My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 406: The arrival of reinforcements

No matter how bad the younger brother is, it is also the younger brother of his Sun Ce. The eldest brother is like a father. Sun Ce has been a big brother for so many years. When Sun Jian died, Sun Quan was only a few years old. It can be said that Sun Ce grew up watching Sun Quan, to this younger brother. Sun Ce really does not want to start, since Zhongmou wants military power, then he will be perfect.

"Big brother gave me 20,000 soldiers?!" Sun Quan stayed in his yard, and he was already weak. He had already regained his house outside Wuhoufu. Sun Quan was also in his own residence. Among them, I was worried about waiting for the news. When he reported to Zhang Zhao and asked him to tell his brother that he wanted to go to the army, Sun Quan thought of the result.

The first is nothing more than the big brother let himself go out, the second is that the big brother does not agree, and the few families with him are unlucky together, and they will be under house arrest by their older brothers. Sun Quan is also frightened and scared, and he regrets that he is rash. Military power.

However, Sun Quan did not think that his elder brother not only agreed to his command of the army and horses, but he even said that as long as 10,000 elite soldiers and horses, but the older brother gave himself 20,000 soldiers and horses, you must know that the entire building is only 30,000 elite, this Most of the take-away is taking place, and this expedition has already begun to affect the safety of Jianye. Sun Ce gave 20,000 terracotta horses. It is also based on the current hinterland of Jiangdong. It is much more stable than before. The mountain that has shaken the foundation of Jiangdong has been solved by Sun Ce once and for all. This will bring out 20,000 terracotta warriors.

"Yes, Zhongmou, Wu Hou gave 20,000 soldiers!" Lu Su confirmed to Sun Quan, he is also complex complex, this Sun Ce, this Jiangdong bully, he really did not see him Is this younger brother not a person who is willing to succumb to the people? Even if Sun Ce can't see it, isn't Zhou Yu, Zhang Zhao, those people will not see it? But seeing it, why do you still want to be so kind to Sun Quan? It’s really rare in the world. Lu Su sighed. This is the family affairs of the Sun family. He can't intervene in an outsider.

"Well, Zhong Wu, since Wu Hou gave 20,000 elites, plus the 30,000 soldiers and horses supported by the family, 50,000 soldiers and horses were enough to enter Yangzhou, and they took Linhuai and en route!" Lu Su said to Sun Quan. .

"Haha, haha!" Sun Quan seems to be a little crazy, and his grandchildren can finally have military power. Finally, I was able to enter Yangzhou and be able to really open his big brother. The unsatisfactory spirit has risen.

"Zi Jing, there are so 50,000 troops, we should sweep Yangzhou, when we hit a sky that belongs to us!"

"Fifty thousand, sweeping Yangzhou?!" Looked at the excited look of friends. Lu Su couldn't bear to fight against Sun Quan. Don't say that 50,000 soldiers and horses attacked the Lijiang River in the past 100,000 troops. In the end, the whole army was wiped out. Although Lu Su thought that Sun Quan is more suitable for his own Ming, he did not think Sun Quan's military talent. Compared with his brother Sun Ce, even his brother can't take Yangzhou. Do you think that with these 50,000 soldiers, is it enough?

"So when you start as soon as possible!" Lu Su said to Sun Quan, Lu Su did not know how to help Sun Gan sweep Yangzhou, but to drive Liu Yujun out of Linhuai, it is still possible to take Linhuai as the foundation of Jiangdong in Jiangbei. .

"Yes, yes, it is not too early today. When you take a break early, you will start your name tomorrow morning!" Sun Quan was calm and calm. A pair of faint eyes were so bright for the first time.


"Zhang Liao children, Puff children, and the state barbarians, winning my Linhuai is just a sinister danger! The real ability is nothing but a chicken and a dog!"

"That is, our family's lord Lin Huai is the result of his Zhang Liao sneak attack. There are not many real skills. Is it true that this state is all kinds of wastes? It is waste!"

"In fact, you don't know, this Liao, it is not a Han Chinese, but the invasion of the state." His mother was swept away and finally returned, but when he came back, the stomach has become bigger. Now, let's talk about who this kind of Liao is!"

"Haha, haha, of course, the barbarians of the barbarians are naturally timid like rats!" Greetings have been overwhelming.

"General, let's attack!" Zhang Hu and Ge Jun under the city can't stand it anymore. The soldiers who are under this command are also filled with indignation. They want to attack this way directly and fight for their generals.

All of the people under this command began to fight, but the insulted party was not in a hurry. "No hurry!" Zhang Liao waved his hand. Everything above the wall is in the observation of Zhang Liao. He is very lightly looking at the enemy on the wall.

"Come on. You have the ability to attack me." Qinfeng County on the wall of the city is more and more unscrupulous, and has the guardianship of the city on the way. They are really not afraid of the more and more arrogance of the Xiliang Iron Ride under the city.

