My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 484: woman

Everyone entered the main hall of the government, and Yan Liang did not dare to care for it. Liu Wei did not need to avoid it. Therefore, the main position of the government is Liu Wei sitting on the top, and the lower brother Jia Lan sits on the other side. .

"His Royal Highness, you haven't been able to see Mrs. Cai?!" He Yue came back with his younger brother. In addition to talking with Liu Wei about his son's marriage, there is another one to talk about Liu Wei who has not seen it for several days. Mrs. Cai’s business.

"Yes!" Liu Wei nodded. The three days were consumed by the plains. If there were no ideas for two days, Liu Wei was really hungry.

"Is there no recommendation letter from my king, I will pass it out?!" He continued to ask.

"Give it!" Jia Yu on the side spoke. "We sent the recommendation letter from the two gentlemen to the past, but the reply was that the lady was not in the mansion, let us come back in a few days!" How can Liu Wei go in the house?

"Someone is stalking in it!" When the old fox heard this, he knew that someone would intervene. Otherwise, it is impossible. The recommendation letter of the brothers, don’t say Mrs. Cai, I am afraid that even the head of Jingzhou can be Seeing that Mrs. Cai has an alliance with her family, she will give face to her.

"Is it Cai Wei, Cai Dejun?!" Yan Liang asked her brother's doubts and asked, can be stalked from it, and can let Mrs. Cai listen to his invisible guests, only Cai Wei is a brother. After the end of the day, Cai Wei was left with a blue face. The big things like this did not tell him that this ally, Cai Wei can be happy, and the family also joined Yangzhou, which made Cai Wei unhappy. Yan Liang looked at his brother because it knew more about Cai Wei than Yan Liang.

Who knows that Yu Yue is shaking his head. "It’s not a German brother!" Cai Wei of that day, though angry, left. However, after all, the more you chased the past. The relationship between the two is still quite good. It is just like that of Cai Wei. Although Cai Yi can't forgive, but it won't be stalked from it. At most, it's a matter of two, and it's not the point of tearing the face.

For Cai Wei, Liu Wei made him unhappy, but the power of this Pang family also made him jealous, and he was more jealous. After all, Liu Wei is just a Jianglong, and will leave sooner or later, and Pangjia and Lumen Academy are different.

"Who is that?!" The people frowned. Everyone thought for a while and thought of the same person, that is, Liu Wei’s current enemy is Pang Tong.

However, in a district, Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan can have any way to let the lady of a state obey! Even the face of his family is not sold.

"No need to think about it, tomorrow will naturally see the difference!" Liu Wei waved his hand, and tomorrow they will enter the house of Mrs. Cai. In the end, it is not clear who is doing it!

"Is there a way for His Royal Highness?!" He looked at Liu Wei and asked.

"Nature?" Liu Wei did not reveal how he saw Mrs. Cai, but showed a confidence.

"If you have a request, you can send someone to say it directly!" It is impossible for you to want neutrality. Now the whole Jingzhou knows that the family wants to marry Yangzhou, and the family is also tied to the chariot of Yangzhou. Even Liu Gong, the protagonist, heard this incident. He also specifically asked the singer to scream and ask him a question. The more he did not directly help Liu Wei to say good things, although his family’s family was Liu’s right arm, but one person’s words were not enough. When all the preparations for Liu Wei are done, they can work together.

"Thank you for the difference!" Liu Wei also nodded, can make this old fox to achieve this level is considered good.


On the second day, the day was just bright, Liu Wei pulled the old fox of Jia Wei. They had something to do today. When everything was ready, they went straight to the direction of Jingshan. Even taking breakfast is solved in the carriage.

"Lord, is it really good to wear this look?!" Jia Wei looked at Liu Wei with a look at his clothes.

"Why don't you want to wear it?!" Liu Wei also took out a set, a total of three sets, one of his Jia Zhang and one is Jia Wei's men.

