My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 481: Tiger

"I still can't see Mrs. Cai?!" Liu Wei was sitting in the carriage and his brows were close. It was already the third day. Madame Cai came out three days ago. She was under this Jingshan. In the courtyard of the courtyard, I came here. I have a kind of fun in Taoyuan. Liu Wei was also very appreciative of this place, but now he has no such feeling.

Because three days ago, he and Jia Wei, the old fox, followed the frame of Mrs. Cai out of Xiangyang City, but the final result was that these three days, whether it was Liu Wei’s door-to-door display or sent a famous thorn, this courtyard The reply in the middle is either that the lady is not there, or that you are looking for the wrong place. There is no Mrs. Cai here.

Laughing! Liu Wei is looking at the Xiangyang City where Mrs. Cai’s frame is out. How can it not be there? The answer behind is even more absurd. There is no Mrs. Cai here. This is not the house of Mrs. Cai. This courtyard really thinks that Liu Wei is a fool. Jia Wei confirms that he has come to this foolproof way. How come it is not.

"Yes," Jia Wei on the side is also very helpless. If he is allowed to count on him, he can do it, but when he sees you, Jia can be unable to do it. People refuse it in one sentence. You can't kill people and drag them out! If Jia Zhang did this, I am afraid that they will die.

"There are two days, there are still two days!" Liu Wei can't wait, and two days later, Mrs. Cai will go back to Fuyang. When Liu Liu's house is in the house, Liu Wei will not even want to see it.

"Jia Jia Jia Wenhe, I tell you, if you can't think of it again, you don't want that little pill!" Liu Wei got angry with Jia Wei. In these few days, Jia Zhang Jia Wen and his wife have been grinding their skins. I want that blue pill. After all, Jia Wei regained his glory. It’s naturally a little longer. Now I don’t have time to play after playing. Don’t say that Liu Wei’s skin has been grinded by him. This is the original version of the small pill, which is many times better than the one that Liu Wei is preparing to imitate. After all, it is imported, and Liu Wei does not have much in his hands.

And Liu Wei is so angry because he feels that the old fox needs to be diligent than to enter the Cai family.

"Lord, don't!" Jia Wei is about to cry, and this has something to do with him. It is because people don't see you, and I can't help it. If you don't give Jia Zhang a small pill, then Jia Wei What is the difference between that and the little yellow door? I want to be old and eager, and I want the sword to be old. I need motivation.

"We are hard!" Jia Wei had a direct idea.

"Hard?? You try?!" Liu Wei did not sigh with a good foot to the old fox, he thought he could come out. It’s Liu Wei’s martial arts high-powered, and he’s not going to go in. The one who was sent by Liu Biao to protect Mrs. Cai’s is a weak hand. Although there are no first-class military commanders, they are all military-level figures, and the third-rate military commanders also have a dozen. If Liu Wei can hardly rush in, but after rushing in, although it has already left Fuyang, but the garrison of Xiangyang arrived here, but it was just a few teas, and finally was trapped by the army.

"Don't say daytime, we can go at night!" Jia Wei was stunned by Liu, but then he climbed up and the action was faster than the young man.

"Going at night? What are you talking about at night? Men and women love?!" Liu Wei just wanted to kill the old fox. In the evening, she sneaked into Mrs. Cai’s house and even negotiated with Mrs. Cai, but they would What do you think of breaking into a woman's room late at night, not being a ghost of a flower thief.

"There is no way. Now, in addition to some cockroaches, Mrs. Cai will go out and buy rouge gouache. Basically, she is not allowed to enter!"

"Rouge gouache?!" Liu Wei heard this thing and stunned it.

"Yeah, rouge gouache!" Jia Yu nodded, no woman loves beauty, even if Mrs. Cai is not unconventional, makeup is a woman, even if it is a vacation, Mrs. Cai wants to be beautiful.

"Rouge gouache, rouge gouache! Makeup, make-up! With!" Liu Wei suddenly laughed.

"What's the Lord?!" Jia Wei looked at Liu Wei and wondered, "You will not want to make up into the house of Mrs. Cai!! This is absolutely impossible, never!" Jia Wei Meng De shakes Shaking his head, let him enter Jia’s house, Mr. Jia, may promise, let him make up a woman, it’s better to kill him.

