My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 407: Born nemesis

"Jiangdong Sunce actually took out 50,000 troops from Qua, and walked to Linhuai in the direction of Hongze Lake in Baima Lake?!" Liu Wei looked at the letters in his hand. This is the news from Shouchun, Yang Hong To all that happened in Yangzhou that has been passed since these days, Liu Wei is still not in Fuyang. He lived in Fancheng on the edge of Xiangyang for one day! Since Liu Xun’s last attack, not only Liu Wei’s own disappointment, but even Liu’s watch has been a little panic. He does not want Liu Wei’s death in Jingzhou, so he gave Liu Wei’s one thousand horses and escorts, which is afraid of Liu Wei. After another attack, with the follow-up of this thousand people, Liu Wei took a day off in Fancheng.

The Yangzhou spy behind this day brought the intelligence letter to Liu Wei.

"Fifty thousand army, where is this Sun strategy?" Jia Zhang on the side frowned and said that this Jiangdong had 90,000 elite water troops, and Danyang soldiers added up to 100,000 armored, but in Outside the city, Liu Wei and Gan Ning were killed by 30,000, and there were still 70,000. The 70,000 soldiers and horses, now in the middle of the river, Liu Biao can only describe it with a fierce attack on the Jiangdong offensive. The last time Liu Watch was played by this Jiangdong pediatrician, this Liu watch is angry in the heart. Now Jiang Xia is simply asking people to give people a warship, as long as Zhuge Liang and Wen hired to attack with the soldiers and horses, this is good. After Sanjiangkou was lost, it is about to be regained. Jingzhou Shuijun has 70,000 soldiers and horses in Jiangxia, and Sunjiang’s Jiangdong Shuijun has a higher overall quality than the Jingzhou Shuijun, but it is not much higher. I have not been able to achieve the qualitative change, so in this river and summer, the Jiangdong Shuijun at least half of the soldiers and horses and the Jingzhou Shuijun contend, even if it is 40,000 soldiers and horses! Then there are 30,000 soldiers and horses near the Jianye Circle! Is this Jiangdong Sun Ce child pressing all the soldiers and horses in Linhuai? What about his construction?

"Do not build Jianye, but the current Jianye is no longer the previous building!" Liu Wei shook his head, Jianye is the old nest of Jiangdongjun, how could it not be? "The current Jiangdong Sunce can come up with such a terracotta warrior, Those sects can say that there is a lot of power!" Liu Wei is thinking, knowing that the last battle of the city, Liu Wei did not really think that this Jiangdong Sunce could even come up with 100,000 troops. To know that in the original trajectory above a battle of the Red Cliff, this Jiangdong also took out 40,000 horses, and his baby good friend Liu Bei is only 50,000 horses.

But now it’s just a matter of taking out 100,000 soldiers and horses. It’s just that Liu Wei’s eyes are stunned. Even if this Jiangdong has not gone through so many years of conquest, it’s still not so horrible. You must know that Sun Ce has 30,000 waters in Jiangxia. The army, there are also 30,000 elites in Jianye, which add up to more than 150,000.

Later, Liu Wei won the battle. Only when I saw the battle to attack the Lijiang River, this Sun strategy only took out 30,000 soldiers and horses. The remaining 70,000 soldiers and horses were not Sun Ce's own, but those of the Jiangdong sects. These Jiangdong sects gave it. Sun Ce’s support, 70,000 troops and 30,000 elites just happened to be 100,000. And then the battle of Chibi. It was those who did not want to say or dare to confront Cao Cao, and they were afraid that after Sun Ying and Liu Da’er lost, Lao Cao Qiu’s account was settled. Only 50,000 soldiers and horses faced the 80,000-strong army of Lao Cao.

Therefore, the heritage of this gentry is very strong. Liu Wei is a bit lucky. If there are so many scholars in Yangzhou, his decrees and land reforms can really be implemented! Once these sects rise up and rebel, they will be finished. A sect of the city of Lucheng almost made Lu Bujun's **** go, let alone the entire Yangzhou sect.

"There must be more than 10,000 elites among the 50,000 troops! Even more!" Jia Wei quickly gave an estimated number, because now Jiangdong’s biggest hidden threat is missing, so he Basically, you can take out tens of thousands of soldiers and horses without the need to guard against the rebellion of the mountains and the mountains at any time.