"Not unwilling! Just this, this!" Jia Wei looked at the clothes in his hand. This is not the costume of the Han people. There are hats and chains on it, but the hat is not the Han people's dress, but a round hat.

"Don't be this one, I still don't want a small pill. You don't want to wear these clothes. When you pretend to be a grandson of the Taikoo, why didn't you feel embarrassed!" Liu Yi’s costumes are really not The Han people wear it, even if the ethnic minorities around the Han Dynasty are rarely worn, this is basically a fancy dress, like the dress of people in the Western Arab world.

"I wear, I wear!" For the small pills, Jia Wei can really fight.

"And this mustache, don't forget!" Liu Wei handed Jia Hao a beard directly to his mouth. Liu Wei turned around, it was very good, a fresh from the Western Region to the Dahan Merchants Foreign businessmen have appeared.

"The clothes are dressed, hard!"

"Is it just selling these things!" Liu Wei took out a few bottles from another package.

"It’s another day!" The sun soon rose from the east to a mansion under the foot of Jingshan. A beautiful woman slowly rose up under the sunshine.

Although the house that depends on Jingshan is not big, but there are many things inside, there are not many exotic flowers and plants. This is not the key. The key point is that one place here is really enjoyable and forgetful. .

The beautiful woman slowly started her body. Here is her residence. She is the hostess of Jingzhou. She came to this house to enjoy it. Every month she came here, she realized an ethereal spirit. The feeling, let her really relax, this kind of sunshine will make her very comfortable in the past, but today she did not feel this way.

Because this trip has changed its original meaning because of some people, it becomes boring and boring.

She came here every month to leave the city that represents the entire power center of Jingzhou, but now it has become sinister, so she does not like this kind of sunshine. I only hope that time will come to an end. Let her go.

The beauty sat up. Walked to the front of the dressing table, a shadow in the smooth bronze mirror emerged, even if it only got up, but there is still a graceful and beautiful beauty.

She caressed her face, but this kind of face is not appreciated. Whose woman does not think about spring, who does not want to be Prince Charming, but her identity is doomed to not have such an opportunity in her life. Political marriage, she married a man who had to be a teenager for a long time, even if this man is the master of Jingzhou, a member of this world, a sect of the Han Dynasty. personnel.

But it can't resist, the fact that this man is old, Fanghua has passed away, and there is still no need to let it go, it has already fallen.

The only thing that can appreciate yourself is yourself!

The beauty stood in front of the bronze mirror. She dresses her up, and she can only show herself a few sets of clothes. Still the same Fanghua generation.

"Hmm?!" Suddenly, the brow's brow wrinkled, and she had found a big crow's feet from the corner of the Fanghua. It seemed to be laughing at her. You are old, you are no longer a 28th year, no longer the cardamom girl.

The beauty wants to cover the crow's feet with the rouge gouache on the tabletop, but over and over with the rouge gouache, the crow's feet have not changed in the slightest, even because of the anger of the beauty, even the skin has begun to reveal other flaws. The face is no longer blown, but it becomes dry and becomes wilted.

"Ah!" The beauty couldn't stand it. The blush powder on the dresser was swept away and all of it fell on the ground.

"Madam, madam! So, what's wrong!" Hearing the movement of the inner room, the son-in-law outside would go in and see what happened, but it was stopped by this beauty.

The beauty tried to calm down her mind. "Nothing, but the rouge powder has fallen! No need to come in!"

For a long time, the beauty was re-dressed and walked out of the room to the hall.

There was already one person standing in the hall, not who is Pang Tong Pang Yuan.

"Mrs. Early!" Pang Tong saw Mrs. Cai’s arrival and bowed to him. Every day, Pang Tong got up very early.

"Yeah!" Mrs. Cai also nodded and returned to courtesy, and immediately sat at the table, and soon the servant brought the early food to the end.

"Don't you want to come?" Mrs. Cai greeted Pang Tong.

"No, ma'am! The whole family has already eaten!" Pang Tong retired, and Mrs. Cai did not insist, one person ate the early food.

