My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 200: Chasing (1)

"Catch!" The two generals all issued orders. The deputy will only be able to release the following order to continue chasing, but all the way to the past, the front of the state wolf riding still did not stop, Zhang Kai imagined The scene in which the state wolf ride could not support the first stop did not happen at all. Instead, the speed of the wolves riding in the state was accelerated.

"No, no!" Tai Shici ran and calmed down. He found himself infected by Zhang Kai. He was swayed by the interests. Tai Shici is a good archer. His archery is better than him. The martial arts is not bad at all. Even in the history of the whole three countries, Tai Shici’s archery is the third strongest in the Three Kingdoms except Huang Zhong and Lu Bu.

The length of the seven feet and seven inches, the beauty must be smashed, the arm is good, the string is not empty. Tasting to ask the guaranty of the thief, the thief in the 屯里缘楼上詈, to hold the building 棼, Ci lead bow shot, the hand is holding the hand, the tens of thousands of people outside is not good.

It means the sword of Tai Shici, so I am born. On one occasion, he followed Sun Ce to conquer the thief of the Mabao generation. At that time, those people shouted at the tower. There is a person holding the beam upstairs. He shot at an arrow. An arrow penetrated the man's hand and nailed it to the beam.

Followed by Cao Cao's appreciation of Tai Shici, it is so wonderful. Cao Gongwen's name, the legacy of the book, to seal it, the province has no way, but the storage of angelica. Sun Quan’s affairs, with the help of the emperor,

He is famous in the world, and Cao Cao has also appreciated him very much. I have been sent a letter to him, sealed in a small box. When he opened it, there was only one Chinese medicine: Angelica. Its intention is self-evident.

Even Cao Cao is very appreciative of Tai Shici's arrow method. You know that Tai Shici is very powerful. You must know that there are many military commanders in the Three Kingdoms. At that time, Cao Cao had many good shots, but Tai Shici still outstandingly let Cao Cao know, personally. I gave Tai Shici a pill box and hoped that Shi Shici would return to his own hands.

The person with a high degree of arrow has a distinct feature that his eye is very good. He can see things clearly hundreds of meters away. The front of the state wolf ride and the Yuzhou cavalry are only a few horses. The distance, at the beginning, too Shici did not notice. Now I noticed that the front of the wolf of the state wolf riding has no white foam at all, but the mouth is open and open. This is breathable. Although it is tired, there is absolutely no such thing as the limit of the current Yuzhou iron ride.

"Stop, stop!" Tai Shici was offended this time. Zhang Kai couldn't let Zhang Kai chase the Yuzhou Iron Rider again. If this is the case, it will definitely be the extent of the army.

There is still a lot of strength in the family and the wolf. And you are almost exhausted, so if you go down to the enemy three times, you can't even get the knife. If you stand there and kill you, you can't kill it, not to mention the fact that after the death of the horse, there is no more. The cavalry of the warhorse is also called the cavalry! That is the step. It’s even worse than the pace, because most people wear heavy armor and immediately the heavy armor is on the ground. It really becomes cumbersome. There is a sequel to riding a horse. You have to sit on the leg. There is no falling on the back of the horse. Naturally, if there is a horse in the dead and dead, these generals will be able to pull over because of the practice of forging. And those ordinary soldiers are not so lucky, and Luo circle legs in the **** is the second-class disabled, even running without running, how to go to war.

"Damn!" Zhang Kai also knows that something is wrong, because after chasing this for a long time, his Yuzhou iron ride has been violent, but the front of the state wolf ride did not leave the army, Zhang Kai commanded so many years How can the cavalry not know. The state of the wolf in front of the state is much better than them, but Zhang Kai’s face is not going to let the cavalry stop. Now Tai Shici shouted and stopped, and the natural Zhang Kaishun water cart also stopped the entire Yuzhou iron ride.

These Yuzhou iron riders, once heard that the Lord will stop, how can there be no reason to stop, once stopped. Those cavalry can't stand it, because they were chasing after a sigh of relief. They felt tired when they were highly concentrated, but now they relax. Those Yuzhou iron riders really can't stand it, it's too tired, not only the horses are tired, but they are more tired. The heavy armor of a hundred pounds is all over the body and it is uncomfortable for the individual to run for a few dozen kilometers. Sweat, clear the armor.