And these Shanyue went there, all of them were sent to Yangzhou, the old good man Liu Wei, and thought that Liu Wei would have to smile, and he was simply a living Buddha, and he was counted by others. Also indirectly helped others.

"Fifty thousand soldiers and horses!" Liu Wei also thought that he could make Jiangdong provoke so many terracotta warriors with such a round of support. It was not a fight, but was beaten, and last time Sun Ceqian It is because Liu Wei is defending the city because Liu Wei is defending the city. It has a great advantage in the solidity of the city wall. Now he is the offensive side, basically in the field. It is also a direct hard fight.

"Take the city management army out to Zhang Liao!" Liu Wei said to Jia Wei, let Jia Wei write a secret letter to Yangzhou.

Zhang Liao only has the Xiliang Iron Rider and the Black Chess Army. Although both are elite, they are all heavy armor. However, the Xiliang Iron Rider has not really formed yet, it is a new drop, and the Black Chess Army can not play ten for a thousand people. The Jiangdong Shuijun on the opposite side also has elite tunes. Coupled with the defenders on the way, this is simply not good. Liu Wei added another sentence: "If it is impossible, let Zhang Liao return to Shouchun!" With Jiangdong Sunce's reinforcements, these soldiers may not be able to take advantage of Linhuai, but this Jiangdong Sunce also thinks about how much Yangzhou has. Look at the scene, because the trap camp on the side and the state wolf ride! Liu Wei still doesn't know that his father-in-law, who has been riding with the state wolf, has also gone west to go to Nanyang.

"Lord, don't need it?!" Jia Wei just wanted to write, but after seeing the letter, he smiled and shook his head.

"No need?!" Liu Yi did not understand, or Jia Wei explained.

"Xu Weijun has already transferred the urban management army to Zhang Liao, but this Liao refused to join the city management army. It is also said that this black chess and the Xiliang iron and the two armies won Linhuai and helped the Lord to repel the enemy before completing. Strategy!"

"Noisy, isn't this playing the piano?" Liu Wei immediately patted the table. "He Zhang Liao thought he was a grandson, or Wu Zi, or Yue Wu Mu?!"

"Who is this Yuewu Mu?!" The two people in front of Jia Yu know that one is Sun Wu and the other is Wu Qi. These two are famous strategists during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Military strategists, Sun Wu wrote Sun Tzu's Art of War. Spreading through the ages, Wu Qi helped Wei Wenhou to become a hegemon, and left a book "Wu Zi", but who is this Yue Wu Mu?

Liu Wei did not answer Jia Yu’s remarks. Liu Wei knew that Zhang Liao was a handsome man. He knew that he could manage the land of a state and be able to attack one side. But that has to be strong. Now the enemy is more than five times his own. You still want to attack the city, and finally defeat the enemy. Even the reinforcements that are given to you are not what it is.

"Wenhe, you can write to me immediately to let the city manage the army, you can go east. Go to Huaiyi to help Zhang Liao! Tell him to either withdraw it for me, or give me a reinforcement, this is a military order must not defy!" However, when Liao was in Shouchun, he was very dissatisfied with his stay in Yangzhou. Liu Wei thought that this was only a little problem. But I didn't expect this problem to be so big. I even let Zhang Liao arrogantly become arrogant. He Zhang Liao wants to lose in Yangzhou so that he can kick him back to Lijiang. If the defeat is defeated, Zhang Liao will be prepared to stay in Linhuai forever.

"Yes!" Jia Zhang picked up the letter and began to grind and write it.

"Wenhe, who is the master of Jiangdong's expedition to Linhuai?" Liu Wei wants to know this master, so that he can find some information about whether or not there is such a person.

Jia Wei said in the letter of the letter that he said: "This time Jiangdong Sun Ce does not know why the Lord who is going to levy is not his veteran veteran, Huang Gai Han Dang and others. It is not the Zhou Yu Zhou Gong of the left arm and the right arm, but his Second brother Sun Quan Sun Zhongmou!"

"Oh, it turned out to be Sun Quan!" Liu Wei said subconsciously, but then he blinked up. "Sun Quan Sun Zhongmou?!" The sound of several decibels is not limited.

Even Jia Yu was shocked. "What's wrong, the Lord? Is this person strong?!"