"Let you make up your face, you have such an old cockroach!" Jia Wei is such a triangle eye eagle hook nose, such a sly daring who wants.

"I mean, this is not to buy rouge gouache, where are they going to buy rouge gouache?!" Liu Wei asked.

"Of course it is in Fuyang!" Jia Zhang on the side replied.

"Yeah! Although it is not far from Fuyang, it is not close!" Liu Wei pointed to the front of Mrs. Cai’s house and said, “Even if it takes a half-hour to ride a carriage, the journey of this half hour can be uncomfortable!” The ancients did not think of the slogan of wanting to get rich first, so there is no smooth road under the foot of Jingshan Mountain. It takes a long time to make a carriage. It is very difficult for a woman to go back and forth.

Into the city to buy rouge gouache must be a woman, how to choose a man's rough hands, so that these women do not like to make a carriage to buy rouge gouache, but this is their master needs, must go Get rid of it.

But if a door-to-door sales of rouge gouache is sold, this gang will certainly be very happy.

"But the lord, you can't enter the house of the Cai family!" Jia Wei wondered, you can buy the money directly outside the house, and how do you get in?

"Oh, that's an ordinary rouge gouache businessman, and I sell it differently from them!" Liu Wei laughed and said.

"Is it different?!"

"You will know when you get there! Go back, the sky is already late to prepare for another tomorrow!" The night gradually landed, and now it is impossible to sell any rouge powder, it is better to go back directly. Come back tomorrow.


Liu Wei’s carriage left. In the opposite of Cai Fu, the lights gradually faded.

"Mrs. It's up to you!" In the courtyard, a man and a woman are sitting opposite each other, and they are playing against each other.

Black and white twins, cross-bright, white characters are held by men, white children first, this is a ritual of the ancients. This is not a question of humility. White is the yin and yang of the yin and yang, the yang is the sky, and the yin is the earth.

Bai Zi first attacked, step by step, and the sunspots were not far behind, and they were not allowed to occupy the entire country.

Holding a sunspot is a white jade beauty, she is very dignified and looks very exciting. And there is a noble temperament of a lady.

And holding a white child is a black fat man, looks very ugly. But this person has a natural demeanor. If you don't look at that face, it is also a person who points to the mountains.

"This game lost!" This is called the wife is the master of this mansion, is also the wife of Liu Jing, the daughter of Jingzhou, Mrs. Cai, although Mrs. Cai is very proficient in the pieces, but loses, but loses, but Nor is it a person who can't afford to lose.

"Oh, my wife promised, the inheritance, the scholarship is fortunate!" This modest black fat man Liu Wei saw that he must have a punch in this black fat face, this person is not Liu Yurao Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan of a life.

Pang Shiyuan’s eyes sparkled, and although the two killed the tragic on the chessboard, they both knew that their minds were not here.

"This is already the third day! I hope that the words spoken by Mr. Pang Tong will be honored!" The white jade beauty on the side looked at the black fat words in front of him.

"Of course! I have never confessed to Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan! This is the third day, and two days, the lady wants to be true!" Pang Tong is also smiling relative to the white jade beauty.

"That is the best!" Bai Yumei nodded. "It's not too early, I am tired, I will not accompany my husband!" Bai Yumei got up and talked to Pang Tong.

"I don't bother my wife! Please, please!" Pang Tong also nodded and stood up. "Give me the lady!"

The white jade beauty turned and left the courtyard under the service of several son-in-law to walk toward his main courtyard.

Looking at the departure of the white jade beauty, Pang Tong’s face showed a smile.

"The military commander is high, this strategy is out, it is necessary to let the fake Wang Liu Yu disappointing, and finally there is no grain and grass collapse in Yangzhou, the confiscation of the Lord's gang is removed!" Going forward to Pang Tong, he was arrogant.

"Don't care! There are still two days. After two days, there will be a certain number!" Pang Tong did not directly be happy, but he was cautious. He could not lose again. He entered Jingzhou and killed Pang in addition to the beginning. The sly messenger won a lot. At other times, he was losing all the way, and losing was lost. He didn’t insist on the end, so this time Pang Tong must endure his heart and must insist on the end.

