sun Ce believes even more that there must be a brave man under the reward. A person is a ten-dollar. Ten gold is enough for a medium-sized family to spend ten years. Killing the general of Lu Bujun and retiring from the army, this is a commander. Those who have their own tunes, and later with Sun Ce can definitely separate the clan.

Sun Ce thought that these Danyang soldiers would be excited to immediately wave the butcher knife toward the Lu Bujun on the side, but he was destined to be disappointed. Two thousand less than Danyang soldiers do not move, there are two thousand ordinary soldiers on the side, although some people are moving, but watching the main Danyang soldiers have no action and dare to act alone.

"How? I dislike the low reward of my reward! Then the bounty is doubled!" Sun Ce sighed. After taking down the city, the family property of all the sects in the city was his Sun Ce. Liu Wei had already searched for his Sun Ce. In addition, with a Liu family, Liu Jiake is the first family in Yucheng. A comprehensive sum of money that can be worth more than half of the wealth of the family in Shangcheng is used to reward and still have the rest.

"General Sun Ce!" From the Danyang soldiers, one person came out. His hair was burned to half, his eyebrows were gone, and he was in the tone of his voice. He was the sergeant of Chu Zhongtian and Chuziying.

"Chu Ziying?!" Although Sun Ce is not familiar with Chu Zhongtian, but also knows that this is the camp officer of the Chu Character Camp, Sun Ce used to teach the Chu character training, and these camp officials have an overall impression.

"General Sun Ce!" Chu Zhongtian shouted again. His name makes Sun Ce straight frown, Chu Chuying is Danyang Bing, although Danyang soldiers are embarrassed, and they are not tamed, but they have always called Sun Ce is the main lord. Instead of the current General Sun Ce, Sun Ce has a bad feeling in his heart.

Chu Zhongtian looked at Sun Ce. This person in front of him used to be the example of Chu Zhongtian. Chu Zhongtian dreamed of having the martial arts of Sun Ce. He dreamed of being able to lead the army with Sun Ce as the leader of the military. Sun Ce was the military commander. The soldiers were very concerned about the fact that they often appeared in the military camp. However, the scene on the city today made Chu Zhongtian completely change his impression.

Although he did not read the book, Chu Zhongtian suddenly understood the truth. That is, this Sun Ce general has a purpose for them. It is not free. Sun Ce’s concern for the soldiers is because these soldiers are his Sun Ce. The property, these soldiers are the capital of his Sun Ce hegemony. Sun Ce, who did not hesitate between Yucheng and the soldiers, abandoned the soldiers and chose Yucheng.

"General Sun Ce, not the reward you gave is not enough!" Chu Zhongtian looked at Sun Ce, and Sun Ce’s reward was really thick, and even Chu Zhongtian was very tempted, as long as he killed several Lu Bujun’s soldiers. Chu Zhongtian can buy a big manor in his hometown. As long as he kills a few officers of Lu Bujun, he can buy hundreds of acres of Liangtian servants and slaves in the big manor. A landlord.

Even if you accidentally killed General Lu Bujun, you can command a military to do the school, and have their own tutors with their own personal soldiers. This is an official, they have a school in Chu!

However, these rewards should not be because of "We are not doing it!" Chu Zhongtian took off the helmet on his head and dropped the big knife in his hand. The banner of Sun Cejun's logo was also put down by Chu Zhongtian.

Although they are fighting for war, they don’t want to be people, they don’t want to be betrayed, and they are still their masters.

"Don't do it?!" Sun Ceyi, do you still have to do this? When the buddy, when the pawn-offer can not do it, even if you are hired, you can not do it, but when the soldiers have not really appeared, they will be deserters, but the deserters will kill the head.

"You want to rebel!" Sun Cun angered, here is the city wall is not good as a deserter, then the only one is the rebellion "You are not afraid of your wife and children, your village is affected!" These Danyang soldiers but Danyang County, although recruited from Danyang County, is aggressive, but it is not an opponent of the regular army. If you rebel with your name, you can find your wife and daughter to find the village. When you meet them, it is the Tu Village, which is to slaughter others. It's hard to say anything, after all, you are rebellious.

"We surrender!" Chu Zhongtian said directly that he had left a long knife and had lost his armor. When the deserter wanted to kill his head, the rebellion was to succumb to his wife and daughter, but the surrender was not necessarily the same. People are here! Then I will surrender, I surrender, I am not rebellious and not against you, you can not go to my wife and family.

"You are looking for death!" Sun Ce's eyes flashed, he will pick up the gun to directly kill Chu Zhongtian, as long as he kills him, he can use blood to warn others.

But after waiting for Sun Ce to finish, the remaining more than a thousand Danyang soldiers on the side took off their armor and dropped the sword. "We surrender, we surrender!"

More than 4,000 Sun Cejun sat on the wall and only one of the cloths shouted and surrendered. On the wall, Lu Bujun had only a thousand people, and each one was wounded, how to accept the captives.

"All the troops attack!" Lu Su under the city solved the deadlock of Sun Ce. He did not know why the Danyang soldiers on the wall would take off their armor and sit on the top of the city, but he knew that it was the best time to seize the city.

"killing and killing!" Ten thousand ordinary Sun Cejun soldiers shouted and rushed toward the wall of the city. Now Lu Bujun has no need to deal with the elite, and this ordinary soldier is more than enough.

"Oh! I said that the city will break!" Sun Ce laughed, and the 10,000 Suns army was flooded into the city like a tide. The 10,000 ordinary soldiers dealt with a thousand old, weak and sick Lu Bujun’s ass. The end is over.

"Huang Zhong, today is your death!" Sun Ce’s gun in the hands of the West Chu King pointed to Huang Zhong, and Yucheng belonged to them Sun Ce. He should be like Lu Kang last time, let the entire Lu Bujun They are accompanied by Liu Wei, and they are there!

The morning light of Sun Ce’s eyes looked at the Danyang soldiers who sat on the ground, waiting for him to kill these Lu Bujun soldiers. I see who you surrender to, and when he is going to take the leading Chu character camp officer It is.

"Oh!" Just as Sun Ce was in control, there was a groan there, there was tyranny in the shackles, bloodthirsty, and more is a kind of fear.

"Death, death, death!" Dong attacked the huge body and fell to the wall. His eyes were magnified with fear and he didn't know what he had experienced. There was no good place in his chest. All of them were broken. The blood hole, the visceral bones and flesh and blood mixed together can not live.

"How is it possible!" Sun Ce could not believe that Dong attack, Dong attack actually died! If it is Huang Zhong or Xu Sheng, Sun Ce does not feel anything. After all, the two men are strong and strong, but now the Dong attack actually died in the hands of Liu Wei. Before Chen Wu’s death, it was because of the general idea, then the Dong attack Death is completely killed by Liu Wei.

Accurately, it was bombarded. The Dong attack was already dead. On the side of Dong’s attack, a **** man’s eyes were red with a punch and a fist hitting the body of Dong’s attack. Every time he bombarded Can directly break the flesh and blood of the Dong attack, a fist is a blood hole, all the fists are broken meat.

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