My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 455: 蒯家娶妾(1)

"If you don't want to be late today!" Put down the black jade beauty in the room, Liu Wei and Yu's uncle and Jia Wei four people began to plan.

"The invitation is written by me!" Yan Liang directly packaged the matter of writing the invitation. The handwriting of Yan Liang is still famous in this Jingzhou. Liu Wei and Jia Wei and others will not fight. Liu Wei didn’t write this brush word very much, and Jia’s handwriting was not so good. The most important thing is to let the people in Jingzhou recognize this handwriting. This is the good thing to write. The reason.

"I have come out of the banquet money!" Liu Wei nodded and said, stunned, natural can not be less, Liu Wei saw this Yan Liang is a younger brother of the Yue, but also a senior official of Jingzhou, but this home also There is really no extra money. If you come to a banquet, I am afraid that you will drink the northwest wind. You will not be able to ask for help from the family, so the money for this banquet is still out. .

"Mr. Mr. Zi, you give me the address of the big family in this inner city and then arrange for me dozens of servants. I am going to send the invitation!" Jia Wei is responsible for sending out the invitation.

Yan Liang heard Jia Yu’s words and shook his head. “There is not enough manpower!”

If Yan Liang handed over the servant to Jia Wei, then no one would arrange a banquet. Although Chen Bo can command people, but can not do the work of dozens of people alone! This time, the family is sure to have a good time, and the number of people will be more natural. There are enough servants in front and back, so there is no one to tell Jia Zhang.

"Nobody?!" Jia Yu frowned, and the penetration of Jingzhou was not high, even if there were only a few people. This Xiangyang City Sergeant is really a lot of people, less than a dozen, and those who are famous, there are nearly a hundred people, a few people can finish the monkey year, the most important thing is that many scholars still can not live in Together, they are distributed in all directions in Xiangyang City!

"Now it’s too late to recruit!" Liu Wei shook his head. He saw that Chen Bo was setting up the entire house in accordance with the specifications of some banquets. Liu Wei suddenly moved his eyes "Chen Bo, Chen Bo!"

"Hmm?!" Chen Bozheng sketched something on a small book with a brush, such as lanterns, such as wine cellars, which are all specs, can not be overtaken, and can not be unsatisfactory. Chen Bo is busy, so Liu Yu shouted I heard it several times.

"Why is the king of the king looking for the old thing?!" Chen Bo heard Liu Wei call him and went over, asking his grandfather and Liu Wei.

"Chen Bo, you said that your son is in this city of Fuyang!" Liu Wei asked Chen Bo.

As soon as he heard Liu Wei ask him about this son, Chen Bo couldn't help but look old. After all, this son is a little punk in Fuyang.

"You still have a son, why didn't I listen to you?" Yan Liang looked at Chen Bo a little strangely. If Chen Bo said that he had a son, Yan Liang was not the kind of person who tried it for him. Well, I will also arrange a good position for Chen Bo’s son, at least not to be a gangster!

"The door is unfortunate, the door is unfortunate! I didn't say it to the master!" Chen Bo hurriedly replied to Yan Liang, his son, Chen Bo, did not want to say anything. After all, it was a shame, the seven prime ministers in front of the prime minister. Chen Bo is the steward of Yan Liang. In this Jingzhou, many people give a face to Chen Bo or Chen Ye.

Some Chen Bo did not know why Liu Wei would mention his son. Is it because he wants to lose face in front of his grandfather? It should not be! In the heart of Chen Bo, Liu Wei is still a good person. Although he is a king, he has no shelf.

"Do not worry, Chen Bo, your lord is not the kind of stubborn person! Three hundred and sixty lines, is a road!" Liu Wei pressed Chen Bo's heart, in fact, Liu Wei said wrong, heard this Chen Bo When the child is a gangster, Yan Liang is already very uncomfortable. After all, what did Yan Liang do before? Fuyang Wei is responsible for the law and order of Shuyang, and the governors are those who are rampant, and the mix is ​​also one. However, Liu Wei said so, Yan Liang naturally will not give face!

"Chen Bo, you will call your son now!" Liu Wei said to Chen Bo with a smile.

"This one, His Royal Highness, a small and sloppy person, I don't know the number of rituals, may tarnish the eyes of His Royal Highness!" Chen Bo was worried about what his son would make out, and if he was in other places, Chen Bo could still fall. The old face went to ask for a love, but if this was a bad word before the master and the king of the palace, it would not be saved.

"Well?!" Yan Liang's brow wrinkled. He really didn't want to see a little punk, not disdain, but it was natural that he was uncomfortable at this level.

"Oh, Chen Bo, you don't want your son to break away from this gangster! Now there is such an opportunity! You need your help from the child. If things are done, don't say it is me, your master will have a lot of rewards." !" Liu Wei said to Chen Bo.

"Ah!" Chen Bozhen said with amazement, his nephew, he naturally knows that it is a gangster, what can a gangster help? Is it a banquet scene? That's really not needed. The gang fights are fighting, and the pits are abducted. This is really not a material.

"Since the king of the king said, let your son come!" Both Yan Liang and Jia Wei understand Liu Wei's approach. They are lacking people now, and this Chen Bo's son is a gangster, mixing everything. Lack of money, lack of money, lack of opportunities, but there is no shortage of people and time, there are still a lot of people who are idle, the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty Rangers, what is the Ranger is this kind of people who do not want to cultivate, leisure is the Ranger! The Ranger is just a good name.

"Lord, this gang, can you really?!" Jia Wei is a bit skeptical, after all, it’s a mix! It is difficult to be bound at all, and most of them are rough and there is no tutor. This is also a bit of a rule.

"Oh, rough and rough, but we have no other candidates now!" Liu Wei shook his head. He was there in the house given by Liu Biao, but now there are quite a lot of spies around Liu Wei’s house. If you will be exposed, you can only use this Chen Bo's son first, and the mix is ​​rough, but people are not! It is okay to send something. The most important thing is that this invitation was written by Yan Liang. Even if those people are very dissatisfied with these gangsters, they will come to see Yan Liang’s personal letter. Rs

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