My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 480: Thief boat

"It's me!" The smiling man looked at Sun Gan in front of him. He was very casually looking for a stool to do it. There were some fruits on the table. People came to pick up the fruits on the table. I put it in the mouth and chewed it up. Some fruits were delicious and I grabbed a little bit of bad food and spit it out, regardless of the image.

"How come you are here?!" Sun Gan was so shocked at the 90-degree look at the people in front of him. Now the whole city of Wancheng is so busy that it is just to find them. However, there is no such thing as their figure. Now they find that they are on their own house. How can Sun Sun be surprised?

Sun Gan hurriedly got the bed, and regardless of the injury, rushed to the ground and closed the door of his house. This was a relief.

"Why haven't you left the city yet?!" Sun Gan looked at the people in front of him, and there was blame and anxiety in his expression, and more of a panic.

"Now the city gate is closed, you also said, this Liu Bei Liu Da Er but digging the ground three feet want to find us, if you go out, then it is not looking for death! Besides, we are not enough to die, but if you are tired of Sun Gan Adults can't be good!" The red-faced man is very rough and spit the shell out. Although Sun Gan hates such a rough person, he still doesn't care so much.

Looking at the man in front of him is simply gnashing his teeth. "Wei Yan, Wei Wenchang, I ask you, why do you want to go down like that on the day!" Sun Ganlian wants to eat the hearts of the man in front of him.

The person who came here is Wei Yanwei, who has been in the Sungan House. He is familiar with the most dangerous place, which is the safest place. Now the whole Nanyang is up and down. Sun Gan is the model of Liu Bei's loyal minister and Liu Bei's favorite. Such a minister will hide the enemy at home! Everyone wouldn’t think of Wei Yan’s hiding on Sun’s house. So here is a very safe place.

"Squatting hand?!" Wei Yan stopped the food in his hand and stood up. Wei Yan had a man of nearly two meters. Although Sun Gan was also a stalwart person, he was less than one meter eight, and Wei Yan was more than him. Out of the whole half of the head, plus Sun Gan himself is injured and weak, so it is not straight, so come. Majesty looked at Sun Gan that is condescending.

"Sun Gan adults, you are asking me!" Wei Yan's eyes narrowed, and his body locked Sun Sun.

Sun Gan was stared at the eyes of Wei Yan's beasts. He felt uncomfortable in his body. A thing called fear swayed in Sun Gan's heart, but Sun Gan still resisted this fear. "It is not questioning. I just want to know why I wanted to get the kind of handcuffs at the beginning, I want to know a reason!" Being cut down by a knife, if he is cut off, the unclear Sun Sun may be unhappy for a lifetime.

"Oh!" Seeing Sun Qian replied from his own momentum, Wei Yan smiled, and he did not force Sun Sun. He is not the enemy of Sun Gan now. There is no need to do this. Wei Yan once again replied to the son of Sun Lang, who is the adopted son of Sun Lang. If there is no knife of Wei Yan, there is no such a hand, Sun Qian adults can be so popular. "Wei Yan is arbitrarily fiddling with the fruits on this table. Many of the fruits here are not available this season, so if you want to eat, you have to pay the price, and these are just the ones that sent the gift." These are all thanks to the knife.

"One yard is one yard!" Although Sun Gan is enjoying this feeling of being concerned and even wants to be cut by Wei Yan, Meng De shook his head and threw this ridiculous thought into the back and was cut. It is not a good thing. Today, if Wei Yan does not say something, his grandson is unlikely to give up.

"Okay, okay! Tell you that Sun Gan is also a good thing." Wei Yan put down the fruits in his hands and pulled the sword directly from his waist.

"What do you want to do!" Sun Gan was a little panicked. Now there is only him and Wei Yan in this room. He has a small arm and a calf. Wei Yan’s, he can’t shout, if he shouts out, Wei Yan Was caught in his grandson or a dead end, so watching Wei Yan took out the sword, Sun Gan, this was hurried.

"Oh, your grandson is not the reason! You see this is!" Wei Yan directly Meng De slashed to Sun Gan, the goal is Sun Gan's hands.

"Ah!" Sun Gan closed his eyes directly in a panic. If Wei Yan really killed him, he couldn't avoid it. How can a scribe compare with a refining warrior?

Sun Gan thought that Wei Yan would kill him, so he closed his eyes and waited for death, but after waiting for a long time, he did not feel the pain in his body. He only felt that his hands seemed to be much lighter.

Did he Wei Yan give up my hand? Sun Gan panicked. If there is a waste, that one can't do anything. Although the scribes rely on their brains, the disabled are always discriminated against.

"Well, Sun Gan adults can open your eyes!" Wei Yan's voice screamed again.

"No pain!" Sun Gan is very puzzled. If the hand is cut, it will hurt. It is like that he was stabbed by Wei Yan. It is very painful, but now he does not feel the slightest pain. Sun Gan could not help but slowly opened his eyes.

"Ah!" Sun Gan exclaimed again, his man was not dead, his arms were well there, and the nail tips on his hands and ten fingers were gone.

