My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 487: assassin

Under Jingshan, Pang Tong left, and Mrs. Cai simply brought Liu Wei to the room and chatted. Some things Mrs. Cai also wanted to try. For example, this cream was said to be made with the essence of Tianshan Snow Lotus and the morning dew. Made, Mrs. Cai wants to try and see if it can be as good as Xiaocui.

I have to say that Liu Wei also has to praise this Mrs. Cai’s beauty is born, Liu Wei is a little depressed, this Mrs. Cai is not the oldest student of Cai Wei, why the brothers are so frustrated, but this sister is It’s a flowery appearance, and it’s all beautiful between a smile and a smile. It’s Liu Wei’s person who sees more beautiful women is also a little fascinated by Mrs. Cai.

This is really cooked, women are all right. Fortunately, Liu Wei’s will is still firm, and he will not have any thoughts on other people’s homes. If Lao Cao is here, I’m afraid to keep on staring (how black and old Cao).

"Mrs. sleep is also a kind of maintenance!" Liu Wei began to explain sleep.

"Sleeping can also affect the maintenance?!" Mrs. Cai is a little surprised, to know how to sleep, everyone will ah, can sleep also be beautiful? Then everyone is not going to be beautiful?

"Nature, a good sleep is very important for the skin and the body!" Liu Wei set the **** to explain to Mrs. Cai "sleep is divided into Mambo sleep, heterogeneous sleep, and deep sleep! Don't underestimate sleep, once you sleep, you won't sleep, then you have no effect on maintenance."

Hearing the words of Liu Wei, Mrs. Cai was not questioning, because Liu Wei used his maintenance knowledge that Mrs. Cai had never heard before, but she directly convinced Mrs. Cai. Therefore, Liu Wei said that Mrs. Cai would only listen carefully. Instead of rebutting.

"Mambo sleep is also called non-rapid eye movement sleep. In this stage, we are mainly ordinary people after a day of brain use, brain power is very large, stress and damage to brain cells and brain tissue, the physiological clock will naturally Inducing us to sleep, let the brain temperature drop, enter the repair stage, which is very important for the maintenance of life. In the latter half of the night, there are more sleepy eye movements and sleep, which is related to the study work. Good or bad scenery must be included in the memory, and rapid eye movement sleep includes the role of learning new things and integrating daytime emotions."

Liu Wei said that some of the cells like Mrs. Cai did not understand, Liu Wei had to change him into your headache and tell Mrs. Cai that he is recovering your mind, and another whimsical sleep is to restore you. Physical strength.

Deep sleep is the best sleep.

"An adult needs to sleep for eight hours. Once it is less than this time, my wife, all the maintenance is in vain. It will even make a person aging faster!" Liu Wei is not alarmist, and sleeps less when he is young. . It is really consuming its potential and life.

"His Royal Highness, I want to ask, why did you let Xiao Cui use cooked eggs before, and why is it?"

"Boiled eggs, after peeling off, smooth and soft, massage on the face, can make the face feel very comfortable will also make your face's congestion flow faster, this will play a swelling effect! The lady can also try it, which is not only very comfortable, but also makes the skin and eggs generally shiny!"

In the room, Mrs. Cai is a curious student, and Liu Wei is a dedicated teacher.

Outside the door.

"Little Cui sister!" A son-in-law holds a tray in his hand. There is a teacup and a teapot on the tray. It is filled with tea.

"Xiao Lian?!" Xiao Cui has been standing outside the door. She listened to Liu Wei's words and applied the cooked eggs to her face, but she still had no swelling, so she could still see the red marks on her face.

"How did you come to Xiaolian!" Xiaocui asked in confusion.

"I am going to pour tea for my wife and my grandmother!" Xiaolian looked at Xiao Cui, and her heart was very nervous.

"What about them?!" Xiao Cui frowned, because the dumping of water was done by someone. Xiaolian was responsible for the lady’s dress, that is, when the lady got up early, she helped to change clothes, instead of the tea. This kind of thing is naturally done by a son-in-law who specializes in serving the guests.

"This is what I asked for myself!" Listening to Xiao Cui's question, Xiaolian's heart panicked Xiaolian and looked at Xiaocui. She doesn't really want to come, but her brother and family are still in the hands of the gang, and can only do so to guarantee their lives.

