"I want to fight hard!" Lu Bu also can see the feeling of Zhang Kai. The feelings that are most touched are those of the great Han generals, especially the great Han generals in the state of Youzhou. They each confronted the foreigners, and those foreigners always took them. They ran to the desert, because the cavalry of the foreigners was not the opponent of the great Han general. The cavalry of General Han Han was a heavy cavalry. The armor was excellent, the swords in his hands were all made by famous craftsmen, and the swords in the hands of the foreigners were all made of leather or herbs. Second-hand weapons from the merchants of the frontier, the armor on the body is also leather, if the frontal battle is not an opponent.

There are no wise people among the foreigners, and even some Han people do not know how to act for the foreigners. They think of a method that does not collide with the Han army. Instead, they use the high-speed maneuver of their light cavalry to carry the heavy cavalry of the generals of the Han Dynasty. Take them into the desert and walk into the grassland, let them get lost, and they may not be able to get out of the desert or the grassland for ten days and a half. After the disaster, those foreigners went to the territory of the Dahan to slaughter and rob, let the time The Han army had no way to passively defend.

Later, one person came up with an idea to break the guerrilla play of the foreigners. Since the foreigners did not dare to fight against the Dahan cavalry, then we forced them to fight in front. We directly crossed them, regardless of them, all The frontier city pool closed the gate when the Dahan cavalry was dispatched. The soldiers and soldiers of the whole city guarded the city together, and the Dahan cavalry directly ignored the foreign light cavalry. They entered the desert directly and entered the grassland. What did they do? Straight to Huanglong! In other words, regardless of the cavalry of these foreigners, they are chasing them directly toward their nests. Those foreigners who want to live outside the fortress must find a place with abundant water and abundant weeds so that they can keep cattle and sheep. In this way, the ethnic group can be fed, and the cavalry of the generals of the Han Dynasty must find the gathering place of these foreigners, find their ethnic groups, and directly implement the policy of scribbling and rooting. He does not care if your foreign cavalry is not directly destroying your home. Let your wife and daughter give up all your ethnic groups. Without them, what do you want to live?

This is completely forced to confront the cavalry of these foreigners and the heavy cavalry of the Dahan. If you don't come, then I will destroy your ethnic group. You are coming. I am connected with you and your ethnic group. At that time, outside the plug, the foreigners were extremely chilling.

Which tribe dares to grab the city of the Dahan, then these great Han generals will directly go to the ethnic group directly with the heavy cavalry. The road must ask for a response, if you dare to hide and kill together. The wolves on the prairie have tens of thousands more because of this.

The one who developed this strategy was the former Ding Jianyang, who was the former emperor, and the main man who was carrying out the sweeping of the big man heavy cavalry was Lu Bu. Lu Bu did not have a place to live. Therefore, in the eyes of Lu Bu and other foreigners, it is a wolf **** and a **** of death from hell.

And Lu Bu is now using this trick to deal with the Yuzhou Iron Ride. His Lu Bu’s nest is in the city of Yucheng.

The people of Lu Buhai have not yet waved those who wore the wolf in the state. They are already familiar with it. The big forces began to maneuver and drove away from the Yuzhou Iron Ride. They did not let these Yuzhou iron rides desperate and did not let these Yuzhou iron rides. . Always give them hope again and again, and then go out and extinguish this light of hope.

"Lü Bu, this is what you forced me!" Zhang Kai gnashed his teeth, and his hair was distributed. He has become a red-eyed gambler. The most important feature of a red-eyed gambler is that he dares to press anything. He just wants to Victory, even his life, he dared to press.

"Thorn horse!" Zhang Kai yelled at the Yuzhou Iron Rider.

"What?!" Those Yuzhou iron rides all smashed, thorns? This is really crazy, the horse is their second life. Don't talk about stabbing horses, even if there is a little damage to the horses, they will be sad. Now the horses are so tired and have begun to complain.