"Madam, I don't know when my wife will return to the city!" Pang Tong waited for Mrs. Cai to finish eating and asked Mrs. Cai.

"Tomorrow, I have already cleaned up today!" Mrs. Cai replied. "What's wrong? Sir!"

"Nothing!" Pang Tong waved his hand. He wanted Mrs. Cai to leave this place early. As long as Mrs. Cai returned to Fuyang, the pseudo-Wang Liu would have nothing to do, but Pang Tong could not say so clearly because he did not let Mrs. Cai see it. Liu Wei has already been very human.

Can Mrs. Cai not see Pang Tong’s urgency? She saw it, but it was impossible to change too much because of Pang unified people. If she went back early, Liu Biao asked how to speak, saying that it was because Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan said that he would support the young son Liu Zong, so Mrs. Cai would listen to his words. Go back early?

"Mrs. will the chess game continue yesterday?!" Pang Tong asked with a smile.

"Mr. has this Yaxing, then continue!" Mrs. Cai nodded and reached, the ancients did not have much entertainment, this chess is one of them.

Pang Tong nodded. He went to the courtyard and prepared to put the pieces.

"Xiao Cui, my rouge gouache is not much, go to the city to help me buy some!" Mrs. Cai thought of what she said to her son-in-law.

"Know the lady!" Xiao Cui nodded. The rouge gouache that was bought the day before was not available now. But it was able to use the first half of the month. In the morning, Mrs. Cai’s sudden temper was overturned by the rouge gouache. Go to purchase.

Mrs. Cai went to play with Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan under the service of another son-in-law. The matter of buying rouge gouache naturally fell on Xiao Cui’s body. It’s not that she can’t let the next person go, but the lady’s use. Rouge gouache is only known to him.

Jingshan is still a long way from Fuyang City. So it is necessary to prepare for the carriage.


"Come here. Come!" Liu Wei, they saw a carriage outside the house of Mrs. Cai and prepared to leave from Mrs. Cai’s house. It is a son-in-law who rides on the carriage. When a woman leaves nature, she goes to buy rouge gouache.

"Jia, come, drink it!" Liu Wei said to Jia Wei on the side.

"Lord, don't!" Jia Wei was very embarrassed.

"What kind of thing is it! Fast!" Liu Wei directly squatted on Jia Wei's body.

This old fox was reluctant to call it up. "Good western glutinous rice, good western gouache, don't miss passing by, no one else has this family." Let Jia Wei be such a top adviser. The roadside singer sells and drinks, and only Liu Wei is such a wonderful master.

"Hmm?!" Sitting in the carriage, Xiaocui frowned. Although I have become accustomed to it, usually the lady will overturn the dressing table in the morning, so the rouge gouache is going to be bought again, but every time I go to Jingyang from Jingshan, this road is uncomfortable, it is all earth and stone pavement. Liu Biao also sent people to level out, but that can only change a little, this back and forth bumps are still very uncomfortable.

Xiao Cui is a son-in-law who is surrounded by Mrs. Cai, but she is only a servant. She can't do the kind of luxury carriage with many cotton pad downs. It can only be used for this kind of ordinary frame. How do you feel about it? Only Xiao Cui knows it.

In the morning, Xiao Cui is ready to bump again. However, it was the strange sound of the groom, and the carriage slowed down.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Cui asked.

"Jade girl, someone on the front of the official road is selling things! Blocking the official road!" The carriage reported to Xiao Cuihui, Xiao Cui is not in the middle of the house.

"Some people sell things?!" Xiao Cui brow wrinkled, but here is close to Jingshan, and to sell things, it is also sold in the sun.

"I still sell rouge gouache! There are several girls on such an official road!" The groom said with a smile.

"Rouge gouache?!" Xiao Cui took a look, she did not come out to sell rouge gouache, but then she was alert, it is too coincidental, she wants to buy something, someone sells.

"Directly past!" Xiao Cui said to the groom, this is too coincidental, Xiao Cui is ready to let the groom directly hit the horse, ignore it here.