Xiao Cui, who asked for it, took a moment, but then he realized that he had come over and laughed. "What happened, Xiao Nizi thought, spring?!" There are only two ladies, Madame and His Royal Highness, and the lady naturally sees it every day. There is nothing. It’s rare, then there’s only the royal king of the king, and it’s also the high place of the king of the king. Under one person, it’s an expensive person, but it’s a young man who is as old as a lord, but a strong man. If you are seen by His Royal Highness, then you can really enjoy the rich and the rich.

Xiaolian did not argue, but sighed.

"Let's go, I will take you in!" Xiaolian smiled a little. She knew that His Royal Highness did not look at Xiaolian. Although Xiaolian was also good, she could compare with her wife. In front of the lady is a gentleman.

Xiaolian nodded and the two entered the room.

Liu Wei and Mrs. Cai are still talking hotly. Liu Wei has thousands of years of maintenance knowledge, and Mrs. Cai is more important in practice. She also seeks famous doctors in Jingzhou and even the whole world for maintenance. The two naturally have to talk about it.

"Madam, Your Highness, thirsty, drink tea!" Xiao Cui walked in and followed Xiaolian.

Xiaolian carried the plate, Xiaocui helped Xiaolian put the teapot and the teacup in the dish for both of them to pour a cup of tea.

If Xiao Cui does not remind him, Liu Wei really does not feel anything, because Mrs. Cai is a student who is so eager to learn, but when she heard Xiao Cui reminded, Liu Wei was really thirsty.

"His Royal Highness, let's talk about drinking tea!" Mrs. Cai also nodded to Liu Wei.

"Thank you Xiaocui girl!" Liu Wei picked up the cup, the tea in the cup was a little hot, and Liu Wei put the cup in his hand.

Hearing Liu Wei’s thanks to Xiao Cui, he was shocked. “This is Xiaolian’s coming!”

"Thank you also Xiaolian girl!" Liu Wei is not reluctant to thank Xiaolian for pointing nod.

Mrs. Cai also took a cup of good tea. This King of the Kings really gave Miss Cai a look. Xiaolian and Xiao Cui are the next generation anyway. It is okay for you to pour down the temple of the king, but you are a singer who is grateful to a slave. What is this like?

Mrs. Cai was not curious about Liu Wei, Liu Wei Liu Hanyang, the title is Yu Wang, the official position of the body is the general of the South, really have to count carefully, it can be said that the entire Jing Chu is Liu Wei's site. Even her husband should be under the shackles of Liu Wei. It can be said that it is one person below 10,000 people. Even if it is a troubled world, this prince of the prince also has a place in Yangzhou, although it is not rich in Jingzhou, but it is also High, let alone Liu Wei is so young!

Being in a high position but not having the slightest sense of arrogance, but rather approachable, it is really rare, even a kind of approachable to a son-in-law. Mrs. Cai can feel that Liu Wei is not pretending, but his nature is like this. Such a person who is in a high position and strong and strong, to be his wife must be very happy.

Mrs. Cai was suddenly frightened by her own thoughts, and she shook her head and thought about what she was thinking! I can't help but feel a bit shy.

"Well, you two put the teapot here and go out!" said Mrs. Cai to the two son-in-law.

"Yes!" Xiao Cui and Xiaolian nodded and went out.

Just closed the door, Xiao Cui couldn't help but joking. "How about, Xiaolian, His Royal Highness is beautiful!" At this time, there is no such thing as a handsome character. For handsome guys, they want to be called by beautiful men, such as Zou Ji. Wang Nawei, the inside of Wu and the city of Xugong are beautiful!

"Yeah!" Xiaolian was very panicked in her heart. The obvious idea was no longer on this. Xiaocui thought she was shy and didn't bother, but said to Xiaolian, "Let's go back and rest!"

"It's Xiao Cuijie!" I got the permission of Xiao Cui. Xiaolian really didn't want to stay here for a while. She just ran away and couldn't wait to leave immediately.

"Hey!" A small jade bottle fell from the body. The quality of this small bottle was good. This didn't break directly.

"Xiaolian, Xiaolian, your things, your things!" Xiao Cui smashed the small jade bottle on the ground, and shouted Xiaolian, but when he looked up, there was a figure of Xiaolian, which had already run without a shadow. It is.

"This girl is always so sloppy!" Xiao Cui complained, but she still helped Xiaolian to collect the jade bottle and prepare to see her and give it to her.

Xiaoyu bottle is also exquisite Xiao Cui shakes, the whole bottle is empty, Xiao Cui wants to open it, but there is something to delay, only first into the arms.