"Zhang Kai, you are crazy!" Tai Shici did not expect this Kay to play like this, stabbing horse? Now the Yuzhou Iron Rider can't catch up with the state wolf ride. The stab horse can indeed speed up the war horse. The horse can play an amazing explosive force after the sting, but after this war. Those horses were completely abolished, and the stings were accompanied by bloodshed and madness. Therefore, the final result of the horses was only one **** death. These horses were bought by Sun Ce from the Liaodong for a big price. of. Each of them is worth a hundred dollars. These horses are used by Sun Ce, and even Sun Ce’s reward for His Majesty has been reduced. Among them, there is Tai Shici’s own. He has taken the lead of his own for more than a year. He knows These horses are the meaning of these cavalry for Sun Ce.

But now Zhang Kai is going to stab the horse, after the horse? The entire Yuzhou iron ride will disappear in the preparation of Sun Cejun. Sun Cesheng has spent so many years eating and drinking. So much effort has been spent on the call.

"I am not crazy!" Zhang Kai is crazy! It’s really hard to say, "Too Shici, you said that I can't stab the horses. How many Yuzhou iron riders can go back alive? Hundreds of horses are still thousands of horses, and the strength of the state wolf ride you see, now 5,000 Yuzhou iron ride is not an opponent, You think we will be opponents after the heavy blow!" Zhang Kai is screaming at Tai Shi Ci. "There is only one stroke now. All the horses are speeding to catch up with Lu Bu’s and the wolf rides and he is fighting. If we win, even the entire Yuzhou iron ride. We are all stunned. If we lose, then the entire Jiangdong army will never have a day!" Zhang Kai is not crazy, he is still calm, he knows that now is not his choice to desperately not desperate, but the fact In forcing him to go desperately, there is only one dead road, and maybe he can survive, so Zhang Kai is calm now.

"But!" Tai Shici wanted to say something, but Zhang Kai did not give him a chance. "I didn't hear what Laozi said! Thorn horse! You want to be a girl who is aggrieved, or a glorious person." Let's go to war! You can choose whatever you want!" Zhang Kai is a good general. His words suddenly boiled over the entire Yuzhou iron riders. What is called a girl's awkward life, in ancient times, unlike modern men, this era Men are very masculine, in modern men may dress like a girl, what a beautiful man, what a beautiful man, and even a transgender woman, those things in the eyes of these ancient men are completely wrong, completely It is against the ancestors who violated the heavens.

A man is a man, a man should stand on the ground, a man should be arrogant. In the ancient times, what was called the greatest humiliation was that one person used a woman to be ashamed. For example, the famous Zhuge Liang gave Sima Yi women's clothes, Sima Yi's face is thick and no way, but this seems to be the biggest humiliation in Zhuge Liang. Now these Yuzhou iron riders are shouted by their own generals, to be as grievous as the girls. Alive.

They don't do it all the time, they can die, they can die, but they can't be like a little bit of a girl.

"Thorn horse. Thorn horse!" Those Yuzhou iron rides also acted, Yuzhou iron ride is also elite, than the Lao Cao's tiger leopard ride did not give much, even let Lao Cao once had a headache, Yuzhou Iron Rider's two directors are Willing to spend money, Yuan Shu can say that the search for the people's fat people to the extreme. In addition to building his palace in Yuzhou, the money in Yangzhou is given to Yuzhou Iron Rider, and the second master, Sun Ce, is the same. The entire Soochow, the entire Jiangdong to raise a heavy cavalry, if you are Wu Chu Wu Yue, There were tens of thousands of cavalry troops in various countries during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. With such a large resource, they had raised such a 5,000-part tunes. You can know his elite.

A handle sword stabbed the horse's buttocks and slashed the big knife to the war horse! These Yuzhou cavalry people are bleeding in their hearts, but they all endure the heartache and endure the tears in their eyes. Are they men or women, they would rather die in glory, and do not go awkward to live.

"Old man runs, gallop, you die, your master, I will go down with you!" These Yuzhou iron rides have already held the mortal confidence. There are no war horses and they are called cavalry! It is better to die in the battle.

"Thorn horse?!" Lu Bu brows close, these Yuzhou iron ride is really awkward, even directly against the horses under the arm, the horse is the robe of the cavalry, is the second life of the cavalry, the same as the cavalry of Lu Bu Understand that some Han troops outside the Sai are more likely to have their own arrows in the arrows. The feelings accumulated over the years are not explained in one sentence or two.

These horses are their loved ones, but now they are embarrassed to their loved ones to catch up with themselves and catch up with the state wolf.