These Yuzhou iron riders took off their helmets, and the armor was heavy and hard to fade. They could only take off their helmets and cool off. The horses also stopped and there were several horses that couldn’t stand it and fell down. These horses spit. The white foam horse can't stop twitching, Zhang Kai also looked distressed. These Yuzhou iron riders are his Zhang Kai's terracotta warriors. With Zhang Kai, they can be Sun Ce's confidants. With them, he can earn military strength. However, several horses were killed in this meeting. The cavalry without war horses was also called the cavalry. The second batch of horses of Sun Cejun did not know when to replenish, so every horse was precious.

Just give up! Zhang Kai was a bit unwilling to punch him in the air. He felt like this now. He was smug and first fought a battle with the state wolf. Both sides lost countless bodies, and Yuzhou Iron Rider died. More than a thousand, two times higher than the state wolf ride, but the number of Yuzhou iron riders is three times that of the state wolf ride. In other words, Zhang Kai can afford him, as long as he stays with the state wolf ride, he wins, even if It’s these horses that these cavalrymen died without him. Zhang Kai was the winner, but the state wolf fled, and in the eyes of Zhang Kai, the king of the cavalry actually escaped. The cavalry’s dictionary used not only the charge. ! When the cavalry was used to escape, according to common sense, the cavalry that escaped was only defeated, only the part of the slaughter, but the state wolf rided to tell Zhang Kai cavalry can also escape, and escape so fast!

If Lu Bu is in front of Zhang Kai, Zhang Kai must point to Lu Bu's nose, you are still a **** of war, or Wen Hou Lu Bu, not a wolf king! Not a tiger! Not the king of cavalry, how to escape, no courage! Hey! Really unwilling! Just let go of these state wolf rides, and then destroy them, no, it should be prepared to replace them with the lives of countless soldiers.

Compared with the military wolf riding, Lu Bu can only smile and face Zhang Kai. It is true that the state wolf rider not only has heavy armor but also cavalry rifle and cavalry knives, and even some peripheral cavalry and giant shield, but don’t forget These heavy armored rifles, cavalry knives, and giant shields are all brought from the sky by Liu Wei. These things are amazingly defensive and he has another heavy armor. That is light weight! These equipments add up to less than forty pounds, which is more than double the weight of the Yuzhou iron riders in the back.

The rear horses of the Yuzhou Iron Horse are all good horses transported from Liaodong. The poor physiques are all dead on the ship and died on the sea. So the horses in the hands of Lu Bu are the inferior war horses! The horses of Lu Bu and the state wolf rider seem to be sweaty horses. In Liu Wei’s mouth, their names are called Arab horses. They are all pure-blooded horses. These are modern human-use varieties of Ma Zhongya. The horses are also made up of European horses. These horses are much more powerful than those of the predecessors more than a thousand years ago. Compared with the outbreak, it has never been more than endurance, so how can Yuzhou Iron Rider chase the Luzhou's Hezhou Wolf Ride! Only the ones that were killed and died in the back, originally Lu Bu can completely get rid of these Yuzhou iron rides but Lu Bu did not do this, but kept the distance, the distance between the three horses. Let Zhang Kai really want to stop, seeing it will catch up, but it is a little bit worse, just a little faster, a little faster to catch up, but there is no way.

"Don't chase it!" Lu Bu was a little regretful. He also noticed the violent appearance of the horses in the back of Yuzhou. He also knows that a horse can run again, and then a good horse can not erupt for a long time. Zhang Kai’s reason is that he is looking forward to catching up with himself. Lu Bu has been hanging on him. He intended to exhaust these Yuzhou iron rides. Therefore, Lu Bujun can completely solve the Yuzhou iron ride without any injury, just like Liu Wei solved the black chess army, Lu Bu is also learning Liu Wei. After knowing what Liu Wei was doing in the city, Lu Bu was thinking about it. Is it also possible to use it on the cavalry? Today, an experiment is really true. Those Yuzhou iron horses can’t catch up and the state wolf can only be used by the state wolf. Riding the back of the buttocks. Now I found that catching up with myself is simply a luxury, and Yuzhou Iron Rider gave up the pursuit.