"Haha, strong, really strong! This person is purple and purple, and at the age of fourteen, it is the Kuaiji County Order. The whole Huiji is well organized! This humanity Wushu does not need his big brother Sun Ce!"

"Ah!" Jia Wei was also stunned by Liu Yu’s words, purple hair, this is not the attitude of the overlord! Born to have a vision, such a person is very easy to gather people's hearts, such a person who is very secretive in the ancients will give people a feeling of peace of mind, that he is determined by the destiny, just like the original high ancestor just killed a little white snake. But he said that this is the son of the White Emperor, and he is the son of the Red Emperor, as well as Chen Sheng Wu Guang fish belly books, these are used to confuse people. Let people think that he is destined to return, but now this Sun Quan is a natural vision does not need to deliberately do, and Liu Wei also said this person's ability and its strength, do not have to his brother Sun Ze, then this time I'm afraid I can't really get it.

Jia Wei thought that Liu Wei would let himself write Zhang Liao to withdraw his troops, but who knows that Liu Wei is laughing haha.

"Wenhe, ah, Wenhe, the letter does not need to be written, let the city management army stay in Shouchun!" Liu Wei did not want to give Zhang Liao more troops.

"Lord you, this?!" Jia Wei simply could not understand how Liu Wei would be like this. Not only did not increase the number of soldiers, but also very confident that Zhang Liao continued to fight.

"Wenhe, ah, Wenhe, of course, I have confidence, because ah, this Liao is the natural nemesis of this Sun Jiaying!" Liu Yu’s words made Jia Zhang unclear.

Jia Wei certainly won't understand. Zhang Liao is a handsome talent. His true talent is reflected in this Sun Jiaying.

On the original trajectory, Sun Quan at that time wanted to win Hefei as an outpost for him to enter the Central Plains. However, Hefei was indeed in the hands of Cao Cao. At this point, the two sides naturally have to compete for a while. It was the second Hefei war that kicked off.

The background of the second Hefei campaign was that Cao Cao’s Nanzheng Sun Quan was not successful. Before the class, Zhang Li, Li Dian, Le Jin and more than 7,000 people were defended in Hefei. In the second year, Sun Liu rushed in Jingzhou, and Cao Cao took the opportunity to occupy Hanzhong. After Liu Bei compromised, he gave Sun Quan three counties, and he led his army back to the division to compete with Cao Cao for Hanzhong. After Sun Quan’s reconciliation with Liu Bei, he also rushed to the class division and concentrated 100,000 people in an attempt to eat the Hefei defenders.

Cao Cao had been prepared for this. Before the expedition to Zhang Lu, Cao Cao sent a letter to the army, Xue Yu, to send a letter to Hefei, and ordered Zhang Liao to open only when Sun Quan led the army to attack. When Sun Quan saw Cao Cao in Hanzhong, he failed to return to the east in time, and personally rated 100,000 people to Hefei.

Zhang Liao and Le Jin Li Dian had a contradiction. On the eve of Sun Quan’s attack, Zhang Liao opened the letter sent by Cao Cao. Cao Cao’s, if Sun Quanjun came, Zhang Liao and Li Dian should go out to the city to fight, Lejin led the army to defend the city, as for the guardian Xue Yu, Play.

Wei Juncai was 7,000, and Wu Jun was 100,000. The strength of the two sides was disparate, and each of them would be puzzled by this directive. Zhang Liao believes that Cao Cao is leading the army to fight outside. When the reinforcements he led arrived, Sun Quanjun must have broken us. Therefore, the letter requires us to attack them before the enemy assembly is completed, first frustrate the enemy's momentum, to stabilize the military, and then to successfully defend the city. The chance of success or failure, just in this battle, what doubts do you have? Li Dian agrees with Zhang Liao's ideas.

Li Dian Zhang Liao is a brave man, so they raised the warriors overnight, and a total of 800 people were obtained. Zhang Liao ordered the sergeant to kill the sergeant and prepare for tomorrow's war. Wu Jun was very morale. At dawn, Zhang Liao was attacked by A, and took the lead in launching attacks. Although Wei Jun was few, but all were cavalry, although Wu Jun was many, but most of them were infantry, the cavalry was mobile, and when he killed, Wu Jun could not stand eight hundred Wei. Soldier.

