My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 461: Drifting (1)

"Let, let!" In the outer city, a team of horse-drawn carriages are on the move, and the above-mentioned grooms are driving the carriage to let the newcomers retreat. .

"Who is there at this time?!" There are still many people staying outside the government. These people are originally living in the inner city. Their lavish life has nothing to do with the people of the outer city. The people have never seen it, but this good move has moved to the outer city, but it gives them a chance to see the world. These people will naturally not let go. Now that the horse-drawn carriages have gathered outside the government, this is another horse team that is about to block the government.

Most of the servants outside the house have already entered, because the people are almost here, and the banquet is about to begin. But now it is another team of horse-drawn carriages. Who is this?

Most of the other sects came in one or two carriages. The bigger ones were just two carriages. Even the Cai family had only three of them, but this time it came to dozens of carriages. Is this another? A group of famous celebrities have arrived!

"Look, look! Someone is out!"

One or two carriages that finally took the lead opened the door, and a black fat man walked down from it.

"Who is this black fat man?" The people who watched the busy people looked at the black fat man who was out of the carriage and asked, although the sky was already dark, but now it is brightly lit, but it is brightly lit. The whole house shines like a white enamel, so the people can still see the scene outside the palace.

"You don't know this black fat man?!" Someone recognized it. "This person is expensive for the adults!"

"Don't drive? Is he Mr. Hedu? Isn't it! Mr. Alien is not going in early!" When the time came, there was no loud noise. After all, the two brothers fell out, which is known to everyone. But after all, the ugliness cannot be lifted. So it’s like getting to your home. Directly low-key has entered.

"Who said that we are not driving in Jingzhou! People are driving in other states!"

"Don't drive in other states?!" The person who asked the question wondered, "Why don't the other states drive us in Jingzhou!"

"You don't understand this! This person is Yuzhou, don't drive, is the left general Liu Bei's majesty. This time we come to Jingzhou, there is something to do with Liu Jingzhou, and this person used to be our Jingzhou people!"


"Yes! This person's surname is Pang, the name is unified, is the son of Pang Degong!" When this person mentioned Pound, it was so pious, Pang Degong's fame can be seen.

"Pang family?!"

"You know that there is a nickname for this car?" Someone started to play Pang Tong.

"What is it!" The people are naturally the masters of the gossip.

"Haha was originally called Pang Black Fat!" This person said that Pang Tong's nickname did not deliberately go to Black Pang Tong, but Pang Tong was originally famous in this Jingzhou. Pangjia's child prodigy, when they are seven years old, they can press a group of weak champions to lift their heads. These people who are crushed by Pang Tong are not as versatile in literature, but they can't hinder people's eyes, smart. What about it, it is fat and ugly, so the reputation of Pang Black Fat appears.

"So now!" said the original, naturally there is the nickname of the present.

"Now is the first dish in Jingzhou, the braised turkey!" The people on the side naturally don't know what the first dish of Jingzhou is, or if they have explained it to others, this makes these people laugh. Pang Tong wanted the grass boat to borrow the arrow, but Liu Wei came to a live iron chain to play a barbecue directly in the Yangtze River.

The people laughed and laughed. But then they couldn't laugh out. It wasn't Pang Tong who came to settle the account, but the handwriting that Pang Tong took out was too big.

"Hezhou does not drive Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan to replace the left general Liu Bei to come to Hexi, send a pair of Dongzhu, a pair of jade, gold, gold, gold!" This servant's servant's mouth is fast-knotted, his eyes are directly When the big one got up, the difference came out.

"Sing, sing, why don't you say it! We have to listen!" The people naturally started to swear, because they sang a gift, they heard that they could go out and talk about it, they can go out and brag, how much a certain family Rich and the like.

"This grandfather, are you sure you are so much?!" the servant asked cautiously.

"How is it wrong?" Pang Tong was very lightly looking at the family servant of this family.

"This number, this number!" The servant once again asked once, he really did not dare to burst out of this number, it is said that going out is wrong, then he really can't eat and walk away.

