My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 486: poison

Two carriages headed for the past and headed for the foothills of Jingshan.

Since Xiaocui did not leave Jingshan, it soon reached the house of Mrs. Cai.

"Carriage?!" The soldiers patrolling outside the door are very strange.

"That is the carriage of Xiao Cui girl!" Some people recognized the carriage, Xiaocui is the red man around Mrs. Cai, but they are much more expensive than the soldiers, so most of them will not offend Xiaocui. Instead, please be pleased with her.

"Small girl is not going out to buy rouge gouache for her wife!" A soldier asked with a puzzled look. It was a carriage that was coming back but there were two cars.

"Why do you want so much!" Another person pushed him a "Hurry up. Xiaocui girl is the next thing!" The carriage is still very tall, and a little maid will not arrange a servant. They can't jump directly, so these things that take the carriage are made by these soldiers and the groom.

A few soldiers rushed forward to help Xiao Cui from the carriage. A soldier said, "Xiao Cui girl, how come back so soon! You are not going to buy rouge gouache for your wife! This is the back" Cui went out for the sake of the lady.

"Tell your mouth, ask you to ask more!" Xiao Cui is facing the soldier with a white eye. These soldiers have been assigned to Mrs. Cai by Liu Biao for a long time. Naturally, they are already familiar with the people above Mrs. Cai’s house.

Although Xiao Cui blamed her mouth, but there was no slight tinge on her face, the soldiers also nodded. Asked once, it would be annoying to ask more.

"What about my wife?!" Xiao Cui walked down the carriage and asked for the head of a soldier.

"The lady is still playing chess with the son in the courtyard!"

"Okay, I know!" Xiao Cui said as he walked toward the mansion.

Behind them, Liu Wei and Jia Wei also got off the carriage. Jia Wei took the box and followed Liu Wei to join the house after Xiao Cui, but he was stopped by the soldiers of these nursing homes. It means you can't go in.

"We are with the girl!" Jia Wei explained, but the soldiers still did not move.

Or Xiaocui turned his head and said to the people on the side, "They are the ones who want to see me with me, let them come in!" The soldiers then nodded and said that they had opened the way.

Liu Wei and others followed Xiao Cui directly to the back yard. Liu Wei’s current status is only a merchant, even if he sells the value chain. But the merchant is the businessman is not worthy of the formal office to discuss things.

Liu Wei does not mind if he can see Mrs. Cai.

After a long walk, the house at the foot of Jingshan was not big, but it was twisted and twisted, and many courtyards were gone. Until a place, Xiao Cui let Liu Wei and others stop.

Said to Liu Wei and others, "You are waiting for me here, I will go to inform my wife!" Xiao Cui pointed to the stone table on the edge of the flower garden and said, "There can be a rest for a while!"

"Do not run around, so as not to cause misunderstanding!" Xiao Cui added another sentence when he left.

Liu Wei was also clear, and Jia Zhang sat down on the stone table.

"This Liu watch can be regarded as a handwriting! It is a house that can be rejuvenated by Huang Yan!" Jia Yi sat down and looked at everything around him. Here is a flowerbed, flowers and fish worms everywhere.

There are also many rockeries. The whole yard can be regarded as green. You must know that it is winter, although there is no snow. However, the weather is not mild. There are many flowers in this courtyard that are invisible to Jingchu. It is not something that should be there this season. There are some strange stones that are not the material of Jingchu. It can be said that this flower is in the middle. The things are worth a thousand dollars. Not to mention the courtyard there.

It can be said that although this house is small, it is even more incomparable than the house of Liu Biao in the city of Xiangyang. Together with the place here, it is also a place to cultivate people.

"Jingzhou is rich and rich, naturally willing!" Liu Wei nodded, Liu Table luxury? Of course, luxury, Liu Wei saw it in Liu’s house. There are other aspects of Liu Table's use, which is simply extravagant. Compared with Lao Cao's poor ability to let his men eat human flesh, Liu Biao is simply a monopoly, but this does not mean that Liu Biao ignores the suffering of the people.