"Yes, Cui girl!" Ma Fu nodded and raised the whip to speed up the carriage to leave.

"Want to leave?!" Liu Wei is also frowning. They are too awkward. There is no market here, and there are not many people. How can there be business selling rouge gouache? People who see it will naturally have a vigilant look.

"The sound is a little bigger!" Liu Wei was also taken to Jia Zhang, and now it is useful to rely on the words that he teaches Jia.

"With my family's rouge gouache, you are absolutely worth the money, 80 years old to 60, 60 to 30, 30 to 18! The skin is tender and young, young!"

"Stop!" The voice of Xiao Cui sounded again in the carriage.

"Cui girl?!"

Xiao Cui was attracted by Jia Yu’s screaming voice. Eighty, sixty, sixty, thirty? Thirty eighteen? Where is this rouge gouache, this is not a magical medicine, and it is still a child.

Which woman does not love beauty, Xiaocui grew up with Mrs. Cai and is also waiting for Mrs. Cai, so Mrs. Cai is close to thirty. She is also, she has a picky one for her appearance, who does not want herself. More beautiful! Even if she is just a son-in-law.

Thirty eighteen! This completely attracted Xiao Cui. Mrs. Xiao Cui Cai always wanted to marry her. Although Xiao Cui was accompanying the marriage, Liu Biao did not do it. It was because he did not have the energy, so Xiao Cui was still finished. The body, but, the years will always leave traces on the human face, Mrs. Cai, such a beautiful person will have wrinkles, let alone she is such a son-in-law.

Because of her age, Mrs. Cai is not good for her to find a family. If they are better, those people will be dissatisfied with Xiao Cui’s age. If they are almost, those old men, Mrs. Cai also Unwilling, he didn't want his tragedy to happen again in Xiao Cui, so he had been delayed.

Now, when I heard this thirty-eighteen change, Xiao Cui was moved.

"Cui girl, will this be fraudulent?!" Mafu shouted.

"This is outside of Fuyang!" Xiaocui replied. It is on the edge of Jingshan. Also on the edge of Fuyang. Not to mention the guards and horses above the house of Mrs. Jingshan Cai, even if the large forces of Fuyang came here, it was very fast, and there was no fear of Xiao Cui. It is better to look at it.

The curiosity of a woman is very powerful.

"There is a chance!" Liu Wei looked at a figure in the carriage. The information he got from Jia Wei knew that this woman should be the son-in-law of Mrs. Cai.

"You are selling rouge gouache?!" Xiao Cui walked down the carriage and asked Liu Wei and Jia Wei. The groom on the side is alert, and this person is also a person in the army.

"No!" Jia Wei said that he was not subconscious, but he changed his statement under the foot of Liu Wei. "Yes, yes, yes!"

"Girl. Our rouge powder is not blown by us. It can be said that the whole world is the second no one dares to say the first!" Liu Wei said to Xiaocui.

"A big tone!" Xiao Cui sneered and expressed disdain, but it even evoked her curiosity.

"Oh, we don't brag, if not, then the girl can take all our rouge gouache, don't pay a penny!"

"Hey, I have to look!" Xiao Cui came forward. This look at Liu Wei's desktop suddenly frowned.

Because there is no trace of rouge gouache on the tabletop, it is a white liquid-like thing. There are also some plaster-like things, even with a mask. Only that mask is so thin to cover it!

"Who are you in the end?! What are the attempts?" Xiao Cui immediately asked Liu Wei and Jia Yu, and he took a step back.

"We!" Jia Wei stood on the side and was going to step up and prepare to make up a reason. Liu Wei first spoke.

"We are coming from the Western Regions and going for Mrs. Cai!" Liu Wei said one step forward.

"The main public?!" Jia Wei looked at Liu Wei, Liu Wei, this directly said the old bottom.

"For the lady?!" Xiao Cui's vigilance is higher.