"As a son of Mr. Zirou, I will send a little blessing to me and let me hang my teeth!" Pang Tong said to the servant, "Read!"

"Hey, hey!" The servant wiped the sweat from his head with his hand. This is nervous. He is the servant of the family. He is also a person who has seen the world, but he still sees this number. Surprised. This has been confirmed again and again to Pang Tong, and now it will be read out after Pang Tong’s confirmation.

"Hezhou does not drive Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan to replace the left general Liu Bei to come to Hexi, send a pair of Dongzhu, a pair of jade, Jin four thousand!"

"Hey!" The sound of inhalation underneath, this is shocking, four thousand gold! This is almost more than the gift from the Jingzhou sects today. Four thousand gold, the Huang brothers are almost killed because four thousand gold, four thousand gold can basically be worth tens of thousands of soldiers a year. The army and the grain were gone, but this Pang Tong took it out at once.

"How can Pang have so much money!" Some people can't believe it. Pang Tong is a Pang family. Although Pang is big, he hasn't come to this wedding banquet to take out four thousand gold gifts. If this is all In this case, even if there is Jinshan Yinshan, you can’t stand it. This is a happy event. Is it a man’s, is it a slap?

"It shouldn't be a Pang family!" Although Pangjia founded the Lumen Academy, there are many donations from the scholars in the Lumen Academy. Even Liu Biao has awarded several large mountain houses to the Lumen Academy as the Lumen College. Location, but Lumen Academy can't get so much gold.

"You didn't listen to what people said before. This is the representative of Yuzhou, the general of Yuzhou, the left general of Liuzhou! This one state of the state will naturally have so much money!" Finally someone thought of this.

"Pang Tong. Pang Shiyuan?!" The people in the backyard naturally heard the sound of the ticket at the door. Folded frown.

Four daughter! This is more than a gift from everyone present. Even if everyone in the room can't match the gift of Pang Tong, it is a big deal. Pang Tong has to let them face these people.

"Pound has a good boy!" Cai Wei first spoke. He was arrogantly boasting Pound, but it was actually a sarcasm. Your gift as an uncle was not high, it was not a Kind of shame!

"Pang Gong. Good family wealth!" The yellow shot on the side is not a fool. For the Pangjia Huangjia and Caijia are standing together, such a strength does not have to be two big, but every time I see this Pang family, we must respectfully Anyone will be uncomfortable, and the Lumen Academy is too big. If the Lumen Academy falls, then Jingzhou is almost the same, and the entire bureaucratic system will be ruined. The bright face is not afraid of Pang Degong. But this kind of sarcasm is also possible.

This yellow shot is more sinister, what is called Pang Gong good family wealth. Pang Degong does not love money and does not work hard. Such people will be unselfish to do Lumen Academy. Such people will make the world respectful. If a very self-conscious person masters the Lumen Academy, then I am afraid that Liu Biao will sleep unsteadily. Because once Pound’s swaying arm had the slightest ambition, the chair under his Liu watch was not stable.

"Panggong, your son?!" But the more the 蒯 蒯 没有 没有 没有 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞 庞However, for the family, it is a real discount. Four thousand gold, if this is the family business of the family in the treasury, it must be a big one. There is no harm to the family.

"What's wrong! I don't want to accept it!" Pound is really good-tempered, even if it is the sarcasm of Cai Wei and Huang Lu, the same Pang Degong is also relatively light "I am afraid that even if the difference is not met, this soft will not agree!" Pang Degong can still be funny. It’s really good. “The scholarship is already big. This time it’s not my Jingzhou Pang family, nor my Lumen Academy, but his representative Gong Yumu’s left general Liu Bei!” Pang Degong The voice of the discourse is very low. The feelings are very deep. During the transition, his two descendants have grown up on their own, and their generation is old. Pang Tong can have such achievements. Pang Degong is also very Reassuring, after all, he is also a Pang family.