But he gave up chasing, and Lu Bu’s state wolf ride would let them go! impossible. Not to mention whether Lu Bu will promise, even if Lu Bu promised, the five hundred war wolves who died will not agree, and the remaining one thousand wolves will not agree. Blood debt can only be repaid with blood. This is a group of wolf scorpions who are tired and run hungry. Now it is time to forage.

"Returning to the army!" Lu Bu's hand in the sea **** is the flag, under the command of the sea god, and the state wolf ride quickly turned in the direction of the direction of Yuzhou iron ride.

"And the state wolf is riding, and the state wolf is riding!" Tai Shici and Zhang Kai are both military generals. Naturally, they know that they will release the scouts when they are resting, otherwise they will be attacked by a pot at the time of rest. The music is getting bigger, now it is the news that they released the scouts, and those who should have run far away and the state wolf ride back.

"Looking for death!" Zhang Kai gnashed his teeth. This Lu Bu played him as a monkey once, obviously could escape but has been seduce himself, so that he had been chasing it with Yuzhou Iron Horse for so long. Zhang Kai was originally a belly in his stomach. The fire didn't know how to vent it. Now that I got the state wolf ride again, I immediately said, "All the troops are on the way!" Zhang Kai is not afraid of the state wolf riding, he is afraid that the state wolf can not ride! It was very uncomfortable to catch up with the wolf in the state. Now that Lubu is guilty and coming back, don’t blame him for Zhang Kai.

"This time!" Tai Shici also went to the war horse. He can't go to see Lu Bu's and the state wolf riding now. It should be said that Tai Shici also started to fully use his brain. Although he is a water army war, but Dao Shutong is not Well! They all use soldiers, they are all fighting in the army. The principle is the same. Now Lu Bujun should leave here, and ride the other wolves! In this way, the five thousand state wolf riders can play the biggest combat power, and then come to Yuzhou Iron Horse to fight a dead battle. By that time, Yuzhou Iron Rider will not be an opponent.

But now Lu Bu not only did not go, did not go to find other state wolf riding but returned, what is this thinking? I thought that Yuzhou Iron Rider had no strength and it was already strong! Want to fight for a battle? This is not a dream! Although these Yuzhou iron rides are tired, they can still fight for the last one. The only thing left for Lu Bu is that the losses are heavy.

"It must not be so simple, it will not!" Tai Shici shook his head. He did not believe that Lu Bu would be so idiotic, or that he could not see the ability of Yuzhou Iron Rider to have a battle. However, the vibration on the ground clearly tells Tai Shici that the cavalry with large stocks is coming here. This is not exactly the state wolf ride.

"Running!" The cavalry will only have real combat power when it runs. The cavalry that runs is not called a cavalry. It is called an infantry. Although the Yuzhou iron ride is tired, it is still running under the leadership of Zhang Kai. The horses gradually increased from the slow speed, and the five thousand Yuzhou iron rides once again showed his style. Zhang Kai was so angry that he imagined that if there were enemies in front of him, then his Yuzhou iron ride would tear them into pieces.

The two cavalry are getting closer and closer, and the two torrents of steel will collide with each other at the time of the semi-column. The smothering atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger.

"Come on, come on! Lu Bu! Here will be your place of burial!" Zhang Kai's face showed a smile. Originally, he thought that Lu Bu had escaped. In this case, Zhang Kaike had no warfare, plus the lost cavalry. If Sun Ce had a bad mood and lost himself, then Zhang Kai did not know. Where to cry. Now that the battles are good, those rewards are back, and they are back to death! You said that Zhang Kai can not be happy! It’s no longer a dream to get Lu Bu’s head to destroy the whole and the state wolf ride.

The leading forces on both sides are getting closer and closer to see the opposite person.

"The whole army attacked and tore them!" Zhang Kai roared, he was already crazy, and the Yuzhou iron riders were also crazy. They were played by the state wolf as a monkey for so long, they were not only tired but also fire. Some robes are still dead in the hands of the state wolf, and now they are even underestimated. The crazy look in their eyes is surging. Now the morale of Yuzhou Iron Rider can be said to have climbed to a peak.