It is Jingzhou that is too rich, so his owner of Jingzhou naturally enjoys the best.

Liu Yi looked at the past, many flowers such as peony. For example, these flowers of Clivia, Liu Wei is waiting for Xiao Cui here, naturally laid back, and his eyes are cast on those flowers and they are also watched.

"This is?!" When Liu Wei was observing the flowers, a very fascinating flower appeared in front of Liu Wei.

Its stalks are 30-60 cm high and the main root is nearly conical and vertical. Stems erect. Not branched, hairless, with white powder. Leaves alternate, leaf blade ovate or long ovate apex acuminate to blunt, base valvate, sate sate sate sate sate sate sate sate sate sate sate sate sate Handle, clasp.

"The Lord also likes this beautiful woman?!" Jia Wei looked at Liu Wei's direction and asked Liu Wei doubts.

"虞美人?!" Liu Wei asked in confusion.

"Yeah, 虞美人!" Jia Wei explained to Liu Wei, the beauty of the beauty is named after the name of Xiang Yu’s wife, Mei Mei, when the Chu and Han fights, and you can know how beautiful it is, and the beauty is because Beauty is so planted by many flower beds, but some people don't like him because it also means that life is different from death, symbolizing separation, so only those who prefer can plant.

Looking at the few in the courtyard, it should be that the flowers accidentally fall into it.

"This is not a beautiful woman, absolutely not!" Liu Wei shook his head. Although he didn't know much about flowers, he knew that it was not a beautiful woman. The flower buds were drooping, and they were pulling flowers. Face up and the whole plant is hairy and the fruit is small.

"This is the broken grass!" Liu Wei confirmed.

"Cut intestines?!" Jia Wei wondered, how to see this is also a flower, and the grass can not be related, but also broken?

"Oh, this kind of thing is also called devil flower!" Liu Wei explained to Jia Wei, if the interpretation of the broken grass and devil flower is not clear, then use a very familiar name, then poppies.

The buds of poppies are straight up, and the picture is upward when flowering. The whole plant is smooth and the fruit is large.

Liu Wei can know so much, because the community police gave them classes, which is the difference between poppies. I am afraid that someone will plant it unintentionally.

"Devil flower, broken grass?!" Jia Wei is more confused.

"Wenhe, this flower is like a devil. Once you get contaminated, you can't do without it!" The drug was originally from the poppies.

"If you get it, you can't leave it?!" Would it be so terrible? Jia Zhang didn't feel anything after watching it for a long time.

“Nature is the medicine that is extracted with this flower!”

"That's not the same as Wu Shisan!" Jia Wei said a drug that is now inseparable.

Wu Shi San is also known as cold food and medicinal dryness and heat. After serving, it causes people to have a fever and produces a confusing short-term effect. It starts from Qin Shihuang. When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he believed in the alchemist Li Shaojun and Yan Da, and burned a class of minerals. The object is stone medicine.

This thing is very popular among Han Chinese scholars because it can help.

As for what he said, the physical fitness is completely nonsense.

"The things made by this kind of flower are nothing more than the five stone scattered!" Wu Shisan can still quit this thing, but once it is contaminated with this thing, it is basically impossible to lift it. In China In the modern history. It is caused by this thing.

"And the five stones are difficult to make, and this thing can be made by a little bit of land!" Five stone scattered can only be spread among the sects, that is because his production is very difficult, and the poppy It’s really simple to make it out, as long as a piece of land, an acre of good land can be a few kilograms out!

"This trip is not empty. This trip is not empty!" Liu Wei looked at the poppies and suddenly laughed out. Although the poppies are demonic, you have to know who is using this thing in your hands.

What Liu Wei has always wanted to solve is the sergeant of the big man. This gang is holding the whole world. It can be said that it is not the world of the emperor. It is better to say that it is the world of the sect, and your emperor is only a larger sect. Once you have declined, you will immediately pull you down.