On the top of Luokoudu, Zhang Fei was arrested by Huang’s men and caught the wrong peach blossoms. Now he is still lying on the bed, and Liu’s state pastor’s house, the original Pangshan people’s troubles, was also broken by Liu Wei. Even Liu Wei gave vomiting blood. After the marriage of his family, Pang Tong lost the four thousand gold in vain, and almost put himself in. How could this evil bet?

"After two days, I must let him lose the loss of Liu Wei!" Pang Tong was also worried.

"Army, what about the Lumen Academy that Mrs. Cai said?" The men on the side continued to ask, this time Mrs. Cai has never seen Liu Wei, which is the ghost of Pang Tong. Among them, Liu Wei should be seen. After all, Liu Wei is the king of the Han Dynasty. Even if he counts it, Liu Wei is his nephew. She is Liu Wei’s sister, and even the Yue and the Liangliang brothers give Liu. I wrote a letter of recommendation. In the relationship between Cai Jia and Kuai, Mrs. Cai also wanted to give her face, but Mrs. Cai has always avoided it, that is because Pang Tong.

Originally, Pang Tong could not affect Mrs. Cai, but Pang’s unified words made Mrs. Cai’s heart move. That is the Lumen Academy. Pang Degong of Pang’s family established the Lumen Academy, although Pang’s family never occupied the Lumen Academy. The benefits, but everyone will associate the Lumen Academy with the Pang family, so once the next owner inherits the Pang family, then his position in the Lumen Academy is also detached. He used the Lumen Academy to seduce. Mrs. Cai.

Pang Tong told Mrs. Cai that it was Mrs. Cai who did not see Liu Wei. Then Pang Tong will let Lumen College support the second son Liu Zong. On the other hand, the second son Liu Cheng will inherit the Datong.

Although Lumen Academy is not a party. However, it is detached in Jingzhou, because 60 to 80 percent of the officials in Jingzhou are from the Lumen Academy. It can be said that Lumen Academy is a transcendental force.

Mrs. Cai not only has Liu Qi’s eldest son, Liu Qi, because this person is only a moderate person. There are not many advisers and men in his family. Not many big families are helping him. He is worried about Lumen Academy, although Lumen College Hundreds of flowers bloom. However, his roots are still Confucianism, and Confucianism advocates Zhou Li's eldest son inheritance system. They believe that Liu Qi inherits the Datong, so that the turmoil in Jingzhou will not appear as an example for later successors.

Liu Zong, who has the support of Cai Jiahe and his family, is not afraid of Liu Qi’s power. He is afraid that this Lumen Academy will have nothing to do with it. At that time, it’s really not good. If you really want Zhou Li’s words, you can only let Liu Qi Got a big position.

Now, Pang Tong actually ran over and told Mrs. Cai that as long as Mrs. Cai cooperated, then Lumen College would certainly support the second son Liu Cheng to inherit the big position. Who is Pang Tong, he is the heir to Pang. The Pang family is a total of two heirs, one is Pang Degong's son Pang Shanmin, and the other is Pang Tong. Pang Shanmin is a man of honesty. He said that it is a gentleman. It is a good man to say that it is not a good person. A person who sells him back to the honest people who counted the money, you said that the Pangde Association will give in to the majority of the Pang family. Who is it for? Once Pang Tong inherited the Pang family, Pang Tong was really able to speak at the Lumen Academy.

Mrs. Cai does not need the support of Lumen Academy, as long as the Lumen Academy does not want to go and stand in the opposite side.

Pang Tong’s words will naturally touch her, so he will not give Liu Wei any face or just not meet.

Now Pang Tong’s men ask Pang Tong to ask what to do after this time. Is it true that Lumen Academy is helping? Not to mention the other, Pang Tong can not command the Lumen College is a problem.

"My uncle, he should leave the big part of the Pang family to me!" Pang Tong muttered to himself, the former he used a positive tone, but now he is using a doubtful tone, because The recent uncle has changed too much. It is also kind of love to Pang Tong, but a sigh. Pang Tong can't guess the old fox's thoughts, but he can feel uneasy.

