My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 454: The dress is very expensive

Liu Wei did not fall asleep all night, his hands were about to cramp, this black jade beauty looks weak, but this spring is like Wang Yang, Liu Wei is exhausted, and finally calm, Liu Wei has not had time to Take a break. .

"Ah!" Suddenly a sharp voice rang from Liu Wei’s room. The black jade beauty has awakened her to restore her mind, and the eyes are open.

The squid is now smashed, because she was auctioned last night, she swears to death, but the old buddy gave her two drops of water and did not know what liquid, so that her whole mind is not awake Well, he didn't know anything afterwards. He only knew that it was extremely uncomfortable first, and that it was comfortable after the hardship. It felt like the gods of their tribes.

But now that he opened his eyes, he was totally stupid. The whole person is not smashed. This is not the key. The key is that there is the same strange man on the side who basically does not wear anything. This is thoroughly The reason for calling the squid. Liu Wei had cramped his hands yesterday, only to help the black jade beauty to eliminate the toxins of drunken desires. This black jade beauty fell asleep with a smile, but Liu Wei was tired, and there is still time to manage the body. The clothes, not to mention the exhaustion of sweat, and the clothes Liu Wei are not willing to wear. This is the scene in front of you.

The pain in a particular part of the body makes the squid blushing, and she finally knows where the comfort feel comes from.

"What's the noise?!" Liu Wei was just asleep, and she was exhausted. She just heard a voice when she lay down.

Liu Wei just opened his eyes. I saw a pair of jade arms coming across the sky. Originally, according to Liu Wei’s second-rate military commander, the speed can be completely stopped. But Liu Wei just woke up, sleepy eyes, and tired, this pair of jade arms directly hit Liu Wei's face.

"Ah!" This time, it was Liu Wei’s screaming. Liu Wei’s face was licking his face. I don’t know what to do if I look at my face. He has a heart to fight back, but this is a woman, Liu Wei has not developed the habit of playing a woman, even if it is playing against the ass.

"I want to kill you!" This barbarian chick is not a barbarian woman, it is a slap, it is to fight and kill, this is if the Han woman is absolutely hanging on her own.

"Fuck!" Liu Wei opened his eyes, but suddenly he found that his long sword hanging on the wall of the bed had already arrived in the hands of the chick, and this barbarian chick took the sword straight toward Liu Wei. The assassination came over.

Looking at the anger of the woman's eyes, this is completely wanting Liu Wei's life.

The squid didn't know what happened last night. But she decided that the person in front of me bought herself and took possession of herself. She not only hates the music hall, but also brings Liu Wei to hate.

Liu Wei is not a fool. Regardless of whether the woman hates herself or not, Liu Wei will not let this woman kill herself.

"Hey!" Jianguang's speed is very fast, Liu Wei's eyes flashed in the eye, this woman is not ordinary, one sees that kind of martial arts, and martial arts is not weak. This woman is fast, Liu Wei's speed is not slow, Liu Jian has avoided when Jianguang is not close to himself.

"If you have something to say, I am not that person! Girl I am just saving you, detoxifying you, really I don't have any inconsistency." Liu Wei explained to this barbarian woman.

However, he found that all his explanations were in vain, because both of them are ** relative, lonely and widowed, in the same room, the two are still relative, the most important thing is that the two have a numbness, one The pain in the secret, this barbarian princess can listen to the explanation before there is a ghost.

Liu Wei can't explain it, then only stop this woman first, otherwise a long sword is at hand, it will be dangerous.

"The sinister thief is dead!" Under the woman's fury, she even played a long time. The cold light of the long sword made Liu Wei feel horrible. Liu Wei was also stunned. If it was a bad thing, it would be If you cut down the fun, it will be big, and the woman’s sword will go toward the key. If it is cut, hehe, Liu Wei can only be a ten-time waiter.

"Hmm?!" The barbarian princess's sword is fast, but when the sword is out, the pair of Jiaorong suddenly emerges a painful look. Her swordsmanship suddenly slows down and the legs subconsciously close together.

"Good opportunity!" Liu Wei rushed to a healthy step and rushed up. He went straight to the sword with his hands. The barbarian princess looked at Liu Wei’s sword and went straight to Liu’s arms to force Liu Kai. But it’s too late, Liu Wei will not give him a chance. Although Liu Wei’s martial arts can’t reach the first-class but also has the second-rate strength, this woman is strong, but after last night’s physical exertion is also very eye-catching, although it is The field, but the body is also short of water, naturally weak.

The woman’s sword is fast, Liu Wei grabs the barb of the barbarian woman more quickly, and the woman still wants to retreat, but she is directly pressed on the body by Liu Wei’s loss, once again pressed onto the bottom of the bed. .

"Chick I told you that the scene is really not what you think, I just want to detoxify you!" Liu Wei said to the barbaric princess under his body.