"But it's so simple!" Lu Bu directly avoided the edge, and then suffocated and died. This is the cloud of the terracotta warriors and horses. It is also applicable to the cavalry. These Yuzhou iron spurs the horses, although the speed is amazing, but it is still slower than the wolf riding in the state. As long as Lu Bu drags them, their victory must belong to Lu Bu. Lost the giant shield!" Lu Bu said, he now needs to give up the weight, give up the unnecessary weight to shoulder the shoulder of the state wolf, so that Yuzhou iron ride can be far away.

This group of Yuzhou iron ride is now a group of madmen, whoever has to be unlucky, Lu Bu does not want to do unnecessary casualties.

"Useless, useless will catch up with you!" Looking at Lu Bujun have left the giant shield, Zhang Kai more and more stunned, you thought it would be fine to leave it! Impossible, Zhang Kai is desperate, how could he let Lu Bu escape, he has already broken the boat, if not fighting, then the unlucky one is his Zhang Kai, just like Xiang Yu, if Xiang Yu destroys the boat, At this time, the Qin army chose not to attack but to camp, perhaps to retreat directly, then the one that was left to Xiang Yu was a dead end. If they didn’t have a boat, they would not be able to go. If they didn’t cook, they would be hungry and hungry for a day. In two days, Xiang Yu’s absolute military annihilation will not appear in the history of Chu.

But history is history. He has already happened. There is no way to change it. Now Zhang Kai is the Xiang Yu of that year and Lu Bu is Qin Jun. Zhang Kai is desperate. He bet on all he wants to win.

Unconsciously, Zhang Kai has put himself in a weak group. Although Xiang Yu finally defeated the Qin army, it was also after his defeat, but before the Yuzhou Iron Rider chased the state wolf ride. Hit it. Zhang Kai’s dagger once again pierced the arm of his horse’s buttocks, and a **** flower rose. The horse’s long-awaited pain was a bit faster, and the wound on the **** was also intense. In the movement, there was a blood in the stock. Now all the horses in Yuzhou Iron Horse have become sweaty horses. Every horse is dyed red by its own blood. The brown and black horses are still not visible. And those white horses are very obvious, blood is red, a large piece of horrible looks

"Throwing the cavalry rifle!" Lu Bu once again shouted, this Kay Dang really gambled the last one, the best way to meet this gambler is not to gamble with him, because he won the loss for himself It is not a good thing.

If you lose, then all the wins will be void. If you win, this crazy gambler still doesn't know what kind of damage will be brought to you, so Lu Bu chose to avoid the edge.

"Lord, this cavalry rifle!" There is a doubt with the state wolf riding a giant shield can be lost. That is a defensive type. To be honest, these are not willing to use the wolf, and the ones who are called with the giant shield are the ones behind the performance of the wolf in the state, because they are weak and naturally responsible for defense. Other strengths of the United States wolf riders are naturally attacking people, and the wolves believe that the offense is not defense.

He only has sharp claws and sharp teeth. You have seen the wolf have a hard shell. The giant shield lost a little pressure on them. Instead, there was a trace of sneak peek, and the cavalry rifle was reluctant, because they used it smoothly. These cavalry rifles were brought by Liu Wei from the world, and they were all steel products. Not only sturdy and sharp, the armor that used to be a headache for the U.S. wolf ride was simply unable to withstand the cavalry rifle, and it could be smashed in one shot. Now Lu Bu, the main lord let them put down the cavalry rifle in their hands, naturally unwilling.

"Hesitate! Waiting for you to go back and pick it up is not enough!" Lu Bu directly shouted, this cavalry gun has every wolf in the state, and he can go up a lot.

"Yes!" Lu Bu said in a sentence that these state wolf riders did not hesitate to throw the cavalry rifle in their hands, and their faces were still smug. why! Because Lu Bu said that he will go back and come back later. The meaning of this sentence is that Lu Bu simply does not put these enemies in front of him. If he will meet them, it will be a comprehensive blow of Lu Bujun. If Lu Bujun wins, it is possible to clean up. The battlefield is going to retrieve the cavalry rifle.

Yuzhou iron rides fast, and the state wolf rides faster, the advantage of losing a few pounds of weight pure blood horse is revealed, these Liaodong war horses can not match the genetically modified offspring. Even if these old predecessors are already full of blood, they are already playing for life, but they can’t catch up.