"Ah, Lao Tzu can't stand the amount, the brothers and the general will rush to the city!" Zhang Hu on the side can't stand it, the Lord will be humiliated, and his deputy will be unhappy, not to mention the Qin Feng children on this wall. I also know that the Xiliang Iron Ride is accompanied by the Xiliang Iron Ride. I said that the Xiliang Iron Rider has a squadron. It is a Xiliang Iron Rider. It is a grandfather among the cavalry, but there is no such a cavalry, that is the grandson. ! Still a group of turtles who will only be the tortoise. Zhang Hu can't stand it, and he would rather defy the military order.

"Come back!" Zhang Liao suddenly screamed and screamed.

"Come back? Hey, you Zhang Liao has no skin and no face, no one feels insulted, but we have to face the cold iron ride!" Zhang Hu simply angered the extreme, and was not polite to Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao did not argue with Zhang Hu directly. "Is you Zhang Hu ready to defy the military order?!" The eyes suddenly smashed.

"You!" Zhang Hu glared at him, Zhang Liao's eyes contained the killing intention is tangible, this Zhang Liao see Xiliang iron ride is not pleasing to the eye is not a day or two, usually Zhang Liao will not use power for personal gain, this is his principle of Zhang Liao, But if he and Zhang dare to defy the military order, Zhang Liao will certainly kill. "Don't resist, it will defy, Laozi would rather die, and I don't want to be a tortoise here." Zhang Hu is so angry that he will not hesitate to disobey the military command.

"Zhang Hu!" Ge Jun on the side did not look right, and quickly stopped to stop his brother, Zhang Liao there will really kill, but Zhang Liao is usually strict, but it is a typical knife mouth tofu, but this If you really resist the battle, Zhang Liao is really going to kill.

"Ge Jun, don't stop me!" Zhang Hu is really angry this time.

"Zhang Hu, I don't stop you. Do you want to let the younger son alone? Do you want to die here!" Ge Jun is also angry, and Zhang Zhang is slap in front of him. "The general turned out to speak. Naturally, there is a plan for the general. You look at this city in your eyes, there are a few feet high, and there is a moat. Do you want to use the brothers' bodies to pile up?! "The city pool on the way has been feared by Qin Feng." Completely built into a strong city, won such a city, no tens of thousands of people to pile up it is impossible to take down, just like Sun Ce attacked the city, there is no other way to attack, and The strong attack represents a huge casualty. ‘

And now Zhang Liao's hands add 10,000 to the black chess army. Use this 10,000 people to attack such a city? This is possible.

"Call! Call" Zhang Hu's big mouth gasping, he is also a little awake, now there are many enemies on the wall, the city wall is tall, the moat is deep, if the storm, his men's road may be all dead. . It is also difficult to climb the wall.

And it is a dead end to defy the military order, and even even tired of his family, Zhang Hu’s family can also be in Shouchun.

"I don't want to apologize like the general!" Ge Jun hurriedly pulled Zhang Hu to Zhang Hu and said that Zhang Hu apologized to Zhang Liao to ease the conflict.

"General, just the tiger impulse!" Although Zhang Hu is awake, but still a little reluctant to say.

Zhang Liao also did not respond, just looked at Zhang Hu coldly, and suddenly shouted "Let's come! Take down" Xichang iron ride on the side is also stunned? Take it?

"Ah! General. Zhang Hu was just an impulsive moment. He didn't mean to offend the general. It was really an insult to the enemy on the wall. Zhang Hu didn't hold back for a while! I also hoped the general would forgive me!" Hearing Zhang Liao to take it Under Zhang Hu, Ge Jun was so scared that he hurried down and pleaded with Zhang Liao.

The Xiliang iron riders on the side are also a bit of a dilemma, knowing that Zhang Liao is their coach. But before they were still Zhang Hu and Ge Jun, they were brought to Yangzhou by both of them. They also don't want Zhang Hu to be killed by Zhang Liao.

"How can I not listen to my words!" Zhang Liao's eyes were deeper in the cold. "I still have my ears, I need to repeat it, take it!"

"Yes!" The Xiliang iron on the side is riding under the wall of Zhang Liao cold light. I can only take Zhang Hu to the scalp.

"Generals can't, can't!" Ge Jun hurried down and gave Zhang Liao a slap in the face, hoping that Zhang Liao could open the net.

"The military law is ruthless" Zhang Liao mouth spit out these four words.

"Hey! Ge Jun don't ask him!" Zhang Hu on the side said coldly, "Isn't it just a death? I am really afraid of death. If I am afraid of death, I will not eat this meal!" I don’t care to look at Zhang Liao. "Zhang Liao, I know, you see that we have been unhappy for a long time, but I tell you, your big brother Zhang Fan is not killed by us. Killing your older brother has already died in this Yangzhou. It has nothing to do with us. Ge Jun and I have been brothers for so many years, Lao Tzu has not asked you anything, this time Lao Tzu asks you, Lao Tzu died to help Lao Tzu take care of our little boy, please, "Zhang Hu is facing Ge Jun. Said, then immediately screamed "Come on, kill Laozi, if I wrinkle my brow, Laozi will follow your surname!" Zhang Hu, he forgot, if he is not the same as Zhang Liao's surname, it is surnamed Zhang!