"Yes, it will be!" Pang Tong is reassuring himself. His brother is not a pioneer. If Pang gave it to his brother Pang Shanmin, then Pang quickly fell from the family and became The clan is out, because Pang Shanmin does not argue.

"When I got the big position of Pang, support did not support, isn't it with me?!" Pang Tong sneered, and he promised that this Mrs. Cai would not do it after him, because the family is If you have enough interests, your allies can betray, let alone this verbal promise.

The first thing to solve first is Liu Wang, who smashed Yangzhou. After that, it was Jingzhou. If he supported Liu Zong to benefit his main public, Liu Bei, then he would support Liu Zong. If Liu Qi is good for his lord Liu Bei, he will Support Liu Qi, anyway, this Jingzhou is also what he wants to get.

"The military is a high-caliber, high-caliber!" Pang Tong's men are still smacking, Pang Tong is also tired after a day of chess, and immediately went to wash and rest.

"Madam, is this black fat man really saying?! Will he support the general public?" Pang Tong had his men, and this Mrs. Cai naturally had a confidant, and a son-in-law had come to speak to Mrs. Cai.

"Really fake?!" Mrs. Cai herself could not guess, the whole family was intrigued, there were a few false words in the truth, but Mrs. Cai really paid too much attention to Liu Zong. In other words, it is too important. Her Cai family, if Liu Cheng inherited the big position of Jingzhou, then the entire Cai family can still be a high-ranking family in Jingzhou, and if Liu Qi inherited the large position of Jingzhou, then Cai family is not a family. I am afraid that it is difficult to keep my family life. After all, the ending of Deng’s family is there. A family of one emperor, Mrs. Cai will never allow such an ending.

The so-called concern is chaotic, so Pang unified that he can let Lumen Academy support Liu Zong, and she immediately agreed to Pang Tong’s request.

"Whether it is true or not, I just want that Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan to recognize my friendship. In the end, even if he does not help. Just as good as neutral!" Mrs. Cai only had such a small request.

"Well, I won't say much! There are still two days. You are ready to go, we have to go back to Fuyang!" Mrs. Cai can be said to be the most boring one this time.

"Yes!" The son-in-law nodded to prepare the water for the bath.


"What. The barbarian man woke up?!" Liu Yiyi returned to the house of Yanliang, and immediately heard the news. In order to be able to get out of the city, Liu Wei has been using the excuse of the media. Stay on the house of Yanliang.

I heard this news when I returned to the house of Yanliang. This barbarian man can still really sleep. It has been a few days since I was stunned by Liu Wei. It’s been a few days now. With the help of the doctor and the help of the liquid food, I am afraid that this barbarian man has already died!

"Take me with me!" This barbarian man was brought by Liu Wei. Naturally, Liu Wei is required to solve it.

"Is it inside?!" Under the leadership of Chen Bo, Liu Wei quickly walked into the room of this barbarian man.

I saw that the entire door was closed, and it was still a mess outside.

Seeing this scene Liu Wei immediately brows is a wrinkle "What is going on!" Liu Wei asked Chen Bo on the side.

"His Royal Highness, this, this barbarian man woke up and made a big noise, but also injured a few son-in-law, or a few strong men of Mr. Jia Wei, this can force this barbarian man into this room! "Chen Bowei, this barbarian man was brought back by Liu Wei, Chen Bo did not dare to dispose of it privately, plus the barbarian princess, so he could only force this barbarian man into this room and wait for Liu Wei to come back and say other.

"Injured?!" Liu Wei's face is very unsightly. Because this barbarian man almost killed himself, although Liu Wei later knew that he was going to save the princess of their family. But this is not the reason why Liu Wei relieved.

"You come over!" Liu Wei saw a few son-in-law on the side, the obvious face was crying, and immediately pointed to a son-in-law to let him come over and ask questions.

These son-in-law saw Liu Wei’s name and went to Liu Wei’s face with a bit of trepidation. He was afraid that Liu Wei would blame him. They were beaten by the son-in-law, and those who might beat people could still abandon their own hand. Blame them.

"How are you?!" Liu Wei’s first sentence made these girls a little bit safe.