And if you want to get rid of this gang, you can’t do it. The power of the gang is very large. Now Jingzhou Liu Wei is not looking for Liu Biao but looking for Cai Jia's family. This family is too big, and it has been able to make decisions without affecting the head of a state.

However, Liu Wei needs a thing to let the gangs solve the problem, at least to make them feel bad or even control them.

And this poppy is not a door for Liu Wei. But this poppy flower can't fall into the hands of others.

If you imagine that poppies are well grown, as long as Liu Wei controls the amount of his outflow, then he is as precious as Wu Shisan. Ordinary people can't afford it, and those who are can enjoy it. Contaminated with this thing, you are waiting to go bankrupt! If the current Jingzhou Liu watch is contaminated with drug addiction, Liu Wei still needs a thousand miles to come to Jingzhou! Directly controlling the source of the drug in Liu Biao, Liu Biao will immediately send the money.

Liu Wei did not control his emotions. He lowered his voice and said to Jia Wei, "Whether this trip is unsuccessful, it is necessary to get these flowers to get their hands, even their seeds are better!"

"These flowers!"

"With these flowers, we are opening the door to hell!" Liu Wei muttered to himself.


Xiao Cui has entered the courtyard where Mrs. Cai and Pang Tong played chess. I saw that the two players are playing, and Xiao Cui is very acquainted with one side and waits until the end of the two games.

"Mrs. I won again!" Pang Tong smiled and said to Mrs. Cai.

"Pang Gongzi is a high-caliber, and he can't be compared to nature!" Mrs. Cai also dropped the chess piece. He didn't care about winning or losing. The chess piece was rather tasteless, because Pang Tong was a very good person. No one is not. Winning, naturally, is not to let Mrs. Cai, what is the meaning of this losing game?

"You slaves stood by for a long time, let's talk, what's the matter?!" Mrs. Cai naturally saw Xiao Cui standing on the side, but she let Xiao Cui go to Fuyang to buy rouge gouache. Open, now only one end of this small Cui will come back, there must be something.

"Well?!" Mrs. Cai sniffed her nose, and a scent entered the nose of Mrs. Cai. This is a floral smell. But it is different, this fragrance is a bit mixed, but it is a bit heavier than the real flower.

And the source of this fragrance was confirmed from the body of her son-in-law. Looking at Xiao Cui's face, Mrs. Cai found out what it was. This little Cui's face? The original one was blown dry by the wind. Only with rouge gouache could it be covered, but now the face is washed away with blush powder, but the face is not dry, but there is a roundness in the sun. Under the light, there is still light.

Mrs. Cai is very curious, but a master of his nature will not go directly to ask questions, waiting for Xiao Cui to report it!

"Miss, rouge gouache has already been bought! The girl's face is the effect of using this rouge gouache!" Xiao Cui got up and came to speak to Mrs. Cai.

This little Cui is close. It was only after Mrs. Cai discovered that the face had changed, and even her hair had changed. The hair became bright and bright, and she came close to her own fragrance.

Xiao Cui looked like this with the Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan on the side and couldn’t help but look at it.

"There is this lip gloss! And this skin care product!" Xiao Cui showed Mr. Cai in front of Mrs. Cai.

“Where are these rouge gouaches?!” Mrs. Cai has not seen these things. She is a lady. It can be said that other things in the squat are not interested, naturally interested in whitening beauty, but Xiao Cui said everything, Mrs. Cai did not say that she had done it, and even heard it.

"These are all rouge gouache from the Western Region!" Xiao Cui talked to Mrs. Cai.

"Hey?" The merchants from the Western Regions are not without. There are merchants in various places where Jingzhou is a well-developed place. It is only the first time that Western merchants bring rouge gouache.

“Everything is made with the essence of flowers and the morning dew. The price is very expensive, just a few dozen gold!” Xiao Cui said the price, sometimes the same thing does not look at him. How much effect, but how expensive he is, this price, naturally, will make everyone dumb.

