My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 425: Na Xiancai

"Two sons, two sons, you can't do this!" Ling Chao eagerly wanted to explain to Sun Quan, but this sentence of the second son completely screamed Sun Quan's anger, if you win, you are now, but now you He even lost five thousand elite horses directly, and was also made by others. The five thousand soldiers and horses are the confidants of Sun Quan. It can be said that his grandson is not easy to get together, but now he is defeated.

"Ling Chao, let's let it go, since the second son wants to kill me! Lu Meng has nothing to say, this war is indeed in the body." Lu Meng prevented Ling Chao from asking him, this time Zhang Liao is really giving him Lu Meng In the lesson, the original flame can still be played like this. Lu Meng would have been uncomfortable in his heart. If Sun Quan really wants to kill him, Lu Meng has nothing to say.

"That is waiting for what to drag out!" Sun Quan looked cold, Lu Meng Ling Chao he was sent by the big brother to help him, but Sun Quan prefers to take power, the power is in his own hands or the truth, originally Lu Meng and Ling Chao This is needed, but they don't give Sun Quan a face, and Sun Quan has no need to give them.

"I see who dares!" Ling Chao on the side is really anxious, Lu Meng is his good fortune, how can Ling Chao let Sun Quan kill Lu Meng?

But now Sun Quan does not want to listen to the explanation, Ling Chao directly pulled out the knife of the waist.

"Ling Chao, what do you want!" Ling Chao took out the sword, the whole atmosphere of the scene changed, and it was directly changed from the robe to the arrow. This is the grand account of Sun Quan, who is the guard of Sun Quan. Ling Chao pulled out the sword and naturally wanted to protect their master.

"Ling Chao put down the sword!" On the edge, Lu Meng also yelled at Ling Chao. "You don't want to die!" The guards around Sun Quan are not vegetarian. These people are not war fighters. But when it comes to the top, Ling Chao has to drink hate.

"I see who dares to move Lu Meng big brother!" Ling Chao is also a girl. Who dares to move Lu Meng unless he crosses over the body of his Ling Chao. If Ling Chao is in front of Sun Ce, then Ling Chao command and plead, if not, he will be kind to Lu Meng's aftermath, but now is Sun Quan, and Ling Chao can't be so big.

"Okay, okay! I dare to attack the generals. I really regard the military law as nothing. Come on. Take them, if there is resistance, kill them!" Sun Quan is also anxious to point Ling Chao to his Majesty's pro-health. .

"Slow!" Just when a big battle is about to burst, a voice stops."

"Lu Su, what do you want!" Sun Quan looked at Lu Su coldly.

"General Ling Chao put down the sword!" Lu Su went forward again. This time he looked straight at Sun Quan, Sun Quan, who knows. This person is indifferent, but this person is indeed a Ming lord. In this troubled world, it is very difficult to make a sense of righteousness. What can really be done is only a thick face. The heart is black, the person with thin feelings and righteousness, "Lord, you want to continue to be the second son! Then you will kill General Lvmen and General Ling Chao!"

"Well?!" Lu Su made a word for the people in the room to figure out.

Ling Chao first did not understand, what continues to be two sons, two sons! Sun Quan is not the second son! Can it be other people? Isn't it not the second son who doesn't kill Lu Meng and his Ling Chao? Ling Chao no matter if someone dares to take Lu Big Brother, he will kill. Even in the face of the Lord, Ling Chao will be honest. So Ling Chao is still on alert.

"Hmm?!" Lu Meng listened to this. The brow wrinkles, thoughtfully.

In the case of Ling Chao's unbelievable situation, Sun Quan actually stopped his anger, and the original body was re-sit back to his seat and waved his hand. "He asked the guards to take it back and the sword went down.

"General Lu Meng is also tired, but still go down with General Ling Chao to rest!" Lu Su went up to Lu Meng and Ling Chao.

"The generals let us say goodbye!" Lu Meng saw Lu Su and Sun Quan changed his name and turned to Sun Quan and took Ling Chao with him.

Lu Su saw Ling Chao and Lu Meng leave, and this is the direction of Sun Quan, who is holding the fist. "The lord, the wrath of the king, the floating corpse, the anger of the husband, the blood splashing on the spot! If the lord wants to continue to be the second son, then When they can directly kill Lu Meng and Ling Chao, the two of them, Lu Meng violated the military order, and made a good idea, causing the five thousand elite Chu army to be damaged. When it was killed, Ling Chao committed the following crimes, and even within the main account, he dared to move the sword. Strangled! Lu Su invited the Lord, sent the guards to win the two to the military law! "Lu Su has said two kills, his eyes are straight to look at Sun Quan.

"Lu Su, no eyes, no faults, identify the wrong person, when you kill!" Even with Lu Su himself also brought in.

"Zi Jing, Zi Jing, I am wrong, I am wrong, I can't do it!" When Sun Quan heard Lu Su, he immediately responded, and all the discomfort in his heart was suppressed.

He wants to win Lu Meng and Ling Chao. This is because the two people are called to make Sun Quan uncomfortable. Second, they are defeated. He has reason to win two people. The third one is that he Wanting to take power, I want to get the 20,000 horses and horses that Sun Ce gave him the grandchildren from the hands of the two. This is what Sun Quan wants. He wants to put the two hundred soldiers and horses in his own hands. Pan Wei’s hands.

Now Lu Su said so in such a way that Sun Quan can only retreat. Lu Su’s words Sun Quan have to listen. He wants to make a name for himself. He must have a counselor, just like his older brother has Zhou Yu, he also Need their own team, Lu Su is in the core of this team.

"Lord, you want military power, Lu Su understands, but it is too anxious!" Lu Su was so vocal about Sun Quan because Sun Quan was in anger, Lu Su did not call, so Sun Quan is not Will go to Li Su, Lu Su is also bitter and sorrowful to Sun Quan said.

"Lord, this Lu Meng and Ling Chao are sent by Wu Hou, although they belong to the main public, but we actually have no right to dispose of it!" Lu Su continued to speak to Sun Quan to "If the Lord killed the two, then that Even if the 20,000 soldiers and horses were taken by the lord, the lord would not be able to use the two 20,000 battalions! Because the military ties of the two 10,000 terracotta wars are completely chaotic!" Lu Su added to Sun Quan, the two martial arts basics These are the generals of Lu Meng and Ling Chao, and they have not changed yet. They still think that their main lord is Sun Ce, and Sun Quan is only a second son. They are under the leadership of Lu Meng and Ling Chao. With the two sons to go out, killing Lu Meng and Ling Chao, then the military heart is gone, how to fight!

"What's more, the Lord's war is indeed not all Lumeng's fault! This Lu Meng has the talent of the generals, the master is the master, not the killing, this Ling Chao is also a member of the general, although the master is in the hands of Zhu Ran Pan The two generals, but difficult to command the 50,000 soldiers, Lu Meng and Ling Chao is the main public, the first step to recruit the Magi!" Lu Su thought is farther than Sun Quan.

Sun Quan just wanted to kill Lu Meng and Ling Chao, and won the military power, but Lu Su wanted to have the two elements of Lu Meng and Ling Chao in addition to the military power.

"Well?!" Hearing a speech from Lu Su, Sun Quan immediately fell into meditation!

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