"hateful"! Zhang Kai can't stand it. If it really can't catch up with Yuzhou Iron Rider, it will be completely annihilated. The opposite side of the wolf ride, except for the hundreds of rides lost before, can be regarded as unharmed. Kay can't accept it, even if he plays so badly under the Gonggong Mountain, he can have eight hundred Yuzhou iron rides to leave. Now all the Yuzhou iron riders have stabbed their own horses and even if they survived, the horses will be abolished. Without the horses, the cavalry will not do the same.

"Ah!" The aftermath of the stabbing horse came, and some horses could not stand it. Tired, but also a lot of blood loss, they are not machines, even the destruction of the machine is almost the same, one after another Yuzhou iron ride out of the big forces, once they left the big forces, they can no longer catch up.

Zhang Kai knows that the Yuzhou iron horses are all lost. Does Heaven really want him to defeat Zhang Kai on this big river and ask him Zhang Kai is here? Zhang Kai dissatisfied, dissatisfied, he is also a general, he is also a cavalry commander, he believes that he is no worse than anyone on the commander of the cavalry, but why can not win the Lu Bujun, you can not win the state wolf ride, Yuzhou iron ride It’s not once or twice, and it’s not once or twice. It’s from Yuanshu’s expedition to Xuzhou. It’s Yuzhou’s iron rider’s pioneer, and then Lubu’s battle for Yuzhou, and then several rounds of attacking Yuan Shu, Ba Gongshan, and now this time, but no Once Yuzhou Iron Rider won, although the previous few losses, but they can also generally retreat, and now this time, waiting for the Ma Ma can not bear, and fell down, then the end of Yuzhou Iron Rider is not far away, they face It’s the right one of the more than a thousand wolves, and they’re the killers.

"Hey!" Tai Shici shook his head and sighed. He really didn't think that Lu Bu could still turn over in such a plan. He had never seen a person who could play the cavalry tactics so well. Zhang Kai is weak. ? Not weak, not weak. On the cavalry, Tai Shici thinks that Zhang Kai is a general and a good general. He is going back and forth and intends to say a few words in front of Sun Ce, because Zhang Kaijun’s handsome cavalry is very good. His morale is from his decisive thorns.

But now it is not needed, Yuzhou iron has finished riding, at least in the eyes of Tai Shici, he is going to finish, chasing, can not catch up with the state wolf ride, run! Also run but the state wolf ride, and the state wolf ride does not let you run, and finally and people desperately do not give you a chance!

Tai Shici has made up his mind, and finally he can't take Zhang Kai to break through! Yuzhou Iron Ride has been lost, Jiangdong can no longer throw a cavalry commander, he has already consulted the power of the state wolf ride, Zhang Kai has begun to despair.

Just when Zhang Kaiman was unwilling to despair, when Tai Shici made a decision to break through, there was another cavalry from the direction of the Hezhou wolf riding the Mercedes. This cavalry was wearing the Yuzi flag, but the number was only a thousand, but These thousand people made Zhang Kai laugh wildly.

"Hahaha, I will not destroy my Zhang Kai, the day will not destroy me Zhang Kai!" "The original block in front of Lu Bu and the state wolf riding Mercedes-Benz is not the one thousand Yuzhou iron ride that was left by Zhang Kai's broken wrist!

They were ordered to break off, but they were smashed by Lu Bujun, because in the opposite direction, even the big forces could not see it. In the end, they could only follow the road and pursue the past. Now, it’s just stuck in the state wolf. On the road to ride Mercedes-Benz, directly blocked the state wolf ride back.

Originally, the wolf riding in the state did not want to fight against the now crazy Yuzhou Iron Ride. Now the state wolf ride does not want to fight with the Yuzhou Iron Rider. It is not possible to have a Yuzhou iron ride before and after, and the only one that the state wolf can choose is to rush back.

PS: I don't know two hundred chapters! Thank you for the existence of your brothers! Thank you for not insisting that you have a gun! Also, yesterday, some brothers said that they would send a little more PS text because they would make up the subscription and are cheating! Here is a gun to reply! That PS is not a subscription, it is a column automatically given by the system! Just like the words that are now said by guns are not counted as subscribers!

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