Sure enough, even with Pang Tong is curious. This western region's rouge gouache is so expensive? Dozens of gold, watching this Xiao Cui's introduction, there are seven or eight, and this adds up more than a hundred gold, this is what is made of rouge gouache. So expensive.

"Isn't money enough?!" Listening to Xiaocui's words, Mrs. Cai has a bit of itching. What is most important in the woman's mind, the first is the appearance of the second is the clothes bag shoes, so those who sell cosmetics can make such a profit. .

Men conquered the world, women conquered men, and finally cosmetics and clothes conquered women.

"Go to the Treasury to get a hundred dollars!" Although there are many hundred gold, but for Mrs. Cai, it is not much, so looking at the effect of Xiaocui's face, naturally it is heart.

"No, no, no!" Xiao Cui shook hands.

"Not enough?!" asked Mrs. Cai in confusion.

“Not enough!” Xiao Cui explained. “The Western merchant who sells rouge gouache has already arrived in the mansion! They want to see the lady and say that they want to dedicate this rouge gouache to the lady!” Xiao Cui arbitrarily made the decision, let Liu Wei sent a set to Mrs. Cai. If Liu Wei didn't want to, she would send her out.

"You!" Mrs. Cai did not answer, and Pang Tong on the side immediately became angry.

"Hey, let you bring people in!" Pang Tong immediately angered Xiaocui is a slap in the face, but he can not pick up the guests in the Caijia House during these few days of clear speech, but this small Cui is quietly bringing people in. Pang Tong is now a bird of surprise, or is a snake bite for ten years, afraid of the rope, what is done is to be careful and perfect, such a Western businessman Being brought into the house, Pang Tong can not be angry. Speaking of anger, the front is a slap in the face of Xiao Cui.

"Ah!" Xiao Cui was slammed into the ground by Pan Pang, and Pang Tong was black and fat, but after all, it was a man, but his strength was not small. Xiao Cui’s face suddenly became red. And a big slap mark is on it.

Xiao Cui fell on the ground and her face was also showing tears. She didn't know what happened. Suddenly, Pang Tong slaps a slap in the face and has more grievances.

"Let's relax!" On the side of Mrs. Cai's guards, but also with Xiao Cui girl is also a good relationship, see Xiao Cui was beaten, naturally scolded out, the party pulled out the sword, as long as Mrs. Cai ordered the next Pang Tong Broken corpse.

"Why, is the lady ready to do it to me?!"

Originally, Mrs. Cai was also prepared to swear by Xiao Cui, but she saw the speech movement of Pang Tong. Suddenly, Mrs. Cai was also angry in her heart.

"Stop!" Mrs. Cai resisted anger. Even if Xiao Cui did something wrong, she brought in someone without permission, but that was also her son-in-law of Mrs. Cai. The lesson should also be done by Mrs. Cai, and I will not be able to teach you Pang Tong.

"Pang Gongzi, you have passed!" Mrs. Cai looked at Pang Tong's pretty and close-knit.

"Mrs. Cai, you have not forgotten our agreement!" Pang Tong also knew that he was over fire. This little green is the son-in-law of Mrs. Cai, but he has not yet turned his head toward a woman, so Pang Tong is squinting at Cai. Lady's.

"Agreed!" Mrs. Cai's pupil suddenly enlarged, because Pang Tong's words are good, they are indeed agreed, she has not seen guests for a few days, and Pang Tong promised to let Lumen Academy stand in the Jingzhou Gongzi dispute On the side of her Cai family.

Lumen College. Mrs. Cai is really jealous, and the heir of this Pang family, if it is only a Pang family, Mrs. Cai has already beaten Pang Tong, she and Xiao Cui are not just the relationship between the master and the servant. Xiao Cui has been following Mrs. Cai since she was a child. It can be regarded as Mrs. Cai’s sister-in-law. When the sisters are beaten, how can they endure it!