"Master, lord, what's wrong with you. What's wrong!" When I heard the exclamation of Sun Gan, someone came in and thought what happened to Sun Gan.

"Nothing, nothing, just I am thinking about things!" Sun Gan can't let them in. Now Wei Yan is a chased person. If it is discovered, Wei Yan is dead, his grandson. Also follow the funeral.

"No one in the backyard allowed me to enter!" Sun Gan added another sentence, and he was afraid that someone would break into his grandson's room.

Therefore, he must do everything to ensure that everything is safe.

"Yes!" The guards outside the door nodded and retired again. Sun Gan was still awesome in the hinterland.

"How! Sun Qian adults, this explanation is good!" Wei Yan smiled and looked at Sun Gan.

Sun Gan is simply scalp numb. The ten fingernail tips of his hands were cut off. The fingernails are long. That should be frustrated with a scorpion, or cut with scissors, or even bite with a tooth, but it is really not cut with a sword! Sun Gan saw that the sword was not short. The length of the whole man was half-length. The blade was still cold, not to mention the nails, even if the whole arm was pulled down. Sun Gan believes that it will not cost much.

But now this sword has been used by Wei Yan as a nail clipper, which has to surprise Sun Qian, shocked!

"How did this happen?!" Sun Qian asked subconsciously.

"Weaving insects and tricks!" Wei Yan is a light smile. Of course, it is a small skill. What Wei Yan used to do, like Liu Bei’s three brothers, is a butcher. Butcher is killing pigs. Wei Yan kills pigs. Naturally knowing where to break into the pig will make the pig die without pain. Or break in and let the pigs scream and die. The knife of this hand can be said to be superb, without him. Skillful, it is like the story of Zhuangzi’s explanation of the singer’s solution to the cow and the round of the wheel. As long as you do more than one thing, you will become proficient in nature. Wei Yan, the hand knife worker, I am afraid that Zhang Fei can't catch up. After all, Zhang Fei is the owner of a slaughterhouse, and Wei Yan is just a pig killer.

"What if you missed it!" Sun Gan tangled again. The sword is eyeless, and it is very sharp. The chest can pass through the chest without being deadly. So little, once there is If you are negligent, you will be finished.

"We will not miss the hand" Wei Yan has great confidence in his own knife, but Kenting can't do it, but it is still possible to cut nails with a sword.

"If you miss it!" Sun Ganfei has to entangle the end.

"If you miss, then Sun Gan adults are sorry!" Wei Yan shrugged his shoulders. If he missed, Wei Yan could not do anything. He was not a doctor, and he could not die.

"You!" Sun Gan was so angry and glad that this anger is the kind of Wei Yan's insignificance to his own life. Fortunately, this Wei Yan did not miss, or now he may have been buried.

"Well, Sun Gan adults do not need to entangle this! This Wei Yan's actions are valid!" Wei Yan finally got serious, "Sun Gan adults please see!"

Wei Yan took a letter from his arms and handed it to Sun Gan.

Sun Gan wondered that he had opened the letter in his hand, and the two eyes that could not help but see the contents of the letter were smashed.

"What you said is true?!" It was originally written on the letter that someone was suspicious of Sun Gan. From the beginning of the cunnilingus, some people were investigating and investigating from Sun Gan’s journey. I want to know how Sun Qian escaped from the fire. Even Liu Bei was alienated from Sun Gan. Pang Tong’s ambassador to Jingzhou’s Liu Wei’s messenger in Jingzhou was still passed down by Sun Gan. It can be said that in order to calculate the death of Pang Tong Sun, it is full of tricks.

"Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan!" Sun Gan first thought of Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan, because these two talents are the biggest enemy.

"Not only Jingzhou Little Turkey!" In Liu Weijun, only Xu Wei will call Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan, while other people are laughing that Pang Tong is a Jingzhou small turkey. "And Liu Bei’s side is also simple and simple. grown ups!"

The intelligence system of the whole world is the most complicated, so it is none other than Liu Wei. The men and women of Yang Hong’s former Yuan Shu, and the intelligence personnel formed by Jia Rong’s old fox, from the Chen Palace in Qijiang County. From time to time, the news will come out. Although the simple people can't detect them all, they can also know some traces.

"Jane!!" Sun Gan was really stunned. He didn't expect it to be simple. He knew that his relationship between Sun Qian and Jane was really good. Even when Pang Tong was dealing with Sun Gan, Jane. Still helping Sun Gan to speak, so there is still a friend's turn for Jane Sun.

"Sun Gan adults, do you think that Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan burned the yin yin's grain will be too simple? Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan calculation Sun Qian, you will not know when you are!" Wei Yan sneered at the grandson Dry said, it can be said that Jane is Liu Beijun's eyes. He can't see anything in Liu Beijun. Liu Bei knows that he knows, even Liu Bei does not know, he knows!

