My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 483: give away

From the roof directly fell down a young woman, although this woman is dressed in a Han Chinese dress, but it is obvious that there is no such thing as the euphemism of the Han woman, but a wildness, she took it The skirt that wraps the leg is torn apart, but it becomes a kind of trousers. If the person who makes the dress knows that it is not mad.

"Well?!" Jia Biao frowned. The woman he saw was not the barbarian princess of the banquet. How could she be here, not letting his men look at her?

"Adult!" I saw Jia Wei, the good man who had been chasing the barbarian princess and rushed forward to lower his head and hold his fists.

"The subordinates are incompetent, let this lady rush out!" This Jia Zhang’s hand was reported to Jia Zhang with a sly look.

"This is not your fault!" Jia Wei also saw this barbarian princess rushing out, although this barbarian princess is a woman, but the effort under the hand is not bad, otherwise it is impossible to send three people at the beginning. Take care of him, this barbarian princess can rush out, and half of the reason is Jia Zhang. It is justifiable that a person can’t take care of it.

The barbarian princess fell down and rushed to the barbaric man in the mouth and shouted "Tiger, Tiger!"

"Princess!" The tiger was originally very scared of Liu Wei. The kind of **** look of Liu Wei just scared him. He was very vigilant against Liu Wei. This is a kind of Escaped from the dead, this time I saw the barbarian princess falling down, taking care of the fear in my heart, and my face showed a big smile.

"Tiger!" The barbarian princess squid looked at the barbarian man in front of him and was also excited. Since she was driven out by the tribe. The basic people in the family are far from her. Even rejecting her, but this time she can save her only the tiger, he still does not forget that her princess from the tribes from the Wuxi barbarian to the Jingzhou Xiangyang came to save her. The feelings of this are difficult to explain in words.

A barbarian ran to the Han Chinese territory, here is Xiangyang, but a heavy land, once you can't get it. Then this barbarian man will follow along with it, even if he succeeds, I am afraid it is difficult to get out of town. Just like now, if I have encountered the frame of Liu Wei and others, I am afraid they have been brought back by the Huang family. The barbarian man can't live naturally.

"You are not allowed to hurt the tiger!" The barbarian princess stood directly in front of this barbarian man like a hen guarding his own chicken, and opposite him is Liu Wei.

"I can't control it!" Liu Wei looked at his hands with disappointment. It seems that it is time to be silent for a while. Liu Wei’s outbreak today is not formed in a day or two, starting from Luokoudu. After several hard struggles, Liu Wei became more and more unable to control himself. In order to kill the corpse, there is a natural preference for killing. This time, the barbaric man’s unyielding, just brought Liu’s suffocation to bring out such a scene.

"Blood marks?!" This barbarian princess walked in and out, and Jia Zhang saw that her dress was printed with blood.

This barbarian princess was injured. Jia Zhang could not help but look at his men.

"Adults, their subordinates can't catch up, they can only get rid of the hand!" Jia Wei's men looked at Jia Zhang and looked at himself and explained naturally.

"Princess, are you hurt?!" The tiger also noticed that he smelled bloody, and thought it was his own body, but it was not right. After the painful look on the princess's face, he saw the wound.

"Hey, Han people, I am fighting with you! Dare to hurt the princess!" The barbarian man saw the barbarian princess hurt, and immediately became furious, and the face once again showed wildness.

"Spell it? If you want to die, you will come!" Liu Wei said that he was reluctant to stand on the side and said with a sneer. Liu Wei didn't want to shoot, but it didn't mean he couldn't kill this man, and Jia Hao's masters are also watching. It is more than enough to kill this barbarian man with their current ability, because this barbarian man is basically disabled by Liu Wei.

"Hey!:" Although the tiger is afraid of Liu Wei, Liu Wei’s provocation and his own princess are hurting him.

"The tiger stops!" The barbarian princess on the side is much more clever. She can see the reality of the scene in front of her. A Liu Wei is enough for them. She and Liu Wei are not sleeping. Liu Even if one hand can press her, even if the tiger is not injured, it can still hit a dozen, but now there is no chance of winning, and there are other men on the side, and the guards in the house of Yiliang are also trapped. Above this scene, there is only one dead end.

"What do you want?!" Barbarian Princess squid looked at Liu Wei, she knows that this group of people who hate him is the core of this group.