Mrs. Cai took a deep breath and forcibly endured the anger in her heart. "Pang Gongzi, looking for self-respect, Lumen Academy is not surnamed Pang. Pang family is not called the system!" Mrs. Cai is succumbing, the front of Xiao Cui was beaten She recognized, but after this you can not do it again, if you do this again, then Mrs. Cai is no longer patient.

Although the Lumen Academy gave Pang's face, it was for Pound's face. The owner of the Pang family is not your Pang Tong now. If you really count it, Mrs. Cai can also let Pang Tong eat it.

"Yeah!" Pang Tong's eyes were deeper. Mrs. Cai was threatening him. He told him that you must understand your identity. You can talk to me, but it doesn't mean you can cross me.

Pang Tong’s eyes are stunned. If it’s not Pang Tong’s eyes, it’s obvious that you can feel the killing from those small eyes, right! It’s killing. Pang Tong’s person is very strong. The most annoying thing is that he is threatened to look down. Even his brother’s best friends are still killed. Don’t say Mrs. Cai. If it is possible, Pang Tong will not let Mrs. Cai of.

"Haha, haha! Madame forgive me, just now Pang Tong was awkward! This little girl is really sorry!" Pang Tongpi smiled and said to Xiao Cui and Mrs. Cai.

Mrs. Cai is very dissatisfied with Pang Tong’s perfunctory, but it’s also a step down. It’s not the time to turn face with Pang Tong.

"This is how it happened! Xiao Cui, you go to the outer court and drive away the merchants of the Western Regions!" Pang Tong lowered his head, and Mrs. Cai naturally gave her face.

"Yes!" Xiao Cui lowered her head and sobbed. In the past few years, Mrs. Cai said that Xiao Cui was beaten for the first time and was slap in the face. Mrs. Cai looked distressed, but she could not! You can only wait until the end of the matter, and then go to comfort Xiaocui.

"No need!" Just after Xiao Cui was about to leave, the sound of the two sounded directly into the courtyard.

"Who!" The guards around Mrs. Cai immediately responded, and took the sword and walked toward the source of the sound, wrapping the two figures in the center.

"Haha, Mrs. Cai, this is the lady's hospitality!" One of the two said loudly.

"It's you!" Mrs. Cai did not see Liu Wei. He had seen Liu Wei in the house of Liu Biao, but it was only one side.

"It's just under!" Liu Wei walked out with a smile. Originally, Xiao Cui let them wait outside for a short time. After a long time, Liu Wei was a little impatient. Anyway, they have entered the Cai family. It is.

Jia Wei was afraid that Mrs. Cai would never see them again, so Liu Wei thought about it and would like to go straight into it if she didn’t do it.

"It turns out that Pang Tongxi is also there!" Liu Yan's mouth raised an ridiculous look and revealed it. Now it is finally confirmed. This is the one who made the stalk in it, so that Mrs. Cai did not see her. It turned out to be this Jingzhou turkey.

"Hey!" As soon as he saw the Pang Tong, he immediately turned cold. He turned his head and looked at Xiao Cui. The color of the sinful poison was getting deeper and deeper. They all blamed this prostitute, that is, he let Liu Wei mix in, what? The merchants in the Western Region are not Liu Wei Liu Hanyang!

Xiao Cui looked at Pang Tong and looked at his sinister eyes and could not help but shudder.

"His Royal Highness has now started a business now! Is it that Yangzhou has reached this level!" Pang Tong said ironically.

Pang Tong means that Yangzhou is already poor enough to connect with their lord to do business.

"You are the Royal Highness of the King?!" Xiao Cui said with amazement.

Liu Wei nodded to Xiaocui with a smile. He was outside but heard Pang Tong’s slap in the face of Xiao Cui, so for Xiao Cui, Liu Wei looked at her with apology, and the apologetic eyes made Xiao Cui’s heart warm and drink.

