My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 404: Missy is gone.

Built in the city pool.

Sun Ce has already returned to his power center in Jiangdong. The war in front of Jiang Xia has not stopped. The military officer of Jingzhou Jiang Xia Shui Jun is like a chicken blood. He is attacking Jiang Dongjun quickly, making Jiang Dong Shuijun The pressure has doubled, and the frontline has suffered a lot of casualties. According to the truth, Sun Ce should be on the front line at this time, but he has to go to Jianye.

Because it was his old mother, Mrs. Wu, who called him back.

Sun Ce was simply upset. She was called back to Jiangdong by the old lady. When she met, she was stinky. What is the reason? The reason is that his inferior sister is gone. The original sister is letting Sun Ce die. You said that you are a daughter's family. You don't learn anything well. You learn female red, you learn female morality, even you have anything. If you don’t learn, the woman’s talent is virtue. Do you have to learn military sticks? At that time, he also blamed him, because his father went early, and the mother had to take three children.

The long-brother is like a father, and Sun Ce, who is in charge, is still fighting under the shackles of Yuan Shu. Every day, he is worried and thinking about how to get rid of Yuan Shu. Naturally, he lacks discipline for his sister, and his mother is more Concerns were placed on the younger brother's grandchildren, which led to the lack of discipline of the younger sister, Sun Ce and those of Sun Jian, who did not hold her when discussing the matter, and even let the little girl become interested in these things.

When Sun Ce had time to discipline his sister, it was too late. This little girl was completely mad. The military books that I read would not be said. The martial arts did not know who to learn, but there was also a second-rate battle. The level will be.

Originally, Sun Ce planned to find a young Junjie in this Jiangdong to find a young Junjie to marry, but such a martial arts high-powered, can not sit still female who dare to /

Sun Ce can only continue to raise this baby sister, he is a master of Jiangdong, a sister can still afford, so the cost to his sister is still very generous. But this baby girl, not to buy silk satin, not to buy rouge gouache, gold and silver jewelry, but bought a knife and a gun shield, but also trained her dozens of hoes in her own room into a female army is simply let Sun Ce is crying and laughing.

These Sun strategies have also endured, but this time Sun Ce is really unbearable. This dead girl actually ran out. This is not the first time. Last time he went to the army of Liu Bei and said that he had to take a good look at what the war looks like. Fortunately, he is dressed up to follow the messenger team. Going, so Liu Bei was sent back to Jiangdong after he knew the identity of this grandson, the escort. But this time she ran again.

The same goal is still in Yangzhou, but this time the object is turned into Liu Weijun, saying that it is going to join the army, please, the king Liu Wei and his Jiangdong Sun Ce are the enemy, you Jiangdong little princess, is cast Which army is it?

And the most crucial thing is. How can a woman enter the army and join the army?

Now the old lady has spoken, and if Sun Ce can't find the little Princess Sun in a few months, then the old lady will not recognize him.

"Lord, this Shouchun really has such a female camp!" Zhang Zhao whispered on the side.

"I don't know, I want you to remind me!" Sun Ce replied with a lack of enthusiasm. Sun Ce was very annoyed. This Zhang Zhao was looking for a slap. The last time Zhang Zhao came out, the Lijiang River was played by Yang Hong and lost Jiangdong. Sanjiangkou. Even being beaten out of Qijiang County all the way, this reason led Sun Ce to be somewhat dissatisfied with Zhang Zhao. Fortunately, Zhang Zhao was very good at internal affairs, which made Sun Ce let go of this fault. But now Sun Ce is irritated, and suddenly thinks of Zhang Zhao’s business.

Fortunately, Sun Ce still restrained the emotions.

Shouchun female camp, it seems that Sun Ce is a joke, the army is a man's thing, how can a woman intervene, and a woman can raise a child at home. Do you still want to do it?

Originally Liu Wei’s two thousand female camps, Sun Ce thought that this was a military camp, but he did not expect that it was really a military camp, and the spies sent out discovered. This female battalion does not need to be a male battalion. The male battalion does not need to be close to the female battalion. The sinisters are guilty, and the number is still quite large. There are 2,000 people. This is the reason for this baby sister. Left a book to leave the news that Jiangdong did not.