"I don't want anything! Since you are out, then quickly pack me up and get rid of it! You don't welcome you!" Liu Wei did not have the slightest affection for this barbarian princess and the barbarian man. What did he say about Liu Wei? The people who saved them, but the two of them did not know what to do, and one still hurts, this is already disgusting Liu Wei.

"You want to let us go?!" The barbarian princess stunned. She thought that this man needed to serve him. After the hardship, he exchanged for the barbarian man to leave, or live, this is not the consistent practice of the Han people, but did not expect Liu Wei is going to let them go.

"Otherwise?!" Liu Wei said with a sigh of relief, "I will save you, don't know how to be good!"

"You save us?!" The barbarian princess was okay. When he heard the words like Liu Wei, he immediately jumped up. Is he called salvation? If that is called salvation, then the barbarian princess would rather die.

"How can you not be convinced? If it is not me, you are already dead!"

"I don't need you to save! Who wants you to save," said the squid princess's face.

"Princess, he saved you?!" asked the tiger on the side.

"Well, OK, OK! You don't need me to save, hurry to leave me, and now you have time to go out of town. No one is going to chase you!" Liu Wei knew it before. This barbarian princess was bought by the Huang brothers. But on the way, it was intercepted by people. This person is this barbarian man, and then they met them and they were protected by Liu Wei.

Liu Wei is now not wanting to talk to these two people for a moment. Let them go. Tomorrow, Liu Wei still has something to do.

"Princess, let's go!" The tiger on the side pulled the Rama Princess, regardless of whether he was Liu or not. Now Liu Wei let them leave. He didn't want to come to Fuyang, not to save. Princess! Now that I have saved it, I can leave.

"I don't want to go!" Originally, Liu Wei was turned over, but the barbarian princess was self-willed.

"Princess?!" The tiger snorted. Why not go?

"I am hurt!" said the barbarian princess, pointing to her ankle. Although the darts were taken down, it was still blood.

"Jia, give them two money, give them a carriage, let them get out, I don't want to see them for a moment!" Liu Wei said to Jia Wei on the side, he was injured on his feet, went to spend money to find a The doctor is fine, there is no way to hurry. Then take the carriage.

"Yes!" Jia Wei nodded and said to the barbarian princess, "Please ask this princess here!" This is to take him to get the money.

"Do you think so?" When I heard Liu Wei’s disgusting look, the barbarian princess squid, the rebellious mentality suddenly came up. Liu Wei refused to let her go. She just wants to escape, but now Liu Wei let her go, but she does not want to leave.

"What do you want to do?! Save you, but also hurt my house!"

"That night you bullied me, that's it!" Barbarian princess squid is said to be blushing. Although she is a little bit spicy, although she is a bit more generous, she still can't be very light on this kind of thing. I can only say it with a red face.

"Princess, he bullied you!" The tiger was anxious when he heard it. Although he was a barbarian, his brain was not good enough, but he could understand this meaning, and immediately a pair of big bells Knocked up.

This squid princess said this, the people on the side turned their eyes to Liu Wei, this squid princess said yes, do you abandon the family after so bullying? At that time, the squid princess was intoxicated. This pharmacy is a kind of stimulant, but it needs to be excreted when the male lover loves it. Otherwise, it is really poisoned and died. It is Liu Wei who detoxifies the squid princess.

"The tiger has nothing to do with you!"

"I?!" Liu Wei looked at the expressions of the people on the side. He wanted to explain, but he didn't know what to say. Didn't you tell them that this detoxification can help solve the problem besides the male and female love? Liu Wei’s arm was cramped that night. This kind of hard work and who is going to say it. "I am going to detoxify you, or you will die!" Finally Liu Wei took out such a sentence.

"Cough, the lord, this big lady and the three ladies are not there, you see this!" Jia Yu face on the side with a smile in the face of Liu Wei, is reminding Liu Wei, Grandma Ms. Lu Da and Qiao Yu is not there, you don't want to install it.

"Roll!" Liu Yiyi pointed to Jia Wei and let him die.

"If that's the case, I would rather die than save you!"

"Then what are you going to do!" Liu Wei is taking this barbarian princess, what do you want?

"I want to marry you!" This barbarian princess dared to say it, and said it directly.

"Hey!" Liu Wei almost did not fall to himself.

"Marry me?" Surrounded me, Liu Wei is really afraid of this barbarian princess, Liu Wei's two tigress tigers do not know how to deal with it, here is another one? If it is the kind of gentleness and kindness of everyone, Liu Wei can still accept it, but this barbarian princess is obviously not a person of security. If this is brought back, Liu Wei will not live, and the whole backyard will be on fire. How do two wives who are obviously violent?