" Morale is available!" Tai Shici also nodded. This Yuzhou iron ride is not a heavy armor, nor is it an elite trump card that has long been on this piece of land. Yuan Shu is relying on him to resist several sieges. Finally, he was beaten by Lao Cao because of the fact that Yuzhou Iron Ride has been dispersed. Otherwise, Cao Cao did not dare to provoke Yuan Shu.

Now these Yuzhou iron riders have become Sun Ce's men. It is the trump card of his Jiangdong army. With him, Jiang Dongjun can truly reach the top-ranking and world heroes from the second-rate princes. Now, if the state wolf ride is eliminated, then the Yuzhou iron ride There will be one more lost opponent.

"Oh!" Lu Bu smiled and looked at these Yuzhou iron rides, come on, come on. Crazy, hey! Release all your anger, take out all your dissatisfaction, and watch the two cavalry collide. The sea gods in the hands of Lu Bu began to wave again. The wolves who had been rushing in front of the state suddenly turned a bay, and the whole army turned around. They did not want to confront the Yuzhou iron horse.

Lu Bu is not a fool. His cavalry leads the tactics. No one can compare this world. Now the Yuzhou Iron Knight is full of anger. The anger of the people is glory. You will only be beaten up at this time, even if the enemy is weak and crazy. The enemy will also make you hurt. Lu Bu has only a thousand more wolves in the state, and he is now rushing to lose money. The business of losing money can't be done.

"What! Run again?!" Zhang Kai's full blow and hit the air again, this feeling, how to say it, wrong, incomprehensible, you lose if you directly kill, but now you The strength of the temper, the morale, and when I was ready to do a good job, the opponent suddenly ran, what is this! All your anger is morally up to all.

"Chasing!" Zhang Kai fire was so teased by Lu Bu that he couldn't stand it. The finger would continue to catch up but was caught by Tai Shici. Tai Shici looked straight at Zhang Kai, and there were two words in the eyes. Called sincerely, "General Zhang Kai is the most important!" The only thing that can be awake on the battlefield is Tai Shici. Those Yuzhou iron rides are also crazy. Now chasing will only make Yuzhou iron ride exhausted. In the end, I am afraid that even the enemy’s side will not touch. At this time, this is not what Lu Bu’s state wolf rides wants. At that time, it is really necessary for the whole army to be destroyed, but the enemy is unharmed.

"Hey!" Zhang Kai also calmed down. He also knew that he couldn't chase him, but he was unhappy. "Stop and rest, stop and rest!" Zhang Kai just shouted to stop and rest, and the side of the state wolf ride came back.

"Kill!" Yuzhou Iron Rider ran out again, but even the enemy's hair did not touch and stopped. At the end, the state wolf ride has begun a small-scale confrontation with Yuzhou Iron Rider, Yuzhou Iron Ride will ride, and the state The wolf rides more, they are originally from the desert from the grassland from the outside of the plug, and those outside the foreigners are fighting with the cavalry, first the cavalry riding, and then the cavalry charge.

Riding the shot has been made frequently, and a "bo bo" arrow rain falls in the crowd of Yuzhou Iron Rider. These Yuzhou iron rides do not have the giant shield of the state wolf. Although there is a protection of A, there is nothing to do with the arrow rain, but the horse has no protection. A bunch of horses have been exhausted to the extreme. Now, hundreds of horses are killed by this arrow. The kind of battle damage saw that Zhang Kai’s teeth were crunching.

"Lu Bu, I am going to kill!" Zhang Kaizhen said. Where is his current enthusiasm, but a disappointment after madness.

"Let's go!" Tai Shici also saw it. He also knows that the scene now is exactly the same as the wolf riders in the state of Yuzhou. The number of people riding the wolf in the state is not as much as you, but the mobility is good, that is, you are not allowed to rest. . Just don't fight with you, people are falling behind you can you?

Now it’s only going back, let the cavalry run, let everyone run back with a sigh of relief, as long as they run to the Lusu army division and rely on the steps and the thousands of archers on the hill will not be played by Lu Bujun anymore. It is.