"Oh! What do you want to have in buying and selling?! But some people hide behind the scenes to provoke right and wrong!" Liu Wei and Pang Tong's thoughts are completely different. For Pang Tong, the gentleman is far away, the businessman is despicable, and for Liu Wei, relying on his own ability to eat, what is the difference between everyone! "Moreover, I am here to give a gift to my wife!"

"Oh, I really don't know when the king of the king is coming from the Western Region!" Pang Tong is to dismantle Liu Wei's station.

"Western region? It is just a place in the world. The place where the king has been to go has gone! I don't want some frogs at the bottom of the well to think that they are, but they don't know how high the heavens are!" Liu Wei never gave Pang Tong a face, directly playing face.

"Hey, hey!" Liu Wei shook his head. "The poetry etiquette is simply learning the dog's belly. Even the women are doing it! Panggong's door is unfortunate!" Xiao Cui was beaten by Pang Tong because of his Liu Wei, Liu Wei will naturally be in his head.

"Liu Wei Liu Hanyang!" Pang Tong's face is red, and watching Liu Wei if he is not playing, but Liu Wei is afraid that Pang Tong will go forward.

On the side of Mrs. Cai and Xiao Cui turned into a supporting role to watch the two men in the lips.


"Pang Tongxiong, please ask Pang Tongxi to let a little open! This king is coming to find his wife, Pang brother you are blocking the way!" Liu Yu looked at Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan.

"Hey. Please return to His Royal Highness KA, Madame Cai is not seen today!" Pang Tong said coldly to Liu Wei.

"When is it that you can be the wife of the wife?!" Liu Wei asked.

"Just by me!" Pang Tong said in an angry way that he had a deal with Mrs. Cai.

"I don't know what's going on under the temple to find out!" Mrs. Cai got on her face and talked to Liu Wei, interrupting Pang Tong's mouth.

"Mrs. I am coming this time!" Liu Wei will speak.

"If there is anything in the government affairs under the Highness, then please go to the temple and go to the old man and say that the woman can't speak!" Mrs. Cai is a woman, and the woman's calmness is higher than that of the man. Although the words are not very rushing, but I tell Liu Wei in a straightforward way, it is useless to find me.

Liu Wei stayed for a while, and Mrs. Cai’s direct rejection of Liu Wei did not really come to mind, but Liu Wei did not want to succeed directly. So I just laughed and just laughed. "Mrs. misunderstood!"

"Wen and hand it up!" Jia Yu behind gave a big wooden box to Liu Wei.

"Xiao Cui girl, you come!" Liu Wei clicked on Xiaocui behind. Looking at the palm print on Xiaocui's face, I couldn't help but feel the pain. "Hey!" said Liu Wei, who reached out and touched the fingerprint.

However, Liu Wei immediately responded, and the men and women gave him a kiss. Liu Wei responded, and Xiaocui on the side was shy and ruddy.

"Xiao Cui girl. The king has hurt you because of the traitor. It is really a matter of heart, so this piece of rouge gouache also invites Xiao Cui girl to accept it!" Liu Yu’s words have been projected in the sand, saying that Pang Tong is Rape people.

"His Highness me?!" Xiao Cui wanted to accept it, but she pushed her back, and turned to look at Mrs. Cai, Mrs. Cai is her master.

Mrs. Cai did not answer, but nodded slightly, Xiao Cui was beaten by Pang Tong, Liu Wei’s responsibility was really indispensable, and these were treated as compensation.

"Xiao Cui girl must not quit." Liu Wei directly put the wrapped cosmetics on the track of Xiao Cui, and she could not allow her to refuse "Xiao Cui girl, and the imprint on her face, let the next person go to cook." The egg, pull it open and put it on the face like this, it can remove the bloated!" Liu Wei taught Xiao Cui a way.

"When the confession is over, after the confession is over, please let the king of the king leave, and my wife and the chess club will go down!" Pang Tong was directly on the move.

"Mrs. This king came here, not talking about politics. Just on the wind, this rouge gouache in the Western Region, I believe that the lady also saw it from Xiao Cui girl. As for the effect, the lady is also understanding! There is no eternal twenty-eight years. Only forever The maintenance method!" Liu Wei directly ignored the Pang Tong on the side, but talked with Mrs. Cai about the way of maintenance.