"Yes, for Mrs. Cai's arrival, we know that Jingzhou is prosperous and prosperous. We have bought the Western Region's rouge gouache from the Western Region and are ready to buy and sell in Jingzhou, but the girl also knows that it is difficult to sell in Jingzhou's rouge gouache. !" Liu Wei explained.

Jingzhou's various trade routes can be said to have the shadow of the sect. The glutinous gouache is also held by the Wu family in Gangneung. Ordinary businessmen who want to sell must obtain their permission!

"So we are coming after the lady!"

"Follow the lady?!"

"Yes! We know that the wife of Fanghua is the Xi Shi between Jing and Chu!" Liu Wei had not seen this Mrs. Cai, but did not hinder him from flattering.

Looking at my wife was praised, Xiao Cui is still very comfortable.

"If the ladies used it, I still can't sell it?!" Liu Xiaoxiao said to Xiaocui, if Mrs. Cai feels good, then naturally all the ladies will buy it. This is Noble effects are like modern advertising endorsements.

The rouge gouache that Mrs. Cai is buying now is the Jiangling powder of the Wu family, so the Wu family’s business is exceptionally good.

"It turns out that they are such thoughts!" Xiao Cui's heart gradually began to dispel concerns. Now everything explains the pain. This group of people is waiting for themselves here, as long as they buy the rouge gouache here and go back to the wife. If you use it well, naturally these gangs can make a fortune.

"It depends on how your rouge gouache is!" Xiao Cui's heart dispelled the concern and naturally he would look at these rouge gouache.

"If the girl misses it, then there is no chance!" Liu Wei is also bragging and not drafting drafts, and he is about to blow his things to the sky.

"Take the rouge powder out!" Xiao Cui was a little impatient.

"These are rouge gouache!" Liu Wei pointed at something on the counter and said to Xiaocui.

"These?!" Xiao Cui obviously does not believe that these creamy and liquid things are considered rouge gouache.

"Girls come from the Western Regions, and the things that come naturally are different. Don't worry, see me introduce them to you!" Liu Wei opened a wooden box and opened a scent. Come on the nose.

"Girls look at this, this is a cream!" Liu Wei handed the wooden box to Xiao Cui. "This is made with Tianshan Snow Lotus, which has the essence of the sky snow lotus. It is made by the 九 九 九 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 采集 采集 采集 采集 采集 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九

Xiao Cui's hand is actually an ordinary cream. Still a brand-name in the past life, the price is no more than five oceans, but now in the hands of Liu Wei, he is made with Tianshan Snow Lotus, otherwise it is not a creamer!

"The sky is made of snow lotus?!" Xiao Cui is really surprised. Tianshan Xuelian is a very precious thing. Xiaocui has seen it in the hinterland of Jingzhou. It is still worth hundreds of dollars.

Originally, Xiaocui didn't believe it, but I saw that the box was as white as snow, and the most important thing about the true snowflake is that it is so sweet. A floral scent comes!

It is better than the effect of using smoked flowers on Xiaocui. A woman is not a woman. The woman of the millennium is no different from the woman of the next generation. When she smells this fragrance, Xiao Cui is fascinated and can not help but take a deep breath.

"Girl, girl?!" Liu Wei waved his hand in front of Xiao Cui, and waited until Liu Wei blocked the cream in front of him, this little Cui came back.

"How should I use this?!" Xiao Cui has already believed in Liu Wei's sale of rouge gouache.

"It's very simple!" Liu Wei took a small piece from the small wooden box, which made Xiao Cui feel a little pain, and directly put it in the palm of his hand. Carefully scolded, and finally massaged directly on his face.

"Like this. Spread the essence of this Tianshan snow lotus evenly on your face. People don't just rely on their mouths to eat. The other parts of your body should also eat the face to absorb the shine. ,!" Liu Wei took a set of makeup theory that was once bombed by Chen Yi.