Sun Ce is a headache. The old lady can't help but confess, so this baby sister must be able to find it back, but it is Liu Wei's territory, it is his military camp.

Sun Ce smashed his head, but he knew where the baby sister was. If he didn't even know the direction, he could really catch it. When he was looking for someone in a haystack, how could he find it?

"Lvmen! Immediately sent the Huxiaoying people to Shouchun to find Missy back to me!" Sun Ce told Zhang Zhao that the so-called Tigers Camp, Liu Wei had already seen it. Zhou Tai of the government led this tiger camp.

"Yes!" Lu Meng nodded and left, but suddenly thought again: Lord, if Missy is not willing to come back, what to do!

To tell the truth, in this Jiangdong this big lady really no one dares to provoke her, Lu Meng does not dare! After all, it is the sister of the main public, and the old lady is there, who dares to move her hair.

"I won't come? If you don't come back, you have to tie me back if you are tied!" Sun Ce was also angry, and gave Lu Meng a Shangfang sword, which was directly forced back.

"Subordinate to obey!" With this Shang Fang Bao Luneng can be a lot less scruples, and soon Lu Meng left.

Lu Meng left, the baby sister's thing was solved, and Sun Ce had another headache. "How is this Linhuai situation?!"

"Not good!" Zhang Zhao said to Sun Ce, "The Linhuai has been lost, and there is a way left. This Qin Feng has sent several letters of assistance!" This Qin Feng is a waste but is afraid of death. Although Linhuai was lost, it was very strong on the way.

"Zi Bu, you said that Lin Huai is still saved!" Sun Ce asked Zhang Zhao, this Zhang Zhao is also considered a first-class adviser's plan to not have to be low.

"Yes!" Zhang Zhao immediately replied, "Linhuai lost, but still on the way, the city is strong, easy to defend, and this Qinfeng basically stationed all the troops and horses in this way, so Although I lost Linhuai, in fact, Qin Feng’s trilogy did not lose anything, but lost some jewels in Linhuai!”

"Yeah!" Sun Ce nodded. "But if we send troops, this is not a two-line battle! This is a taboo of the military law!" Sun Ce hesitated, because not only he wants to fight in Jiangxia, but if he goes to support Qin Feng Is the two lines in the war, can Jiang Dong really eat? Jiang Xia is there to delay most of the troops in Jiangdong.

"Lord, we are fighting on the two lines, but this is also the case with Liu Wei, the king of the king!" Zhang Zhao continued to answer: "The front spies come to report, this king can not only send troops to Linhuai, but he also sent troops to Xinye!"

"Send a new army? Is he Liu Wei wanting to fight with Jingzhou Liu Watch?!" Sun Ce has an interest. If Liu Wei and Liu Biao fight, then his strategy is certainly welcome. One is his own father-in-law, one is The current enemy, if the two dogs are biting the dog, Sun Ce is slap in the face to give encouragement.

"Liu's messenger died in Jingzhou, but it was killed by Pang Tong, the messenger of Yuzhou Liu Bei!" Sun Ce thought of Liu Wei and Liu Biao's war, but Zhang Zhao shook his head. "Not with Liu Biao, but it should be with Yuzhou Liu Bei." !"

Liu Bei of Yuzhou is Liu Xie's confidant enemy. Similarly, Yangzhou lacks grain and grass. Liu Wei wants to get grain and will inevitably go around. He even sent him to Jiangdong, not to mention the Jingzhou granary. Now it is only the trouble of Yangzhou. Jingzhou, so Liu Wei is impossible to tear open the face with Jingzhou Liu.

"Yuzhou Liu Bei?!"

"No matter who is fighting with him, Liu Wei is also a two-line operation, so the main public, not only for the Linhuai land, but also for the heart of this Jiangdong world, this battle will come out!"

PS: I did a car today and blocked a car for a day. It is too tired, so I can only do it. I will burst tomorrow! Dear guests, you can still be cool yesterday!

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