My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 405: Linhuai coach

"Zi Jing, big brother wants to send troops to Yangzhou!" In a study, the two are drinking, an unusually beautiful young man is pointing to another young man on the side, this man looks very comfortable, but The eyes were purple.

The pair of pupils, this is the call of the Overlord. The Western Chu King was the kind of double pupil. It is this vision that makes so many people follow Xiang Yu, so that Xiang Yu can become the co-owner of the world, but if it is in front of the eyes If this is the eldest son, how good is it, or his brother is not so good, perhaps this pair of blue eyes really become the sign of the co-owner.

It is a pity that he has the symbol of Overlord, but his brother is a real overlord. Although he does not have the talent of Sun Quan, he has been passed down by the Western Chu King. The name of Jiangdong Xiaobawang is not to say that it is played. This Jiangdong was also hit by his brother. Sun Quanguang had a voice but was completely covered up by his brother.

Everyone knows Jiang Dong Sun Ce, but several people know that Jiang Dong Sun Quan.

"When you heard the news from Yangzhou?" Lu Suyi heard the news and put down the wine glasses in his hand. "Isn't Jiang Wadong broke out again? How can this Wu Hou open up the battlefield of Yangzhou? Is it not with Jingzhou?" "Lu Su is amazed, Jiang Xia is playing hot now, whether Jingzhou or Jiangdong are going to increase their chips toward Jiangxia. Both sides have more than 100,000 troops. Every day there is a war of formation." In the outbreak, most of Jiangdong’s money and grain were cast in the past. He’s current position is to plan the transportation of some military grain materials. If you send troops to Yangzhou again, it will be a secret agreement with Jingzhou Liu Watch.

After hearing the words of Lu Su, Sun Quan shook his head. "Jiang Xia's war situation is no longer the big brother's finale!" Before Jiangdong and Jingzhou reached a tacit agreement, Sun Ce dealt with Lu Bu, while Jingzhou Liu Table was sitting on the mountain, but because A Han Dang and Huang Gai made a good idea, and the Jingzhou Shuijun took the Sanjiangkou, causing the whole Jingzhou to be awkward. Jingzhou Liu watched his big brother to betray his betrayal. In order to give Jingzhou a confession, he also launched a counterattack. His big brother could only fight hard with his scalp.

So now Jiang Xia’s battle is not stopped by his older brother’s stop. This depends on Jingzhou’s attitude.

"This Zhuge Kongming, really is Wolong!" Lu Su's lips, Zhuge Kongming, this is the most discussed person in Jiangdong. Twenty weak champions are not, but they are already a military sergeant. This is nothing, because this Zhuge family is also a Jingzhou sect, and his master, Mr. Shui Jing, can also get this position by virtue. The key point is that Zhuge Liang is simply a enchanting singer. With so many people and Jiangdong, there are so many lawyers fighting against each other. Even Zhou Yu feels that this Zhuge is inevitably the enemy of Jiangdong. The Jingzhou Shuijun was originally guarded by the Jiangdong Shuijun. State, but now it seems to have changed a person, frequent attacks, so that the Jiangdong water army suffered heavy losses. Since Zhuge Liang mastered the Jiangxia Shuijun, the Jiangdong Shuijun lost its troops and horses to catch up with these years.

Lu Su is interested in this Zhuge Liang. That is because compared with this person, Lu Su is simply not in the heart. The same age is also the first time to go out, but how is the gap between people and people so big? Lu Su also believes that he does not have to be a bad person. However, after Zhou Yu’s recommendation, he and Wu Housun were sent out to join the army. In the end, they were defeated. Lu Su himself was captured. Or Zhang Zhao went to buy himself back. This is a shameful shame.

Zhuge Liang has now become the principal of Jiang Xia, and the entire Jiang Xia war situation is under his control. The more you play, the more you play. Compared with the two, it is a negative textbook for a positive textbook.

"So, Wu Hou wants to fight in two lines?!" Lu Su sighed Zhuge Liang, and then put the focus on the plan of Jiangdong Sun Ce.

"Yes!" Sun Quan nodded, after receiving the affirmative answer from Sun Quan. Lu Su's brow could not help but wrinkle.

This is a taboo for military law. If there are enough soldiers and horses, or if there are enough food supplies, this is fine. Otherwise, once the troops are divided, it is a disaster and will be broken by the enemy one by one.