"We're fine, nothing!" The son-in-law shook her head. They didn't dare to say the words that were beaten. Chen Bo also stood on the side and didn't seem to want to be out of the tree. He was beaten when he was beaten. This barbarian man is brought by Liu Wei. of. He is afraid of Liu Wei’s dilemma.

"Nothing? Why are you crying when you have nothing?" Liu Wei continued to ask, "Hey, aren't you three people, there is another person!"

Liu Wei remembered that when he took care of the barbarian man, Chen Boke sent three people.

"My sister went to rest!" The son-in-law returned carefully.

"Relax!!" Liu Wei sneered a sneer, what to rest, the son-in-law has no status, basically when there is a rest, as long as the owner has a request to stay, even if the rest is rest outside the door.

"Tell me exactly what happened, what happened! Otherwise, you should know!" Liu Wei’s face was cold, and he knew what he said to the daughter-in-law, they would not tell Liu Wei. And Chen Bo will not speak too much in order not to make himself embarrassed, and the only injury is only these son-in-law.

Liu Wei is not the same as him. Now he has been killed on the battlefield. Once he is cold, he will be a warrior with two battles.

"My sister, my sister, I was wounded by the one inside, and I was taken down and treated!" The two son-in-law couldn’t stand it and said it.


"Spit blood!" Nuwa continued to add.

"His Royal Highness, but a girl!" Chen Bo also wanted to make a big deal.

"Yeah, it’s just a son-in-law," Liu said with a sigh. The world has long been the world of Liu Wei. Even the world of hi Liu Wei is privileged and mean, and this son-in-law. It is a despicable person.

Hearing the words of Liu Wei, the two son-in-law bowed their heads. They thought that Liu Wei could give them a head, but who made them a son-in-law?

"But that is also the son-in-law of my Han people. I can only play it myself. Someone else still has no qualifications!" Liu Wei snorted.

"His Royal Highness!"

"Hey. Some of the savage sons dare to let go." Liu Wei snorted and said, "Come to take my sword!"

"Boom!" Liu Wei got his long sword and opened the door and rushed in.

"Han people? Not a good thing." The man of the barbaric man saw Liu Wei who rushed into the room. But then I was cold-eyed, because the Han Chinese remembered to play with him. Immediately stepped forward and rushed toward Liu Wei.

"Just looking for death!" Liu Wei sneered, he was originally looking for this barbaric account, and now he rushed over, the province's own trouble.

Before Liu Bei almost died in the hands of this barbarian, it was because Liu Wei was in a state of sorrow. If it was not stunned, this barbarian man could not kill Liu Wei.

This fight, Liu Wei knows that this barbarian man really can not be underestimated, and even has the strength of second-rate peak. Moreover, he is even higher than Liu Wei. That is because this person is not a half-way person who is a monk, but a person who has been smelting since childhood, and his bones are higher than Liu Wei’s, but There is no martial arts strong.

When he came up, Liu Wei was in the wrong wind. The long sword in the hands of Liu Wei was not airtight, and this man was only able to fight for it, and it was difficult to fight back.

"The Han people are mean and have weapons!" The barbarian man was furious, but he was the first warrior in the family. But now it is being beaten by Liu Yuqu, can not be angry!

"Weapons are good. Give it to you!" The barbarian man's weapon was put together with Liu Wei's sword. Liu Wei's sword sent the steel bar of the natural barbarian man. Liu Wei flew to him with a long sword.

"Let's go!" Liu Wei gave the steel fork to the barbarian man, and the barbarian man was very satisfied with the play.

"How can the Han people be afraid?!" The barbarian man dismissed Liu Wei.

"Afraid? I am afraid that I can't open it here!" Liu Wei said to the barbarian man. "Go into the courtyard!"

Liu Wei took a step forward and followed the barbarian man.

"Okay, just here!" Liu Wei stopped.

"The Han people are killed!" The barbarian man picked up the steel fork and this strength really improved.

But even if this can be done, "Hey!" Liu Wei snorted, the sword in his hand was shining, the method of fencing, Liu Wei learned from Xu Wei’s hands, don’t underestimate Xu Wei, although Xu Wei is A scribe, he is also famous for his strategy, but he is also a ranger. Once he was a countryman, Xu Wei was because he saw that swordsmanship can only kill people instead of treating people, and it is easy to be looked down upon. Really learn the strategy.

