My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 460: Big hand

Although the Huang family is very uncomfortable with the family and the Cai family, the effort on this bright side is still to be done. The two sides have not yet reached the level of tearing the skin, so the family is overjoyed, although Huang Zu did not arrive. However, it is still the Yellow House in Huangyang, which is the most representative of the Huang family's Dagongzi. The nature followed by Huang is the other Huang Kai and Huang Chen brothers.

"Uncle Tsai, Xiaoxi has seen Uncle Cai!" Huang Jing’s surface kung fu did a very good job. He saw Cai Wei, who had not accompanied Chen Bo in the backyard, and immediately greeted him.

"It turned out to be Huang Yinxian!" Cai Wei saw the yellow shot and nodded. "Why, your father did not come!" The entire Jingzhou military was held by two, and the family was the Cai family.

"My father learned that Uncle Uncle is very happy. Although he wants to come immediately, it is too late, and the recent border is not too calm. This allows me to come to congratulate my father!" Huang shot has not been for a few days. Appeared, it was because Huang launched the warship and the Jiangxia Shuijun, and went to kill Liu Wei, which was completely foolproof, but the last yellow shot was miscalculated. Not only did Liu Wei not die, but he caught the wrong person, and made Liu Bei’s three brothers a drunken singer to die. Huang Lu was afraid of being liquidated and privately mobilized the army. This is a big taboo. If it is strict, it will fall. The head, not to mention, he still went to intercept the killing of Liu Wang. So this did not go to Changsha, and when he went to his old man, as long as the Huang family did not betray Liu Biao, then it is irrelevant how much disaster it has.

This came back not only because the family was overjoyed, but also because the yellow shot couldn’t stop, and looked at the movement without liquidation. The yellow shot appeared again.

"Not too flat?!" Cai Wei also asked more. Huang Zu was originally in Jiangxia. If it is not too flat, it is Jiangdong's attack. Now Huang Zu was transferred back by Liu Biao. Jiangxia is in the hands of Wen and Zhuge Liang. Huang Zu is in Changsha, and it belongs to another border of Jingzhou. The brook barbarian is not quite flat now. Nature is the Wuxi barbarian.

Of course, Cai Wei is not worried about Huang Zu and Changsha. Even if Huang Zu is killed, Cai Wei will not have any sadness. On the contrary, he will even set off firecrackers. Because Huang Zuyi died, naturally, this Jingzhou army is him. Cai Yi’s words are gone. As for the hiring and Zhuge Liang, he has been neglected. Although the hiring now dominates Jiang Xia’s tens of thousands of elite soldiers and horses, but the hiring does not have the right to govern the local, all his rations are required in Jingzhou. Scheduled. Once the situation in Jiangxi has stabilized, Jingzhou will certainly send Jiangxia Taishou to Jiangxia to replace the two.

The explanation is white. That is, the hiring and Zhuge Liang are only two working, and Huang Zu and his Cai Wei are the directors of the shares. Huang Zu hangs, and the share of the natural Huang Zu can be caught by his Cai Wei. .

Cai Wei’s frowning border is not flat now. That is because, once Wuxi has been in a war, then Huang Zu has an excuse to reach out to Jingzhou to get a grain army. Cai Wei can manage it here, and he will save money from his pocket. It’s not good.

"Two, the military country wants things, there is no need to negotiate at this door. Today is the day of great joy. Do you want to talk about things at this door!" Another voice passed over, this person was carrying a cane, though With only one servant and one child supporting him, he took a carriage, very simple, and the gift was just a picture wrapped in a thin cloth, but no one dared to ignore the old man.

"Pang Gong!" Whether it is Huang Lu or Cai Wei Qi Qi's enthusiasm for the comers, this person is Pang Degong, the owner of the Pang family, if only this name, only to let Cai Wei and Huang shot so, Huang Lu may be respectful because of Pang Degong's generation, but Cai Wei is the same as Pang Degong's peers. The Cai family is not as different as the Pang family. Cai Wei is so embarrassed. That is because Pang Degong also represents a thing, that is, deer. Door Academy.

Lumen Academy can be regarded as the entire Jingzhou University. It is also an official school. From the Lumen Academy, it is basically an official. The small is also the county level. The big one is Pang. Pang Tong, Mr. Crystal's disciple Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong's current identity is Yuzhou, although the strength of Yuzhou Liu Bei is not as good as Liu Biao, but this official position is also equivalent to Cai Wei and others, Zhuge Liang is also the military division of Jiangxia is also commanding tens of thousands of Jingzhou elite, Even if those who don't have a job, it's either unsuccessful in school, or waiting for the price, and waiting for the Lord, and the rest is the unintentional person.

Which of his Cai Jiahuang family did not come out of the Lumen Academy. It can be said that Pang Degong is prestigious in this Jingzhou, which is not worse than Jingzhou Mu Liu, so Cai Wei will be half a slap.