Yangzhou is bound to be Liu Wei against Yangzhou. Although Lu Su also wants to set foot on Yangzhou's land to compete with Wang Liu, but he also knows that this Yangzhou Liu Wei is not a simple figure. The black chess army is the elite of the elite, saying that the face of this black chess army Lu Su is a little weird, because this soldier is still given to others by Jiangdong, and is the soldier of Jiangdu’s governor Zhou Yu. Ah, unfortunately, it was pushed into the hands of Liu Wei, but now it has become a hindrance to Jiangdong. If Wu Hou boarded Yangzhou, this Lujiang Lu Bu will not stand idly by, and Lu Bu’s hand in the state wolf ride, which camp seems to be the same.

"Big brother sent troops to Yangzhou, it is because Linhuai Qinfeng!" Sun Quan continued to explain.

“Linhuai Qinfeng?!” Lu Su did not know who Qinfeng was, but he knew Linhuai. This can be said that the whole Jiangdong is the only place on the north bank of the Yangtze River. Before the loss of the Lijiang River, Linhuai was A piece of chicken ribs, it is a pity to eat the tastelessness. Since the loss of the Lijiang River, the low position of Linhuai has been straightened up.

"Linhuai, hehe!" Lu Su also had a headache. If he was Sun Ce, this Linhuai would not dare to lose it. If he lost Linhuai, then the road that Jiangdong entered the Central Plains would be blocked. This is why Sun Ceming knew that Jiang Xia was so good, but he still wanted to attack Yucheng.

"But fortunately, this Yangzhou Liu Wei is also a two-line battle!" Sun Quan continued.

"Hmm?!" Lu Su raised his head and his eyes lit up.

"Yuzhou Liu Bei killed Liu Wei's messenger in Jingzhou. This Liu Wei can be a good rest, so he has already sent troops to Nanyang!"

If this Liu Wei is also a two-line battle, then this battle can still be played, everyone is at the same level, what can't be played, and you have to know that in the Linhuai generation Sunce still has a city on the way, this Qin Feng There are also tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. They went as reinforcements. Although Liu Bei’s army was injured in the first battle of Yangzhou, even the white ear was lost, but the Xiliang iron ride was also in his hands. Zhang Xiu was killed by Liu Bei, and Nanyang has now been occupied by Liu Bei.

So this fight can be played.

"Zhong Mou, what do you mean?!" Lu Su looked at his own friend in front of him and asked, no matter where Sun Ce was sent out, he did not have any relationship with Sun Quan. Sun Quan had only one idle job. He is a big brother in the hegemony world, and his big brother Wenchen military commander is not lacking. It can be said that Sun Quan is a superfluous one.

"Zi Jing! I am almost thirty, and people say that they stand thirty, but you and I can stand up in the end! Is it here to drink tea? For more than twenty years, Big Brother has been like me in front of me. In the mountains, I have been telling myself for more than 20 years. This is my big brother. Big brother should have been stronger than me, but don’t you want to prove yourself?” Sun Quan’s eyes looked at Lu Su. Said.

"Hmm?!" Lu Su frowned, and Sun Quan’s gaze he felt, the kind of eagerness, the kind of attachment. The reason why Lu Su resigned from the important position of Sun Ce is because he knows that Sun Ce is not the main lord he wants, but the one in front of him is that he also hopes that Sun Quan can master the power, but Sun Quan should also know, as long as his older brother is in the day. Then his grandchildren can't have any chance.

"This time, I am going to go to Yangzhou. I want to let the world know that this grandson has not only one Jiangdong Sunce, but also a Sun Zhongmou!" Sun Quan suddenly stood up, this is an opportunity, if Continue this way, his grandchildren must be annihilated in Jiangdong,

His brother Sun Ce is in his prime, no major illness or disaster. It may be necessary to suppress Sun Quan’s life, so Sun Quan can’t stand it. The ability to have a light has nowhere to be displayed. This feeling is very uncomfortable.

"Hey!" Lu Su looked at the friend who was in front of him. He wanted to discourage Sun Quan, but the words went to his mouth and swallowed again. He stayed under Sun Ceguang for too long. Too much repression, every time someone mentioned that Sun Quan is the younger brother of Sun Ce, or the son of Sun Jian, not the real Sun Quanmou.


"You said that Zhongmou wants to take the soldiers to Linhuai?" Sun Ce drank his hand and asked Zhang Zhao on the side.