"Brother?!" Zhang Liao's eyes in the eyes of Meng De Ling, the killing is almost the essence of the journey.

"General, this tiger has been confused, it is all swearing, the generals know!" Ge Jun is really anxious, you Zhanghu this is not pure heart tar.

However, watching Zhang Liao did not let Zhang Hu’s intentions go. “If the general wants to kill Zhang Hu, then the army will also kill Ge Jun! Only the generals can take care of me and my family!”

"Ge Jun you?!" Zhang Huhu looked first. If this Zhang Liao really wants to kill, they can't escape. Zhang Hu bit his teeth. If Zhang Liao really wants to kill them, he will think of it and fight it. If he is big, he will rebel.

Just when Zhang Hu was about to rise, Zhang Liao’s voice came over. “My own children are taking care of themselves. Although I am your master, there is no obligation to take care of your family!”

"Hmm?!" Zhang Hu and Ge Jun all have a look.

"General, don't you kill us?!" Ge Jun suddenly responded and asked.

"Who said to kill you?!" Zhang Liao coldly replied "Zhang Hu you, very good, very good!" Zhang Liao suddenly sneered at Zhang Hu, let Zhang Hu simply shuddered.

"Come to, put Zhang Hu down to me, insult the Shangguan, lost the instrument before the battle! According to the law, the responsibilities of the 30th board, and now that before the war, the sticks are responsible for ten boards, you can execute"

"Yes!" This Xiquan iron ride was very simple, and soon Zhang Hu dragged down.

"Thank you for the general, thank you general!" Ge Jun on the side looked at Zhang Hu not to die, but was beaten by the ten boards, although it hurt but could not die, naturally thanks to Dade.

"Don't thank me! The military law is like this!" Zhang Liao is still the dead fish face, you really don't dare to kill Zhang Hu and Ge Jun! If Zhang Hu and Ge Jun are serious, they are defying the military order. Zhang Liao will definitely raise the butcher knife and drop it down. Even if the whole Xiliang iron ride is all the same, Zhang Liao is sure to draw his waist directly in an instant. The sword, the two men fell directly under the horse, this is the confidence of the refining warrior, but this tiger was stopped by Ge Jun in time, so he escaped such a knife.

"Ah! Yes, Ge Jun knows!" Ge Jun looked at Zhang Liao that the hand that had been placed on the sword had already been collected, which scared the cold sweat. They turned out to be really closed from the ghost gate. It happened.

There are such scenes as Ge Jun and Zhang Hu. The Xiliang iron rides over there look at Zhang Liao’s eyes and change their minds. The rewards and punishments are clear and the military discipline is strict. Such a Shangguan is the favorite and most admirable of the officers.

"Report, report to the general, Shouchun letter!" A scout quickly came to the military camp and handed a letter to Zhang Liao, this letter was sent from Shouchun.

On the side of Ge Jun and Zhang Hu are standing aside. Although Zhang Hu was beaten up, he still insisted on standing. He was afraid that Zhang Liao would use any military method to restrict him, so it is better to obey.

"Good, good, good!" Zhang Liao saw the words in his hand and said three good words.

"Hmm?!" Zhang Hu and Ge Junquan were very strange. Then Zhang Liao’s letter was handed over. The two men took a look and changed their face. The first thought was that this Zhang Liao had Ill be sick! Can such a letter be praised?

The letter says Jiangdong Sun Ce has sent troops. The coach of the Terracotta Warrior is his younger brother Sun Quan, who sent 50,000 troops and has set off on a warship from Jiangdong.

The 50,000 army! This is not a 50,000 people, it is 50,000 Jiangdong soldiers and horses, and they now have a total of 10,000 people in their hands. They originally intended to fight for help. If Qin Feng’s position in Jiangdong’s Sun Ce is not high, it will be two or three thousand. People, if the status is higher, then it will be considered at most seven or eight thousand, this time comes 50,000! In addition, there are 20,000 horses on the way to the city. This adds up to 70,000 people. Such an enemy, Zhang Liao actually said it is good, this Ge Jun and Zhang Hu are also guilty.

"How are you afraid?!" Zhang Liao's mouth was ridiculous.

afraid? Of course afraid? This is to fight with a fighting strength of one to seven, and there is a strong city in the family. Don’t make a last fight, but it’s become a person, then it’s a joke.

However, Zhang Hu saw the disdain of Zhang Liao, and suddenly he came up with anger. It’s very uncomfortable to be looked down on. “Afraid? Who is afraid, who is the grandson!” Zhang Hu excitedly shouted.

"You must be afraid of it!" Zhang Liao still disdained and glanced at "Is Xu Sheng's tunes in place?!"

"General, General Xu Sheng has arrived"

"Well, Zhang Hu, you just didn't want to attack the city? Well, I will give you this opportunity!"

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