"Pang Degong also came?!" Liu Wei saw the people stunned, to know that they did not give Pound's invitation, Pang Degong and Liu Biao, although highly respected, but basically can not come, Liu Bian as a master Can't go to the wedding of one of your courtiers, don't say anything else. If Liu Biao comes, naturally everyone will be restrained. This protagonist has also changed from a new person to a watch. Pang Jia Liu gave the Pang Tong invitation, but did not expect this Pang Degong actually came.

"Haha, Chen Kang, the old man is not invited this time, your grandfather will not blame it!" Pang Degong's memory is also good, can also call Chen Bo's name.

"Ah! Where, where, Panggong arrived, my family master did not know beforehand, if you know that the sweeping table will meet!" Pang Degong's reputation throughout Jingzhou can be regarded as no one knows no one, even Chen Bo sees this. People who are too big are also a little confused.

"That's good, then it's good! Come, this is a fascinating painting and calligraphy. Don't be disgusted with shabbyness. It's counted as a gift!" In Pound's words, the young man's hand in the hand was handed over. This young man is not the other person, Pang Shanmin, the son of Pound.

Pound's handwriting, Pound's public name is very famous. After the old man, there is very little writing. It can be said that Pang Degong's word is fast, and Chen Kang has taken over the books that the youth sent, but it is really sprinkling. Less, all are the words of He Wen’s exhortation. If this is true, it’s worth the price.

"The military division Panggong is also here!" Pang Tong is also in the dark. Naturally, I also saw the arrival of my uncle.

"I know!" Pang Tong listened to his report, and his brows were tight. How could his uncle come? Pang Degong was basically out of the Jingzhou officialdom. Few people asked him to move, but this time. It’s strange to let Pang Tong not ask for it.

Not only Pang Tong and Liu Wei are strange, but also shocked by the various celebrities and gentlemen of Jingzhou, who are here. The face of this family is really big. For the shock of these people, why did Pang Degong come, but this is just a The old father is paving the way for his son.

After several days of thinking, Pang Degong has already figured out that Pang Shanmin can no longer live under his wings. Although the aura of Pound’s son can make Pang Shanmin a three-pointer, it is also before Pound’s life, if After Pound’s death, Pang Degong could not shelter Pang Shanmin for a lifetime, let alone Tang Yun’s relationship. With the relationship between Pang Shanmin and Tang Yun, he would eventually fall out with his brother Pang Tong. Pang Tong is not a capable person. The person who is merciful, Pang Degong does not want their brothers to kill each other, but at the very least, it is necessary to give Pang Shanmin a self-protection ability. Otherwise, it will be a joke to see his son again when Pound is just in the land.

This time the family was overjoyed, Pang Degong also came to pave the way for his son to pull down the old face to Pang Shanmin's career.

"We are also together with the military division?!" asked Pang Tong's men on the edge of Pang Tong.

"No need!" Pang Tong's eyes were erratic and did not know what he was thinking. His uncle had to attend the wedding of his family, but why did Pang Tong get the slightest news beforehand? If Pound is to come, it is not better to be unified with him! But now I opened myself, until I got there. "Uncle, you are so good!"

For a long time, Pang Tong has come back to the gods. "Is there a departure for the fake Wang Liu’s carriage?" Pang Tong came here to brush the Jingzhou sects, and he had a good relationship with his family. This is one of the most important ones. The premise is that Liu Wei can't.

"The military division is relieved! This pseudo-king will not be able to get out of the inner city of Xiangyang!" Pang Tong's men said very confidently.

"That's good!" Pang Tong nodded. For the sake of insurance, Pang Tong waited for a while.

On the other side, Liu Wei is a bit strange. "Jia Wei, have you notified Guan Hai and Zhou Cang?" Let Guan Hai and Zhou Cang stay in the palace for so long. It is time to let the two people come out to breathe, so It was only when I was married that Liu Wei was ready to let the two stay with me.

"The Lord Gong I sent people to inform me!" Jia Wei is also strange. He sent a man to go to the palace to inform Zhou Cang and Guan Hai. The person is still with Chen Bo’s son Chen Shen. People, according to the time, this point should have arrived.

Zhou Cang and Guan Hai also want to arrive early, but now Zhou Cang and Guan Hai are crying. The gates of Xiangyang inner city leading to the outer city are blocked. The people coming and going are people, they are driving. Going to the carriage, it is difficult to leave now, let alone a carriage, which can be regarded as the earliest traffic jam in history!

"Forget it, no matter them! If they come, you will let me go to the backyard and wait for me to go back!" Liu Wei shook his head. Originally, Liu Wei also planned to let these two people find a seat for them to eat. Have a good time to enjoy it, it seems that these two people do not have this oral and eye fortune.

"Yes," Jia Yu nodded, and the two went to the backyard of the government.

"This pseudo-king Liu Wei should not be able to come!" Pang Tong looked at the time is almost the same, this Jingzhou came up basically came and should not come, it is almost impossible to come, the sky is really dim, this banquet It is also ready to begin.

"Let's go!" Pang Tong's mouth sneered with sneer, pseudo-Wang Liu, you counted the last but gave a dowry to others, thank you for your credit, in order to let the majority of the Jingzhou people gather here. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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