"Sexual thief!" The squid is now completely angered by the anger, and I can hear Liu Wei’s explanation. She struggled with struggling "I want to kill you, sinister thief!"

"Don't move!" Liu Wei panicked, because this barbarian chick forced to wiggle, it was morning, Liu Wei is in the physiological state of a normal man, this twist is good! Both of them are **, and there is no ghost to react.

"Sexual thief!" Feel the thing underneath, the barbarian woman struggled more and more intensely.

"I!" Liu Wei has nothing to say, his fellow brothers, as if they touched the road, they simply stuck in.

"Ah!" The barbarian princess's face was rosy, I don't know if it was pain or blush, or something else.

Liu Wei is also helpless, don't explain, all explanations are pale. The only way now is to first subdue the woman. Let her be quiet and quiet. Explain it later!

After subduing this barbarian princess, Liu Wei can only stare at the two panda eyes, although Liu Wei tried to cover up, but also let them smile.

"Liu brother, last night ** is good?! In the morning, there is still such energy, it is really a model of my generation." The first one and Liu Wei greeted, although Liu Wei is the king. But he and Liu Wei are friends, and naturally they can make jokes.

"Take you Hongfu, staying up all night!" Liu Wei said with a sigh of relief.

"Liu brother, if you look at a music hall, Liu Xiong will be able to win the first prize and get the scent of this fragrant banquet. The most important thing is that it is not a penny. This kind of enjoyment, Liu Xiong is the ancient and modern. One person, when is Liu Xiong to go with the younger brother. Let the younger brother enjoy it too!” Although the envy is a envy, the tone is obviously a laugh. Liu Yan was too angry to know what to say to him. A pair of eyes and dark circles are so tired that they hit Hatch, and it makes you laugh more joyfully.

"Haha!" He laughed happily, but then he couldn't smile, because there was a shadow behind him. It wasn't just a girl. She helped Liu Wei hold a soft meat of the waist. Sixty degrees of rotation of a circle, so that the face is unpredictable.

"Brothers are good!" This stunned girl is not a man who is stunned in the land of the wind and the moon. When she opened her mouth, she took the case of Liu Wei who took the sister yesterday and said it quietly.

How could Liu Wei not hear it? He is not the kind of college student who doesn’t understand the world.

Liu Wei also smiled and shouted, "Sister, but manage your brother-in-law very well! Otherwise, some people can fly to the sky! Just when I talked with me, please ask me to go to the museum to enjoy the feast." "It is not silly that Liu Wei has foreign aid.

I sold it directly.

"Liu brother, you!" I want to defend myself, but all the explanations are in vain. He opened his mouth and couldn’t refute it. He could only enjoy the touch of his future lady’s love, and watched the sudden change. The look can be known.

"Young is good!" Jia Wei also sighed as if on the side. "Energetic, able to fight to the dawn!"

"Jia Wen and you are idle, nothing to do!" Liu Wei looked at Jia Wei with a gnash of his teeth. "Let me panic, then give me the opportunity to prepare for today!"

Chen Bo got up early, prepared the morning tea, and Liu Wei did not take care of himself. First, she took the morning tea to her house and gave it to the barbarian princess.

"Chick, have breakfast!" Liu Hao handed the morning tea to the barbarian princess.

"Hey!" The barbarians did not have the habit of eating early. This barbarian princess is in a state of anger, how can she ignore Liu Wei, but her body will not refuse, and her stomach has long been screamed. . She has already made up her mind, knowing that she can't kill the thief in front of her, then she will starve to death.

"You said you, want to kill me!" Liu Wei looked at this heartless man with a funny smile.

"Hey!" The barbarian princess is still struggling, but he is completely wrapped up by Liu Wei with a quilt, just like a human head, only a head is exposed.

"Want to kill me, then you have to have strength!" Liu Wei took out a pastry from the plate, and now sniffed under the nose "Hmm, it smells good, this should be Jingzhou's specialty pastry. I haven't tasted it yet!" Liu Wei said that he also handed the pastry to the barbarian's nose.

Although the barbarian princess is still cold, but the belly is called more joyful.

"Well, um, the taste is really good!" Liu Wei took the pastry and swayed from the barbarian princess to eat the stomach directly. While eating, she also sighed his delicious taste, let the barbarian princess swallow. Saliva.

"It's a pity that such a delicious thing, but some people have no blessings, to starve!" Liu Wei smiled and looked at the barbarian princess.

"Hey!" The answer was still cold.

"Haha, I still want to kill me, I am going to starve! You come to kill me, kill me!" Liu Wei said, holding out a pair of sinful hands and directly into the beggar, in the treasure Moving back and forth.