What's more, Liu Wei can still clearly remember the kind of black face that his cheap father-in-law saw when he took Yuan Fang and Qiao Yu, and then brought it back, Liu Wei would sweep out the door.

"Impossible!" Liu Wei directly refused. Liu Wei is still young and wants to live a few more years, not to mention that he and the barbarian princess have no husband and wife, so he will not die. The backyard is still not exploding.

"Princess you?!" The tiger is completely stupid. What the princess was saying, she wants to marry this Han Chinese? And this Han Chinese is still unwilling.

"Then you will kill me!" The barbarian princess bluntly said. She is not crazy. But she thought about it. After she was invaded by Liu Wei, she thought of killing Liu Wei. She is different from the ordinary barbarian woman. It is because her father is a very old man, but her mother is a Han Chinese woman, so for the Han Chinese Some etiquette is still known, and it is very curious for the Han people's world under the mother's deafness, so it is more important for their own chastity.

The man in front of him took her away. She can't kill this man anymore, naturally she only marries him, and then, according to the barbaric standard, Liu Wei is still a handsome guy! It’s not ugly, right?

"I! I! I!" Liu Wei really wants to pick up a long sword and smashed the barbarian princess in front of him, but he can't do it, because this barbarian princess is a woman after all, although Liu Wei was Saved her, but the touch touched, and should not touch it. Therefore, Liu Wei is a guilty conscience.

Liu Wei was caught in a dilemma. This barbarian princess said that it was impossible. It’s impossible to kill, Liu Wei is simply bungee jumping.

"What's wrong, is it difficult for His Royal Highness?!" A voice of laughter came out of the inner court. Two middle-aged men came out with a smile. The two middle-aged men stood together and grew. Very similar, both of them have a noble momentum, which is developed over a long period of time.

"Mr. Zirou? Mr. Alien?!" Jia Wei saw the two men clinging to the two men, the coming is the two brothers.

Jia Wei is holding a fist at them. Naturally, both of them will return. After all, Jia Wei is a counselor of Liu Wei, and his status is not low. Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Jia and Jia.

"Yu Liang, there is the old fox that smashed!" Liu Wei also saw these two people.

"What can be difficult to get to our Royal Highness!" The more smiley face came.

"I want to marry him, but he doesn't want me!" The barbarian princess on the side didn't even know what the woman's arrogance was. She said it straight out.

Because the woman does not say this, I am afraid that when it comes to marriage, it is shameful to avoid it. It is not such a heroic.

"A pretty woman!" Liu Wei stood on the side and complained.

I heard Liu’s words, and then I realized that it was a barbarian woman. It’s no wonder. The Wuxi barbarian is still good. After all, it’s close to the Han people, and he will wear some clothes and the south. Among them, there are even more wild tribes, the women inside are not wearing clothes! Directly licking the breasts, this barbarian princess wears a Han Chinese dress, so he squats, but then he knows the identity of the squid and then understands.

The barbarians do not have as many rules as the Han people. The women are also straightforward people. They like to like them. But the more they have heard that the barbarian woman has met the favorite man and will directly hit the man’s mind spoon with a big stick. take away. I thought it was just a joke, but it was really a fact to see the behavior of this barbarian woman.

"Why should you be angry with the king of the king? It is not normal for men and women to love this!" Yan Liang did not speak but the old fox yelled. Liu Wei had never seen this old fox say so much. At the beginning, Liu Wei came to Jingzhou. The old fox had three sentences.

"The king of the king is good, and the king of the king is young and promising. See you under the palace of the king!" Now it has become a story.

Yan Liang on the side stood by and smiled, and his big brother became a voice, then it means that someone has to be counted.

"I tell you that we are impossible. I have already married my wife. It is impossible!" Liu Wei wants to dispel the thoughts of the barbarian woman. It is for the wife to marry, and that is Nayong, this is Two things, Liu Wei’s wife, a wife, has already had it.

It is impossible to marry.

"Do you have a wife?!" Although it is normal for a Han to have a wife, I don't know why the barbarian's psychology is uncomfortable.

"Yeah, so I can't marry you!" Liu Wei was dismissing the idea of ​​this barbarian princess and quickly sent her away. "You still go back to your Wuxi, do your princess, I can't match it." your!"

