My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 426: Music hall

Under the language of Lusu, Sun Quan finally suppressed the idea of ​​robbing Lu Meng and Ling Chao of their military power. On the second morning, the army opened the banner of their own, a big grandson, facing the wind. Children are recruiting.

In the middle of the city pool, Qin Feng opened the city gate with a group of civil and military to meet, and for the arrival of Sun Quan, Qin Feng's face is definitely doing very well, and Sun Quan is very complimenting.

However, Sun Quan did not have any good feelings about this Qin Feng. Such a Linhuai emperor was just a dog under the foot of Sun Ce. Sun Quan’s dispatch of troops in addition to helping Jiangdong to keep this Linhuai area was not won by Liu Weijun, making Jiangdong completely The loss of the last piece of land on the north bank of the Yangtze River, and the other one is that Sun Quan wants to use this Linhuai to truly build his own team, attached to Jiangdong, and also self-contained.

This Qin Feng is the first obstacle for Sun Quan to accept Linhuai.

Qin Feng and his entourage soon took Sun Wen’s group of civil and military forces to the past in the middle of the city to meet the past. "The coming and coming, Sun General has worked hard all the way, and along with Qin, someone went to the government to take a rest." The banquet is already set!"

"Yeah!" Sun Quan nodded, and along with Qin Feng, he walked over to the Taishou House in the middle of the city. As for the 50,000 soldiers and horses of the Majesty, they naturally had their respective generals with them or they were stationed in the city. Outside the city, hot food is also in the middle of the city.

Soon the Taishou House was in front of him, and the group of people stepped in. On the top of the house, the servants came and went, and they were all preparing for the banquet.

"General Sun please!" Qin Feng greeted Sun Quan and just prepared to let Sun Quan be above the Lord. Still not coming to the level, Sun Quan went directly to the main position. Sitting on the main position directly on the ass, the anti-customer is the main one.

"This?!" Qin Feng brows, although he is going to greet Sun Quan to the main position of the Taishou House, but he is also polite, and he did it directly without saying anything, although Sun Quan does not However, Sun Ce’s second brother is the second son of Jiang Dong, and he still has the position of coach, but this is the case. Qin Feng is still very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Qin Feng is also a veteran in the officialdom. He quickly put this dissatisfaction into his heart, or smiled at Sun Quan, and he did it under Sun Quan. Clap your hands, the house servant nodded, and the dishes went up over the seat.

Full of food and drink. Naturally, we have to be a guest, and there will be Lunzer later.

As the owner of Linhuai, Qin Feng spoke up. "Qin is not a talented person. He can be an official in this area. When he is recommended by Wu Hou, this can be a moral education. But this Yangzhou Liu Wei wolf ambition wants to This Linhuai people dragged into the deep waters, and even attacked the troops, attacked me Linhuai and attacked me on the way. Fortunately, the generals arrived in time, which made this Liu’s conspiracy not succeed. This is my Linhuai people. Blessing! This is the first cup of wine to be the grandson of the grandson!" Qin Feng raised the wine cellar to Sun Quan toast.

"Without the insistence of Qin Taishou, I will not insist on the arrival of my army! It is also the minister of Qin Taishou!" Sun Quan is also respectful.

"Where is it, or the commander-in-chief of the generals, the army of the generals is elite, this can make this Liu Wei children look away from the wind, the generals rule the army, Qin is not as good as himself, there are 20,000 soldiers and horses on the way, if It is best to get the general's guidance under the command of the general!" Looking at Sun Quan and his own guests, Qin Feng naturally has his skill in flattering, demeaning himself to raise Sun Quan.

However, Qin Feng immediately became dumbfounded, because he and Sun Quan’s guest set immediately became the reason for Sun Quan’s seizure of military power. “No problem, Qin Taishou, Zhu Ran, Pan Weihe!” Sun Quan agreed directly.

"The end will be!" Zhu Ran and Pan Wei also followed the feast of Sun Quan.

"Zhu Ran Pan Wei, you two get the Hu Fu from Qin Taishou, the commander of Qin Taishou's 20,000 soldiers and horses, must be trained as our army is extremely elite! If not, you should take the two of you to ask!" Sun Quan directly The two members of the team shouted.

"Subordinate to obey!" Zhu Ran Pan Yi looked at each other and Qi Qi held a fist to Sun Quan.

"Qin Taishou, hand over the tiger charm!" Sun Quan smiled and looked at Qin Feng, and directly smashed Qin Feng.