The feel is really good, Liu Wei has a little regret, yesterday worked so long, and finally did not get anything, but was almost killed, and now I feel that this feel is really not good.

"Well, um, um!" was explored by Liu Wei. This barbarian princess began to wriggle again. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Liu Wei. If there is a piece of cloth on the mouth, it will be able to kill Liu Wei.

It’s not Liu Wei’s rogue, but Liu Wei can see that this barbarian princess already has a kind of death ambition. If Liu Wei does not care, this barbarian woman will really commit suicide.

suicide? Liu Wei did not agree, Lao Tzu worked hard to detoxify you last night, and also made a return to Liu Xiahui, almost did not kill himself. You said that you are dead and you are dead. Liu Wei is not a big loss. There are also two huge dark circles on the eyelids that make Liu Wei not so easy to let this barbarian princess die.

"Want to kill me! If you want to kill me, you will come!" Liu Hao laughed and laughed, and his work was even heavier.

The barbarian's eyelids were gradually moistened, and tears did not flow from the big eyes.

"I rub!" Liu Qiang forced himself not to see this tear. What Liu Wei is most afraid of is not a thousand troops, not a knife and a stick. He is afraid of a woman's tears, once a woman cries. Liu Wei is really nothing.

"Love or not eat, you may revenge after eating. If you don't eat, then you will die here! Naked to death, haha, you are also a faceless female ghost!" Liu Yuqiang endured the heart I couldn't bear it, forcibly left, and stayed here again. Liu Wei was afraid that he couldn't help but put this black pearl in his arms, then everything would be finished.

Looking at Liu Wei's departure, the barbarian princess cried even more fiercely, and his innocence was so ruined.

Liu Wei’s hand was on the tip of his nose, and there was a fragrant smell. Meng De shook his head. What are you thinking about Liu Wei? Liu Wei is a bit strange. How can this barbarian princess be tired of life? This barbarian is not very plain about this kind of relationship with children! Liu Wei still remembers that there were some barbarians in the textbooks. The father’s dead wife belonged to the son. The son’s death and the wife belonged to the brothers. Anyway, it was a mess, no ethics, even with his son. I don’t know if I don’t raise it myself. Maybe it’s two brothers on the surface. In fact, it may be a team of uncles. What kind of nationality, the first night of a woman’s marriage must belong to the tribe.

Treating the relationship between men and women is so indifferent, why did a barbarian princess who met this time like this, Liu Wei shook his head and sighed! He did not eat her directly, it was detoxification for her, as for the search for death!

Liu Wei does not know that what he said is that the relationship between men and women is unethical. It is the barbarians of the north, such as the current Wuhuan, the Xiongnu Yi people, these people are really moral. View, there is no ethical view, or the kind of primitive society, the law between the beasts, the strong is the king, as long as you are strong, what you use first. This will happen when the mother marries her son.

In this southern barbarian, they are barbarians, because they live in the mountains. In fact, a large part of them are Han people. For example, the people of Shanyue in Jiangdong are basically Gu Yue people. Gu Yue people reasonably It is said that it is also the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. After crossing the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States, he has become a hegemon. He has become more famous in the past, but it has been world-famous, but he has been defeated by the Chu State and passed away. Those people in the country I missed my country and didn't want to surrender. So I entered the forest. This is the origin of the Shanyue family. Later, there are immigrants from other countries, such as the Chu State, such as the Qin State. These are the people who died in the country. I am willing to join the enemy, and this is the life in the mountains, so it is better to say that the Han Chinese living in the mountains are not so much as Shanyue.

There is also a barbarian in the south, that is, people who are really barbarians. They are not the Han people who have lost their country. They may be local indigenous people. However, they are also integrated into the Han people. The cultural customs brought by the Han people, although they are not all Copying, but for an ethical system, it is still obeyed. The mother is the mother. It is absolutely impossible to have other identities. Therefore, the barbarians in the south are more likely to be integrated into the Han family. The last man is not different, even After hundreds of years and a thousand years, these southern barbarians have also helped the Han people to resist the invasion of foreigners, such as Qin Miaoyu's Bai Miaobing, and so on.

The tribe of the barbarian princess is such a barbarian who learns the customs of the Han people. The most important thing is that the mother of the barbarian princess is a Han Chinese. It is a man who lost his way into the mountains and later married the king. This is raining. The birth of squid. The mother is studying three from four virtues. It is a poetry etiquette. Natural daughters are also a little bit more important. For women’s Jude, it is important to see the virtues.

Looking at Liu Wei's departure, the barbarian princess wants to commit suicide, but when she thinks of Liu Wei's evil face, the deeper the hatred on her face, and the mouth can deceive people to say no. Not hungry, but this body does not deceive, the stomach is screaming, the whole body is in a state of starvation, watching Liu Wei leave.

