"Hey, how can you come out with a soft brother!" I saw the young man Cai Wei said with a smile. Although Cai Wei and Yan Liang are always on the opposite side of the Jingzhou Liu table, the family and the Cai family are indeed allies. The two are still in good relationship in private. . .

"Second brother, why don't you wear red clothes?!" Yan Yue is also strangely watching how his second brother does not wear the red dress that represents the happy event, so that there can be a celebration, knowing that this newcomer is very difficult to wear. It’s going to be a good time to wear it. It’s not far away when I leave Xiji. I don’t wear it now, but I still have time!

"Welcome to welcome, today is the day when my family is overjoyed. I am very happy with my good friend. I can have so many friends and family who come to my house to participate in this wedding reception! I am here to represent you. I am grateful to all of you for your support!" Yan Liang did not immediately pay attention to Cai Wei and his own brother-in-law, but he came up and smiled at the people present.

The following response is naturally where it is, this is what it should be, or it is the amount of words like He Xi.

"Sure someone will ask, Mr. Zirou, why are you still dressed in the red dress of the groom on the boat?" Yan Liang said the doubts of everyone present. "Then I will tell you, because today is the day when my family is overjoyed, but it does not mean that I am a good marriage! I am an old man, I have long claimed to be an old man, and where can I win a beautiful girl? This body has been unable to hold it!" Yan Liang's words made the following people in the room stunned, and there was also a kind smile.

The words spoken by Yan Liang contain the meaning that men understand.

"Not a good marriage?!" The people below are guessing, isn't it good to be a good son! But no one has ever heard of Yan Liang and his son, but there is one. But then the son of Yu Yue. The marriage contract should also be in the inner city of the government! Both daughters and daughters are married. No more daughters!

"Different brothers, is it true that there are other children in the brothers? Or the brothers and brothers who are not brothers and sisters have not introduced them to me!" Cai Wei did not ask Yan Liang but asked him.

"Zi Zi? Brother?!" Yan Yue was also confused by Cai Wei. Although his second brother moved out, but his second brother's son, he can not know the marriage of the two prostitutes. Well, where is the son! As for this brother, it is even more nonsense, their father left such two sons, even the daughter did not have one, where came the other brothers!

"A little bit interesting!" Pang Degong took a sip of tea. Look at the weird scene in this field and smile.

In the words of Yan Liang, Cai Wei smiled, but the more he was on the side, but he was puzzled, but all this was not related to his Pang Degong. He didn’t care who he was, he just came to say hello to his son. Let everyone take care of it.

"My family is a big family in Jingzhou, but I am not good at it. I have never had two daughters to leave an incense for my family. I have left a child!" There is a complaint in the words of Yan Liang. But there is a smile, so that the following people will laugh when they hear it. I am more interested in the words below.

"Since we are both old and can't do it! Then this inheritance of incense, let me go to the next generation of flowers and leaves!" Yan Liang also said that the more and more uneasy.

The next generation of the family, the next generation who can bloom the leaves, is naturally a man. The water that the girl’s girl who has been married in the eyes of the ancients has poured out, even if it is a human being, even if she is dead, she is in the grave of others. of.

Only men can have the possibility of blooming leaves, those who only have daughters without sons, or one son to come over, then let the women into the shackles.

"Different degrees? This will not be a happy event!" Cai Yu looked at his old partner on the side.

"I!" 蒯越 just said that it is impossible, his son still does not know where to shine. But Yan Liang is faster than him.

"I believe everyone has already guessed that this time, our protagonist's protagonist is the son of my eldest brother, and my son who is not a weapon!" Yan Liang's words completely let Yan Yue's face darken.

"Stunned!" The more he stared at his own younger brother in the middle of the scene, his son was married and he did not know how to be a relative. All of this is organized by my own brother in the field. He finally knew why his brother wrote it on the invitation. It was thought to be his own brother. He figured it out and wanted to come to the old cow and grass. Although it is very unsightly, it is after all Gentry! Naturally don't care about these, but now it's just a play code, and the drama that he doesn't know.

Although he was angry in his heart, he was smiling on the surface, and he nodded his tribute to the congratulations below. If you turn your face directly, then the face of your family will really be thrown into your home. The relationship between the gentry is very heavy.

"Yu Yue's son is married? Is that awkward!" Pang Tong is also looking at the scene in the field below. He has also seen it. A very ordinary youth is also a disciple of Lumen Academy. At that time, Pang Tong When you confessed to Confucianism, you only saw it. Pang Tong was naturally not interested in such an ordinary person. If it was not the son of Yu Yue, it might not be remembered that Pang Tonglian could not remember the name.

However, for Pang Tong, whether it is a big marriage or a big marriage, he has nothing to do with him. He only cares about the fact that these scholars present at the scene, as long as they are good at brushing them, then his trip to Jingzhou is a success. The pseudo-Wang Liu is even more unlikely to get any grain from Jingzhou. Once Lu Bujun can't get rid of the grain and grass, then Liu Wei wants to die. It's not that he said Pang Tong!

