My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 488: untitled

"Not good!" Yan Yue immediately changed his face, although he could not see the creed that was shot into the body of the guard, but he could indeed feel wrong from the face of Liu Biao, and get along with Liu. For a long time, I don’t know how to look at such an expression. The last time Sun Xun’s army took half a river.

"Jingshan Mansion? Isn't that the place where my sister is?" Cai said in a puzzled way. "Is this the Lord wanting to eat at the sister's place at night?" Mrs. Cai's house is at the foot of Jingshan Mountain. Generally, Liu Biao is rarely on the scene. Are in this yang.

"It’s a good thing to be so!" He smiled bitterly. "Der's brother, now I am a guest at the lady, but there is our King of the King!" I will definitely take them with you.

"What? 蜀王刘莽?!" Cai Wei was also shocked. "Where did he go there?!"

"His Royal Highness is trying to get my wife to help!" The more he was calmly speaking to Cai Wei.

"Help? Yangzhou's grain?!" Cai Yi immediately understood. "Isn't it your family's help? Can't you advise the Lord to sell food?!" Cai Wei didn't understand that he and Yu Yue were both Liu's right arm, but Cai Yong is in charge of the military, and the more he is in charge of government affairs.

"Lord, this is not me simply can persuade to move!" Yan Yue shook his head and said, a family can not let Liu Biao completely change his mind, and then stand behind Pang Tong is still standing Pang, Liu Watch's balance is not It will be so easy to tilt,

"He should also look for me! Go to Jingshan House?" Cai said.

"Der's brother, if I let the king of the palace go down to find you, would you like to see him?!"

"This!" Cai Wei did not know how to answer it. If Liu Wei came alone to Cai Wei, he would not see it. If Liu Wei took the introduction letter of Yue Yue, Cai Wei would not talk to Liu Wei even if he met. These things,

"Then he can't go to my sister!" Cai Wei was a bit bleak.

"!" Yan Yue shook his head and said, Mrs. Cai’s words, Cai Wei still listened.

"Now is not the time to say this. The urgent task now is to send people to Jingshan House to inform the wife and His Royal Highness!" "The more you say, now, no matter what happened, it is imperative to tell immediately." The people of Jingshan House make them prepared.

"It’s damn!" Although Cai Wei is angry, she knows what to do now!

In the foot of the mountain of Mount Jing, Mrs. Cai’s house.

"Madam, this tea is the spring water of Jingshan!" Liu Wei picked up the teacup and drank it.

This kind of water is extracted directly from the spring water. It can be drunk and can be drunk. It is purely natural and pollution-free. In Liu Wei’s modern, that is, some large lakes can drink under a few kilometers of water. It’s still expensive.

"Of course, the Jingshan spring water is famous in the world!"

"It’s a little bit bitter!" Liu Wei was really thirsty, and when he drank it, he screamed at his mouth.

"Slightly bitter?!" Isn't the mountain spring of Jingshan not sweet? Even if it is not sweet, it should be colorless and tasteless. How can it suffer?

"It's really bitter!"

"Is the son-in-law taking the wrong water?!" Liu Wei explained to Mrs. Cai.

"Is it wrong?!" Mrs. Cai’s brow is deeper. The only place in the house here is the mountain spring water of Jingshan. Even the Yangtze River is useless. How can it be wrong?

"Hmmm?!" Liu Wei felt that the body was a little warm and sunny. First, it was a bit comfortable, because now the weather is warmer than cold. Liu Wei now feels that he is in the sun.

Mrs. Cai took another sip, and she was also carefully savoring where this bitterness came from.

"I?!" Liu Wei's face began to slowly become reddish. Liu Wei is a general who can feel his own physical changes. The most important thing is that Liu Wei's brother suddenly reacted. Let Liu Wei be a bit shy and moved his sitting position to prevent being discovered by Mrs. Cai.

As soon as he looked up, Liu Wei looked at Mrs. Cai in front of her eyes and suddenly felt that Mrs. Cai was so beautiful. The whole Mrs. Cai was in front of Liu Wei’s appearance as a reincarnation of Xi Shi, and she was enshrined in the country. Every word of Mrs. Cai’s words was introduced to Liu Wei. Among the ears, .[,! ].

Liu Wei suddenly shakes his head, not right! How could it be like this! Although Mrs. Cai is beautiful, she is already a man, a wife, and Liu Wei can't think of a woman like this.

What's more, there are still several beauties in the family waiting for him to go back. Whether it is Miss Lu or Qiao Yu, Yuan Fang is a beautiful woman on the top, and even a Zou who is sent by Jia Wei and Jia Wen, can say Liu Wei Among the mansions, there are thousands of flowers.

Even if Mrs. Cai is a reincarnation of Xi Shi, she can't let Liu Wei be so heart-warming.

Liu Wei decided to try to ask for this idea. He felt his heart beating vigorously. This is a feeling of pumping heart, just like, it is like first love, right! It’s like a first-time frivolous first love.

"No, no!" Liu Wei wants to bite his tongue and keep himself awake.

But suddenly a smooth body directly ran into the arms of Liu Wei, Liu Wei fixed his eyes and could not see her, just in front of him, Mrs. Cai, now Mrs. Cai has been glaring, and she is very charming. The noble temperament has disappeared, but it is a kind of smile,

"Kiss me!" said the beauty in the arms, Liu Wei couldn't hold it anymore, and the whole person bowed his head!

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