After Zhang Liao entered the Wu Jun camp, he killed dozens of Wu soldiers alone, and the two generals, in the process of the assault, Zhang Liao shouted his name and let the Soochow military horse completely remember the name.

After rushing into the big camp, Zhang Liao looked at Sun Quanshuaiqi and made a crazy killing. Wu Jun Song Qian and Xu Sheng both could not resist. Wu Jun had never seen such a person who could rush to cut, and the soldiers under hurried All collapsed and fled back. Fortunately, Pan Wei was in the post-supervised battle. Seeing Wu Jun retreat, rushing to catch up with the horse, killing two deserters in the chaos, soldiers seeing this, they all go back and fight Zhang Liao in front of Sun Quanying .

Sun Quan saw the situation so tense, hurriedly boarded the nearby mountain top and took a long squat. Wu Jun blocked Zhang Liao in the foot of the mountain, and Zhang Liao rushed to the mountain. He went to the mountain to scream Sun Quan, attempting to anger Sun Quan to go down the mountain, Sun Quan is not Sun Ce, and he has no courage to single out his brother. However, Sun Quan’s eyes were not bad, and his mentality was excellent. Although his life was in critical condition, he was soberly aware that Zhang Liao had only brought a few hundred people, so he ordered the sergeant to encircle the Zhangliao Eighty Army.

Zhang Liao's mount is relatively good, and he hasn't been tired for a long time. He took Zhang Liao and rushed out from the chaos. Dozens of Wei Jun saw Zhang Liao rushed out and shouted that the generals should abandon us? Zhang Liao was strong and rushed into the surrounding network again. He rushed out of Wu Junzhong and rescued several people who were surrounded. The rest of the hundreds of people all retired to Hefei City.

After this war, Wu Jun was frightened and timid. He also expected 100,000 people to play 7,000 people to take advantage of it. As a result, Wu Jun’s morale was completely lost and he lost his energy. Sun Quan can only order the entire army to be rehabilitated, and Cao Jun in Hefei City also has time to prepare. Wei Jun died in Hefei, and Sun Quan easily led the army to surround Hefei. However, Wu Jun attacked for more than ten days in a row. When he met the defenders, Wu Jun suffered heavy casualties. It coincided with the epidemic of Huainan, and Wu Jun died a lot. Sun Quan was not allowed to take the army class, but he himself was inexplicably with a thousand tigers and Ling Tong, Gan Ning, Lu Meng, and Jiang Qin.

Wu Jun retreated from Xiaoyao Jinbei. Zhang Liao saw the main retreat of Wu Jun in Hefei City, and took the opportunity to pursue the Sun Quan. One thousand people of Sun Jun suddenly became chaotic. After Sun Quan was surrounded by Ling Tong, the rate of three hundred soldiers was rushed into the encirclement. Gan Ning shot at the outside, and Lu Meng and Jiang Qin led several hundred people to block Wei Jun. Ling unified the fight and finally rescued Sun Quan. Ling Tong let Sun Quan go first, and he went back to fight against Wei Jun. However, Sun Quan encountered a bridge destroyed by his own people on the way to escape. The bridge was demolished, Sun Quan could not pass, Wei Jun killed, Sun Quan dog jumped to the wall, grabbed the saddle, and ran across the broken bridge with help. Sun Quan met in the south of Xiaoyaojin. Three thousand people Wu Jun, the small life is finally picked up.

After Sun Quan succeeded in escaping, Ling Tong and Gan Ning sneaked away after killing dozens of people while they were also traumatized. This battle was the most humiliating battle in Sun Quan’s life. 100,000 people played seven thousand. Not only did they lose, but they were almost captured. The part that can be beaten is not the military level of Sun Quan, but it is the nemesis that he met him for the rest of his life. This is Zhang Liao, Zhang Liaoyuan.

It’s like Zhou Yu’s enthusiasm for Zhuge Liang, this natural nemesis, fate is really hard to say!

At the beginning, Zhang Liao could fight against Sun Quan’s 100,000 soldiers and horses with 7,000 people. Now Sun Quan has 50,000 soldiers and horses, Zhang Liao has 5,000 heavy cavalry in his hands, and there are 5,000 heavy armored battles. What excuses are there to lose? Therefore, in the eyes of Jia Wei, who is not clear, Liu Wei is very confident.

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