"Ah!" Qin Feng’s eyes widened and he couldn’t believe to look at Sun Quan. Sun Quan did not follow the common sense. It is reasonable to say that he would boast of Sun Quan. Sun Quan should be happy and modest. Qin Feng said that if he can get Sun Quan if he The guidance of the school, it is just a guest, Sun Quan should be busy with his own business, refused, so that the two are flattering, one can be happy with the horse, but now! Sun Quan directly put Qin Feng's guest, polite, as a fact, this outstretched palm is like a fan on his Qin Feng's cheek, Qin Feng's face is blue and purple, 20,000 terracotta Military power! How could Qin Feng just want to hand it over.

Although he knew in his heart, this time he invited Jiangdong’s reinforcements to ask God to send his gods easily. Maybe this would not be guaranteed. He could only go back to be a rich man, but who would have thought that it would be so fast. ! Well, you have to eat like it, get the military power in each other! However, it is too ugly to directly reach out and eat this. Well, I have to repel the army of Liu Wei, and give Lin Feng a credit for him after returning it again!

"How, Qin Taishou, did you go back?! Is Qin Taishou looking down on my Sun Quan's training method?" Although Sun Quan used the interrogative sentence, but all the words in this discourse are threats, eyes are smashed.

"I!" Qin Feng really is difficult to ride the tiger. If he teaches the military power, Qin Feng is not reconciled, but he does not hand over the military power. Several military commanders on the edge of Sun Quan are glaring at themselves. It is really difficult to sin against Sun Quan in Jiangdong. After all, Sun Quan is also the second son of Jiangdong. And Sun Ce is a family, Qin Feng looked around and wanted to ask for help, I hope someone can give him a step.

However, no one dared to answer in a circle. His former Wenchen generals all lowered their heads. For them, following Qin Feng was to promote the government. At that time, Qin Feng was the emperor of Linhuai, and he mastered all the powers of Linhuai. Nature is one by one, but now it is not obvious who is the owner of Linhuai! The 50,000-strong army has been stationed in the middle of the city, and these Wenchen military commanders are also stationed.

Qin Feng also wants to look at Sun Quan's men, but the generals glared at Qin Feng, the only Wenchen who can be seated is Lu Su, and Lu Su is also wearing a look that can't see Qin Feng's resentment.

Take the right to win the army! Although it is ugly to eat, but as long as Sun Quan is not going to seize the power of Ling Chao and Lu Meng, he can not care about the other. Perhaps the lord and grandson of the Lord took the 20,000 terracotta warriors on the way and was able to quiet the ambition!

"Hey!" Qin Feng for a moment, as if he had been old for decades, he could only take a cautiously out of a bronze object from his arms. When this thing was taken out, Sun Quan’s eyes in the main position were hot. Because this thing is a tiger charm, it is the tiger's character of 20,000 soldiers and horses in the city.

"Old minister. The old minister also asked the two generals to help the veteran train the two thousand two francs on the way!" The situation is stronger than the people, Qin Feng can only bow his head, hands raised his respectful and lifted the tiger's character over the head.

"Haha, haha, Qin Taishou, rest assured. The two thousand Lin Huai Lang will definitely let him lie on the battlefield!" Although he did not get military power from the hands of Lu Meng Ling Chao, but also from this way There are 20,000 soldiers and horses, even if the two thousand soldiers are not in the same language, but the army is not!

"Yes, yes. Yes!" After the banquet, Qin Feng tasted like chewing wax. A feast was justified by Sun Quan, and Qin Feng was over.

Sun Quan has become a big winner. He had 50,000 horses in his hands. Even if Jiang Liao Chu Jun, who was beaten by Zhang Liao in the Pioneer Department, has 4,000 people, but there are still 45,000 people, but only 20,000 of them are not. His men are gone! And now there are 20,000 soldiers and horses, which can be said to add up to nearly 70,000 horses!

70,000 songs, this is no small, even if Liu Bei, who currently occupies Yuzhou and Nanyang, does not have Sun Quan at this time, as long as he wins Linhuai City, then his grandson can really command the party. .

Sun Quan’s ambitions are very big. He must first defeat Lin Huai to defeat Zhang Liao, and then attack Yangzhou to seek a generation north of the Yangtze River. Zhang Liao has only 10,000 soldiers and horses in his hands. This battle is difficult.


Compared with the Linhuai area, you are living in Jingzhou. In the state of Jingzhou, as the master of Yangzhou, Liu Wei is also fighting a battle without smoke and blood, but the **** level is not the same, directly playing the knife is poor, even higher Last minute. There are intrigues and tricks everywhere, and one who accidentally does not know how to die.

"Where and everything is ready!" Liu Wei dressed and dressed up and asked Jia Wei and Jia Wen on the side.

"Everything is ready!" Jia Yu, the old fox, nodded.