The barbarian princess is a little hurt, but the sorrow on the side is not letting Liu Wei ah. "His Royal Highness, his wife can't, but can be stunned!" He looked at Liu Wei with a smile.

"Nara?!" The barbarian princess's eyes were lighted up again. For this barbarian princess, Nayong is still a wife. There is no difference. In her opinion, as long as it is in the door, it will be fine.

"Different degree?!" Liu Wei is simply gnashing his teeth. Originally, this barbarian chick has to leave. Maybe Liu Wei will get rid of this big trouble, but this is a strange sentence, but let this barbarian chick actually Rekindled something called hope.

It seems that I don’t see the expression of Liu’s cheeks on my face. Instead, I look at Liu Wei’s innocent look. Because of his identity, it’s because of his identity. It’s no problem, my family’s family is not prosperous. I want to know how many girls are kneeling under the knees. I can definitely recognize this girl as a prostitute. In this case, the king of the king will not be embarrassed! "The old fox is the old fox, even though he is now on the battleship of Liu Wei. However, it was always uncomfortable to be counted by Liu Wei. The old fox had to move this game back anyway. Liu Wei used his identity as a sorrowful county magistrate to hook up his son. Now he is going to use it. The identity of a prostitute made Liu Wei unhappy.

"You!" Liu Wei looked at the old fox and couldn't speak.

"Uncle!" This barbarian princess squid also climbed up the pole, and suddenly with the old fox you uncle, your niece screamed. Let Liu Qi feel itch.

Now, Liu Wei can not only get rid of this barbarian princess. Even if you can't see the net, you can't do it. After all, the barbarian pelican has already recognized the uncle as a prince. It counts as half her home, and Liu Wei is the guest!

"No more words are useless." Liu Wei's face is cold, and he wants to cut off this hope, because once he is entangled, Liu Wei can't bear to refuse, and the two tigresses in the family know, Liu Wei is dead. I don't know how to die. "Please go back to the squid girl!" Liu Wei knew from the squid and 蒯越's answer that the woman was called squid.

"You just don't want me!" This barbarian princess is also full of anger, she is like this, a woman is asking to marry a man, even if she is a barbarian woman can not take the initiative to look like this, But in the end, Liu Wei is still ruthless.

"Sorry!" Liu Wei lowered his head and said a sorry.

"Okay, okay, Liu Wei Liu Hanyang, don't regret it!" The squid was angry and he pointed at Liu Wei's nose. There is something called tears in the pupil above the face that is spinning.

"Absolutely not regret!" Liu Wei decided to give it a bit, although he can not stand the tears of women, but long-term pain is not as short-term pain.

"Han, you make the princess angry, and the tiger does not spare you!" The barbarian man looked at his princess sad, and angered on the side. For this princess, the tiger has always regarded her as her closest relative. If it weren’t for the princess, he and his brother might have died in the forest long ago.

Looking at the tiger, the tiger will be rushed to Liu Wei. Liu Wei will not stand back on the side. There is no such thing as a barbarian confession. Maybe the tiger can dare to shoot. Liu Wei will make him a dead person but more. Out, Liu Xin has a flaw in his heart. Naturally, he does not want to shoot. Under the gesture of Jia Wei, several good hands form an encirclement on the side of Liu Wei. As long as this tiger is shot, he can guarantee that he will not hurt Liu Gong.

"The tiger stops!" The squid stopped the road "Let's go!"

"Squid niece?!" 蒯越 now because the relationship between father and son and 睦 and his brother has improved, so 蒯 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 现在 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 还是 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认 认But there is also a kind of good feeling for this barbarian princess.

"Uncle Uncle's resignation, the next time the squid comes back to visit you!"

'Hey! "The more you want to talk, but you don't know what to say, you can only watch the squid leave.

"Jia, the carriage and the gold are ready! Don't send the squid girl!" Liu Wei shouted at Jia Zhang on the side.

"Yes!" Jia Wei left, but then came back again. I saw Jia Wei's face grinning and said to Liu Wei, "Lord, this squid girl said it was your thing, he didn't want anything!"

"Nothing is going on?!" Liu Wei clearly knows that this woman will do this "protect them along the way, don't let them discover, and they must safely **** them to Wuxi!"

"This thing is taught to the old!" The singer on the side replied, Liu Wei did not quit. In the Jingzhou, Jia's intelligence ability is not as good as that of the local snake. Say, it will be safe to send the squid back.

"It's your best place in the forest!" (To be continued.)

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