"Yes!" Huang Yin couldn't hear anything at the age, and Cai Yi and Yan Yue were both good characters in the crowd. Yan Yue is an old fox-like character. Naturally, this is a feeling. There are other meanings among them.

"He doesn't represent Jingzhou Pangjia is not Lumen Academy!" If it is just a Lumen Academy, then Yue Yue and Cai Wei will not think too much, because Pang Degong has set up the Lumen Academy, but Pang Degong's grandfather is selfless and never puts The Lumen Academy and its own Pang family are confused. The disciples of the Lumen Academy are doing things for the Pang family. It is self-willing.

But now Pound has added a Pang family but people have to think about it. Pang Tong is a Pang family. But now he can't represent the Pang family, and the two also found that Pang Degong and this Pang Shiyuan did not come all the way. But uncle, it’s not unreasonable to think about it.

There must be a change in this! This is the idea of ​​the two, the two have a tacit understanding of each other and have received a positive answer from the other's eyes, Pang may have changed.

The exchange of vision between Cai Yong and Yan Yue, Pang Degong can not see it, but Pang Degong does not want to pay attention to it, the two old foxes will naturally know his Pang Degong meaning.

"Pang does not drive, please please please!" Four thousand gold gifts, even if Liu Wei is not happy with this Pang Tong, even if Liu Wei wants to kill this little turkey, but people come to give you so much money, total Can't refuse it!

Therefore, Liu Wei still let Chen Bo go forward to meet this Jingzhou first dish braised turkey.

"Chen Bo!" I have to say that Pang Tong's preparations are still good. Even with Liu Wei, the name of Bo is called out to a butler. Although this is a close relationship, it is a low-pitched and low-low self. Body. Who is Chen Bo? Although I followed Yan Liang for so long. But what is real is nothing but a family servant. But now Pang Tong can call a servant an uncle, which is already shocking, because this is the common problem of the sect. For example, when Huang came to his home, he was ignorant of Chen Bo.

Pang Tong arrived in the backyard under the cooperation of Chen Bo. If Pang Tong came from Pound's son, he would not be sent to the backyard because the backyard represented the highest seat, such as Huang. The two brothers Huang Kai and Huang Chen who came together could not do it here. Pang Shanmin was able to sit here because Pang Degong was in poor health, but he represented Pang Kuo, the general of Liuzhou. Pang Tong’s own official position is also in Yuzhou. If you follow the current situation, then Pang Tong is a governor and naturally has to take a seat.

"Uncle Shu, Uncle Cai, Huang Xiong!" Pang Tong saw the crowd in the backyard rushing forward to say hello.

"Don't dare to hear a singer's uncle!" Cai Wei said, this Pang Tong is his younger generation but he is level with him. Although Yuzhou can't match Jingzhou, Cai's mentality is still uncomfortable.

"Uncle Tsai said to laugh, Uncle Cai can always be the object of the study of the Yuan Yuan, Wen can govern one side. Wu Neng commander Qianjun!" Pang Tong put his own posture is very low.

"Shi Yuan is sitting on the edge of your uncle!" He nodded and nodded to Pang Tong's words, and four thousand gold was credited. The role that Yan Yue performed here is naturally his own family. Although he and his younger brother are separated, he is a big brother of hi, as long as he is surnamed one day, then he is a family member.

"Uncle, big brother!" Pang Tong looked with a sorry, because Pang unified did not call them.

"Shi Yuan!" Pang Degong did not speak immediately, but his son Pang Shanmin was watching his own brother full of joy, he is a brother, the younger brother can have such an achievement, he feels happy for his brother "Why do family say two? Family words!" Pang Shanmin did not call them, but Pang Shanmin did not care about it. When he saw his family, he was an outsider.

Since my family! ? Pang Degong seems to have a sigh in the heart of his own son. It is true that he does not have a part-time job, but Cai Yi and Yan Yue are one of Jingzhou’s drivers. If you are a public official, Then you called Cai Wei and Yan Yue should be Cai Junshi and don’t drive, not the uncle. The uncle has already added human feelings. Among the people in the field, there is also his Pang Degong’s high love for his Pang Shiyuan. People!