"Go!" Zhang Kai also knows that now only one way to leave, and then the casualties will only be greater.

"Go? Where are you going!" Lu Bu looked at the cold laughter of the Yuzhou Iron Rider, who had been transferred to the war horse. The scene was completely lost after the scene and the half-day scene. Now it is running in front. Five thousand Yuzhou iron ride. Followed by Lu Bu's state wolf ride.

Now Tai Shici and Zhang Kai finally saw the horror of Lu Bu's military wolf riding, no matter how they escaped, those who wore the state wolf always catch up, even if Zhang Kai's strong wrist broke the wrist directly to let a thousand team leave as the back of the temple. However, they were also left behind by these state wolves. The area they are now in is completely a large open area. The waterway in the south of the Yangtze River is also plain, and the state wolf ride does not want to collide with the Yuzhou Iron Rider after the break. Instead, it bypassed these Yuzhou iron rides around a long road and chased the majority of the Yuzhou iron ride. The thousand people can only eat dust behind.

While running, these state wolf riders are still shooting arrows, and these arrows are not aimed at falling in the Yuzhou cavalry.

"Can't do this, can't go on like this!" Zhang Kai's heart is bleeding, and the five thousand complete Yuzhou iron rides now have less than three thousand in addition to the one thousand people behind, and then the whole army is destroyed. It is possible. If you lose the Yuzhou iron ride. He couldn't imagine how Sun Ce would deal with him. He directly killed him, or the other ones were not accepted by Zhang Kai. Now there is only one fight.

"Go back!" Zhang Kai bit his teeth. He wants to play with his life. He can only get the whole army out of this way. Even if the whole army does not destroy the Yuzhou Iron Rider, it will be a serious death and injury. You must know that this time there is Lusu’s plan, which is to fool the state wolf ride here. Come, the real confrontation, Yuzhou iron ride is not an opponent at all, and these Yuzhou iron ride is Sun Ce spent the money that can be armed with tens of thousands of steps to build, Zhang Kai can not afford to play, Sun Ce can not afford to play, now has thousands of deaths and injuries And, if you die, even if you can see what is going on in Lusu, his Zhang Kai’s future is gone, what is glory and wealth, and what his wife’s shade is impossible! If Zhang Kai is Sun Cexin's abdomen, it is okay to say that after all, the people who used it have a long time and have feelings, and Zhang Kai is only joining. Zhang Kai also knows that Sun Ce is now letting him command the Yuzhou Iron Rider because he is not familiar with the Yuzhou Iron Rider. Once there is a replacement, Zhang Kai is really not good at this position, but now it is losing so much!

The only thing that can be done now is to leave this state wolf ride, leave Lu Bu, and fight with Lu Bu. If the battle is dead, then everything will be empty. If you win and kill Lu Bu, even if the whole Yuzhou iron ride is lighted. However, Sun Ce will also give a big reward to Zhang Kai!

"General Zhang Kai, can't be tempted to use things!" Tai Shi was anxious, and he could see that Zhang Kai was going to kill his life and stop.

"Is there a better way for General Shi Shici?" Zhang Kai looked at Tai Shici with red eyes.

"Hungry?!" Tai Shici shook his head and said, "No!" He is too a general of the Shuijun general. If you are above the rivers and lakes, he will be able to give you advice and tactics, but now this is a cavalry. He is too unfamiliar with Shi Ci.

"Take me shut up!" Zhang Kai was already anxious and angered. "These are my sire. They are my brothers and my terracotta warriors. They are not the water army of Tai Shici. You are willing to watch them die. I can't bear it~" Zhang Kailian said the words of the big rebellious, what is my terracotta warriors, these terracotta warriors are Sun Ce, are Jiangdongjun.

But Tai Shici did not care about anything! If the loss now is Tai Shici's water army camp, I believe that Tai Shici will go crazy! This kind of feeling that only being played by the enemy and not touching the enemy at all is really maddening.

"Rub, you shouldn't do it, you shouldn't, shouldn't bypass my thousand team, now let you know that our Yuzhou iron ride is amazing!" Zhang Kai's flag waved the entire Yuzhou iron ride once again turned away. The horse head rushed toward Lu Bujun!

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