"Yes Lord!" Zhang Zhao stood by and said to Sun Ce respectfully.

"How many soldiers he wants to bring!" Sun Ce asked quietly.

"The second son said that he only needs the lord to give 10,000 elite. The rest of the terracotta he raised himself!" Zhang Zhao also carefully told Sun Ce.

"Financing yourself, where did he come from, the right to come and raise his own rights!" Sun Ce suddenly stood up and looked angry.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhang Zhao also saw that his family's lord was so angry. "It is Wu Jia, Lu Jia, and Chen Jia, Zhang Jia. These sects are willing to support the two sons and raise three. Wan Terracotta!"

"Wujia, Zhangjia, Lujia, Chenjia?!" Sun Ce’s eyes slammed. "When it’s really good to play, 30,000 soldiers and horses, grain and stone, when I went to the city, I didn’t see them. Such sincerity, now Zhongmou a word, even so capable?!" Although Sun Ce is a reckless person, but not a fool, when he attacked the Lijiang River, more than a dozen families were united, and only 60,000 soldiers and horses It’s still his own, but now four of them can get 30,000. Is it true that he is a fool?

Sun Ce also knew that his younger brother was extremely happy by the sects in Jiangdong but did not expect to be able to rejoice to this extent. The 30,000 soldiers and Wanshi grain grass said that they would take it out. Sun Ce is the owner of Jiangdong, not his. Sun Quan, if the 30,000 terracotta warriors are a little bit ridiculous, Sun Ce simply can't imagine this consequence. It is necessary to know that Sun Ce's main force is all in the Jiang Xia generation. How can he be so relieved that he is not controlled by his Sun Sze?

"Sure enough, it is not expected to be public!" Sun Ce muttered to himself, the killing on his body was from the battlefield, let Zhang Zhao on the side be chilly, but the Zhang family not mentioned before Zhang Zhang of Zhang Zhao, originally Zhang Zhao also wanted to participate in the second son, but thought about it and finally gave up, although the second son is good, but it is not the real master of Jiangdong, but forgot to give up, Looking at Sun Ce's appearance, this is someone who is unlucky.

When Sun Ce was with Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu always reminded Sun Ce that his second brother was not a fuel-efficient lamp. He was very capable. When Sun Quan was 14 years old, he would be able to take care of the city. Zhou Yu noticed the two sons. If there is only the ability to govern, this may be the temper of Jiangdong, but this two sons have a heart that is not willing to succumb to the people, making friends, making friends, There are even other people who are accommodating the people. What is this doing? This is exactly the same as the Ming Dynasty. It has to be alarmed. Although his grandson is noble, he is only a second son. This Jiangdong is still Belong to Sun Ce.

At that time, Sun Ce only laughed at Zhou Yu’s words, but now he really found his second brother to look down on him. He was the owner of Jiangdong. When he first went to the Lijiang River, he recruited these sects. The mourning is that Sun Ce has spent a lot of money on many of his commitments. This has enabled them to send troops. However, this second brother is only saying that he will immediately stand up for public support. This is still Sun Ce. If you put on a person like Cao Cao, I am afraid that Sun Quan has been dragged down. Even if it is not killed, it will be under house arrest for a lifetime!

Sun Ce also wants to start, the chill on his face makes Zhang Zhao on the side also timid, this is still Sun Quan's lack of real power to get the support of these several families, if this is given him military power! Sun Ce did not dare to imagine.

Sun Ce’s arm was gently lifted up. Zhang Zhao, below, knows that as long as the arm is waving, then let’s not say how the several families are. Anyway, the second son may have to stay away from the center of power.

However, Zhang Zhao did not see what he thought. I saw Sun Ce took a deep breath and took the hand back. A long sigh echoed in the room. "Zhang Zhao, Pro The battle of Huai’s battle will let Zhongmou go! Transfer 10,000 soldiers from Jianshui Shuijun. No, no, Sun Ce shook his head. “Transfer 20,000 martial arts to Zhongmou, Lu Meng, Ling Cao all gave me the past! Tell They can lose the army, but they must ensure the safety of the conspiracy!"

"Lord, you?" Zhang Zhao was also stunned. This lord is not ready to clean up his brother, how can it become so? 20,000 soldiers and horses? I have to know that there are only 30,000 water troops near the entire building.

"Go on! Tell those few, although I have transferred the troops, but the grain does not want to take away in my hands!" Sun Ce waved, he was a little tired.

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