"For example, the wrinkles on this face!" Liu Wei's words directly attracted Mrs. Cai, just like the original Xiaocui, Mrs. Cai patiently listened to it, letting the Pang Tong on the side express That is, there is no customer.

Don't think that Mrs. Cai is a fool. Pang Tong thinks that Mrs. Cai doesn't know! He didn't want Yangzhou to buy grain. This thing was originally because Mrs. Cai didn't want to go into the battle between Yangzhou and Yuzhou. The big pie of Pang Tong's Lumen Academy, Mrs. Cai also responded, so naturally it is Liu Wei. Just talk about the windy month. As long as you don't talk about government affairs, you have nothing to say about Pang Tong.

Liu Wei’s theory of maintenance is simply to make Mrs. Cai fascinated, such as dark circles, such as how to maintain the face dry, and for some weight loss things, Liu Wei is also said to be the leader. Let Mrs. Cai nod her head.

However, just as Mrs. Cai was so intoxicated, Liu Wei suddenly stopped and looked straight at Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan.

"How about Your Highness?!" Mrs. Cai could not stop, because Liu Wei’s words almost wrapped her annoyance into her, and now Mrs. Cai has a funny face and a person who is thirty. There are wrinkles on the face, although they can't be removed, but they can really cover up.

"Oh. Madame, some things are related to some trade secrets, some people should not be here!" Some people Liu Wei said are naturally Pang Tong Pang Shi Yuan, Liu Wei entered the house, Pang Tong has been unable to leave, so Pang Tong simply stays, you talk about you. I looked at you and talked about it. As long as Liu Yiyi talked about money and food, he immediately refuted the past.

Mrs. Cai was a bit embarrassed. He and Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan had an agreement, but Liu Wei’s words also made her want to stop, and it rang for a long time. Madame Cai looked at Pang Tong’s solemn statement to Pang Tong and said, “The words of Pang Gongzi will not be forgotten. They only talk about the wind and the moon, regardless of government affairs!”

This is Mrs. Cai's guarantee to Pang Tong. She wants to trade with Pang Tong, so that Lumen Academy will help Liu Zong in the subsequent battle of the son, but she wants to get some maintenance methods of Liu Wei.

Liu Wei’s mouth is the secret of the maintenance that is not passed between the girls. This is what Chen Yi has told Liu Wei to use for Liu Yu’s sister.

Mrs. Cai said this, how could Pang Tong not hear it? This is to catch people. Pang Tong snorted and said, "I hope that my wife will keep the covenant!" Pang Tong wanted to stay, but had to leave.

Because Xiao Cui, who was beaten by him on the side, has already looked at Pang Tong in the protection of the public.

Looking at Pang Tong’s sleeves, Liu Wei’s heart was full of smiles.

"His Royal Highness, only talk about the wind and the moon, regardless of government affairs!" Mrs. Cai reminded me once again.

Liu Xin’s heart frowns, this woman is really bad to deal with, if these maintenance methods are fascinated, she may be afraid that Liu Wei can really be swept out by her. In the end, what conditions did Pang Tong take out, let this woman like this? Strong.

Liu Wei is no longer the kind of emotion that was previously defeated in front of him. Now he also knows what to hide himself. The surface and the inner are two different things.

"Of course!" Liu Wei said with a smile. "I only talk about the wind and the moon today, regardless of government affairs!" Liu Wei did not say anything to death. Today, if he does not talk about it, he will not talk about it tomorrow. Liu Wei intends to die in the house of Mrs. Cai.

Mrs. Cai is also a light smile, as long as Liu Wei finishes and immediately rushes.


"Damn, hateful!" Pang Tong returned to his room, finally could not help, and vented all the fires that Liu Wei received.

"Pseudo-Van Liu. Go to death, go to death!" Pang Tong Meng De squatted on the table and directly turned the entire table over.