The barbarian princess comforts herself, eats, eats, and she wants to eat. Only by eating these foods can she have strength. In order to survive, I can find the bastard. The thief takes revenge, so she wants to eat.

Thinking of the squid began to struggle again. This time, unlike the previous vain, this struggle was struggling from the beggar. She untied her hands and picked up the cakes on the table. When I ate it, I didn't care. When she chewed, I found out that these pastries are really delicious. The sweetness that is directly hidden in the pastries makes people's hearts numb. The Han people's things are good. Eat well. This kind of life may be really good.

The barbarians will not build weapons, they will not make salt. These things need to be exchanged with the Han people. The Han people’s appliances are very expensive. A pound of salt or a pound of iron can change the game of dozens of pounds, or other The things like fur medicine, so the Han people's things are very good for them.

"No, no, I want to kill him, kill him, he takes possession of me! I want to kill him, how can I go on like this!" Barbarian Princess squid Mengde shakes her head against I said, "Yes, I want to kill him. I am eating these pastries to increase my strength. I have to kill him with strength!" This said that the squid could not help but think of the last night.

After eating and drinking enough, Liu Wei, the bed of the carp, has already prepared the clothes. This is a Han Chinese clothes. It is a green dress. The original clothes of the squid have long been torn and broken, so they can only Put on this dress, otherwise it will only be naked.

Put on this green dress, one seems to have come out from the fairy inside the painting, it makes people look bright, beautiful, there are bronze mirrors in the house, the squid went to the front of the bronze mirror and looked up and down I myself, this beautiful person is really there, no matter if you are a Han or a savage person, looking at yourself in the bronze mirror, the squid seems to be stunned, but she never ran through this. The clothes, even if there is a dress that is old or pulled out from the dead, she is reluctant to wear a dress, let alone the green dress made of high-grade satin. It’s just crazy.

The squid wants to take out the sword from the room. She is now full and drink enough to find the thief, but the sword is gone.

joke! How can Liu Wei hand over the long sword to the hands of this violent woman? If he rushes to himself, do you say that Liu Wei is killing or not killing, it is impossible to prevent her for a lifetime.

Didn't find the sword, the squid only went out of the room first, and went to the room to find it!

The squid opened the door directly and was about to leave, but it was stopped by two swords and blocked.

"Sorry lady, the Lord has orders, there is no command from the Lord. The lady is not allowed to leave this house!" The masters of the two swords said very respectfully to the squid.

"You can stop me!" The squid knew that the two men said that the lord was the thief. She slammed out and rushed out. She thought that these two men were ordinary servants.

But she was wrong, she wanted to rush out, but the pair of knives could lock her forward in time, unless she wanted a sickle or she would have to return.

The martial arts of these two guards are still very good. Yes, it is the four three-way military commanders brought by Jia Wei at the door of the carp. One of the three martial artists is taking care of another injured one, and two others are being Liu Wei arranged in front of his room to see the barbarian princess.

The two third-rate military officers are also a small center on the battlefield, let alone deal with a woman. Even if the woman has martial arts, women are inherently weaker than men because of their strength and the hand of the squid. Without weapons, it was even more embarrassed by the team's sword.

The most important thing is that the green dress, this green dress is not for Liu Wei to give this barbarian princess a good look, but to limit her use, the Han women's dress is for dignified It is for the sake of beauty, woman! Naturally, you don't need violent exercise, so this dress is designed to be very tight. It's impossible for you to wear a dress to make a big move. What women in the film and television drama are wearing dresses? What wall to fly, but also fighting so intense, then tell you that this final ending is only one, that is, the dress can not withstand such tears, and finally the entire dress is cracked, in front of everyone is a half naked The beauty of the woman, if the enemy is looking at the naked woman with nosebleeds and death is also a murderous move, then these women are true heroes.

The dress that Liu Wei gave is like this. This barbarian princess still wants to break through from other directions, but when Mengde moves, he hears the body's uploading, and the sound of the barbarian suddenly bursts behind the barbarian princess. A gap in the palm of the hand, the beauty of this black pearl reveals a point.

"Damn!" The squid rushed forward and grabbed the gap in his dress. The two guards on the other side also bowed their heads and dared not look at it!

"What is the system of killing and killing! The girl's family is still doing some female red! Otherwise, this is going to become a naked girl!" Liu Wei's voice passed far.

The squid bites his teeth, the thief, who has long known that this dress can not fight, this is for himself to wear, the squid can only be once again into the room.

After a while, a prostitute knocked on the door. "Mrs., Your Highness sent you a new dress, and let the slave tell you! This dress is very expensive. If it is broken again, then the lady will pay compensation in the evening!" ”

"Sexual thief!" Hearing this words, the face of the squid is even more irritated, and compensation at night? How to compensate, she has no money, it is only the same as last night. (To be continued.)

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