"Well, let's go!" Liu Wei Jia Jia, if you look carefully, you will find that the two people have completely changed into a single dress. Liu Wei has changed from a person dressed in Wang Jue's costume. It became a male son holding a fan, and Jia Wei changed from a middle-aged scribe to an old slave.

"Well, I know the Lord!" Jia Yu nodded and said.

"Also called the Lord?!" Liu Wei raised his tone.

"Know the young master!" Jia Wei said to Liu Wei without a good spirit, although Jia Wei usually does not care about his dress, but Jia Hao is also a person who reads a poem, it can be regarded as a famous person, but Now I am wearing the clothes of the servant. What is this? However, the two have something to do, and Jia will endure it.

Liu Wei, they wear this in order to hide their eyes and ears. There are too many eyes outside Liu’s house. Before that, Liu’s men pretended to be a son of a son and an old slave. He said that he wants to visit Liu Wei. Now Liu Wei is wearing the clothes he wore before, and there is a person wearing Liu Wang’s royal robe sitting in the courtyard and standing in the courtyard. To tell the spies, he is still above the house.

"That's right!" In Liu Wei's smile, a master and a servant left the courtyard where Liu Wei was in the cover of Liu Wei.

"Hey! It turned out that Wang Liu is just such a person, but what kind of priest Li Xian, I am, this kind of talent, he Liu Yi looked up and still can not see!" Liu Wei pretending to give himself to Liu Biao In front of the house of this mansion, he temporarily served as a sergeant of Liu Wei’s housekeeper.

"My Highness of the House said that you are such a deceitful person. It is simply a talented person. I dare to insult him. There are a lot of people in the House of Lords who are not willing to teach you. I am not waiting for the greatness of my Highness, and I will not wait for it!" "The acting is going to be a full set, and Liu Wei’s housekeeper is also yelling at Liu Wei.

"Who are they?!" This happened outside of Liu’s house. Naturally, they couldn’t hold those spies, but those spies quickly got a message, but they were self-righteous and wanted to rely on Liu’s People, but I don’t know what it’s been because I’m going to be out, I’m just a talented person!

"Young master, young master! How do you beat people!"

"Roll!" Liu Wei's housekeeper was still stunned by Liu Wei's body in a trepidation. Liu Wei immediately fell a sigh, and he screamed and wandered.

Careful or sent a spy to follow in the face of Liu Wei and Jia Wei just in case.

Since ancient times Jingchu came out of the heroes, Liu Wei and Jia Wei walked in the pool of Fuyang City. They looked at the scenery around them. When Liu Wei came to Fuyang, because of the welcoming of Liu Biao, he had already got Jingzhou State Animal Husband. Above the mansion, I ignored the scenery in this Xiangyang city, and then because of a series of things, Liu Wei did not have time to look at the scenery of this sun, but now he has time to go shopping, because he is still hanging behind A little spy.

"Wenhe! There are still a few people behind me!" Liu Wei asked to Jia Zhang on the side.

"The Lord, there are three people, the one who sells the cake, the one who is carrying the firewood, and the other is the one who is shopping!" Although Jia Wei faced Liu Wei, the light of his eyes was scanning around, you Not to mention, Jia Yu, the old fox, has a lot of intelligence. Naturally, he has his own set to distinguish which one is a spy and which one is an ordinary one.

The one who sells the cake has already followed them and ran several streets. You sell the cake, although the streets are all along, but you can't run where Liu Wei went, and the one who is carrying the firewood is even more funny. It is already in the inner city of Xiangyang. The firewood is usually in the outer city. There are some wealthy people in the inner city. You don’t see anyone who is abandoning the firewood.

There is another one that bought things. Originally, Jia Wei did not notice him, because people come and go, one buys things, how do you pay attention! However, this person may have paid too much attention to Liu Wei and Jia Wei. Instead, he ignored his own actions. He was a big man who had been in front of a gouache shop for a long time. He also took the rouge gouache. Up, are you a mother gun? Some of the other spies have long since dissipated, because Liu Wei, they took these spies and walked several streets. Patience is naturally gone, and the three people are still holding on.

"Let's go! Wenhe! It seems that we have to suppress the road well!" Liu Wei said to Jia Zhang shaking the feather fan.

"Squeeze the road?!" Liu Wei's words Jia Wei did not understand, but also used to it.

"Wenhe, I don't know if you can't do it there anymore!" Suddenly Liu Wei stopped and smiled and smiled at Jia.

"Where?!" Where is it? Jia stunned, but then he understood, and saw Liu Wei walked over to Jiayu with a wine cellar. This wine cellar is extremely luxurious and has four floors even in this inner city. The people who come and go are dense.

There are two big characters on the outside of the wine cellar.

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