"Xiao Cui, go to the kitchen to make some snacks!" For a long time, in addition to drinking water, I still have to eat something.

"Yes, miss!" Xiao Cui nodded and immediately went to the kitchen.

On the other hand, Xiaolian, who just disappeared, reappeared. This time, a black man appeared in front of Xiaolian. When she saw Xiaolian’s arrival, she said to Xiaolian, “Is things already put in?!”

"Yeah!" Xiaolian saw the black man nodded "has all been put in?!"

"All?!" The black man was also stunned. He himself forgot that he should remind Xiaolian of it. This thing can be put a little, but now it is all put in.

A few drops of this thing can make people want to stop, but there are dozens of weights in the jade bottle. If all of this is added, the black people will start to mourn for the drinker. But these things have nothing to do with him.

"You go to tell the military, things are already done! Let the military implement the next one!" The black man said to another companion.

"Yes!" Another companion nodded and left.

"My brother and family!" Xiaolian asked with a red face. Although she was timid, she could see that she had already raised all her courage.

True water is because of the timidity of this little lotus, which was found by the black people. Other female nieces like Xiaocui could not betray Mrs. Cai. Other son-in-laws have changed their minds. Only this little lotus heart is simple. And fear of things, so the black people directly kidnapped Xiaolian’s younger brother and family, and forced Xiaolian to follow suit. Such a timid girl naturally did not dare to report.

"Your family! You will be able to reunite with them soon!" The black man smiled coldly.

Xiaolian did not hear this cold voice but instead showed a happy color on his face. As long as his brother and family had nothing to do, Xiaolian betrayed his wife and betrayed the lady who had been very good to him, but Xiaolian No way, it is a last resort. If she does not do this, her brother and family will be dead, so Xiaolian is only obedient.

"Let's go, I will take you to see your brother and family!" The black man smiled strangely, he licked his lips, the role of this little lotus has been exhausted, it is time to abandon, but this little lotus is pretty It was a good meal before the abandonment. It was really good, and the eyes of the black people were smashed.

Xiaolian was stupid and didn't know anything, just behind the black man.


Jingzhou State pastures.

Now the whole Jingzhou state animal husbandry is like an enemy, because just a moment ago, someone used a hard bow in the army to throw a feather arrow into the house of Jingzhou. The arrow also shot a guard directly.

This is simply a provocation. Here is the place. Here is the residence of Jingzhou State Shepherd. It is the place where Liu Watch lived. But now someone is shooting arrows at the Jingzhou boss’s house and killing a guard. This is not a provocation!

Liu Biao is simply furious, the entire Jingzhou state animal husbandry has shaken up, Liu Biao is a word to thoroughly check the end, even with the Xiangyang City moved, the defending army of Xiangyang has an action, constantly moving .

Even the left and right arms of the two Liu watches, including Yue Yue and Cai Wei, were dragged out to the table of Liu Biao.

"I can't be lawless, I can't help myself. I kill people in front of my Liu table. It's true that my watch is a piece of paper!" Liu watched his anger. The entire hall of the meeting was almost smashed by Liu.

"Cai Wei, Cai Dezhen, should I call you a straw hat?!" Under the anger of Liu, the person below nature will be unlucky. Cai Wei is the first natural shackle to assist the city defense of Xiangyang City, and was directly smashed by a dog blood sprinkler.

"The Lord Gong can not blame Cai Junshi!" Yan Yue, a good friend, came forward to help Cai Wei to speak. This hard bow is not a hard bow in the Fuyang Mansion, but a hard bow of Jiangdong.

"Does you mean that the difference between him and his grandson is that he Jiangdong Sunce sent people to come to assassinate me?!" Liu said in the face, but whoever's face is not given. Just then a guard came in at this time.

"The singer, we found this from the arrow!" The hard bow shot directly to a guard, just pulled out the feather arrow, only to find that there is another dragon on the feather arrow.

A letter was tied to it. The guards immediately appeared after they got it.

Liu Biao got the letter, and his face became faster and faster under the eyes of Yan Yue and Cai Wei, so that the two people below could not guess what was written on the letter.

Suddenly, Liu Biao directly tore the letter to tear up "come, give me some horses, prepare a car to Jingshan!"

"Jingshan?!" Both are in confusion, only the face of Su Shi suddenly changed, Jingshan is not the house of Mrs. Cai? Wang Liu is now not in the house of Mrs. Cai! What happened? (To be continued.)

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