"Simplified and simple constitution!" Sun Gan is chilling, this simple is really Liu Bei's eyes. In Sun Qian's simple and secret prison, Sun Gan has a snack. Because in the secret, Sun Gan saw a lot of acquaintances. Those acquaintances or rumors of Liu Bei. Or Liu Beiyin violated Yang, but all of them did not know that the ghosts disappeared. Then suddenly appeared on the battlefield and sacrificed. It turned out to be horrible in the dense prison.

If you are eyeing this simplistic, I am afraid I can't escape.

"So your Lord will make this out?!" Sun Gan asked Wei Yan.

"Yes!" Wei Yan nodded. Sun Gan was a major piece of Liu Beijun in Liu Beijun. Can you just lose it? Sun Gan has to deal with Pang Tong and Pang Shiyuan. Similarly, Liu Wei also wants to deal with Pang Tong. Since everyone has the same purpose, why not unite it, so helping Sun Gan is also helping himself.

"The military commander said that since Sun Qian’s adults were suspected, they naturally need to die and die, so there is a knife that sent Mr. Sun Qian before!" Wei Yan nodded, although he was very important to Liu Wei, but In order to ruin a grandson, it is not what Liu Wei wants. Therefore, Liu Wei wanted, this Sun Gan can not be abandoned. Naturally, there was a move before Wei Yan slashed to Sun Gan.

"Please help me thank you for your military master!" Sun Gan did not pass Wei Yan's reminder that he still did not know that he had walked away from the gate of the ghost. Now he heard the reminder of Wei Yan, and finally reacted, simple! Simple! Sun Ganlian also hates it with Jane, and Jane and you are waiting for me. If you don't read the old feelings, you still want to put me in the dead. Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unjust. Sun Gan’s eyes went cold.

"Thanks to the things that are not needed, because our military division still has a request for Mr. Sun Gan!" Yangzhou and Sun Gan are taking what they need. No thanks or thanks. After removing Pang Tong, Sun Gan is naturally also his. Liu Yu’s enemy.

"What is despite the words!"

"Nature is to send me to leave Yangyang and go to Yangzhou!" Another person pushed the door and walked into the room of Sun Gan.

When I saw people coming, Sun Gan and the people came to the opposite side of the four eyes. This is not the scorpion Zhong who was trapped in the secrets of Liu Bei by Sun Qian!

Originally, Sun Gan thought that this cockroach was killed by Wei Yan and they were killed. Who knows that it will appear here.

"Sun Ganjun, don't come innocent!" 糜竺笑眯眯 looked at Sun Qian in front of him, I don't know if I should hate this person in front of me. It is this person who has framed himself and made himself be taken by the former lord Liu Bei. Into the secret prison, almost a broken family, but this person also made himself see through Liu Bei, also found the Ming Lord, the appointment book in the arms was also hot.

"Hey adults!" Sun Gan saw that he and he first greeted him, but also shouted in a sacred fist.

"Mr. Sun Gan, come and tell you about this, this is a big man, now I am the general office of Yangzhou, Ning Guangzhou Hou!" Wei Yan introduced to Sun Qian to the side of the shack.

"What!" Sun Gan stunned. The Yangzhou General Chamber of Commerce in front of this is a bureaucratic job. I don’t know, but this Gwangju-Hou is actually letting Sun Gan give it up. Gwangju is a county town. Now Under the shackles of Liu Wei, Gushi and Anfeng on the side have become a county. This is a county hou, a thousand households! Was it so rewarded to this low-lying businessman? From the heart, Sun Gan is looking down on it.

His grandson has not been mixed with the title yet! This cockroach is already a county prince. In the past few days, he was still a prisoner of Sun Gan’s ranks. Now he is already a county prince. This contrast is simply maddening.

This 蜀王刘莽 is crazy, such a businessman gives such a big advantage, if Sun Gan decided that Liu Bei is the Lord, I am afraid that Sun Gan also wants to change the door.

"That's a congratulation to the light!" Sun dryly squats and squats. Like the ape, he believes that the sister of Bai Yumei, who should be jealous, has done a good job. It is good to have a beautiful sister.

"Nothing congratulations and disrespect! This is not what Sun Qiang gave!" He also shook his head and became impermanent. In the past few days, the two men also had a traitor and a dog thief confronted each other. Now they have Become a grasshopper on the rope, now you need Sun Gan, they send it out, only to send it out, then he can really become Gwangju Hou, become the Yangzhou General Office, if you can’t get out, then everything It’s no good, it’s even a little life.

Sun Gan is the same, even if Wei Yan and others do not say, Sun Gan also wants these people to send out, otherwise, once found, his Sun Gan is also unable to eat and walk around and die.

"In these few days, you will still stay in my house and wait for me to recover!" Now the city can still be in the martial law, and it will not go out.

"This is not anxious!" Wei Yan smiled, as long as Sun Gan promised to help them out of the city.

"Then everything goes to Sun Junjun!" He nodded.

"Hey!" What can I do not get rid of, his grandson is difficult to go on a thief boat, now even if Sun Gan handed over all these people, Liu Bei would believe that he is innocent, step by step wrong what! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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