Xu Wei’s method of fencing, even Zhang Fei is almost unable to take it, can see the strength of Xu Wei.

Xu Wei’s sword method is fast and heavy. This is what Liu Wei wants. What is Liu Wei’s weapon? It is a shield axe. The shield axe is originally a weapon that needs strength, so Xu Wei’s epee is also Liu’s path.

"Han people, not enough strength!" Barbarian man with the steel fork in his hand and Liu Wei's long sword staggered, the strength of the steel fork is a little stronger, Liu Wei's long sword was pressed.

"Not enough! Then let you have a good time!" Liu Wei increased the strength of his hands, said in front, Liu Wei's body he did not know how it happened, his strength is multiplying, Liu I haven’t broken through the refining of the gods, but the strength in my hands is already a thousand miles.

This barbarian man took advantage of his size and was prepared to press Liu Wei, but it was obvious that he had made a mistake.

"Come and try!" Liu Yu’s sword in his hand once again killed the past. The barbarian man’s face was scorned, and he was ready to give Liu Wei another horse.

But when he touched, he stopped, because the steel fork in his hand was too strong, and he almost didn't hold the steel fork and dropped it on the ground.

"Hey!" Liu Wei can not give him the martial arts, go up is a slap in the face of the barbarian man.

"Han, you are looking for death!" Whether it is a barbaric or a Han Chinese, it is very uncomfortable to be slap in the face.

"This slap is a beginning!" Liu Wei extended a finger and said.

"The Han people are killed!" This barbarian man broke out. Liu Wei felt the momentum. He was stunned by this barbarian man. This barbarian man emerged as a threat of tiger leopard, right! It is the feeling of being stared at by the tiger.

Liu Wei really struggled with a tiger, so this feeling is even more profound, and now the barbarian man is to let Liu Wei have an illusion, he is not a person, but a tiger.

The barbarian man slammed directly into Liu Wei, like a tiger going down the mountain.

"Good to come" saw the barbarian man swooping over, Liu Wei directly connected to the epee, and turned directly to the front.

"Hey!" A terrified tiger whistle was uploaded in the house of Yanliang and passed to a room.

"Well?! Tiger?" In this room, a woman with the exquisite face of a Han Chinese woman and the healthy black complexion of a barbarian woman suddenly stood up.

"The tiger is still alive, still alive!" This gorgeous woman is Liu Lu, who worked hard for a night to detoxify the barbarian princess. Upon hearing this voice, the barbarian rushed out for the table.

"This lady, you can't go out!" A man outside the door stopped the barbarian princess.

"Let's get out!" The barbarian princess yelled, but Jia Wei's men did not retreat in the slightest. Instead, they stepped forward and tried to force the barbarian princess into the room.

The subconscious barbarian princess is about to step back, because he wants to escape from here in the past few days, but he has been forced to go back again and again.

"Hey!" This tiger's voice rang again, more violent than the previous tiger screams, the barbarian princess eager to "let open!" The barbarian princess did not retreat and rushed directly toward Jia Zhang's men.

"Offended!" This three-way military commander lowered his head and stepped forward. His responsibility was not to let the woman leave the room.

The third-rate military commander looked at the barbarian princess and was fierce. He had to defend on the spot, but suddenly the barbarian princess faltered.

"What?!" Jia Wei's men stunned, because this barbarian princess is too illegal, she actually grabbed the beam of the house and rushed to the roof!

"Stand up!" Jia Wei's men slammed the natural speed and couldn't catch up with him. The three guards were here. Because of the barbarian man, the two men were transferred away, and the other one was broken by the barbarian princess. And out.

"Tiger, tiger!" The barbarian princess did not care about the Jiaxun's men who followed him. She is now in a hurry, because the sound of the tiger's whistle is getting higher and higher, and it is getting more and more urgent.

Other people can't hear it. Only the barbarian princess knows that this rushing tiger whistle represents what it means, and it means that the tiger is desperate, and the tiger has encountered a deadly enemy. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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