"The face also wants to eat?!" Xiao Cui was also the first to hear about this theory. Under Liu Wei’s embarrassment, she also dug a small piece and applied it directly to her face. The feeling of a cool face suddenly came up. After Xiao Cui applied the entire face, she touched her skin with her hand and was dumb.

"Good smooth!" If the face is not maintained, the ancients who are most likely to lose moisture know how to maintain health, but that is less for the body.

"Of course it's smooth!" Liu Wei smiled in his heart. The composition of this cream is not a **** Tianshan Snow Lotus, but a grease. Applying oil to the face is not smooth, there is a ghost, and the cream is originally moisturizing.

"Good fragrance!" Xiao Cui's own hands are also fragrant.

"How, girl, our rouge gouache is alright!" Liu Wei hit the railway.

"Others!" Xiao Cui asked another thing.

"This is a hand cream!" Liu Wei said to Xiao Cui, "This is just like the cream, but he is smeared on his hands!"

"That's this!"

"This!" Liu Wei looked at the things that Xiao Cui picked up. "This is a flower fragrance!"

"Is this also applied to the hand?!"

"This is not smeared on the hand, but on the head! It is used to protect the girl's blue silk!"

"Hair?!" Xiao Cui wondered.

"Yes, girl." Liu Wei gradually approached Xiaocui. Xiaocui didn't notice it. Now she has reacted. There is a little redness on her face. Because Liu Wei is too close, Xiaocui can feel Liu Wei. The heat is dissipated.

"What do you want to do!" Xiaocui asked a little blush on his face.

"Nothing!" Liu Wei gently rubbed a little on the shoulder of Xiao Cui, and extended his finger to Xiao Cui to see "Girl, you see, the girl's blue silk can not be protected!" The original Liu Wei is in Xiaocui On the clothes, I stroked my scalp and cut it out to Xiaocui.

"This!?" U-turning natural desquamation is the product of normal physiological metabolism of the scalp, everyone will happen, the ancients can have no dandruff shampoo, but the girl will normally clean him off.

"This flower fragrance can be removed, these!" Liu Wei said to Xiaocui.

"This can also be!?" U-turned cuts are rare for some people, but the naked eye is difficult to distinguish, but some people are different, not paying attention to it, if you pay attention to the ability to wash a lot on the head. Xiao Cui is such a girl.

"If the girl doesn't mind, try it!"

"Try?!" Xiao Cui took a look, the ancients can not have a separate shampoo, basically shampoo is a bath, how to try it!

"If the girl doesn't mind, she can help me!" Liu said, pointing to the basin and water on the other side.

"Yeah!" Xiao Cui did not know how he agreed.

Liu Wei played with the water temperature, and after helping it, helped Xiao Cui wash his hair once.

"Girl please see!" Liu Wei pointed at the basin of water and said to Xiaocui, no matter what shampoo, he can give you the illusion that your hair is dirty, because the shampoo is finally white. Foam, as long as a little dirty can be revealed.

Now Liu Wei gives Xiao Cui the effect of washing this shampoo.

"It's so dirty!" Xiao Cui snorted.

"Girls look at your blue silk again!" Liu Wei gently rolled up a pair of blue silk to Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui took a scent of fragrance on the hair in his hand, and some dry hair tips became skating. stand up.

"How come!" Xiao Cui was just looking at her hair with a mouth open, not only fragrant, but also the hair became smooth. The comb can be combed softly on the top, although it is not dropped directly in the advertisement, but it is also very good.

"What else is there?!" Xiao Cui is now more interested in Liu Wei's things.

"Nature! Girl your skin belongs to neutral skin, it should be this, this!" Liu Wei stood by to help Xiao Cui pick cosmetics. Liu Yu’s knowledge can be taught by Chen Yi, the witch. A few of the anime do not understand a little makeup maintenance!

In the twinkling of an eye, Xiao Cui's whole life outlook and values ​​have been subverted. Originally, she thought that women only need to apply powder and put on rouge. Who knows that it can be like this, from head to toe, almost Liu Wei I got Xiao Cui to take off my clothes! (To be continued.)

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