"Everyone knows that a few years ago, I didn't understand the heart of my brother. I moved out of my family and got married and lived in this outer city!" Yan Liang directly and himself The family got the table and said it.

"I didn't know what happened at that time! Although I have passed the year of no confusion, but it is very childish, and now. I also understand. No matter what I am with my brother. I will always be a surname, I will always be a family!" "Yan Liang is very affectionate. She started to play emotional cards from the brotherly feelings of Yan Yue and Yan Liang. This is the three old foxes of Liu Yujia and Yan Liang.

What they are afraid of is that after the people who want to swear, they will face up on the spot, then everything will be vain. After all, 蒯越 is the awkward father. Once he is opposed, there is no way for him.

"Second brother!" Yan Yue was still in an anger. When his son wants to get married, he doesn't even know, not only does not know, even when he wants to know which one is not knowing, and the more he is mad, if not for the face of his family, the sooner he turns his face.

However, now that Yan Liang has played an emotional card, the more he feels, the more emotional he is. He has no feelings with his brother! How could it be that the two brothers have been living together for so many years, and the two men are mutually supportive. Yan Liang is a masculine person who helps the family to fight the world, but the singer is soft. Keep the stability inside your home. The two experienced life and death, after the hardships, can make the family become the family of Jingzhou, the two are not easy, but the two brothers have produced opinions because of political disagreement, but finally separated! This has always been a kind of embarrassment for Yu Yue, he is a good family owner, but not a good brother! Now that Yan Liang admits that he is wrong, there is an immediate thought of putting his brother into his arms.

"This time through the marriage of the child, I also imagine that everyone announced that this foreign city home has not existed since then! I will return to the government again. I don't know my brother, my courtyard is still there. Well!" Yan Liang said, he turned his gaze to the side.

"Yes, in, nature is! Nothing is moving, what do you look like when you go now?" Yan said to his younger brother, he always thought about coming back, he thought it would wait until the most At least the current master left, but I did not expect happiness to come so fast.

"Big brother!" Yan Yue looked at Yan Liang is moved, and Yan Liang looked at his big brother is a kind of embarrassed, playing emotional cards is a good point to contact the feelings between brothers, but to say a real, That is to use the feelings. He is calculating his brother, but Yan Liang has no choice, although the family is important, but if you have lived for a lifetime, then the family is not as good as it is! He wants to be a dragon from the dragon. He wants to be a family not only in this Jingzhou family, but also a family in this world!

The feelings of the brothers and sisters naturally made the following people feel a little moved.

"Okay, okay! You two want to tell the story of the brothers and go back to the retelling. We are coming to the wedding that wants to watch the ceremony, not to see you both!" Cai Wei smiled forward. Say, Yan Liang compromised, then the strength of the family should be strengthened, the strength of this ally is strengthened, then the strength of their alliance in this Jingzhou can be further improved.

"Hey!" Cai Wei was happy when he was happy with the yellow shot. "Fake fake false meaning!" Huang shot unhappy whispered cold.

"Yeah, yeah, the marriage of the dog is important!" Yu Yue became a more tolerant because of his second brother's return, not that? Although the ruling did not tell 蒯越, but because of the return of the second brother, 蒯越 no longer care about anything.

As long as it is not a wife, there is no pressure at all. Yan Yue wants to find a door to his son, and is useful to them, such as Cai's daughter, such as Xu Du Cao's daughter, these can be. A diverticulum is harmless.

The people present at the scene also watched the good weddings held by Yan Liang. Perhaps this is because the family and the brothers want to find a step and the better, the uncle is hosting the wedding of his nephew. This is not a good opportunity!

"Okay, let us invite a couple of new people!" Yan Liang clap his hands, the first one to come out naturally is wearing a red dress.

"Congratulations, congratulations!" The people below said with joy and joy.

I also walked up to the main hall and respected my father and uncle, "Father!"

"Not bad! Not bad!" Although he nodded his head, his face was still smiling, but he still saw the dissatisfaction in his eyes, and the more he was in the eyes of the stunned, the strict father. Ah, looking at my father is naturally a little scared.

But fortunately, Yan Liang got on time and took a shot and encouraged her face. "Go! She is still waiting for you!"

"Knowing my uncle!" With the support of Yan Liang, he took a deep breath and took the father's kind of pressure.

"Hey!" Yan Liang once again patted the clapping back and came out two people, yes, two people, one man and one woman. The woman's draped head is wearing red makeup, very glamorous and dignified. This is the bride is right.

The man on the side is fluttering, there is a kind of softness of the scholar, but there is a man's fortitude.

"It's you!"

"How could it be him!"

"Impossible, impossible!" (To be continued.)

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