The utilitarian heart of this son is too strong. Pound’s public heart seems to have turned over the kitchen. It’s colorful, and all kinds of tastes are in the heart. It’s more of a kind of jealousy. The younger brother left such a child. He planned to train him. Pang Tongcai’s performance also made Pang Degong very appreciative, but Pang Degong did not have to patronize Pang Shiyuan’s talent, but did not notice Pang Shiyuan’s state of mind.

"Sit down!" Although Pang Degong has changed his mind, his appearance is still moving.

Pang Tong nodded and sat down.

"Hey, why didn't you see you?" The banquet hasn't started yet. Cai Wei will naturally talk to him. When they are on duty together on weekdays, they will discuss business affairs. Now it is natural in private. Contact feelings, two big men, the nature of the talk is the wind and snow and the inheritance of their respective sons.

The wind and snow month is not suitable for this occasion, so it is the child. Cai Wei has only one young child. It is not long before he is born. Naturally, he can’t talk about it. Then the son of Minyue is stunned. After all, it’s over. It is the first time for a daughter to have a son to take the scriptures from the side.

However, today's happy days have not seen the gloom, but it has made Cai Wei confused.

"That rude!" Didn't mention it, but when it came to sorrow, the face suddenly became cold. Today is the day when his uncle is overjoyed. He didn't come, and he still disappeared. This housekeeper originally planned to To cover the slap, but to this extent, how to cover up is not covered, naturally can only tell the truth.

Go to the music hall! I didn't go back overnight. When I left, I took six young women and left with a son named Wang.

Yan Yue is very strict with him. Yan Yue is a strict father who naturally obeys the rules of many strict fathers. The education of his son is poor, and only the poor will cultivate a spirit of struggle for his son. However, it can be said that the poorest of the entire Jingzhou family, even if some of the literary sons have more money than him.

Therefore, this is why even the one hundred yuan can not get out to buy the girl, while the other wealthy people who want to get married, but they don’t dare to brave the situation. Buy it!

Only Liu Wei is such a two-handed man. Anyway, the more he does not deal with himself, then simply offend. It took only a few hundred dollars to win and it became a beautiful beauty!

When I went to the music hall, I was already angry with the anger, but now I don’t even come to the wedding with his uncle. It’s just a big deal.

Therefore, Yu Yue will tell such a reversal of words.

As soon as he heard this, he talked more and more, and with the anger on his face, Cai Wei naturally observed the words and immediately avoided this topic. The uncle’s wedding did not come, it was enough, and Cai Wei would not open it. The wounds of Yu Yue are gone, avoiding talking about other things.

Cai Wei and Yan Yue talked about speculation. Below, Pang Tong is also in contact with some Jingzhou sects. It can be said that there are too many Jingzhou sects gathered in the government today. This is a huge opportunity. For this reason, the reason can not be seen. Now, whoever I want to find out at all, Pang Tong is originally a eloquent figure. Under his deliberate compliment, let the gang’s children have a Pang Tong company with Yuzhou. A lot of good feelings.

Pang Tong was a man and a generous person. He made a gift for four thousand gold, and he took the best of his family. The younger brother of the family also had a very good attitude toward Pang Tong. Pang Tong also gave Liu Bei the grain of the five thousand gold that he had to buy. Directly generously sent out, it is more people like it!

If Pang Tong was reluctant to send out five thousand gold before, then it is completely worth the money, because there are many people who want to support them in Yuzhou. Once they get the support of these people, they will be sent out from Jingzhou. The grain is still far away!

"Hey!" Just waiting for everyone, a familiar figure came out, he clap his hands, although the sound is not big, but the noise in the room suddenly quieted down.

This person is the owner of this current family, and the younger brother of Yan Yue is soft and soft. (To be continued.)

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