"There is still that, I must ask you not to die." Pang Tong and Meng De turned over the bookshelf. His anger is now rising.

"Mrs. Cai! You wait, wait for me to deal with Yangzhou Liu Wei, who will surely win you Jingzhou, I will send you to the army and become a military sergeant!" Pang Tong's face was black and scary, let the men on the side Do not dare to approach.

"The military teacher is cautious, cautious!" The men on the side are scared. Everyone knows that you have an idea for Jingzhou. But you can't say it so straightforwardly. If you are in your own house, Yes, this is in Mrs. Cai’s house, and I am not afraid of the wall. I don’t want to leave this house by then.

"Hey!" Pang Tong also knew that he had lost his word, and immediately closed his mouth, but the serious anger was so concealed.

"The military division is angry!" Pang Tong's men on the side persuaded Pang Tong "Army, this Mrs. Cai did not give the military a guarantee! Only talk about the wind, regardless of government!"

"Do you believe it?!" Pang Tong asked.

This man must say that he believes, but when he sees Pang Tong, he does not dare to speak. For a woman, there are children in addition to makeup. In order for Liu Zong to get this Jingzhou, Mrs. Cai will still abide by the rules.

Pang Tong is also convinced, but he is uncomfortable, and Pang Tong is also afraid. He is afraid that Liu Wei will once again make a comeback inadvertently. For example, today, the day is over, and tomorrow is the day to be ready to start the journey, as long as Mrs. Cai As soon as he entered Liu's house, Liu Wei had no hope at all, but who knows that Liu Wei has now emerged, and it has made Pang Tong blow up the lungs, that hey, hey.

No! Pang Tong can no longer endure his own failure, he must win, even if it is unscrupulous.

"Military division? Military division?!" Pang Tong's men looked at Pang Tong's look and could not help but worry, because Pang Tong's face turned from anger to hate, and afterwards there was a kind of grievance, and finally became a cold.

"Mrs. Cai, swearing, since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unjust!" The sinister look on Pang Tong's face made people feel chilly, and with Pang Tong's ugly, the whole five senses were distorted. It is like a Shura that climbed up from hell.

"Army, this thing?!" Watching Pang Tong take a small jade bottle from the object he brought, and the white jade carved bottle is worth dozens of gold. The jade bottle is more than the bottle. It is worth the money, that is the most famous thing in the music hall. Liu Wei is very impressed with him, that is drunk Xianlu.

The former barbarian princess ate a little bit of a small spoon, which is one or two drops in the jade screen, and Pang Tong took out a whole bottle.

This thing was bought by Pang Tongzhongjin. It was originally going to return to Nanyang Yuzhou, to give his main public Liu Bei, and to please Liu Bei. Liu Bei is now nearly 50 years old, but there is no slightest embarrassment. If this continues, Liu Bei The hearts of the people will be scattered, so Liu Bei will need to work hard, but Liu Bei is old after all, and he is not very concerned about some female colors, and this drunken dew is ready to bring back to Liu for spare. Let Liu Beibao not be old.

But I did not expect Pang Tong to take it out.

"There is our people in this house~" Pang Tong asked to the men on the side.

"Yes, there are three people, one is the guard of the outer court, the other is the miscellaneous in the kitchen, and the other is a son-in-law of Mrs. Cai!" These three people are the highest in the name of the son-in-law. Although it is not comparable to Xiaocui, this status is not low, and it can be said in front of Mrs. Cai.

"It's time to use them!" Pang Tong sneered, and took the jade bottle in his hand. "Go, pour this into the cup of the monk and the pseudo-King Liu!"

"Ah!" Pang Tong’s men were shocked by Pang Tong’s thoughts.

"But this, that prostitute?!" This prostitute is finally in the house, so it is finished.

"The value is enough! It is not enough for a son-in-law to change to a lady, and then change to Jingzhou and Yangzhou." The look of Pang Tong’s face became more and more apparent.

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